أسماء يوم القيامة ومعانيها

The names of the Day of Resurrection and their meanings are among the important religious matters that it is worth knowing about. The sciences of the Islamic religion are many and many, and it is the duty of a Muslim to be familiar with these sciences, as they concern all aspects of his life, as they touch the aspects of life after death and judgment, and the site of reference is interested in introducing us to the most important and greatest day that everyone will witness A person on the face of the earth was, is, or will be born in the future, and his names mentioned in the Holy Qur’an and their meanings.

Doomsday in Islam

The Day of Resurrection is the day on which the life of all creatures will end, and the entire universe will end, and it is the day that the prophets and messengers warned us about, and God Almighty was mentioned in all the heavenly books that were revealed to the prophets, peace be upon them. Only God Almighty knows its length and magnitude, and it is a day in which people witness the greatest horrors and the darkest calamities and tribulations, a day in which every person will be held accountable for what his hands have earned in his worldly life, and he will see his way and his way either to heaven and its bliss, or to the blazing fire and our Islamic torment, and we have commanded Righteousness is that we prepare for this day, so that we may have a lifeline from destruction, and the preparation is to obey God Almighty and His Messenger, to do good deeds and to stay away from sins and sins, and on this day the earth explodes and the heavens crack, and the dead are raised from their graves so that each of them will be held accountable for his work. The Holy Qur’an and the blessed Prophetic Sunnah have mentioned the signs that warn of the advent of the Hour, and the Muslim must pay attention, beware, and prepare for this great day.[1]

What is the heaviest thing in the scale of the servant on the Day of Resurrection?

The names of the Day of Resurrection and their meanings

The Day of Resurrection in the Noble Qur’an and the blessed Prophetic Sunnah has many names and attributes, and each of these names has a special meaning, and we will mention successively the names of the Day of Resurrection and their meanings. [2]


That is, the day when people will rise from their graves to be called to account, the day the witnesses who testify against God’s messengers and prophets will rise, and the day will be established in divine justice.

the other day

That is, it is the last day of existence, the last day of the life of this world and what is in it, in which the world ends and life ends on earth, and it is the beginning of the afterlife.

Apocalypse Day

The name indicates the approaching date of the arrival of this great day, and that it is inevitably coming and there is no escape from that, and there is no retreat or change in it.

Baath Day

It is the day when God Almighty will revive the dead and bring them out of their graves.

day of tagabin

The origin of this name is Al-Ghabn, which is deficiency and loss. On this day, the ruin and loss of the trade of the infidels and the polytheists appear, and how they preferred the poor enjoyment of this world, with the great good promised in the Hereafter.

rendezvous day

It is the day on which the servant meets an idol, and he meets the servants who preceded him and those who joined him after him, just as he meets the unjust with the one who has been wronged and takes his right, and the wrath meets the book of his deeds.

Promise Day

That is, it is the day when the people of Paradise are called to enter the Paradise that they were promised, and the people of Hell are called to enter the Fire that they were promised, and on this day people are called out to tell them either their happiness or their misery, and people are called upon when death is slaughtered and the announcement of eternity in Hellfire.


It is the day on which God – Glory be to Him, the Most High – gathers His servants with their deeds, and on which He brings together all the first human beings among them and the last, with the people of heaven, angels, prophets, jinn and all creatures.

Judgment Day

Its meaning is that it is the great day in which a person will be held accountable for what he has done and earned, and his deeds will be weighed for him to know if his destiny is heaven or hell.


It is the true day whose coming there was no doubt at all, and it is the day in which the people of Paradise are entitled to what they have been promised, so they will enter Paradise and receive its bliss, and the people of Hell will enter Hell for what they have done, and on this day everyone who has a right will be given his right.

day of heartbreak

In it the unbeliever regrets the bliss he has missed, and the oppressor regrets his life and what happened to his fate as a result of his oppression.

eternity day

That is, it is a day that has no end at all, in which the people of Paradise will perpetuate in Paradise, and in it the people of Hell will perpetuate in Hell.

day out

It is called by this name because God Almighty wills and brings the people of the graves out of their graves and breathes life into them again.

Judgment Day

Religion in this name means retribution and reckoning, whether it is good or evil, because it is the day when the believers will be paid their wages, and the unbelievers will be rewarded for their evil deeds.

the time

The name denotes the time, that is, the last hours of this world’s life, or the first hours of the hereafter, as it was said that it denotes an unspecified and unlimited period of time.

the rock

It is one of the horrors of the Day of Resurrection, and it will be with a deafening cry that people cannot hear due to its severity.


That is, the victorious one, on the Day of Resurrection, everything will prevail and the false will prevail, and the rights will be given to their owners.


Which overshadows everything that exists in the worldly life with its horrors and extreme darkness.

class day

That is, the day when justice is established, and God Almighty separates the unbeliever from the believer according to what each of them did.

opening day

It is the day on which God Almighty separates the Muslims from their enemies in this worldly life.


It indicates the intensity of the beating and beating of hearts from what a person sees on this great day.

the incident

The day is the reality that will come sooner or later, inevitably and there is no doubt about that.

day of threat

That is, the Promised Day which was promised to all the people, the first and the last, some of them believed and those who lied, and God knows best.

Interpretation of a dream on the Day of Resurrection and fear in a dream by Ibn Sirin

The wisdom of many names on the Day of Resurrection

God – Glory be to Him, the Most High – has made for this day many names and attributes, to warn His servants and warn them of this great day, and to make clear to them, Glory be to Him, the status and greatness of this day, and that they should fear and beware of it, and be prepared and prepared during their lives for this great day, when On this day of terrors, difficulties, hardships, and anguish the likes of which no human being has ever witnessed before, no matter how much they passed by, it is worthy for a Muslim to spend his life in worship, obedience and doing righteous deeds, and not be preoccupied with the pleasures of this world that are perishable and ephemeral, in order to obtain bliss and paradise in which he will perpetuate, and he will never die. And whoever does not do that, he will have in the Hereafter the fire of Hellfire, and God knows best.[3]

How many beautiful names of God are there and what is the importance and virtue of knowing them?

signs of the Day of Judgment

We previously talked about the names of the Day of Resurrection and their meanings, so we must talk about their signs that were mentioned by the Holy Qur’an and the blessed Prophetic Sunnah, which indicate the nearness of its time and its imminence. People witnessed it in this time or in times past, and some of them have not yet appeared.

Minor signs of the rising of the Hour

We will provide you with what comes with some of the minor signs of the Hour of Resurrection, as some of them have appeared and passed and will never be repeated, and some of them did not appear and some of them are apparent and continuous, and the signs are:[4]

  • Mission of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace.
  • The splitting of the moon is one of the miracles of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace.
  • The death of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace.
  • The exit of the claimant of prophecy from the charlatans.
  • The appearance of naked women.
  • Foolish people take over the reins of affairs and control countries.
  • The weakness of the Muslims and the urging of nations upon them.
  • The receding of the Euphrates River from a mountain of gold.
  • The dissolution of musical instruments and singing.
  • Lots of killing and forbidden bloodshed.
  • The spread of fornication, usury and drinking wine.
  • The coming of the Mahdi.

The great signs of the Hour of Resurrection

The signs of the Great Hour have not occurred yet, neither in the past, nor in our time, and the scholars differed in their order as to which of them will happen first. The signs are:[5]

  • The smoke with which God Almighty torments the unbelievers, and it is smoke that descends from the sky to the earth and remains for forty days and nights.
  • The appearance of the Antichrist.
  • The descent of Jesus, the son of Mary, peace be upon him, from heaven and his killing of the Antichrist at the gate of Lod in Palestine.
  • Gog and Magog come out and spread their corruption in the land.
  • Ignorance of Islam, the removal of the Qur’an from the earth, and no verse remains of it, and the good people who know the word of monotheism perish, and nothing remains on the earth but the worst of creation.
  • The return of the first pre-Islamic era, and the return of idolatry and idolatry.
  • The demolition of the Kaaba and the seizure of its ornaments and its contents by a man from Abyssinia.
  • The appearance of the three lunar eclipses, an eclipse in the East, an eclipse in the Maghrib, and an eclipse in the Arabian Peninsula.
  • The sun rises from the west, the door of repentance is closed, and deeds and newspapers are lifted.
  • The emergence of the animal that poisons the unbeliever and poisons the believer.
  • A fire came out of Eden, and the people drove to the land of the gathering.

Minor signs of the hour that did not appear

The Day of Resurrection in the Qur’an and Sunnah

The Holy Qur’an and the blessed Sunnah of the Prophet mentioned the Day of Resurrection in abundance, where they warned man of the horror of this day and what would happen on it, and cautioned man that the Day of Resurrection is a coming and coming day. And the good reward. Otherwise, great torment and fire awaits him to abide in it, God forbid, and we will present in the following some of the noble Qur’anic verses and blessed hadiths that talk about the Day of Resurrection or its horrors and events or its signs, which are:

  • God Almighty said: {And We will set the just scales for the Day of Resurrection, so that no soul will be wronged in the slightest, even if it is the weight of a grain.}[6]
  • God Almighty said: {God, there is no god but He, to gather you on the Day of Resurrection, in which there is no doubt.[7]
  • God Almighty said: {They ask for time Ian Say: flag anchor when my Lord does not Ageleta for its time, but is in heavy, the heavens and the earth is not coming to you, but suddenly}.[8]
  • The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “People will be gathered on the Day of Resurrection naked and barefoot.” Umm Salamah said: I said: “Oh, Messenger of God! He said: Spreading sheets of paper containing the weights of corn and the weights of mustard.[9]
  • The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “The believer will come close to his Lord on the Day of Resurrection as if he were a bastard, and he would put his shroud on him, i.e. he would cover him, then he would say, ‘Do you know’, then he would say, ‘My Lord, I know’, then he would say, ‘I know,’ then he would say, ‘My Lord, I know’, meaning, he would say, ‘I covered it against you in this world, and I will forgive it. And the hypocrites, and he will proclaim them before the witnesses: {These are the ones who lied against their Lord. But the curse of God be upon the unjust}.[10]

Are frequent fires signs of the hour?

Here we have come and you to the conclusion of the article on the names of the Day of Resurrection and their meanings, in which we have presented many of the names of the Day of Resurrection mentioned in the Holy Qur’an with the meaning of each of them, in addition to talking about the minor and major signs of the Day of Resurrection, and we also mentioned a number of verses and hadiths that It was mentioned on the Day of Resurrection.

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