غرز الولادة الطبيعية بالصور , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
Natural birth stitches in pictures are something that all women who are about to give birth look for, as they are often afflicted with a great fear of the issue of natural birth and the consequences of cutting and stitching to remove the fetus, and they do not know which type of birth is better “natural or cesarean” so in this article The reference site shows how natural childbirth stitches look with pictures and everything related to childbirth in general to help women make their decisions about the type of childbirth they prefer in order to maintain the health of their health and the health of their fetuses.
Explanation of the term natural childbirth stitches
Many women think that natural childbirth is without stitches and that stitches are only in cesarean delivery. The truth is that this is not true, as natural childbirth may be difficult at times, especially if the mother is in her first childbirth, forcing obstetricians to expand the vagina through an incision. The area between the vagina and the perineum to facilitate the passage of the child, and this process results in the doctor having to sew the incision he made in the mother’s vagina after the birth of the child. The stitches resulting from this sewing are called the natural birth stitches.
natural birth stitches pictures
Natural childbirth stitches are the stitches that the doctor sews in the mother’s vagina to close the wounds resulting from childbirth.[1]
- The place of the natural birth stitches is in the area between the mother’s vagina and perineum. If the mother finds wounds in other places, they are often caused by the doctor’s mistake and have nothing to do with childbirth.
- Sometimes the mother gets some tears in the area between the vagina and the anus, and this process is called the process of stitching the perineum and it is done under anesthesia due to its extreme difficulty.
- Natural childbirth wounds can be sutured with several types of sutures. There are sutures that need to be removed, while there are sutures that fall out or dissolve on their own. Therefore, the mother or her companion must make sure of the type of sutures that the doctor will use before giving birth.
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Why the mother may need birth stitches
There are many reasons that can lead to the doctor having to resort to sewing during the natural birth process, and these reasons are:
tear rupture
In many cases, women are torn because of the severity of the labor or the increase in the size of the fetus, and this rupture is in the area between the vaginal opening and the anus, which may lead to many health problems that may reach the degree of permanent disability in the mother if the doctor does not solve this problem quickly by By anesthetizing the mother and then suturing the tear as soon as the baby is out of the womb.
Sometimes the mother does not have any rupture during childbirth, but the doctor is forced to make an incision in the perineum area himself due to the difficulty of childbirth or the entry of the mother or fetus into a critical medical condition that calls for speeding up the delivery of the mother. To help the child get out of it, the incision may be large or small, depending on the size of the child and what the mother’s health condition requires.
Desire to end childbirth quickly
Sometimes many doctors resort to doing the mother’s episiotomy, although she does not need it to facilitate the delivery and make it faster due to the intense work pressure in hospitals, but this act is illegal, as the doctor must not resort to the episiotomy except in the case of difficult labor and the presence of Dangerous to the mother or the child, or in the case of the consent of the mother or her companion, if the delivery was not difficult. In other than these two cases, the doctor’s perineal incision for the mother is considered a medical error that requires accountability.
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The size of the natural birth stitches
The size of the stitches varies according to the degree of tearing or the size of the incision made by the doctor in the mother’s perineum. There are three types of tearing, and the size of the stitches is determined according to them:
- Acute tear: A severe tear is a severe tear that leads to cutting the entire tissue between the vaginal opening and the anus, and this tear requires stitches ranging from four to six degrees.
- Medium tear: The medium tear is the one that leads to a relatively large wound but did not completely cut the tissue between the vaginal opening and the anus, and this tear requires stitches ranging from two to three degrees.
- Simple tear: The simple tear is the one that is a small incision in the perineum area that has not reached the point where it is connected between the vagina and the perineum and is not considered a large wound in the vaginal opening at all, but it must be closed so as not to cause the mother problems when urinating or when practicing marital relationship and stitching it is an expression About one degree of stitches.
When do birth stitches fall off?
The duration of the natural birth stitches falling out varies according to the type of threads that the doctor used to sew the perineum area in terms of whether they are biodegradable or non-degradable as follows:
- Biodegradable sutures do not fall out at all, as the mother’s body absorbs them within a short period of seven to fourteen days due to the fact that they are made of biodegradable and absorbable materials.
- Non-biodegradable sutures fall out within a month of birth as they cannot be absorbed by the body. However, the use of this type of surgical sutures has become rare except in poor places where all public and private hospitals are using biodegradable sutures because they help heal wounds Faster.
Birth wound healing time
Many new mothers wonder about the duration of the healing of the birth wound because they suffer from pain in the perineum area. The truth is that there is no fixed period during which the birth wound heals, and that the healing period of the birth wound is a very relative matter, as it is determined on the basis of the wound in terms of size and depth, and it is also determined Depending on the physical and health nature of the woman – for example, birth wounds of mothers with diabetes are delayed in healing more than other mothers – but in general, birth wounds need a period of two to three months to heal and even after recovery, the woman may continue to feel pain in The place of the birth wound for a long period of time.[2]
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Ways to relieve the pain of birth stitches
Doctors advise new mothers with a number of tips that they must adhere to to relieve the pain caused by natural childbirth stitches and speed up its recovery. These tips are:
- Bathing daily or almost daily and using medicines to sterilize the wound resulting from childbirth at the time of bathing.
- Do not sit or stand under water for more than 10 minutes, as excessive exposure of the wound to water can delay the healing of stitches.
- Not pressing hard to expel the stool during the need, so as not to open the wound again. If the mother is constipated and cannot defecate, she can take some types of laxatives after asking the specialist so that the laxatives do not affect the health of the child due to breastfeeding.
- The mother must sterilize her hands before and after touching the vaginal area, especially when changing sanitary pads, to ensure that no bacteria or fungi reach the vaginal area, which may delay the healing of the wound.
- Drinking a large amount of water on a daily and regular basis to help heal the wound, as a lot of drinking water contributes to a large percentage of improving the skin, maintaining skin health and speeding up the healing of wounds.
- Cleaning the vagina and perineum area with warm water after urination to eliminate the burning feeling that a woman can feel after urinating because of the wound.
Signs of infection of a natural childbirth wound
Natural childbirth is not completely safe, unlike the common one. Many problems can occur during natural childbirth, such as difficult labor and the mother’s labor tearing, or the doctor having to perform an episiotomy for the mother, which in many cases leads to a deterioration in the mother’s condition after childbirth and infection of the birth wound. In the following lines, we mention to the new mothers the signs of infection of the natural birth wound that they should, if they notice them, quickly inform the doctor to use the best medical means available to treat the infection. These signs are:
Suture area swelling
Swelling of the stitching area, the appearance of solid objects in it, or the exit of fluid, pus, or pus from the stitches is a sure sign that the mother has infection of the birth wound, and when she notices any or all of these signs, she must contact her doctor or go to the nearest hospital to obtain the necessary treatment, as These signs are the most serious signs of postpartum wound infection and mean that it has reached an advanced stage of infection.
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bad smell
Usually, the vagina should not emit any unpleasant odor, but rather the opposite, as the vagina cleans itself on a daily basis, and the unpleasant odors from the vagina mean that the mother has a bacterial or fungal infection that often led to her infection with the vagina, so she should see a doctor quickly to find out the type of vaginal infection that She was injured and took the appropriate treatment for her.
Pain and redness in the vagina
Although the wounds of the birth process usually cause the mother to feel some pain in the vaginal area and perineum, this pain is usually a potential pain for this if the mother feels burning or unbearable pain in the vaginal area, whether this pain is accompanied by redness in the vaginal area or She does not have to see a doctor because this pain often means an infection of the birth wound, especially if it is accompanied by redness of the wound.
Output problems
It is common for a vaginal birth wound infection to lead to stool problems such as diarrhea, urinary incontinence, or a feeling of unknown fluid leakage from the vaginal opening or anus, so if the mother notices a problem with the stool process, she should go to the doctor immediately, especially if the birth wound It extends from the vaginal opening to the anus because these signs mean that there is severe infection in the birth wound.
High temperature
High temperature after childbirth is a serious problem, especially if the birth was normal, as high temperature can mean infection of the birth wound, or infection of the mother with an infectious disease during the birth process, or many other very serious reasons. Therefore, the mother’s temperature should be noted, especially in the first period after birth. And when you notice a high temperature, you should contact your doctor immediately and perform the necessary tests to find out the cause of this rise.
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Tips for taking care of a natural birth wound and stitches
In order for the mother to avoid infection of the natural childbirth wound or its delayed healing, or to get a bacterial or fungal infection, she must follow the following tips:
- Avoid using tampons and replace them with cotton or light sanitary pads.
- Be careful not to lift heavy objects, as this may open the wound.
- Not to engage in marital intercourse unless the doctor permits so as not to harm the stitches.
- Some creams and ointments can be used to relieve natural childbirth wound pain after consulting a doctor.
- Avoid using tight or uncomfortable underwear and replace it with loose and comfortable underwear made of cotton.
- Wash and sterilize the postpartum wound once or twice daily with a doctor’s prescription sterilization medication and warm water.
- It is recommended that the mother not sleep on the back or stomach, and that she sleeps on one side until the wound is completely healed.
- Change your underwear twice a day and make sure it is clean to protect the wound from getting a bacterial or fungal infection that could lead to infection later.
- Drinking a lot of water, as in addition to its great benefits for the skin and skin, which makes the wound heal quickly, it also helps to maintain the integrity of the wound by reducing the concentration of urine and making the process of defecation easier, which keeps the wound from opening or infection.
- Eat fruits and vegetables rich in fiber, as they help heal the skin and help facilitate the process of defecation and reduce constipation.
- Not to leave the vaginal and anal area without cleaning, as the mother must clean and sterilize them well after finishing urination or defecation, so as not to be infected with bacteria or infections.
- Helping improve the blood flow in the body and increase its flow to the wound, which makes its healing faster by practicing a group of exercises called pelvic floor exercises, but you should consult a doctor before practicing these exercises, as they can lead in some cases to reopening the wound if the wound is dangerous or if The mother did these exercises incorrectly.
- Be careful not to put too much pressure on the anus during defecation, if the mother is constipated, and resort to the doctor to prescribe the appropriate medication to facilitate the process of defecation for the mother in a way that does not harm her health or the health of her infant.
Childbirth is the most important event that every woman eagerly awaits, and all pregnant women are interested in knowing all the things related to childbirth in order to be ready for it, which helps her know how to maintain her health and the health of her child, so in this article we have shown everything related to the natural birth stitches with pictures to help women know When are the birth stitches normal and when are they inflamed so that it is better to take care of the birth stitches until the time of their recovery and avoid actions that may harm them.
خاتمة لموضوعنا غرز الولادة الطبيعية بالصور ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.