تجربتي في تنظيف الرحم وقت الدورة

تجربتي في تنظيف الرحم وقت الدورة , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

My experience in cleaning the uterus at the time of my period helped me a lot in getting rid of the bad blood accumulated in the uterus and thus not infecting the vaginal area with fungi and the resulting inflammation and severe itching in that area, in addition to eliminating unpleasant odors, and below through the reference site we will shed light On the most prominent and best ways to clean the uterus of blood clotted by it.

What is the process of cleaning the uterus?

The process of cleaning the uterus is scientifically known as D&C, and the focus is on increasing the dilatation of the cervix through its use, especially for scraping and organizing the uterus to get rid of blood and rotten skin appendages. women after they are finished.[1]

Yellow discharge after menstruation

My experience in cleaning the uterus during the period

One of the women talks about her experience in cleaning the uterus during her period, saying:[2]

My experience in cleaning the uterus at the time of my period, through which I was able to get rid of the severe pain that I was feeling in the lower back or thighs, especially in the first days of the menstrual cycle, and this is in addition to the common symptoms of dysmenorrhea, so I searched a lot about the causes responsible for those pains and found that when Blood accumulates in the uterus as a result of irregular menstruation. The uterus becomes unclean, causing cramps that increase in severity over time. Therefore, I advise everyone to keep the wombs clean to protect against disease by doing the following:

  • Washing the outer area of ​​the thigh with soap and water frequently, in addition to cleaning the vulva from the inside by using only warm water.
  • Make sure to drink adequate amounts of water daily, which are not less than 8 or 9 glasses per day.
  • Doing some light exercise during your period will help you relieve period pain, such as (yoga – swimming – brisk walking).
  • Use a warm pillow in the lower abdomen or back, making sure to place it for at least an hour, and then take a warm bath.
  • Massage the abdomen in circular motions using warm oils.
  • Make sure to eat healthy foods, especially in the first days of the menstrual cycle, such as vegetables and fruits, while avoiding foods that contain a high percentage of salt and sweets.
  • Avoid caffeinated drinks and soft drinks, as they increase the feeling of cramping and bloating, and you can replace them by drinking a cup of hot tea or any of the herbs known for their ability to relieve menstrual pain, such as (mint – anise – ginger).

My experience with cleaning the uterus after an abortion

A woman recounts her experience in getting rid of the bad blood that accumulates in the uterus after an abortion, saying:[2]

My pregnancy was going completely normal until I reached the middle of the third month of pregnancy, I started feeling severe abdominal cramps and unbearable pain in the lower back, and after visiting the doctor and examining the ultrasound, it was found that there were congenital abnormalities of the fetus and it was necessary to undergo the abortion process, and only one week after the abortion I did not feel any improvement and the symptoms that preceded the abortion increased, so I visited the doctor again and he found that there are remnants of rotten blood and cells from the fetus and it was necessary to perform a curettage to clean the uterus, and after the operation I became pregnant after only 3 months, so I advise all women not to be afraid of The process of cleaning the uterus.

Cleaning the uterus after menstruation

Women think that after the end of the menstrual cycle, the uterus cleans itself, but this belief is completely wrong, as the uterus needs periodic cleaning constantly to prevent the accumulation of corrupt blood in it, and one of the best ways that can be resorted to is the use of completely safe natural herbs, and the following are the most famous of those herbs :[3]

  • Ground berries: One of the best known plants for its ability to clean the uterus, in addition to its ability to stimulate and support the uterine muscles after menstruation.
  • Calendula: Calendula is the best natural uterine cleanser you can count on.
  • Lion’s tail: The effect of the lion’s tail is not limited to cleaning the uterus only, but most women use it to relieve the bloating and cramps that you feel during the menstrual cycle.
  • Ginger: One of the most famous plants known for its ability to enhance the effectiveness of blood flow to all parts of the body, especially towards the uterus, in addition to its effectiveness in eliminating toxins and corrupt blood in the uterus.

Suppositories for cleaning the uterus after period

Doctors may resort to using suppositories to clean the uterus after menstruation in some cases, as follows:[4]

  • It is used in the presence of severe uterine bleeding that cannot be controlled by other medicines
  • It is also used in case of increased vaginal discharge after the end of the menstrual cycle.
  • The desire for birth control, which is used as an alternative to contraception, is due to the fact that it contains chemicals that prevent the sperm from reaching the egg and thus prevent the process of fertilization.
  • In women with vaginal dryness, vaginal suppositories help restore the moisture balance in that area again and maintain it for a long time.
  • It is used to treat a bacterial vaginosis infection.
  • Therefore, it can be said that these suppositories cannot be used by women without consulting a specialist.

Methods of cleaning the uterus with herbs

Resorting to the use of natural herbs is one of the best methods that you can rely on to clean the uterus and get rid of any remnants of rotten blood accumulated inside the uterus. Below we will highlight the most important of these herbs:[5]


As we mentioned earlier, ginger is one of the most important and best natural herbs that are used to get rid of toxins and corrupt blood that accumulate in the body. Then leave it until it reaches the boiling point, then sweeten it with white or black honey and drink it once on an empty stomach daily.

amaranth herb

The marigold herb is used from the body in order to clean and support the health of the uterus because it contains natural substances that have the characteristics and properties of deep cleansing. It is also possible to mix between the marigold herb and the basil herb, and then prepare a delicious warm drink that helps to get rid of the frozen blood in the uterus, and it is preferable to take it for a whole week. before your period is due.


Cinnamon to clean the uterus during menstruation is one of the most common means that women rely on to take it during menstruation to relieve the symptoms associated with it. It will not take long to be ready, and the ingredients required for its preparation are:

  • one and half cup of water.
  • Half a teaspoon of vanilla powder or liquid vanilla.
  • A tablespoon of natural bee honey or sugar.
  • 3 cinnamon sticks or ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon.

Preparation steps

The method of making a coffee drink is as follows:

  • Bring a deep pot and then put it on a low heat, then add the amount of sugar and water and leave until the mixture reaches the boiling point.
  • Pour the cinnamon sticks and then leave the bowl for an additional 5 minutes.
  • Leave the mixture for at least 6 hours, after which vanilla is added to the mixture and stirred well.
  • Pour the mixture into an airtight bottle and store the drink in the refrigerator until consumed.

the ring

Fenugreek is one of the most famous types of legumes that contains all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary for the health of the body, in addition to its ability to enhance the sexual health of men and women, and women have used it since ancient times as a warm drink to relieve menstrual pain and treat uterine cramps that appear significantly during menstruation, You are also known for its benefits in cleaning the uterus from germs and deposits of bad blood. Below we will provide you with the simplest way to prepare a fenugreek drink to clean the uterus and its components:

  • Half a teaspoon of cumin.
  • Two tablespoons of lemon juice.
  • Two cups of water.
  • A tablespoon of fenugreek seeds.

Preparation steps

Here is the easiest way to make a fenugreek drink:

  • Bring a small saucepan and then put it on a medium heat, then leave the water until it boils completely.
  • Pour the fenugreek seeds into the boiling water and then leave it on the fire for 10 minutes with constant stirring.
  • Remove the pot from the heat and then leave it to cool completely for 5 minutes, then use the strainer to get rid of the impurities, then the drink is ready to be eaten.

red berries

The red or black berries are one of the plants belonging to the mulberry family, and it is considered a natural tonic for the uterus, and helps to support and stimulate the muscles and cells of the uterus, in addition to its ability to restore the uterus to normal after an abortion, in addition to using it as an effective drink to facilitate the menstrual cycle, but it does not It is recommended for pregnant women to use it because it helps stimulate the muscles of the uterus and thus increases the chance of premature birth.

velvet herb

Velvet herb is one of the most famous natural herbs that it is preferable to take in order to clean the uterus after menstruation or after an abortion.

motherwort herb

This herb is used after the completion of the abortion process or cleaning the uterus in order to reduce pain and contraction of the uterus. It is also used as a strong antiseptic to clean the uterus.


Mint has been known since ancient times for its amazing benefits for relieving menstrual cramps and stimulating uterine muscles.


Marjoram is one of the best herbs that help get rid of the bad blood that exists in the womb, and the method of preparing the marjoram drink does not require long time only. All you have to do is add two tablespoons of ginger and ground marjoram to a cup of water and leave until it reaches a boiling point. Then drink it once or twice daily.

chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is one of the best drinks to clean the uterus during the menstrual cycle because it contains glycine and hippurate, which are known for their ability to relax the uterine muscles.

Ruling on the continuation of the menstrual cycle for more than 10 days

Ways to clean the uterus from the remnants of the menstrual cycle

After we mentioned the best natural herbs to get rid of blood clots in the blood, we will mention to you some other home methods that you can try to clean the uterus, most notably the following:[6]


Cleaning the uterus during the period with dates is one of the ways that enables you to get rid of the remnants of bad blood quickly because it contains stimulating properties for the muscles of the uterus, and then the process of removing the bad blood becomes faster, but it is necessary to consult a doctor first before using this method.


White or black honey is one of the natural materials that are safe for the health of pregnant women. Honey is also used to stimulate the body’s blood circulation and purify it from accumulated toxins. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly eat one tablespoon of honey daily on an empty stomach or add it to a glass of warm water.

Cleaning the uterus during pregnancy

During the menstrual cycle, blood can clot inside the uterus for several reasons, most notably the following:[6]

  • Endometrial growth in the uterine wall.
  • Uterine obstruction due to increased accumulation of blood clots.
  • Incidence of benign fibroids.
  • Malnutrition.
  • Having diabetes.
  • The presence of insufficiency in the cervix.
  • Improper implantation of the egg in the uterus.
  • Excessive drinking of alcohol.
  • Various thyroid diseases.
  • The emergence of endometriosis.

All of this helps reduce the chances of pregnancy. In this case, menstrual clots must be removed and the blood clotted outside the uterus should be expelled during the menstrual cycle of pregnancy. This is usually done through the use of the following:

  • Contraceptives and chemical drugs for a period of at least 3 months to obtain the desired result.
  • Refer to the process of dilation and curettage, which is symbolized by D&C.

How do I know if I cleared my period?

Vaginal steaming to clean the uterus

The method of vaginal steaming to clean the uterus using natural herbs is one of the easiest and best ways that most women rely on for easy application at home, and the following is the correct way to use it:[7]

  • Put a cup of ginger or basil in a basin filled with hot water.
  • Leave the herbs in the water for at least 5 minutes.
  • Sit in hot water in the form of squatting, making sure to place a cotton towel around the abdomen area to prevent steam from escaping. It is also preferable to sit in hot water for 30 to 60 minutes.

Tips for cleaning the uterus after menstruation

Below we will shed light on some of the instructions and instructions that help you clean the uterus after the end of the menstrual cycle first to prevent the accumulation of blood clots:

  • Ensure that the vaginal area dries well by using a soft cotton towel over that area.
  • After completing your period, you must sit for at least 20 minutes, making sure to use a vaginal wash and a cotton towel, and then press the vaginal area right and left to make sure that there is no blood.
  • Sitting in a bathtub filled with hot water and added to it with half a cup of salt helps to clean the uterus deeply, in addition to its ability to relieve vaginal itching.

How do I get the period to finish quickly?

Thus, we have come to the end of our article after we learned about my experience in cleaning the uterus after the period, and we also learned a brief overview of the process of cleaning the uterus, in addition to mentioning the best home methods for cleaning the uterus easily.

خاتمة لموضوعنا تجربتي في تنظيف الرحم وقت الدورة ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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