من هو مؤسس علم الكيمياء , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
Who is the founder of chemistry? Chemistry is one of the sciences that have tried to understand the universe, and the composition of its components, through the study of the atom and its components and the ways in which they relate to atoms and other molecules. Several different branches, who is the founder of chemistry? What are the branches of this science? The reference site will answer these questions through this comprehensive article.
Who is the founder of chemistry
The founder of the science of chemistry is Jaber bin Hayyan, his full name: Abu Musa Jaber bin Hayyan Al-Azdi, is an Arab scientist born in Mesopotamia, he excelled in many fields and sciences, such as physics, chemistry, medicine, philosophy, and pharmacology as well, and he is the first scientist He used the science of chemistry in a scientific way and studied it carefully, and for this reason Ibn Hayyan was considered the founder of the science of chemistry, and was later called the father of chemistry. Of sciences, and translated into many, many languages of the world, the scholar Jaber bin Hayyan died at the age of ninety, in Kufa, after spending time in its prisons. [1]
Achievements of Jaber bin Hayyan
This great alchemist made many diverse achievements, among which we will mention:
- Jaber bin Hayyan is the first to discover caustic soda, NaOh sodium hydroxide, which is also called qatrun.
- He was the first to discover the presence of nitric acid and hydrochloric acid.
- He was the first to separate the metal of gold, from the metal of silver, by a solution using acids, which is the method used by alchemists to this day.
- Ibn Hayyan made improvements to the processes of smelting, evaporation, distillation and crystallization.
- He also discovered sulfuric acid, which he called vitriol.
- He was able to invent the distillation machine, a glass device with a long glass funnel, used to distill liquids.
- Ibn Hayyan made papers that were not affected by fire and combustion.
- Explanation of the method of making arsenic and antamione, and prepared many compounds such as mercury sulfide and arsenic oxide.
Muslim chemists and their achievements
Books and writings by Jaber bin Hayyan
This scientist wrote a lot of books and literature, which are still to this day an important reference that chemistry students study in schools and universities, and some of those books and literature:[1]
- Chemistry Secrets Book.
- The end of mastery book.
- chemistry book,
- The book of salvation.
- The Seventy Messages Book.
- King’s book.
- The box of wisdom.
- The Book of Mercy.
- Earned book.
- Abstract Book.
- The Great Book of Privileges.
- Poisons and Antidotes Book.
- The deciphering book.
- Balance book.
The most famous Arab chemists in the modern era
Why did not burn the book that Jaber threw in the fire?
Jaber bin Hayyan made a book of special papers, in which specific chemicals were included in the composition of its papers, which prevent them from being affected by combustion when placed in fire, and he did so after great attempts and countless scientific experiments, until he reached the unburned papers, and this was and still is A great discovery for this genius scientist, Ibn Hayyan presented his invention in front of Imam Jaafar al-Sadiq and a group of scientists and spectators, and impressed them with this unique invention, which, if it indicates anything, indicates the extent of the intelligence of Jaber bin Hayyan and the extent of his insistence on using science and employing it in matters that benefit man. in his life.
The titles of Jaber bin Hayyan
He was given many nicknames during his life and even after his death, including:
- The father of chemistry.
- The Sheikh of Muslim Alchemists.
- The great professor.
- The King of India.
- The High Saint.
- the mystic.
- The Harranian.
The death of Jaber bin Hayyan
The great Arab scholar Jaber bin Hayyan died in the city of Kufa, in the State of Iraq, after spending a period of time in its prison, in which he remained until his death, and he had completed his ninetieth year, and this happened in the year 815 AD.
Who are the first famous medical scientists?
What is chemistry?
Chemistry: It is the science that studies the properties of materials in nature, in terms of their composition and composition, the interactions that occur in them, the changes in the elements, what atoms and their components are, the ways atoms relate to each other, how molecules relate to atoms and other molecules, and what is the behavior of those materials. In various circumstances, and this science is of great importance in human life, as we use the science of chemistry in factories and laboratories of food and non-food, and in the pharmaceutical industry, and in the manufacture of metals, their strengthening and the ability to control them, and we also use it in the manufacture of chemicals used in cleaning, disinfection, sterilization, and coloring Paints and dyes, and chemistry is closely related to other sciences, such as physics, mathematics, and medicine as well.[2]
The chemical property results in the occurrence of a chemical reaction so that …………………
The birth of chemistry
The science of chemistry arose since ancient times with the beginnings of the early human civilizations, and the ancient man practiced chemistry for scientific purposes sometimes, and to perform magic and sorcery at other times.
Chemistry in antiquity before history
In ancient civilizations, this science was associated with the manufacture of glass, leather dyeing, the manufacture of some medicines, mining and cooking, and the attendant chemical reactions, for example: the Euphorbia plant, which contains in its roots hydrocyanic acid, a toxic substance that the ancient Indians were able to get rid of through heating and raising Temperature, turning into harmless metabolites, and also the ancient man knew to dye leather and color cloth, using the bark of some trees or using their fruits, and ancient and Greek civilizations in particular, saw that the universe consists of four basic elements, which are fire, air, earth and water, then This view developed, and the alchemists of the Greeks saw that substances and elements consisted of small and invisible particles to a large extent, and they referred to atoms, but this view was an absolutely philosophical view that did not follow observation or experimentation.[3]
Chemistry in the Middle Ages
The Middle Ages was distinguished from its predecessors by using the term (alchemy), a term that expresses the blending of the sciences of physics, chemistry, philosophy and astronomy into one science called alchemy. It was imbued with eternal life, perpetual immortality, and flowering youth. In the first century AH, chemistry flourished between Arabs and Muslims, and was followed as a science with specific laws and scientific goals. Since that time, the science of chemistry has moved from being a science related to sorcery, practicing magic, and searching for ways to convert cheap metals into minerals. Precious, to an integrated science based mainly on scientific observation and experiment that follows a special approach. Arab and Muslim scientists have developed what is called the chemical laboratory, and they have identified the tools that must be present in it, and also determined the methods of using each of them.[4]
Chemistry in modern times
Chemistry scientists, especially chemists from among Muslim scientists, continued to develop the science of chemistry, so they now know most of the basic elements that make up the universe, and learned the difference between element, molecule and solution, and noticed the differences in chemical properties between liquids, solids and gases, and some scientists laid the first cornerstone in understanding The components of the elements, which are the atoms, and there are several theories explaining what the atom is and what it consists of, until they reached the prevailing concept now, and at the beginning of the twentieth century, scientists came up with the latest theories that describe the atom and its components accurately, and what is the charge of each of its components, and they discovered Its internal structure.
Butane is used in lighters and some torches and its chemical formula
branches of chemistry
The science of chemistry is divided into several main departments, each of which has sub-sections:
organic chemistry
Organic chemistry studies substances and elements that consist mainly of carbon, in addition to hydrogen and some other atoms. Organic chemistry studies the following branches:
- medicinal chemistry: This section aims to produce and manufacture medicines and drugs and how to develop them, and is closely related to pharmacology.
- Organometallic chemistry: the study of the bonds between organic substances and minerals.
- Polymers: It specializes in studying polymers in terms of composition, properties, uses, benefits, and industry.
- physical organic chemistry: It is the study of the interrelationships between organic materials and their activity between molecules and atoms.
- Sterochemistry: It studies the possibilities of the presence of atoms and electrons in a vacuum, and this affects the effectiveness of elements and their chemical, physical and optical properties.
inorganic chemistry
Inorganic chemistry studies most of the elements in the periodic classification table, and it studies metals, crystals, all minerals, and how to make mineral mixtures, their benefits and use. This category is divided into:
- Geochemistry: It includes the study of the rocks, metals, and minerals found on the planet and on its surface, the surrounding atmosphere and the bodies that revolve around it.
- Nuclear chemistry: It studies isotopes and radioactive materials, the amount of radiation emitted from each of them, how they are used in medicine in terms of diagnosis and treatment, and what are their harms and benefits.
- Astronomy chemistry: It is the study of outer space and the stars and celestial bodies it contains, what are their components and what is the origin of each of them, what are the interactions that take place in them, and the types of radiation emanating from them.
- Chemical engineering: Chemical engineering solves all problems related to the practical application of chemical sciences.
The elements of the same group are similar in their chemical properties; Because the distribution of its valence electrons is the same
Analytical chemistry
This category is concerned with the study of materials in terms of their weight, quantity and volume, the relationship between all these concepts, and the international units that are used in each of them. Analytical chemistry has several sections:
- Forensic chemistry: the use of basic principles of chemistry to solve the mysteries of crime and murder through the use of chemicals, drugs, and poisons.
- Environmental chemistry: It is the study of all phenomena related to the environment, including the study of air, soil, and water.
- Electrochemistry: It is the chemistry that studies the chemical properties of solutions and their ability to transmit electric current.
physical chemistry
Physical chemistry studies the relationship between the chemical composition of materials and its relationship to different physical properties, by studying the interactions that take place on them, radiation and light and their relationship to them, and it has several sections:
- Photochemistry: The study of all chemical changes produced by the interaction of substances with light.
- Surface chemistry: It includes the study of reactions and processes that take place on the surfaces of materials, and it specializes in the study of adsorption, surface tension, catalysis, corrosion, and color changes.
- Quantum chemistry: It is the study of subatomic particles and their interactions, in particular the study of the principle of (uncertainty).
- Chemical kinetics: It is the study of chemical reactions and their duration, the factors that can affect them, and their mechanism for conducting the reaction.,
- Spectrum chemistry: It is the study of electromagnetic radiation, light emissions, spectra and photons and their properties, benefits and harms.
Biochemistry studies all the interactions that take place inside the cells of living tissues, which includes the study of cancers and their vectors, stem cells and how to use them, and all the interactions that take place inside and outside the cell membrane, and biochemistry includes:
- molecular biology: the study of cells and the interactions that take place between them, their structure, types, and functions.
- Genetics: Genetics studies genes and how they pass genetic traits from one generation to the next, the differences between species, and the traits they have in common.
- Toxicology: It is the science that studies the toxic properties of substances in nature, and how antidotes are made.
- Clinical biochemistry: It is the study of diseases to which humans are exposed, and the changes that occur to the body as a result of them, such as external changes, internal changes at the molecular level, high and low levels of substances in the blood, and ways to search for their treatment.
- Food chemistry: It includes the study of food and food, and the method of preparing it in accordance with the structure of the human digestive system.
Here we have come to the conclusion of the article, in which we talked about who is the founder of the science of chemistry, the genius Arab scientist Jaber bin Hayyan, and we talked about some of his achievements, writings and books that are still a scientific reference to be followed to this day, and we talked about the papers that Ibn Hayyan made. Hayyan, which is not affected by heat and does not burn, and we discussed the death of Jabir bin Hayyan, and we also talked about the emergence of chemistry and what are its branches and the divisions of each branch.
خاتمة لموضوعنا من هو مؤسس علم الكيمياء ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.