سلم اعانات التاهيل الشامل الجديد 1443

سلم اعانات التاهيل الشامل الجديد 1443 , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

The new comprehensive rehabilitation subsidy scale 1443 is what the reference website provides in this article to enable individuals who are eligible for a comprehensive rehabilitation subsidy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to view the details of the financial allocations provided by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development in the Kingdom to people with special needs, which the Ministry explains in detail according to Disability, its severity, and the type and nature of the condition for each individual receiving the benefit.

Comprehensive rehabilitation program 1443

The Comprehensive Rehabilitation Program is one of the programs of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development called the Financial Aid for People with Disabilities. The program provides financial assistance to citizens who suffer from one of the types and degrees of disability so that they can overcome the difficulties they face in daily life in addition to contributing to their support during treatment. This subsidy is provided For eligible individuals after being evaluated by the Ministry and familiarizing themselves with the details of the condition they suffer from.[1]

How much is the comprehensive rehabilitation benefit?

The value of the financial allowances provided to people with disabilities in the Kingdom for the year 1443 AH varies according to the assessment conducted by the Ministry of Resources and Development, through which it assesses the nature of the disability suffered by individuals, as its severity varies from simple to severe and very severe disabilities, and the comprehensive rehabilitation salaries 1443 according to the disability assessment at the beneficiary.

Who are excluded from the comprehensive qualification 1443 and its new conditions?

The new comprehensive rehabilitation benefits scale 1443

The new comprehensive rehabilitation benefits scale 1443 details the value of comprehensive rehabilitation salaries according to the type and degree of disability as follows:

  • The value of the comprehensive rehabilitation subsidy for people with mild disabilities is 4000 Saudi riyals.
  • The value of the comprehensive rehabilitation subsidy for people with moderate disabilities is 8000 Saudi riyals.
  • Individuals who suffer from a severe disability receive a sum of 16,000 Saudi riyals.
  • People with very severe disabilities receive a financial allowance of 20,000 Saudi riyals.

The new comprehensive rehabilitation benefit scale 1443 according to the degree of disability

The salaries for comprehensive rehabilitation are shown in the following according to the degree of disability that the person suffers from:

Degree of disability Amount of aid based on the degree Simple 4,000 SAR Medium 8,000 SAR Severe 16,000 SAR Very severe 20,000 SAR

The new comprehensive rehabilitation benefit scale 1443 by type of disability

The new comprehensive rehabilitation aid scale 1443 shows what people with disabilities are entitled to in terms of financial allowances in the comprehensive rehabilitation program according to the nature and type of disability:

Disability type Amount of benefit based on the type Paralysis of the upper or lower extremity. 10 thousand riyals, the injury of triple and quadriplegia. 14 thousand riyals, complete paralysis. 20 thousand riyals for spasticity in the lower extremities. 10 thousand riyals Congenital amputation of one or both limbs. 14 thousand riyals to be amputated due to an accident or to perform an excision due to a tumor. 10 thousand riyals, the injury of weakness in the four limbs of the patient. 14,000 riyals Injury to a limb weakness 4,000 riyals Congenital malformations or deformities resulting from an accident or dislocation of one of the thigh joints 10,000 riyals Osteoporosis and rheumatism 10,000 riyals Patients with congenital heart defects 10,000 riyals Patients with mild and moderate mental retardation 10 thousand Patients who are dumb or deaf 10 thousand riyals Speech, sight and hearing patients 4 thousand riyals Psychiatric patients such as autism and mental disorders 10 thousand riyals Skin patients and those with lung cirrhosis and chest diseases 10 thousand riyals People with epilepsy or anemia 10 thousand riyals

Comprehensive rehabilitation benefits scale for people with serious illnesses

The comprehensive rehabilitation program provides financial allocations for people with very severe disabilities, where they receive a sum of 20,000 Saudi riyals, to help them with treatment requirements and contribute to providing them with their daily needs.

Comprehensive rehabilitation benefit when you come down

According to what was stated by the Ministry of Human Resources through the ministry’s customer service account on Twitter, comprehensive rehabilitation benefits are disbursed on the 26th of each Gregorian month, and upon approval of the date designated for disbursement for the weekend, the disbursement of financial allocations will take place on the following day.

Updating the new comprehensive qualification ladder

In order for individuals to be able to obtain the salaries that are determined in the new comprehensive qualification scale, the data must be updated periodically and as soon as any new change occurs to this data, and the update is done through the official website of the Ministry of Resources and Development by following the following steps:

  • Visit the Ministry of Labor and Social Development website “from here”.
  • Go to the E-Services tab from the main interface.
  • Choose the care agency service and then click on “Inquiry about financial aid”.
  • Enter the data needed to perform the data update, then click Next.
  • Write the beneficiary’s number in the space provided.
  • Enter the ID number of the beneficiary.
  • Determine the type of subsidy and then write the visual code.
  • Choose the data update service and verify all data.
  • Clicking on the Submit Request icon to get the user an update notification.

Comprehensive rehabilitation Inquiry about the acceptance of the case and the conditions for obtaining the comprehensive rehabilitation subsidy

Categories eligible for comprehensive rehabilitation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The comprehensive rehabilitation program identified the categories that are eligible to receive the program’s cash subsidies, which are the following categories:

  • Individuals over 60 years of age.
  • Persons with disabilities whose disability was registered before the age of 45 years.
  • Those with severe disabilities that prevent them from working, such as oncology and immunodeficiency.

How to register in the comprehensive rehabilitation program in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The official website of the Ministry of Resources and Development provides the service of registering in the comprehensive qualification program to obtain the financial aid provided in it, by following the following:

  • Visit the official website of the Ministry of Resources and Development “from here”.
  • Click on the E-Services tab at the top of the website interface.
  • Choosing social development services.
  • Complete the entry registration process through the national entry.
  • Clicking on the e-services icon from the personal account.
  • Applying for the disability assistance service.
  • View the service details, then click on the “enter service” icon.
  • Fill in the required fields, then click “Next”.
  • Enter the personal data required for the service.
  • Enter the bank account information.
  • Click on “Next” and then accept the pledge.
  • Submit the application after completing the form.

Conditions for the new comprehensive qualification

The conditions that must be fulfilled by individuals in order to be eligible to receive financial aid, as stated in the new comprehensive rehabilitation aid scale 1443, are the following conditions:

  • Individuals wishing to obtain financial aid must register with the Ministry of Human Resources and enable the Ministry to assess their disability.
  • The financial aid applicant’s disability must be classified under the financial aid program.
  • The monthly income of the applicants must not exceed four thousand Saudi riyals per month.
  • The period of stay in governmental or private health facilities at the expense of the state should not exceed six months in one year.
  • The person entitled to the benefit must be a permanent resident in the Kingdom.
  • The subsidy applicant must not be a beneficiary of one of the shelter services provided by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development.
  • The applicant for the benefit must be no more than 45 years old at the time of the disability.

social controls

The social controls that must be adhered to in order to obtain financial aid for persons with disabilities are as follows:

  • The financial aid is disbursed to Saudi citizens and mobile tribal identity holders, provided that the identity is valid.
  • The age of the applicant should not exceed sixty years, and that the disability occurred before the sixty years, with the need to attach medical reports proving the date on which the disability occurred.
  • The subsidy is disbursed to people with disabilities, and if this is not possible, it is disbursed to parents or individuals who are proven to support people with disabilities.
  • The subsidy is disbursed to non-beneficiaries of government housing services.
  • The subsidy is not disbursed to individuals whose period of stay in government and private hospitals exceeds 6 months at the expense of the state, whether this period is continuous or sporadic.

financial controls

The following are the most important financial controls related to the process of disbursing comprehensive rehabilitation subsidies to individuals with disabilities:

  • Financial subsidies are disbursed to individuals whose monthly wages are less than 4,000 Saudi riyals.
  • A current account must be opened in one of the beneficiary’s local banks, and the IBAN must be provided to the applicant.
  • The entitlements of the subsidy beneficiary are calculated as soon as the disbursement decision is issued by the competent authorities.
  • Upon the death of the beneficiary, a financial aid for the month of death is disbursed to the heirs.
  • If the monthly salary of the subsidy beneficiary exceeds 4000 Saudi riyals after the payment decision is issued, the subsidy will be disbursed to him.

public health controls

General health controls have been determined for individuals who are eligible for the comprehensive rehabilitation program benefits for the year 1443 to abide by:

  • Medical reports whose issuance date does not exceed one year and issued by health authorities approved in the care system are approved.
  • The original is certified from the medical reports that have been approved by the approved authorities.
  • Medical reports issued by physicians who specialize in the disease or disability of the individual are approved.
  • Medical data is determined according to the prescribed period of time for the disabilities that are recorded in the system.
  • The specific controls for medical eligibility are approved according to the specific medical descriptions for each of the disabilities found in the attached tables below.
  • The program benefits are disbursed to people with disabilities who are classified in the table of disabilities attached below.

How do I know the beneficiary number in the comprehensive rehabilitation for people with disabilities?

Update controls

The following modernization controls are those prescribed for people with disabilities so that they can benefit from the comprehensive rehabilitation subsidy:

  • Upload the recent medical report, which is not more than one year old.
  • The Ministry has the right to re-evaluate the beneficiary again after the first evaluation.
  • The beneficiary has the right to object to the evaluation for the first time through the electronic portal, and the request is studied by the technical committee in the services unit.
  • The beneficiary has the right to object to the outcome of the objection, and the request is studied by the central unit in the ministry.
  • The beneficiary has the right to request a re-evaluation of his disability if he so desires.

Documents and documents required for registration in the comprehensive qualification program

The following is a list of the most important documents that must be submitted during the application process for comprehensive qualification for the year 1443 AH:

  • Definition of the salary from the entity in which the beneficiary works.
  • The beneficiary’s civil status data slide.
  • Disability assessment statement.

Link to update comprehensive qualification data with ID number eservices.mlsd.gov.sa

Inquiry about comprehensive rehabilitation benefits 1443

The following steps will enable the beneficiaries of comprehensive rehabilitation benefits to inquire about the acceptance of the case in the comprehensive rehabilitation program for the year 1443 AH:

  • Visit the official website of the Ministry of Resources and Development “from here”.
  • Click on the e-services icon from the main menus.
  • Choose the development services portal, then log in to the portal.
  • Perform the verification required to complete entering the portal.
  • Choose My Orders service from the top of the screen.
  • Check the status of the application submitted for the comprehensive rehabilitation program.

Here we come to the conclusion of the article on the new comprehensive rehabilitation subsidy ladder 1443, in which we learned the details of the financial amounts that are disbursed to the beneficiaries of the comprehensive rehabilitation subsidies under the supervision of the Ministry of Resources and Development in the Kingdom, in addition to the most important controls and conditions that must be adhered to to benefit from the program.

خاتمة لموضوعنا سلم اعانات التاهيل الشامل الجديد 1443 ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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