فوائد الحجامة في الرأس وطريقة عملها

فوائد الحجامة في الرأس وطريقة عملها , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

The benefits of cupping in the head, folk medicine is one of the oldest things that were treated by the sages who were sick, as they depended on herbs, oils and ancient tools that they used to heal pain, and one of the most important of these treatments is cupping, which many people still use to treat, due to Because of its many and varied benefits in relieving pain, relaxing the human body, as well as removing and eliminating body toxins, and through the reference site, the benefits of cupping for the head and how it works, as well as the things that will have to be taken into account during cupping.

What is cupping?

Cupping is known as one of the types of alternative medicine treatments, which is done by using glass cups in treatment, and these cups may be wet or dry, and cupping has been used since ancient times throughout the ages, as humans used the horns of animals, before they were Developing this treatment so that glass cups are used in this type of treatment, and cups made of bamboo or porcelain were used in them. After these cups have cooled, they are inserted into the skin, while cupping has recently been developed to become gloved glass cups open on one side only.[1]

Types of cupping

Cupping is one of the types of physical therapy that is used by therapists specialized in it, and helps to get rid of pain. follows:

  • Dry cupping: It is a method of suction only.
  • Wet cupping: It is a combination of suction with controlled healing bleeding.

How dry cupping works

The therapist performs cupping when performing dry cupping on the patient, by following some steps:

  • Place the glass beaker on the skin.
  • Heat the cup with fire, using alcohol, herbs, or a leaf placed directly into the cup.
  • Remove the source of fire, then put the hot cup from the open side.
  • After a time the air inside the cup cools when placed on the skin, creating a vacuum as the skin and muscles pull upward into the cup.
  • The cup is left on the skin for a specified period of five to ten minutes.
  • An ointment is placed on the cupping areas after the session is completed to alleviate its effects, as the bruises begin to disappear after 10 days of the session.

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How wet cupping works

As for wet cupping, there are some steps to be followed, which are as follows:

  • Determine the area where the cupping cups will be placed.
  • Sterilize the area that has been identified, as this step is very important to prevent any transmission of infection.
  • The cup is placed on the skin as in dry cupping.
  • Then the therapist scratches the skin by making multiple superficial small holes in the skin barrier using a sterile scalpel, because these small holes, which do not exceed 2 mm, help in the secretion of fluids that have collected inside the raised skin by suction.
  • Then the cup is placed on the position in which the holes were made and the suction was made again, and in this process it will be noticed that there is an exit of a mixture of bloody fluid into the suction cups, as this fluid includes interstitial fluid, lymph and filtered capillary fluids, and this blood fluid quickly clots within the cup.
  • The area is sterilized again, and then covered with a bandage or gauze, and a topical ointment containing an antibiotic is applied.

The importance of cupping in general and its benefits

Although cupping is one of the methods that were used in medicine and treatment in the past, it represented a common treatment in modern times, and they have resorted to it and called it alternative medicine, due to its great importance and great benefits, including:

  • Pulling bad blood and toxins out of the body.
  • Stimulating blood circulation and relieving pain.
  • Relaxing muscles and body tissues.
  • Improve body health.
  • Treating skin and skin problems, such as reducing the appearance of pimples and acne, as well as treating psoriasis and eczema.
  • Treatment of blood disorders and blood pressure.
  • Migraine relief.
  • Get rid of bad psychological state such as depression, anxiety and tension.
  • Treatment of congestion in the airways.
  • Treating some gynecological and fertility diseases.
  • Get rid of rheumatism and inflammation of the joints and muscles.

Contraindications to cupping

In some cases, it is preferable not to use cupping despite its multiple benefits, as it may negatively affect such cases, namely:

  • Varicose veins and skin infections.
  • The presence of open wounds and broken bones.
  • deep vein thrombosis;
  • Heart, kidney and liver patients, as well as cancer.
  • Cases suffering from fluidity in the blood.
  • Pregnant and postpartum.
  • Severe anemia, conditions that use anticoagulant drugs.
  • Children under the age of four.

Disadvantages and consequences of cupping

Despite the many benefits of cupping and its great importance in human treatment, it has some disadvantages, which are:

  • The occurrence of skin infections resulting from the use of cupping.
  • Infection.
  • Discomfort in the areas where the cups were placed.
  • Some minor burns caused after use.
  • Bruising from the cups and the suction process.

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Benefits of cupping in the head

As we learned about cupping previously, and its multiple benefits and extreme importance, through which the corrupt and accumulated blood inside the human body is eliminated, which impedes the flow of blood circulation, and head cupping is one of the types of cupping common to many people, which includes many The health benefits of the head area, which are as follows:[2]

  • Enhancing memory and the processes of remembering and thinking in humans.
  • Reducing permanent headaches and the risk of migraine attacks, and this is done by reducing the levels of serotonin in the body, as cupping narrows the arteries, especially those that feed the brain, thus reducing the pressure on this area, which reduces headaches.
  • Contributes to maintaining and protecting the integrity of the brain.

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How cupping works in the head

There are some steps that should be followed when performing cupping in the head, which are:

  • For men, the hair of his head is shaved with a blade, while for women, only the place of cupping is shaved.
  • The patient sits upright.
  • The tools used in cupping, as well as the patient’s head, are sterilized, and the treating doctor wears gloves to perform his work.
  • The attending physician scrapes the cupping site with a sterile blade.
  • A burnt paper cone is placed in the center of the head and one of the cups used in the treatment is fixed on it, and this process is repeated in several places in the head.
  • Once the spoiled blood is drawn through the cups, which usually tends to turn black, and this indicates the abundance of toxins in a person’s body, the cups are withdrawn.
  • Cover the cupping areas with gauze, ensuring that they are not exposed to cold air or water for two days.

My experience with cupping the head

In the past, I used to suffer from permanent and continuous headaches, and despite my miserable attempts to search for a solution to the headache problem, as I wake up from my sleep and my head hurts as if there is a drum knocking inside my brain wall, and I stay like this all day, but I did not succeed in searching for a solution to this headache, and after someone advised me By experimenting with cupping in my head and treating it in this way, I tried it and the result was the difference with me, as I learned that this traditional method, which dates back to more than five thousand years, is the treatment for what I suffer from, and treatment for several other diseases, such as getting rid of back pain, muscles and inflammation in the joints, through Its reliance on withdrawing toxins and corrupt blood from the body through certain cups used for this type of treatment and are hot, and are placed on the skin to relieve pain and improve blood flow to the rest of the body. severe in my head as it was before.

Facial cupping benefits

Indeed, cupping is one of the most important treatments that help relax the body and remove its toxins, and it is a better treatment than creams and ointments in improving blood circulation and restoring glasses, so many people, especially women, and those who are interested in preserving the beauty of their skin and faces resort to the use of facial cupping, due to It has many benefits, the most important of which are the following:

  • Maintaining the radiance of the face, lightening it and enhancing its glasses.
  • Reducing facial swelling and puffiness.
  • Promote collagen production in the skin.
  • Delaying signs of aging and the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Reducing large skin pores.
  • Strengthening skin tissues and regulating skin oils.
  • Relax the facial muscles.

Benefits of cupping for the back

Cupping has many benefits for the back and many positive effects, as it works contributing to muscle relaxation, improving blood flow to all parts of the body, as well as relieving nervous system pain, but before undergoing this treatment in the back area, it is necessary to consult a specialist doctor, and discuss all the possibilities of treatment. Cupping, and then the work of cupping or not.

Diseases treated with cupping

There are some diseases that are treated by cupping, the most important of which are the following:

  • Musculoskeletal pain.
  • Neurological diseases.
  • metabolic diseases;
  • respiratory system diseases.
  • Some cardiovascular diseases.
  • Viral infections.
  • bacterial infections;
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Secondary amenorrhea.
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • stroke patients.
  • Some skin diseases.

Rules that must be taken when performing cupping

There are some instructions and rules that should be taken when performing cupping, and they are as follows:

Pre-cupping stage

The necessary measures must be taken before performing cupping, which are:

  • Leave a period of time between the time of bathing and the time of cupping, as it is recommended to take a shower two to three hours before the times of cupping.
  • It is preferable to fast or eat a light meal 3-4 hours before the session to get better results.

Post-cupping stage

As for the instructions that must be adhered to after the cupping procedure so that no side effect or side effects occur, they are:

  • Do not overeat red meat and all dairy products for 24 hours.
  • Replacing food with fish, eggs, fruits and vegetables, and eating a small amount of chicken while trying to avoid it.
  • Avoid all caffeinated or carbonated beverages for 24 hours.
  • Drink plenty of mineral water.
  • Avoid tobacco products for 24 hours.
  • Avoid exercise or sexual intercourse for 48 hours.
  • Avoid showering or washing the area exposed to cupping for 24 hours after the session.
  • Sterilize the area before and after cupping.
  • Apply olive oil to the area subjected to cupping twice daily for two to three weeks.

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The best places for cupping

The positions of cupping for women do not differ from the positions that are used for cupping for men, as there are certain sites that are preferred for use by both sexes, the most important of which are the following:

  • The places closest to the affected tissues are one of the best places to do cupping, in order to facilitate the excretion of disease-causing substances outside the body.
  • The withers is the area above the seventh cervical spine.
  • The groove is the area on either side of the neck behind the ear.
  • The area between the shoulders.
  • The vertex or fontanelle area.
  • and groin area.
  • Dorsal surface area of ​​the foot.

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The best days of cupping

It is possible to perform dry cupping at any time. As for wet cupping, if it is preventive and not necessary at the present time, that is, it is not emergency, it is preferable to perform it on the seventeenth, nineteenth or twenty-first of the Islamic lunar month, but if there is a need emergency work, it can be done at any time. The number of cupping sessions that a person needs varies according to his health condition, as some may need from one to three sessions, while people who suffer from chronic diseases need many sessions.

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Cupping and pregnant women

It is also known that cupping has many benefits, whether for women or men, but it is not recommended for a pregnant woman to do it, in order to avoid any damage that may occur to her or her fetus, and in order to preserve their lives. But if the pregnant woman is subjected to cupping, she should do the following:

  • Consult her doctor before starting cupping.
  • Choosing an experienced person who specializes in cupping so as not to harm her safety and the safety of the fetus.
  • Ensure that cups are not placed on the abdomen or lower back at all, as the subject of a pregnant woman to cupping may be dangerous for her and the fetus, as it can cause miscarriage or even premature birth, depending on the weeks of pregnancy.

As for women who have recently given birth and wish to undergo cupping treatment, they must wait for a period of no less than forty days in the event of a natural birth, in order for the body to regain its normal position, while women who underwent a caesarean section must wait for a longer period of time, which It may be up to three months.

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And here we have come to the end of our article titled, The Benefits of Cupping in the Head, where we learned about cupping and its benefits to human health, as well as the damages that it can lead to, in addition to the instructions that must be taken, in addition to the contraindications to doing cupping.

خاتمة لموضوعنا فوائد الحجامة في الرأس وطريقة عملها ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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