افضل انواع القطط في السعودية واسعارها وصورها , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
Many citizens of the Kingdom and cat lovers wonder about the best types of cats in Saudi Arabia, which can be raised at home, as cats are the best options for pets that can be raised at home, but they need great care and attention, as neglect negatively affects cats and their psyche, and resort to refraining from Drink and food, and through this article provided by the reference site, we will present the best types of cats that can be bred, their prices and pictures.
Breeding cats
Cats are the most famous and best loved pets for humans, which many people resort to raising, and there are many different types in terms of shape, qualities, color, breed and behavior. The cat is not exposed to the dangers of disease or neglect.
The most expensive types of cats in the world
The best types of cats in Saudi Arabia
There are many types of cats in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and they all differ in the way of breeding in terms of behavior, and all types of cats are easy to care for and care for, so several things must be taken into account, such as continued care, so that the owner of the cat cannot abandon it at any time. Leaving them on the street, and the timing of their feeding, cleaning and removal of their droppings, and taking the approved vaccinations for cats so that they are not exposed to the risk of diseases or infection.
persian cat
The Shirazi cat is the most famous cat in Saudi Arabia, and it is an Iranian breed, so it is called the Persian or Iranian cat, and it has several specifications, as follows: [1]
- Persian cat specifications
- He has long and thick hair, wide eyes, and a plump body.
- Persian cats like to sleep a lot.
- They have a calm nature and are not aggressive cats.
- It is characterized by calm and tenderness.
- It is about 60 cm long and weighs 4.5 kg.
- The average age is about 20 years.
- It has many colors such as white, black, gold and orange.
- Featuring bright, round eyes, they are an easy-to-train cat.
- Shirazi cats must be well taken care of in terms of their meal times, treatment and mental health, as they are considered a family member.
- persian cat price
- Its price starts from 500 SAR to 1500 SAR and varies according to age, size and type.
Siamese cat
The Siamese cat is one of the best types of cats in Saudi Arabia, and its original home is Asia, and it moved to Britain in 1880 when the King of Siam gave it to Mr. Owen Gold, the English Consul. Siamese cats are characterized by many specifications that we will mention below:
- Siamese cat characteristics
- She has a slim body and short hair.
- Its head is triangular and has blue eyes.
- Its tail is thick and its nose is long.
- They are born white and turn gray when they grow up.
- Kind-hearted.
- Siamese cat price
- The prices of the Siamese cat in Saudi Arabia start from 300 riyals to 110 riyals, and the price varies according to size and age.
Himalayan cat
The Himalayan cat is the product of the Persian Persian cat mating with the Siamese cat, and it was named by this name due to its shape and colors that are similar to the goats that live in the Himalayan den in Asia, and it is characterized by many specifications, which we will present below:
- Himalayan cat features
- She has a chubby body.
- It has long, thick hair and small ears.
- The eyes are blue, and they are wide.
- It has a flat face, and a mouth that resembles a number eight.
- Its color is white and the tips turn orange with age, or blue, which is the rarest and most expensive of the Himalayan species.
- Himalayan cat price
- Its price ranges from 700 riyals to 1800 riyals, depending on age, health and requirements.
Turkish van cat
The Turkish Van cat is the best type of cat in Saudi Arabia, as it is a calm and peaceful domestic cat, and is distinguished from all types of cats by its love of swimming, unlike cats, and it has several other characteristics that we will mention below:
- Specifications of the Turkish Van cat
- Quiet cats.
- She loves to eat and swim.
- Prefer to live indoors.
- It is characterized by strength due to its strong build, which is characterized by wide shoulders.
- It is characterized by white color.
- With round eyes.
- It has a thick, brown, and long tail. It has the longest cat’s tail.
- Big eared.
- Its body takes the shape of a rectangle, and its head is erect.
- Turkish van cat price
- Its price ranges from 500 SAR to 2000 SAR, depending on the color and age.
American bobtail cat
The American bobtail cat is one of the best types of cats that are bred in Saudi Arabia, and it is the result of the crossbreeding of the two most famous types of cat in the United States of America, so it was called by that name, and it is distinguished by the following specifications and we will mention them as follows:
- Specifications of the American bobtail cat
- It belongs to the bobtail breed.
- It is distinguished by its small and short tail.
- Its fur is short and soft.
- fat body
- american bobtail cat price
- The price of the American Bobtail in Saudi Arabia starts from 300 SAR up to 1900 SAR.
Abyssinian cat
The Abyssinian cat is one of the best types of cats in Saudi Arabia, and it is one of the breeds of domestic cats that is characterized by short hair, and was named by this name in relation to Abyssinia, as there is a belief that its origin was from Abyssinia, and it is one of the oldest types of cats that coexisted with humans throughout history Ancient Egyptian artifacts were found from the remains of mummified cats that bear the same specifications as the Abyssinian cat, and it has many features, which we will mention below:
- Abyssinian cat specifications
- A stubborn cat and difficult to raise, it needs a lot of training.
- He is intelligent.
- His eyes are wide and large.
- His eyes are yellow or green.
- His body is thin and long.
- His hair is thick, red and short.
- You need a lot of attention, love and psychological consideration.
- Abyssinian cat price
- Its price in the Saudi market starts from 800 Saudi riyals to 1600 Saudi riyals.
Siberian cat
The Siberian cat is the best choice for cats in Saudi Arabia, and it is one of the Russian long-haired cat breeds, and it has many specifications that we will mention below:
- Siberian cat characteristics
- The Siberian cat is a Russian cat.
- Cats are characterized by activity, intelligence and rapid movement.
- Compassionate, friendly and affectionate cats.
- Prefer to sit with people.
- The average lifespan is from 11 to 15 years.
- It has a sturdy and graceful build at the same time.
- fleshy body;
- Its fur is soft and thick.
- Siberian cat price
- Its price starts from 1000 riyals to 1700 riyals.
birman cat
The Birman cat is the best cat in Saudi Arabia, and it is called the sacred Burma cat, and it is characterized by a set of characteristics that we will mention below:
- Birman cat specifications
- Big and bulky cat.
- Full and stocky.
- He has long and silky hair.
- She loves attention and play a lot.
- He is calm and kind.
- She has wide blue eyes.
- She has dark spots around her ears and legs.
- Birman cat price
- Its price is up to 2000 SAR
Bombay cat
The Bombay cat is one of the best cats in Saudi Arabia, and it is a cat of a modern breed, as it is the result of the mating of Burma cats and a type of American short-haired cat. It was named by this name, because it resembles the black Indian tigers, and it has many specifications that we will present below:
- Bombay cat specifications
- Its color is dark black.
- average size.
- Petite.
- His head is round and full.
- His eyes are wide and yellow, and his nose is short.
- It has a medium length tail.
- Never calm temper and prefers to live in homes.
- It relies on meat for its diet.
- At birth it is light in color, but after 6 months it turns black.
- Bombay cat price
- Its price ranges from 300 SAR to 1200 SAR.
manx cat
The Manx is the best Saudi cat, and here are its specifications and price:
- Characteristics of the Manx cat
- A Manx never has a tail.
- Very social and friendly.
- His hair is light.
- It has two hind legs that are longer than the two front ones.
- He walks like a bunny hop.
- His nose is long and his ears are wide.
- An intelligent cat, easy to train, and one of the best cats that can be raised at home.
- The average age is from 9 to 13 years.
- Manx cat price
- Its price ranges from 800 Saudi riyals at birth, and reaches 1500 Saudi riyals as an adult.
Balinese cat
It is the best species that can be bred at home, and it is an American cat. Here are its specifications and price:
- Balinese cat characteristics
- A fun cat who loves to play with family members a lot.
- He has a muscular body.
- He has long hair and a long tail.
- It is similar in appearance to the Himalayan cat.
- He has blue eyes.
- He has a long nose.
- Balinese cat price
- Its price reaches 1600 SAR.
Egyptian Mau cat
The word “Mau” means cat in the ancient Egyptian language, and it is one of the best species in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Here are its specifications and price:
- Specifications of the Egyptian Mau cat
- She has a slim body and light hair.
- Her eyes are distinguished by tonsils and are green and yellow.
- It is a medium sized cat that is intelligent, fast and agile.
- The price of the Egyptian Mau cat
- It starts from 500 SAR and goes up to 1000 SAR.
Aussie Mist Cat
Cat Mist has the following characteristics:
- Australian Mist cat specifications
- Australian-born.
- Skinny body.
- Light hair.
- His eyes are marked by tonsils.
- Its tail is thin and long.
- Australian Mist cat price
- Its price ranges from 300 SAR to 900 SAR.
Maine Queen cat
It is a cat resulting from a mix between an American cat and an Angora cat, and the following are its specifications and price:
- Maine Queen cat specifications
- Its head is large and round.
- Its fur is thick and silky smooth.
- Big eyes and long and erect ears.
- Smart and friendly.
- His hair is thick from the chest area.
- Maine Coin cat price
- Its price ranges from 900 to 1700 SAR.
Devon Rex cat
Here are the specifications and price of the Devon Rex cat:
- Specifications of the Devon Rex cat
- Never very friendly.
- He has curly fur, and large eyes.
- Its name goes back to the city of Devon, it was first discovered in a zinc mine inside the city of Devon.
- Its ears have the shape of a bat’s ear.
- Like most cats, he likes to shower a lot.
- devon rex cat price
- It ranges from 500 riyals to 1200 riyals.
Benefits of raising cats at home
Breeding cats at home has many benefits, which we will present in the following lines:
- Helping to take responsibility for others.
- Supports a sense of self-confidence in children.
- Cause happiness and fun in the home you live in.
- Some studies in the United States of America have proven to help cats reduce the incidence of chest allergies and asthma in children.
How to raise cats
Common mistakes when raising cats
There are many mistakes that occur while raising cats, so we will present them below to help avoid them:
- Provide food in large quantities: you must put appropriate quantities of food, which are proportional to the size of the cat.
- Not trimming the cat’s claws: it leads to injury in the house because of the cat’s claws, and helps the cat to teach aggressive behavior.
- Providing low-quality foods: There are some types of food that do not provide the cat with the necessary nutrients, which puts its health at risk.
- Neglecting to visit the doctor periodically: You must visit the cat periodically and maintain vaccinations that protect the cat from common diseases.
The best kind of cat
Tips for caring for cats at home
Raising cats commits its owner to many responsibilities, so we will present a set of tips to provide better care while raising cats, as follows:
- Provide the best types of food, to provide the cat with the necessary nutrients.
- Buy a comfortable pillow for the cat, so that he can sleep peacefully and comfortably.
- Regular visit to the vet.
- Prepare the litter box, and train the cat to dispose of its droppings, so as not to cause contamination.
- Periodic bathing of cats so as not to be exposed to the risk of diseases resulting from poor hygiene.
- Equip a ball of string so that the cat can have fun and play with the family.
The best types of domestic cats, their prices and pictures
Finally; In this article, we have presented the best types of cats in Saudi Arabia, as we explained the ways to care for cats, and what are the benefits of raising cats at home, as we mentioned the mistakes that should be avoided while raising cats.
خاتمة لموضوعنا افضل انواع القطط في السعودية واسعارها وصورها ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.