بطاقة القبائل النازحة الجديدة 1443

بطاقة القبائل النازحة الجديدة 1443 , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

The new Displaced Tribes Card 1443 is one of the things that many citizens are looking for in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where the government is based on granting groups that fall under the criteria and conditions of the displaced tribes a specific card, and they are camel and sheep owners who migrated to neighboring countries and are known as (Bidoon) ) They are originally non-Saudis, and this card authorizes them to work and move in Saudi Arabia as expatriates, and through the reference website, the dear visitor can learn about the card of the displaced tribes and the conditions for obtaining the card of the displaced tribes 1443 AH.

Information about the Bidoon in Saudi Arabia

The Bidoon are one of the segments of the population that resides on the territory of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and they are also defined as the displaced tribes, and they are a group of people who gather within a tribe to live in the deserts in the territory of the Kingdom, and they do not hold the citizenship of Saudi Arabia or even any of the other nationalities in the majority. They are Bidoon, and their lives are summarized in living in the deserts, wandering and grazing, and they are distributed over specific areas in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The largest tribe in Saudi Arabia

New Displaced Tribes Card 1443

The new displaced tribes card in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the important national cards that the government grants to the displaced tribes from the Arab countries neighboring the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The country’s government institutions, and the holder of this card can also apply for academic admission to Saudi universities and schools, and the new displaced tribes card contains a specific validity date, which the holder must renew immediately upon its expiration to restore the advantages that the card provides to the person, and this is done through By bringing a set of important identification papers to the person concerned, then formally applying for the renewal of the card’s validity.[1]

It is worth noting that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia contains a large number of displaced tribes that are counted according to the rules of the committees that carry out this task. A specific city without others for final stability, and these tribes are distributed over the entire Saudi soil, where the displaced tribes are located in the south of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the most famous of which are: (Al Katheer tribes, Al-Musab’in tribes, Al-Awlaq tribes, Al-Nassien tribe, Khalifa tribe, Al-Karib tribe, Hammam tribe, Balharith tribe , some tribes of Qahtan, some tribes of Hamadan), in addition to a remarkable presence of these tribes in the Saudi north, specifically in the region that lies between the Saudi borders, and the Iraqi, Kuwaiti and Syrian-Jordanian borders. In that region of the country, the Shammar tribes, the Bani Khalid tribes, the aides from the famous Otaiba tribe, and others.

Who are the Bidoon in Kuwait?

Conditions for the naturalization of the new displaced tribes 1443

Tribes that meet the conditions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that have been approved can obtain Saudi citizenship, which came in its latest criteria as follows:[2]

  • It is required that the person applying for citizenship was born in the territory of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • The person applying for Saudi citizenship must hold another nationality from any country in the world, whether it is an Arab country or another country.
  • The person applying must fulfill the condition that both parents were born on the territory of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which is an important condition that must be met in order to accept the naturalization application.
  • It is required that the person requesting provide all identification papers and attachments that are requested during the process of preparing the application for obtaining citizenship.
  • It is required that the applicant for naturalization enjoy complete soundness and health in mind and body.
  • It is required that the person applying for naturalization has resided in the territory of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for ten years without any exit from it during that last period.
  • The applicant must have a clean criminal record and not have committed any of the acts punishable by law and the Shariah limit.
  • The person applying for naturalization must not have been exposed to any of the provisions of the common law.
  • The person must be a person of achievement and talent, within any of the various life paths.
  • It is required that he attach evidence in which he states his source of income, provided that it is a legitimate and ethical source.
  • The person must be fluent in the Arabic language and be proficient in the Saudi Arabic dialect.

Conditions for obtaining a Saudi passport for non-Saudis

Categories of displaced tribes in Saudi Arabia

Displaced tribes in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are distributed within specific categories and based on a set of criteria that the government of the country has adopted.

The first displaced tribes category

It is one of the categories of displaced tribes in the Kingdom, as they were previously of persons who held Saudi Arab nationality and owned all personal documents that indicated their affiliation to the Kingdom that they had been subjected to the withdrawal of their national identity and the withdrawal of documents due to the presence of reports that indicated that they obtained Saudi nationality by means other than the Arab system They are illegal and do not comply with the laws that have been officially adopted, although they have all the official papers that confirm that their place of birth and upbringing was in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and it is possible that they have a certificate from the tribal elders that they are of Saudi origin and origin, and they are the category of displaced tribes The first in the Kingdom.

Category Two Displaced Tribes

They are a wide group of people whose national identities have been withdrawn and the authorities have not returned those identities to them until the date of the decision, although they may have submitted requests to the Central Committee in the Departments of Souls and Civil Status to return and correct the data in their personal identities. The reason for this is due to their inability to prove their belonging to any of the Saudi tribes.

The third displaced tribes category

They are the group of allied persons who have had residence cards for a period of no less than five years but do not hold the nationality of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, despite the fact that King Fahd bin Abdulaziz Al Saud (may God have mercy on him) had issued in the year (2001 AD) a royal decree that decreed During which they were granted Saudi Arab citizenship, and the paragraphs and articles of the decision affirmed the affirmation of granting citizenship to every person holding a five-year card with his family if he was able to prove his affiliation to any of the Saudi tribes.

Fourth Displaced Tribes Category

It includes a large segment of people who came to the territory of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to perform Hajj or Umrah through the regular border crossings. In order not to be deported outside the borders of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Fifth Displaced Tribes Category

This category of displaced tribes includes people who have been approved to obtain Saudi national identity cards, although they are still waiting to complete the routine administrative procedures required by the process of completing those procedures officially, which caused an increase in the number of people who fall into this category, They live their lives in the Kingdom without any nationality and without rights, and they are the people who are waiting to obtain the nationality that has been officially approved to grant them through the administrative authorities.

You may also be interested in: Conditions for Obtaining Saudi Citizenship 2021

A questionnaire for the displaced tribes at the human rights committees

The National Society for Human Rights operating in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is based on helping people within the five categories of the displaced tribes, the Bidoon tribes, and all people who do not have the Saudi national identity that entitles them to practice activities and obtain national rights. The tribes, to be approved later by the National Society for Human Rights. It is worth noting that filling out the statement is done electronically and is available to all people wishing to benefit from this service, if they need it, according to the following steps:[3]

  • Entering a survey questionnaire for people without identity on the official website of the National Society for Human Rights “from here” directly.
  • Clicking on the “Surveys” option from the main menu options.
  • Select the tab (People without identity).
  • Entering the personal data of the owner of the registration request through the website, which are:
    • First Name
    • the second name
    • third name
    • last name
    • sex
    • identity
    • Identification Number
    • ID issuance date
    • identity source
    • ID expiration date
    • Is the identity history expired?
    • Mobile number inside Saudi Arabia
    • mobile number 2
    • Telephone number
    • Phone number 2
    • E-mail
    • Twitter account
    • Facebook page
  • Entering the residence data of the person requesting the registration, which are:
    • The area in which he lives.
    • City
    • Accommodation type
    • Address
    • social data
    • The tribe you belong to
    • thigh
    • Social status
    • The number of male children
    • The number of female children
    • number of wives
    • The number of brothers
    • number of sisters
  • Entering a set of functional data in the fields designated for each of them, which are as follows:
    • Occupation.
    • Educational level.
    • Job data.
  • Enter the answers to all the questions asked in the questionnaire.
    • This is done by clicking on an option (yes or no).
  • Enter any personal notes, if they are with the person.
  • Click on (I am not a robot).
  • Click on the “Send” option.

See also: The most famous tribes in Saudi Arabia and their place of residence

Questionnaire for the census of displaced tribes and people without identity

The questionnaire test for the sons of the displaced tribes and people who do not hold the Saudi national identity contains a set of important questions that must all be answered, provided that each question is answered by clicking on its own answer (yes or no), and the questions are as follows:

  • Is the transaction through which you request proof of your national identity in your personal name?
  • Is the transaction through which you request proof of your national identity in your father’s name?
  • Do you have any other previous official transactions with any of the government agencies?
  • What is the estimated date for the start of the claim for identification documents?
  • Do you have any paternal relatives who are Saudi Arabian nationals?
  • Do you have any maternal relatives who are Saudi Arabian nationals?
  • Is your mother a Saudi Arabian woman?
  • Do you have any relatives who hold Saudi Arab citizenship?
  • Does the sheikh of the tribe or the person who knows you testify to you that you are a Saudi citizen?
  • Do you belong to the allies?
  • Do you have a displaced tribes card?
  • Did you have the national identity of the Kingdom and it was withdrawn from you earlier?
  • Do you have a personal Saudi National ID but the rest of your family members do not?
  • Does your father have a Saudi national identity?
  • Does your mother have a Saudi national identity?
  • Does your grandfather on your mother’s side have a Saudi national identity?
  • Does your mother hold a valid Saudi passport?
  • Do you or your father own a Saudi passport?
  • Did you or did your father own a foreign passport?
  • Do you or any of your parents own a residence permit in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?
  • Have you ever come from outside the Kingdom on a regular basis through the border crossings?
  • Have you ever traveled outside the borders of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?

Permanent residency fees in Saudi Arabia and steps to apply for premium residency

Documents required for naturalization in Saudi Arabia 2021

A person wishing to obtain the nationality of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, who fulfilled the conditions and criteria for obtaining it, must attach a number of identification papers, namely:

  • A personal application entry must be attached to the serial incoming entry record during the application process, provided that the applicant is subsequently given a voucher showing the application number and date.
  • The form for the citizenship application must be attached with the applicant’s signature, provided that it is full of personal information.
  • A clear personal photo of the applicant for naturalization must be attached, and the photo stamp from the administration must be attached to it.
  • Three copies of the personal information form for naturalization must be completed.
  • A true copy of all personal documents belonging to the applicant for naturalization must be attached.
    • (It was noted that the applicant will be notified of all provisions of the system and take the signature to prove his knowledge of this).
  • A signed and recognized medical report must be attached, in which the person proves his physical and mental integrity.
  • Attach an official statement from the competent authorities regarding the specialties that the country requires.
  • Attach a copy of the person’s academic qualifications.
    • Provided that it is accompanied by its translation into Arabic, if it is in another language.
  • An official document evidencing the value of the naturalization applicant’s wealth, whether inside or outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, must be attached, in addition to a document proving the source of the total income.
  • Attach an official and attested certificate issued by the applicant’s employer specifying the nature of the work and the amount of the monthly salary he receives.
  • Attach an official paper based on clarification of the religious sect and its political or party activity, as well as for previous military services, and other categories.

Here we bring you to the end of the article in which we dealt with the new Displaced Tribe Card 1443 and moved through its lines and paragraphs to introduce the Displaced Tribe Card in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and to introduce the total of the displaced tribes in the Kingdom. The most important questions that are asked to the sons of the displaced tribes, let us finally conclude with the papers necessary to obtain the Saudi Arab citizenship after fulfilling the conditions and criteria.

خاتمة لموضوعنا بطاقة القبائل النازحة الجديدة 1443 ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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