الفرق بين الناسور والبواسير , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
The difference between fistula and hemorrhoids, many people confuse fistula and hemorrhoids, and both diseases cause inconvenience and sometimes affect daily activities, and in this article the difference between fistula and hemorrhoids will be explained by clarifying each disease and clarifying its symptoms and causes, and the complications that may Speaking, the ways in which both diseases can be treated will also be explained.
The difference between fistula and hemorrhoids
Both diseases differ from each other. Fistulas are a tunnel-like opening, and hemorrhoids are swollen veins. Fistulas and hemorrhoids will be explained in more detail, as follows:
Anal fistula is called anal fistula, which is a small tunnel-like opening that forms between the end of the intestine and the skin near the anus. In the tissues adjacent to the anus, and then this pus dries up, leaving behind a small opening. It should be noted that the fistula causes discomfort and irritation of the skin, and usually does not heal on its own, and it is recommended that it be treated by a surgical procedure.[1]
Hemorrhoids occur when the veins in the lower area near the rectum and anus bulge, and are divided into three types: external hemorrhoids, internal hemorrhoids, and thrombosed hemorrhoids. Which leads to rectal bleeding, hemorrhoids usually heal on their own without the need for therapeutic intervention, but it is preferable in all cases to go to the doctor when they appear, to make sure that they do not pose any danger.[2]
Symptoms of fistula and hemorrhoids
In light of the clarification of the difference between fistula and hemorrhoids, the symptoms that appear on the patient in each case will be clarified, which by identifying them can differentiate between both cases, and the symptoms include the following:
Symptoms of fistula
Most of the time, fistula is not dangerous, and people get it at any age, but children are more likely to develop fistula, because of their frequent exposure to constipation, and when infected with this disease, the patient will show many symptoms, which include the following:[3]
- The skin around the anus is torn.
- The appearance of small bumps on the skin next to the tear.
- Severe pain in the anal area, especially during a bowel movement.
- Blood in the stool.
- Feeling of burning or itching in the anal area.
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Hemorrhoid symptoms
Symptoms that appear in hemorrhoids depend mainly on the type of hemorrhoid, and these symptoms will be explained, as follows:[2]
Symptoms of internal hemorrhoids
They form inside the rectum and a person cannot see or feel them, and they usually do not cause pain, because the nerves near that area are few, and symptoms that appear in this case include the following:
- Bleeding during defecation.
- Pain during defecation, especially when the veins swell and become prominent outside the anus, so that they can be seen, and are in the form of a moist pink bump.
External hemorrhoid symptoms
This type forms under the skin surrounding the anus, and it is very painful, because that area is full of nerves, and there are many symptoms that will appear in this case, including the following:
- feeling pain
- Bleeding occurs.
- Itching occurs.
- Swelling of the area around the anus.
Thrombosed hemorrhoid symptoms
This type occurs as a result of blood clots, and hemorrhoids formed due to blood clots are purple or blue, and in this case many symptoms will appear, which include the following:
- Feeling sharp pain.
- feeling itchy
- Bleeding occurs.
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Causes of fistula and hemorrhoids
Knowing the causes helps to know the difference between fistula and hemorrhoids, and also helps to determine the appropriate treatment method. The reasons for each case will be explained, as follows:
Causes of fistula
The main cause of fistula is obstruction of the anal glands. There are also many other causes that lead to this condition, but they are uncommon, and they will be explained, as follows:[4]
- Crohn’s disease, which is an inflammatory disease that occurs in the intestines.
- Exposure to radiation, especially during treatment.
- Infection with sexually transmitted diseases.
- Pulmonary tuberculosis.
- Diverticulosis, in which small grains form in the large intestine and become inflamed.
- Cancer.
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Causes of hemorrhoids
Things that cause pressure on the anus or rectum will lead to swollen veins and consequently hemorrhoids, and there are many causes and factors that may lead to this happening, including the following:[8]
- Pregnancy: Hemorrhoids are common in pregnant women, because the enlarged uterus will put pressure on the veins near the anus.
- Aging: Hemorrhoids may occur in people aged 45 to 65 years, but young adults and children are at risk as well.
- Diarrhea: This condition may occur due to chronic diarrhea.
- Chronic constipation: Exercising to expel stool leads to pressure on the veins, thus causing them to swell.
- Sitting for too long: This can lead to hemorrhoids, especially sitting on the toilet.
- Lifting heavy objects: Repeatedly lifting heavy objects causes pressure on the anus area, and thus bulging veins and the occurrence of hemorrhoids.
- Anal intercourse: It may aggravate the infection or lead to the emergence of new hemorrhoids.
- Weight gain: Especially when weight is gained due to a certain diet.
- Genetic factors: Some people develop hemorrhoids as a result of genetic factors.
Diagnosis of fistula and hemorrhoids
Diagnosis helps to determine the type of disease, it also helps to know the causes that led to the occurrence and develop an appropriate treatment plan, and it will be explained how to diagnose fistula and hemorrhoids, which is as follows:
Diagnosis of fistula
At first, the doctor will diagnose the fistula through a physical examination, in which the anal area is examined, to look for the presence of an external opening on the skin. When seeing the fistula, the depth and direction of the opening will be determined. When the opening is not visible, the doctor will perform additional tests such as endoscopy, Which is done by inserting a flexible tube containing a camera into the anus to see it and to see the rectum, the doctor may also take ultrasound pictures of the anal area or he may take an image using magnetic resonance, and these tests help determine the location of the fistula, and in some cases and when suspicious If the fistula is caused by Crohn’s disease, your doctor may do more tests such as a colonoscopy, blood test, or X-ray to confirm this.[4]
Diagnosis of hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids may be diagnosed using one or several tests, in which the anal or rectal area is examined. These tests will be described, including the following:[5]
Treatment of fistula and hemorrhoids
The doctor will develop an appropriate treatment plan based on the severity of the condition and the causes of its occurrence. It will be explained how to treat fistulas and hemorrhoids, as follows:
fistula treatment
There are no medicines that help treat the fistula, so the specialist doctor will treat it through surgery. By closing the opening formed, and when the injury is severe, the doctor will place a special tube in the opening, to allow the drainage of the pus at the site of the fistula. It usually takes 6 weeks or more to treat the fistula in this way, and sometimes the doctor may remove part of the sphincter muscle that works The anus may be opened and closed during treatment, but this method may lead to problems with bowel control.[6]
Treatment of hemorrhoids
The treatment of hemorrhoids depends on the type and degree of prolapse and the severity of symptoms. Hemorrhoids usually improve without treatment, however, sometimes treatment may be needed. There are many treatment methods, and they will be explained, including the following:[8]
home remedies
Help relieve symptoms, and home treatment can be done by following one of the following methods:
- Topical creams and ointments: Using over-the-counter creams or suppositories that contain hydrocortisone helps relieve pain.
- Ice compresses: Placing these compresses on the affected area helps reduce swelling.
- Sitting in warm water: This helps relieve itching and burning.
- Wet wipes: Their use helps prevent the condition from getting worse, unlike dry wipes.
- Pain relievers, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen, help relieve pain and reduce discomfort.
Most of the medicines used to treat hemorrhoids do not require a prescription, and contain hydrocortisone, and may be in the form of ointments, pads, or suppositories. It should be noted that if the condition does not improve after a week of taking these medicines, consult a doctor.
Non-surgical procedures
Hemorrhoids will be removed through the use of non-surgical techniques, including the following:
- Rubber band ligation: by which the base of the hemorrhoid is tied to cut off the blood supply to it, this will cause its size to shrink and then fall.
- Sclerotherapy: during which a solution is injected into the internal hemorrhoids, to form a scar that cuts off the blood supply to the hemorrhoids and thus reduces their size and fall.
- Photocoagulation: Infrared rays are used, electrocoagulation may also be used.
surgical procedures
Through surgery, the hemorrhoids are completely removed or the hemorrhoids may be stapled, which is done by returning the prolapsed hemorrhoids to their place after the patient is completely anesthetized.
Complications of fistula and hemorrhoids
Sometimes leaving fistulas and hemorrhoids untreated may lead to some serious complications, which will be explained as follows:
Complications of fistula
When a fistula is infected, constipation may occur, and the patient may also not be able to defecate due to the pain resulting from this fistula, and there are many other complications that may occur, and usually occur when treating the fistula through surgical intervention, and these complications include the following:[4]
- Urinary retention.
- Bleeding occurs.
- abscesses form;
- Frequent cracks in the skin.
- Involuntary urination.
Complications of hemorrhoids
Complications due to hemorrhoids are rare, however, there are many complications that have been observed in some people with this condition, and they will be clarified, and they are as follows:[5]
- Blockage of the arteries that supply hemorrhoids with blood, this will cause severe and unbearable pain.
- Anemia as a result of heavy bleeding due to hemorrhoids, which will lead to fatigue, shortness of breath, headache and dizziness.
- Prolapsed hemorrhoids, which can lead to discomfort when sitting or problems with bowel movements.
- Blood clots develop, especially in external hemorrhoids.
- Inflammation of the tissues surrounding the hemorrhoids. This inflammation may cause tissue death, pus formation, or fever.
Prevention of fistula and hemorrhoids
Also, in light of clarifying the difference between fistula and hemorrhoids, the methods that help prevent infection with both diseases will be clarified, and the methods include the following:
fistula prevention
It is not always possible to avoid a fistula, but the risk of developing it can be reduced by following some tips, which include the following:[3]
- Keep the anal area dry.
- Gently clean the anal area using soap and warm water.
- Avoid constipation by drinking plenty of fluids, eating foods rich in fiber, and getting regular exercise.
- Treat diarrhea right away.
- When children change diapers frequently.
Prevention of hemorrhoids
Several tips will be given to help you avoid hemorrhoids, and these tips include the following:[7]
- Follow a diet rich in fiber.
- Take fiber supplements or stool softeners.
- Drink enough fluids on a daily basis.
- Not sitting on the toilet for long periods.
- Avoid straining the intestines.
Here we reach the end of this article, in which we talked about the difference between fistula and hemorrhoids, as well as what are the symptoms, causes and complications of them, we also talked about how to diagnose and treatment methods, and we also talked about some tips that help to follow to avoid the occurrence of fistula and hemorrhoids.
خاتمة لموضوعنا الفرق بين الناسور والبواسير ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.