دعاء الشفاء من المرض النفسي , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
The supplication for healing from mental illness is one of the best things that peace can do for oneself, when he suffers from anxiety and depression or a mental illness, or it can be done for his Muslim brother if he suffers from that. A house of affliction, and God has harnessed supplication for man to resort to him and to pray to him and ask him for his needs, for God is the refuge of the only slave, and he does not succeed and does not escape from those who resort to other than God, and therefore in this article from the reference site will be recognized on the virtue of praying for healing from mental illnesses and others.
What are mental illnesses?
Psychological diseases are diseases that result from the presence of an imbalance in the function of the brain, which are specific psychological phenomena and symptoms, which appear at a specific time and proceed in a certain form that is never normal, responding to treatment in many cases, and in some cases it is not easily treatable, as mental illness is a disease It brings together several psychological symptoms, which are the opposite of physical symptoms, where his emotions, feelings, thoughts, and even his perception and memory are negatively affected, which can often lead to negative effects on the patient’s body and even his life in general, and symptoms of mental illness can appear in the form of permanent sadness, or a feeling of intense permanent fear. And the feeling of malaise and discomfort, and the physical symptoms that appear from mental illness are sleep disturbances, poor appetite and weight loss, and it is important in treatment that the Muslim turns to his Lord and prays for healing from mental illness.[1]
A written prayer for the patient in the hospital for a speedy recovery
The importance of praying for myself and Muslims
In Islam, supplication has a very great affair, and it has a sublime position and a high rank. The one who calls for his soul finds nourishment and medicine, and with it he overcomes everything that affects it negatively, so that neither weakness nor despair infiltrate him, and among the importance and virtues of supplication are the following:[2]
- Supplication is one of the greatest and most beloved acts of worship to God Almighty, and supplication is the basis of worship, as the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, told about.
- By supplication, a Muslim obeys his Lord and complies with His commands, because He, Glory be to Him, commanded His servants to pray, and promised them to answer.
- Supplication is one of the most honorable matters to God and the most beloved to Him, and it is not more honorable to God than supplication.
- The supplication of a Muslim for himself or for his Muslim brother is a reason to ward off calamity and remove God’s wrath from His servants.
- Supplication is a protection from incapacity, so if a Muslim supplicates for healing from mental illness, then God will not waste him.
- The caller is always with God.
Prayers for healing from mental illness
In the modern era, mental and spiritual diseases have multiplied, and the forms, types and forms of diseases have multiplied, and people have strived for treatment and spent money and time in order to treat them. The Noble Qur’an was revealed as guidance for people, and in it is healing and mercy. So the Muslim must seek a lot of refuge from the accursed Satan and remember God, and a lot of remembrances of ruqyah and supplication, and it is possible to supplicate with the supplication that will be mentioned in the following:[3]
I seek refuge in the perfect words of God from the evil of what He has created, I seek refuge in the perfect words of God from every devil and vermin and from every evil eye, In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful. O Allah, O Most Merciful, Most Merciful, protect me with Your protection and cover me with Your protection, O Allah, O Healer, O healer, O Who in Your Hand is the kingdom of everything. And keep me away from troubles in this world and mismanagement, with your mercy, O Most Merciful, Most Merciful, I ask You for endless happiness and endless joy.
A prayer for the sick on Friday is written.. Prayers for the sick to recover on Friday
A prayer to get rid of mental illness
Any Muslim who is exposed to psychological distress and life pressures can pray to God with the supplication of healing from mental illness, and if he is not suffering, a Muslim can pray for his Muslim brother who suffers from this disease and other diseases. We offer the best supplication to get rid of mental illness:
Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, we praise our God as you love and are satisfied, God bless our master Muhammad and his family and companions and peace abundantly, there is no god but God, the Forbearing, the Generous, Lord of the Great Throne, God I ask you that you are God, the One, the One, the Eternal, the Eternal, who was not begotten, was not begotten, nor was he born. No one is equal to him to comfort my heart and the heart of my brother, O God, you know what is in our hearts and minds, so keep us away from all the distress we feel, O Allah, heal our hearts, explain our chests, and enlighten our minds, O Allah, we entrust our souls, bodies, minds and thoughts, O Allah, protect them for us, and keep us away from all our worries and sorrows. Oh God, we entrust ourselves, our lives and our capacities to you, so honor us with your kindness and forgiveness, O One of the great kindness.
A prayer for the sick to heal himself
Illness and sickness are nothing but a test from God, the Blessed and Exalted, and it is a reason for expiating the sins of the servant and his sins, and the sick person must know that God Almighty loves him, for God Almighty, if he loves a slave of his servants, will test him, so the patient’s duty is to be patient and to take advantage of this test. With supplication and conversing with God Almighty and thanking Him in all cases, and here is the supplication for a sick person to heal himself:
O God, O Friendly, O Friendly, O Possessor of the Glorious Throne, O Beginner, O Helper, O Effectiveer of what You desire, I ask You by the light of Your Face that filled the pillars of Your Throne, and I ask You by Your power by which You have decreed over all Your creation, and I ask You by Your mercy that encompasses everything, to restore my health and well-being, and to clothe me with a garment. Healing with your mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful, O God, grant me healing and wellness from every disease and every disease, O God, make this disease an expiation for my sins, and a place for my sins, O God, I stood at your door, so do not want me disappointed, O Lord of the worlds, O Lord, I seek refuge in You, and I ask You for disease and sickness Conclusion and steadfastness upon death, O Great, O Generous One, and blessings and peace be upon our Master Muhammad and all his family and companions, and praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.
Supplication for entering operations, the best 100 supplications for the patient in the operating room
A prayer for the mentally ill
Supplication is considered the greatest and most honorable of worship with God, the Blessed and Exalted, as well as supplication for others in the back of the unseen. , the supplication is:
O Allah, O Great, O Generous, O Halim, O Wise, O Strong, O Mighty, there is no god but You, Glory be to You, I was one of the wrongdoers. And his soul, O Lord of the worlds, O Lord, I ask You by Your Greatest Name, by which if You are called upon, You answer, and if You are asked by it You are given, to restore health and wellness to my Muslim brother by Your mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful, O Helper, help him, O Helper, help him, O Helper, help him, O Allah, heal him from every disease, You are Healer, healthy, O God, I supplicate to You and ask You by every name that is Yours, by which You named Yourself, or memorized it in the knowledge of the unseen with You, or revealed it in Your Book, or taught it to any of Your creation, to heal and heal it, and to clothe it with the garment of health and safety from all harm, and praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. .
A prayer of distress, depression and fear
Every human being on the face of the earth suffers distress, depression and fear, and these things are from the whispers of Satan, and they can cause him a lot of suffering and inconvenience. and obedience to Him, so here is a good supplication that a Muslim may supplicate with if he is afflicted with fear, distress or depression:
O God, You are my Lord, there is no god but You, You created me and I am Your servant, and I abide by Your covenant and promise as much as I can, I seek refuge in You from the evil of what I have done, and I acknowledge Your favor upon me, and I acknowledge my sin, so forgive me, for no one forgives sins except You, O God, make in my obedience and my closeness to You a demise for them and my sadness, and bring me out with it from the throat of the narrow to the widest of the way, O Allah, explain my chest for me, ease my affairs for me, forgive me my sin, and loosen the knot of my tongue, O Allah, make the Qur’an a light for me in my path, and make your remembrance the fragrance of my tongue, and make me among the righteous who love them and are satisfied with them. Go away from my anxiety and my grief, and lift the distress from my heart and my chest, and grant me happiness after sadness, and comfort and tranquility after misery, and grant me your love and the love of those who love you, O Most Generous, and bless our Master Muhammad and all his family and companions, Amen.
A prayer for the sick for a speedy recovery and the best 50 prayers for the sick written and short
Prayers for the patient for a speedy recovery
In what follows, we will learn about the best and most beautiful supplications for the sick for a speedy recovery. Praying for the sick is one of the blessed prophetic traditions, and by which the one who prays obtains goodness and reward from God Almighty, the patient also benefits from it by His permission, and the supplications are:
- Oh God, you are the healer, heal our sick, and you are the healer, restore his health and well-being, oh God, forgive him his sins, Oh God, make him in this disease atonement for his sins and his sins, and be satisfied with him, O Lord of the worlds, that you are over all things.
- O Lord of the worlds, O Most Merciful of this world and Most Merciful in the Hereafter, have mercy on our patient and relieve him of affliction and pain, relieve him of aches, and inspire him patience for what I have afflicted him with.
- O Allah, include our patient with your kindness and mercy, and make him one of the patient who counts for your honorable face, O Allah, clothe our patient with the garment of health and safety from every disease, and make him in your worship, remembrance and thank you healing.
- Oh God, O releaser of worries, and remover of distress and gloom, take away distress and sickness from him, and make for him a great reward in his patience, O Lord of the worlds, O Lord, send down your mercy on him, and be satisfied with him in this world and the hereafter.
Healing verses from the Holy Quran
In the following, we will present some of the noble verses of the Wise Remembrance, which were mentioned in the blessed Sunnah as being among the signs of healing, God willing, and the verses are:
- God Almighty said: {Fight them; God will torment them at your hands and will disgrace them and help you over them and heal the hearts of your people.}[4]
- God Almighty said: {O people, an admonition has come to you from your Lord, a cure for what is in the breasts, a guidance and a mercy.}[5]
- God Almighty said: {Then eat of all the fruits and follow the ways of your Lord made easy come out of their bellies a drink of varying colors, wherein is healing for people in this is a sign for those who reflect}.[6]
- God Almighty said: {And we send down from the Qur’an that which is a healing and a mercy for the believers, and it does not increase the wrongdoers except in loss.}[7]
- God Almighty said: {And it is He who feeds me and gives me drink, and when I am sick, He heals}.[8]
- God Almighty said: If we made the Koran Oagamaa said Lula was separated and Arabic verses Ooagama Say is for those who believe guidance and healing and those who do not believe in their ears, which they revere blindness those calling from a distant place}.[9]
The patient’s prayer for himself for a speedy recovery is written and answered
On here, we have come to the end of our article, the prayer of healing from mental illness, as we have presented in this article prayers for healing from mental illness, as well as some prayers for a speedy recovery and for distress, fear and depression, in addition to talking about mental illness and the importance of supplication for the patient, and we mentioned some of the healing verses in The Holy Quran.
خاتمة لموضوعنا دعاء الشفاء من المرض النفسي ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.