The subject of an expression of work will be explained in this article. It is worth noting that work is one of the basics of life, and work is defined linguistically as a job and a profession, but technically it is the physical effort that a person makes in order to achieve a specific goal that benefits him. Work is also known as imposed duties. on individuals in the profession, and they must apply it properly; So that they get specific financial returns within a certain period of time.
Essay topic about work
God Almighty urged the individual to work in many verses because of their importance, and considered striving to rebuild the universe as worship, as the Almighty said: (It is He who has made the earth subservient to you, so walk on its paths and devour it and devour it.[1] This noble verse urged striving and seeking work as it is an act of worship loved by God Almighty, but was the work a biography of the prophets and messengers? The greatest example is that Muhammad – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – worked as a shepherd and then as a merchant, and this David, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was a blacksmith who excelled in the manufacture of armor and weapons, and Zakaria, peace be upon him, was a carpenter, and other prophets believed that work is an honor and a mandate from God Almighty over the individual. Good for the individual and society. When the individual is busy with his work, he distances himself from falling into the void that is the cause of sin, and saves his soul from falling into sadness, laziness and depression.
The success of the individual when they strive honestly and sincerely’ll earn recognition for himself and in appreciation he sees in other people’s eyes, and said the Prophet peace be upon him: “to take one of you Habla comes a package of firewood on his back Vipheaha he ceases to God by him, is better for him that asks people gave him or stopped him.” ,[2] In work the prosperity and advancement of societies, this teacher generates a bright generation, and this is a carpenter who prepares the tools of life, and this is the shepherd who secures what he survives, and this is a farmer who takes care of the land and its fertility, and this is the construction that builds the land for us, the wheel of the economy moves, and young people are busy By earning their livelihood, so that prosperity and danger prevail, social evils such as poverty and corruption disappear. We have to stay away from laziness and dependence because of the harm that they inflict, for they are evil from which the Noble Messenger sought refuge by saying: O God, I seek refuge in You from worry and sadness, helplessness and laziness, miserliness and cowardice, the burden of religion, and being overpowered by men. His worship and striving in the land of the earth, and the harnessing of his energies to achieve for himself a source of income to support him, and he is proud of his success, and a righteous deed that will reward him on the Day of Resurrection.
Meaning of work stress
Essay on the importance of work
The importance of work lies in the person’s sincerity and diligence during work, which means that his quest and livelihood become full of blessing and reward, so the following will be a statement on the subject of an expression of work and its importance in the life of the individual and society:
The importance of work in the development of society
Work is of great importance in the life of the individual and society, and it is he who creates man and prevents him from need and poverty, or extends his hand to others to meet what he wants. It opens up many horizons for him to develop and grow in his work and become an active person who does not need any breadwinner after God Almighty, and this is the reason for work. .
And the prophets – peace be upon them – all worked with them with their own hands, and they had professions they practiced where the Messenger Muhammad – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – worked in sheep herding and trade. Working for the sake of man is safety, and this safety is not only at the level of the person himself, but at the level of society as well. Because work plays a major role in the development of society and pushes it towards advancement and growth. Many workers seek to improve themselves and their society.
Self-sufficiency spreads greatly, and it becomes a productive society that depends on itself. Work for the society makes it not dependent on anyone, and whatever type of work practiced by members of society is different, it is very useful and the importance of any work, no matter how simple, is accelerated The economy is greatly accelerated And craft communities contribute to the development of society in various fields, so the value of work cannot be underestimated, no matter how simple this work is. The services that others cannot perform.
The importance of working in strengthening relationships between members of society
Work is of great importance in strengthening relationships between members of society in all its categories, and no matter how different the jobs they perform, the workplace is the place where a person meets the best friends, it is a place to establish relationships, friendships and acquaintance among co-workers, and a person may earn through His work is loyal friends who never give up, and they are lifelong support and help, and work allows the individual to build strong social relationships, expand his circle of acquaintances, which makes him more knowledgeable, more open to others, and this pushes him to promote, develop and advance himself.
The importance of work is that it teaches the individual how to deal with others, whether at the level of co-workers or at the level of society that serves him through his work, and this earns him respect and appreciation from people, and people feel that they need him more to complete their work for them to be loyal to his work, and to master it So much so that he pleases his Lord first and his conscience second, and obtains the trust of others, and how he deals with confidence in others who ask him to complete the work in exchange for money.
Work is also a means of obtaining the comfort provided by the money that a person obtains from his work, so he can buy what he wants without anyone’s help. Many people, and teaches a person how to act in different situations and circumstances, because work judges him to act quickly in emergency situations, so work teaches man the arts of life, which he transfers from his work to his family and spreads among members of his community.
Thus it strengthens societal relations and becomes a society governed by actions of people who have great awareness People usually tend in their dealings with people who have a job of their own because they feel that these people are smart and that laziness does not prevent them from working, so work is a way to make people accept the person and want to approach him Marry him or form relationships with him, the young man who has no job does not prefer any girl to communicate with him, and the man who sits at home without work, is seen by others as a helpless man who does nothing useful, and for work to be useful, it must be based on solid foundations. , the most important of which is science, training and development that makes a person more skilled in his work, and more familiar with the technology that saves time and effort.
And if work is not an essential thing for the individual and society, then society will live in great confusion, and there is no development or progress in it, so the most important thing about work is that it is diverse and multi-field, so the diversity of professions in which people work make societies highly developed and achievement, and work It contributes to the advancement of minds, serving the country and raising it, and placing it in the ranks of the developed and productive countries that depend on the minds of its children and the work of their hands. Thanks to work, people wear the most beautiful clothes, clean streets and rectangular buildings, and all agricultural products are available during the year. It is possible to provide many services in record time and with less effort, and without the complexities required to produce hard work, all thanks to the human pursuit of work, the science that makes the work fruitful and correct, and the invention of technology that facilitated the work.
The importance of work for the individual and society
A decent life is a requirement for every human being whose parents have provided him with a sound upbringing, and a decent life is a dream that honorable people strive for every day for fear that they will sit as a burden on others, so they carry on their shoulders the burden of work, even if it is hard, and they pay its wages, even if it does not come with everything The soul desires, but it protects man from humiliating the needs of others, and therefore a successful family raises its children, and urges them to move forward in the course of action appropriate to their physical and intellectual abilities and energies.
And some of them add to this matter their distinctiveness, which is the benefit of others and the building of nations. The roots of the idea of work go back to the presence of man on this earth, as he was striving at the beginning of his primitive life to meet his nutritional needs, then he began to develop this need to invent simple tools to help him in this requirement, then Discover the principle of exchange with others, giving, taking, benefiting and benefiting, until great civilizations were built, and the idea of work expanded to thousands of professions, man was able to prove his worth by integrating work with the physical, chemical and mathematics sciences that were the basis of urban engineering.
That is why he built towers and towering castles, planted, harvested and made foods, invented war machines, invented trade lines between countries, and invested the sun in everything related to his daily life, whether treatment or otherwise, until work became a natural matter, no two differ about their commitment when Islam came , he had to stress the need to act in the right way.
The importance of work in Islam is due to the keenness of this religion on human dignity, and the achievement of sound livelihoods that do not change over the ages. If the level of development of civilizations varies for the livelihood of their people, the idea of work remains a constant means to make this pioneering difference. Work is almost the nucleus of daily life in the life of the individual, and therefore It is also the nucleus of the life of the society. The individual is the main part of society in its comprehensive form. The individual seeks educational attainment from an early age in the family. The student enters many years in the university specialization until he obtains his specialized degree and obtains a job worthy of him and his family in general, until the places are narrowed for them.
Sincerity at work
The subject of an expression of work is focused on sincerity, so if the work is of this importance, sincerity in it must be more important, because sincerity in any work is similar to the left number of a group of zeros that have no value, rather it acquires its value by the number that comes to the left of it, and every zero It gives an additional case to the ever-increasing number of sincerity of the highest human values, a value that raises everything that resorts to it, gives it a special luster, and gives it a mark of distinction and success. If sincerity is collected in the hearts of a group of people, the effect of the work that this group will perform will be more effective in The spirit and more usefulness came in the Noble Qur’an: (And cooperate in righteousness and piety, and do not cooperate in sin and aggression).[3]
work in islam
The Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – urged Muslims to earn and work, and taught them that there is nothing wrong with honorable work. Rather, Islam made the upper hand better than the lower hand, and the superior hand is the giving hand, and in this reference to the productive hand in which money is valid, the lower hand is The hand that asks is – inevitably – an unproductive hand that lives on the money of others, and Islam confronted this group by opening the doors of work for it and directing it to the right path of legitimate earning that prevents it from asking people.
A man came to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and asked him for something from the money of alms. So the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, ordered him to take an ax, a stick and a rope, and to go to where he could gather firewood from trees and others, then sell it upon his return and thus became one of the individuals Producers who work and raise their society that profession that the Prophet – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – commanded, was not subject to derogation, although it is a humble profession that anyone can do. His back is better for him than to go to a man and ask him to give him or withhold a halal and generous morsel that was not by the grace of any human being but by the grace of God Almighty alone.
I am looking for an article that dealt with an aspect of the topic of work and workers
In this article, we explained the topic of work, as it is the basis of a decent life, and it is the correct way to earn money and spend on oneself, parents and children, and it is the means by which a person can prove his being and increase his self-confidence because work makes a person’s personality, and it is not a luxury but a necessity.