أهمية العمل في حياة الانسان

أهمية العمل في حياة الانسان , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

The importance of work in human life, as the interpretation of the concept of work varies from one site to another according to its purpose, as it is related to every activity carried out by living and non-living organisms. They are all natural and work continuously, and man, in his turn, works like all other creatures that God created and commanded to work. The reference. We will learn about the importance of work, its types, characteristics, benefits, labor rights, opportunities, reasons for losing them, and how to preserve them.

Introduction to work

Work is the result of a long historical process that extended from the beginning of creation on the face of the earth to this day, and it is an essential characteristic in human life, since work is the reason for man’s survival, continuity and movement in the levels of life and the advancement of himself, his family, colleagues, friends and society to a better life, and in particular we Muslims are commanded to work From our Creator, and this is what the Noble Prophet urged us to do, who continued to work throughout his honorable life, and taught him the most honorable means, the noblest ends and the loftiest meanings. other creatures.[1]

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The importance of work in a person’s life

Many consider work to be a means of obtaining money only or collecting wealth and wealth, etc., but in fact it has an important place in human life for many reasons, including:[1]

  • Work is an indispensable means of enhancing one’s senses of personal and public interest.
  • Work is the pillar of the social organization and the existential organization of individuals within society.
  • It enhances integration and social solidarity between individuals with each other on the one hand, and between individuals and society on the other.
  • Work helps one develop an understanding of society, individuals, and the general issues that concern them.
  • It improves the psychological state of the human being and creates from him a person who is reconciled with himself and others.
  • It enhances the individual’s sense of belonging to the surrounding social environment.
  • Work motivates people to cooperate with the weak and poor groups of society.
  • Work protects people from being lost, as the majority of those who commit theft crimes are unemployed.

The importance of work to the individual

Work is an important feature in structuring an individual’s personality, including personal and social identity, strengthening family and social ties, and integrity in ways of making money. Constantly with new people.

The importance of work in building society

Work is an important feature in enhancing community cohesion and safety, increasing civic participation and advancing the wheel of progress, as all members of society are responsible for its progress and advancement with the help of the state, and this would enhance social and economic development.

Work definition

With regard to the human being, work is defined as the effort exerted, whether mental or physical, by the human being to produce a kind of self-integration in the needs of the individual and the services he provides towards the place he works or the social environment and the surrounding community, and accordingly the work expresses the achievement of benefit For the individual and the community and other individuals related to that individual and living in the same community.[2]

types of work

Work is the mainstay in living and coexisting in life. It is a group of efforts made to achieve the needs of the individual and society. Work is divided into two types based on the previous definition that we mentioned:[2]

  • Mental work: It depends on mental effort and is usually practiced by managers or employees inside offices in all forms of work.
  • Physical work: It depends on muscular effort and is usually practiced by executive workers in factories or construction sites, and it also requires the use of the mind.

Work Benefits

The benefit of work in general comes from being negative or positive in human life. Among the positive benefits of work are the following:[2]

  • Work is the source of livelihood: work provides life sustenance and secures the necessary needs of the individual and the family.
  • Work develops experience: The experience that a person acquires from university after graduation is only refined and developed by the practical experience that a person acquires through the practice of work.
  • Reaching competence: The repetition of new experiences and situations during work generates the ability for a person to gain knowledge and reach efficiency at work.
  • Developing areas of life: the work that a person does can be linked to other types of work, and this helps him to gain knowledge in a different field.
  • Work strengthens communication and develops personality: during work, a person meets new people, and this pushes him to create new relationships, making him an integrative person capable of social communication.
  • Work enhances human health: it is a daily sport that a person must do to maintain general health.

Psychological benefits of work

There are many psychological benefits of working in a person’s life, but the main benefit of it is to make noise and interact in it. A person’s life without work may make a person depressed or introverted and antisocial, and this causes many psychological crises such as personality disorder, loss of self-confidence, and so on.

Benefits of working in Islam

Islam, from its inception, urged people to act according to God’s command and within the limits that He set for His servants, which His great Prophet and His Noble Qur’an taught us. Negligence in duties, man’s shortcomings towards his family, and many of the rulings that Islam urges us upon.

Characteristics of successful work in human life

Good work in human life is linked to several specific characteristics that must be present in this work in order for it to be suitable as a permanent job, including:[3]

  • Skill appreciation: The person must have the right to be able to use the various skills acquired, and this is a motivating factor for him to continue working.
  • Job security: This involves several important basics such as compensation, salary scale, incentives, bonuses, etc.
  • Flexible work: This is directly related to the work environment and how to facilitate the process of reconciling work and personal life of the worker.
  • Career progression: This is a very important matter. Every person looks at work as a profession of the future, and therefore there must be room for career progression in the near and far future.

Factors affecting the availability of job opportunities

Seizing opportunities is an important issue in a person’s practical life. Not all opportunities come back or come like them in proportion to the person’s qualifications and the privileges that the job provides for him, but sometimes there are obstacles that prevent him from obtaining the job, including:[3]

  • The increase factor: every job opportunity is threatened with loss and loss due to the number of applicants, and this causes a problem in a number of countries, as the value of the demand for the job is more than the number of jobs.
  • Social factor: It is directly related to the number of people who can work in light of their social ties, such as the work of a woman.
  • The cultural factor: It is related to learning and the priority of distributing job opportunities.
  • The economic factor: it is often poured into the crucible of low wages despite the competencies, which is often due to the increase in the workforce.

Reasons for losing the opportunity to get a job

The process of hiring or job acceptance is usually linked to successful personal interviews conducted by potential employees, and this involves several factors that must be met by the advanced employee and that the recruiters must see clearly. The following are some of the reasons for losing the opportunity to get a job, including:[3]

  • Lack of preparation: The first reason for not getting a job is the lack of good preparation for the interview in terms of mental or physical preparation, or the failure to prepare an adequate report on the company and study it.
  • Disrespect for the interview: It is one of the important reasons for losing the opportunity, such as disrespecting the interview and the interlocutors and appearing in an inappropriate appearance that reflects the chaos and recklessness at work.
  • Disorganized thought and poor communication: When the potential employee lacks organization in his ideas and is unable to communicate them to the interviewer, it is difficult to establish good communication, which generates a bad idea for the interviewer that prevents him from getting a job.
  • Psychological state and pressure: The job acceptance process is one of the important stages in the life of any person, and this generates phobias, fear and pressure, which makes the employee lose the ability to convey the true image of his skill.

labor rights

The Labor Rights Law is one of the most important laws that prevent the exploitation of the working classes around the world. Among the most important internationally recognized labor rights are the following:[4]

  • Every individual in society has the right to have the opportunity to earn his living through work that he freely chooses or accepts without exploitation.
  • Be the right of every worker to enjoy just and satisfactory working conditions and not to differentiate between workers except on the level of employment, especially in wages.
  • The wage must reach the minimum level that guarantees a decent living for the workers and their families.
  • The system of the company, factory or any workplace must guarantee equal opportunity for promotion to all workers except for the conditions of seniority and competence.
  • The entity employing the workers shall ensure that safe and healthy working conditions are secured for the workers, including public safety measures.
  • The labor law shall stipulate in the contract concluded between the two parties specifying rest and leisure times, official working hours, the system of paid holidays, bonuses, etc.
  • The entity employing the workers shall abide by the right to secure compensation in cases of injury at work, in addition to the right of each employee to the retirement salary at the end of service.
  • Every worker has the right to belong to a labor union, as the trade union is the one who speaks on behalf of the workers and demands their legitimate rights, such as the right to strike in the event of a grievance, provided that these procedures are carried out within the framework of the laws in force in the state.

Employers’ rights

Employers have the right to take their rights when employees do not respect their responsibilities or in the event of dereliction of work, and this allows employers to take some legal measures such as:[4]

  • Employers have the right to discipline employees such as giving a written warning or legally suspending their work.
  • Other actions such as giving a letter to evaluate their performance or demotion can be done.
  • Employers have the right to fire employees if they do something very dangerous such as stealing, willful negligence, or intentional sabotage.
  • Employers have the right to market employees to the court for compensation in the event of a violation of the terms of the agreement in the employment contract, such as the employee’s resignation without informing the employer or before the date mentioned in the employment contract.

work duties

There are also rights for workers that are guaranteed by law in the state. On the other hand, there are also many duties that every worker must abide by, which are the rights of the employer over workers, including:[4]

  • The worker has no right to do any work that might affect the health and safety of others at work.
  • Workers must abide by instructions from subordinates in a way that does not affect their dignity or health. For example, if the employer asks the employee to do something dangerous or illegal, then the employee is not obligated to follow these instructions.
  • That the worker be honest and perform his work honestly and proficiently without faltering or laziness.
  • Respect for co-workers, respect for subordinates, job hierarchy, and not to harm anyone’s dignity or be harmed by anyone, whether verbal abuse, bullying or beating.
  • That the worker not be a cause of harm to the company’s interests, for example, by not transferring the company’s secrets to a competing company or revealing customers’ secrets.

The importance of work in human life pdf

We have seen in this article the importance of work in human life at the personal level of the individual and society and its benefits on all other levels. Given the importance of this topic, we present to the readers this article as a pdf file that can be downloaded “from here” to remain a reference that is easy to return to in time of need.

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The importance of work in a person’s life doc

Despite the development in the world of technologies and the speed of searching for what a person wants, the written word remains easier to access, and in order to achieve the maximum benefit from the content in the form of a doc file that can be downloaded “from here” to be used as a Word file that can be printed on paper.

With this amount of information, we come to the end of our article, which was titled The importance of work in human life, which we started with an introduction to work and through which we learned about work and its importance for the individual and society and its benefits at all levels and types, as well as the rights and duties of employers and workers.

خاتمة لموضوعنا أهمية العمل في حياة الانسان ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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