طريقة الاندنوسيات لمعرفة نوع الجنين

The Indonesian women’s way to know the gender of the fetus, there is no doubt that this topic is one of the most important and best topics that I can talk about today, as it is an interesting topic and deals with vital points, pertaining to each individual in society, and I hope God Almighty will help me in presenting all points and elements that relate to this topic.

The Indonesian method of knowing the gender of the fetus, with the beginning of the mother knowing her pregnancy, has a feeling of passion to know the gender of her fetus, as most women want as soon as they learn about pregnancy that their fetus is male, especially if this pregnancy is the first for them, and there are many superstitious beliefs that speculate The gender of the fetus, as there are some home methods that women use in some countries to find out the sex of the fetus, and in the following, through our topic on the exclusive daily site, we explain the most famous ways in the world to know the sex of the fetus.

How does pregnancy happen?

The process of pregnancy goes through many stages from the beginning of its occurrence to the time of birth, where the process of pregnancy is a complex process that takes place through several steps starting from the process of intercourse that occurs after the end of the menstrual cycle. During the period of ovulation, which is the most suitable period for pregnancy as the egg inside the uterus of the female is more prepared for the fertilization process through the sperm ejaculated by the man during intercourse inside the uterus, and then the fertilized egg. It is implanted inside the uterine wall, and then the first signs and symptoms of pregnancy begin to appear, the most important of which is menopause.

The Indonesian method for determining the sex of the fetus

One of the most famous ways to know the gender of the fetus is the method followed by women within the country of Indonesia, where the fetus is known by three Indonesian ways according to their beliefs and cultural genes. These methods are as follows:

  • First method

The Indonesians can determine the sex of the fetus by the shape of the abdomen, as if the shape of the abdomen is oval, this indicates that the fetus is male, but if the shape of the abdomen is hanging forward, it means that the fetus is female.

  • The second method

The second way that an Indonesian woman determines the sex of her fetus is by the color of the nipple. If the color of the nipple is dark brown or black, this indicates that the fetus is male, but if the color of the nipple is light brown tending to pink, this indicates that the fetus is female.

  • Third method

This method is done by measuring the heart rate of the fetus. If the heart rate is less than 140, this indicates that the fetus is female, but if the pulse is higher than 140, this indicates that the fetus is male.

How do you know the gender of the fetus from the shape of the woman?

There are many beliefs about knowing the gender of the fetus. One of the most popular ways that some people believe in the shape of a pregnant woman. If the woman has fair skin that is whiter than usual, then this means that the fetus is male, but if the color of the skin of the pregnant woman is pale yellow, then this means that the fetus is male.

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How to know the gender of the fetus by walking

One of the ways that some women use to determine the sex of the fetus is by walking, as some believe that the way a pregnant woman walks determines the sex of her fetus. If the pregnant woman walks with her right foot first, this indicates that the fetus does as well. It indicates that the fetus is female.

How to know the gender of the fetus from the salt

The salt method is considered one of the most widespread methods in many countries, especially the Arab countries, which pregnant women use in order to end the feeling of confusion that accompanies them as soon as they identify the pregnancy to know the gender of the fetus. If she wakes up from the words she uttered, then if she utters the masculine word, then she is pregnant with a male fetus, and if she utters the word feminine, the fetus is female.

We must also make it clear that these methods are not scientifically proven methods, which means that their results are not reliable. The best thing is to wait until the fourth month and have an ultrasound scan to determine the sex of the fetus.

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The most reliable experiments to find out the sex of the fetus

There are some methods that have been scientifically credible in terms of knowing the sex of the fetus, and these experiments include the following:

Heart rate measurement

Measuring the fetal heart rate is one of the ways to know the sex of the fetus, as the fetal heart rate ranges from 120 to 160 beats per minute. The fetus is male.

pregnant appetite

The appetite of the pregnant woman is one of the ways to know the sex of the fetus, as if the woman tends to eat sweets and sugars, so the fetus is female, but if she tends to eat salty food, then the fetus does that. be male.

Vaginal discharge during pregnancy

The color of vaginal discharge can be used to determine the sex of the fetus. If the vaginal secretions are white, this indicates that the fetus is male, but if it is white in color that tends to brown, this indicates that the fetus is female.

urine color degree

The color of a pregnant woman’s urine is one of the ways some women use to tell the sex of the fetus, by highlighting the urine. If the color of the urine appears pale yellow, this indicates that the gender of the fetus is female, but if the urine is dark in color, the gender of the fetus is male.

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Home ways to find out the gender of the fetus

There are many home methods through which it is possible to find out the type of fetus that can be performed easily, and among those methods are the following:

  • Pregnant mother’s intuition: A pregnant woman often senses the sex of the fetus through her senses.
  • Hanging a ring above the abdomen: One of the ways in which a large group of pregnant women secure, where the wedding ring is suspended by a thread on the mother’s abdomen, and if the ring moves to the left or right, the fetus is the male, and if the ring moves in a circular motion, the woman is pregnant with a female fetus.
  • The black line: in the abdomen that appears as a result of progress in pregnancy, and through it the sex of the fetus can be known when the black line extends from the pelvic bones to the belly button and thus the fetus is considered female, but if the black line extends above the navel, the fetus is considered male.
  • Baking soda test: One way to find out the gender of the fetus is where a pregnant woman puts a quantity of urine into a small bowl and adds a small amount of baking soda. If bubbles appear, the fetus is male, but if no reaction appears indicating that the fetus is female, but this test has no scientific basis, because the reaction of the urine of a pregnant woman to baking soda varies according to the fluids you take. The foods you eat.

The Indian way to find out the gender of the fetus

The Indian civilization has known since ancient times many methods used to determine the sex of the fetus, including the following:

  • According to Indian methods, it is believed that the mother’s weight gain during pregnancy, especially in the abdominal area, or what is known as a completed pregnancy indicates that she is pregnant with a male fetus, while the increase in some other areas of the body during pregnancy such as the thighs, buttocks and waist also indicates that the woman pregnant in the female.
  • Urine color is one of the ancient Indian ways of knowing the gender of the fetus, where the Indian woman determines the gender of her fetus through the color of the urine. If the urine color is light yellow, then her fetus is male, but if the color of her urine is dark yellow, then the fetus is female.
  • The skin of the pregnant woman is clear, light in color and free of grains, so the fetus is male, but if the skin of the pregnant woman is full of grains and is pale in color, then the fetus is female.
  • In one of the Indian ways to know the sex of the fetus, when a pregnant woman feels cold feet after conception, this indicates that the fetus is male.
  • The fetal heart rate is one of the Indian methods of determining sex. If the number of beats is 140 beats per minute, then the fetus is female, but if the beats are less than 140 beats per minute, then the fetus is male.

The shape of the nipples at the beginning of pregnancy with pictures

Modern practical methods for determining the sex of the fetus

There are some methods that are used to obtain a guaranteed scientific result in knowing the gender of the fetus, which are as follows:[1]

amniotic fluid test

In some cases where a pregnancy test is done to detect a genetic disorder, the test result will be positive. In this case, the doctor orders an amniocentesis, and the results are confirmed by chromosomal disorders such as Turner syndrome. The doctor who specializes in determining the sex of the fetus.

Ultrasound work

Babies’ genitals begin to form from the seventh to the fourteenth week of pregnancy. During this period the children are very similar but after this period the sex of the fetus can be determined, and the sex of the fetus is determined by the presence of the penis if it is male or its absence if the fetus is female.

DNA test

The DNA screening test helps to know the gender of the fetus, as it is free of birth cells, as a small amount of the pregnant woman’s blood is obtained, and analyzed in the laboratory and this is done by knowing and determining the sex of the fetus. .

Chorionic Villus Examination

One of the early screening methods for determining the sex of the fetus is a chorionic villus sampling.

How do you know the gender of the fetus when the Pharaohs?

The secrets of the ancient pharaonic civilization still fascinate the world until now, as modern research always confirms the sincerity of pharaonic experiences in many fields, including the medical field, because the pharaohs had one of the ways in which they were able to find out the sex of the pharaohs. The fetus and this method is as follows:

The Pharaohs prepare two bowls and put an equal amount of the urine of the pregnant woman in each bowl. In the first bowl, the barley plant is placed, while the wheat grain is placed in the second bowl. The fetus is female.

My experience with a salt pregnancy test

Using the Chinese table to find out the gender of the fetus

The Chinese table has been known for at least seven hundred years and is used to help the expectant mother know the sex of the fetus, whether male or female, as follows:[2]

The ancient Chinese made some astronomical hypotheses, which in turn are based on a complex mathematical process. In this account, two components are the basis of that process. It is the lunar calendar, which coincides with the age of the mother as soon as pregnancy occurs, and the second element is the lunar calendar, which is the month in which the pregnancy occurred.

The numerical date of the pregnant woman is calculated by adding a full year to her actual age, taking into account the deletion of any digits after the comma. Lunar (1 + 0.7-27.7).

An online electronic calculator is also available with which this calculation can be easily calculated and through the Chinese table in which the digital age of the pregnant woman intersects with the month of conception. On it is the letter “B” in pink, so the fetus is female, but if the square is in blue, the letter “and” is written on it, then the gender of the fetus is male.

The Chinese table shows that males have more children in July and more females have children in April. Males also have more children at 18-20-23-25 ​​years of age. As for females, their ages range between 21-30-31 years. Validity has not been proven. This table but there are a lot of females who swear his credibility with them.

Thus, we have clarified the method of the Indonesian woman in knowing the gender of the fetus, in addition to clarifying all the common methods known and most prevalent among many women in some countries, especially Arab countries, but the correct result of knowing the gender. Scientific methods that have recently been proven correct by science remain.

Conclusion of our topic The Indonesian women’s way of knowing the gender of the fetus, and at the end of the topic, I hope from God Almighty that I have been able to clarify all aspects related to this topic, and to have provided useful and valuable information.

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