علاج نزول ماء من المهبل عند البنات

علاج نزول ماء من المهبل عند البنات , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

Treatment for water from the vagina in girls is one of the most important things that occupies the mind of every girl, especially if she is an old woman on the verge of marriage and has never been married before. Pregnancy or when there is a problem with the uterus only and certainly all girls are afraid of uterine diseases, especially before they marry or become pregnant because they dream of the moment when they will have children. From her vagina to find out its causes and treatment.

Water coming from the vagina

Although the discharge of water from the vagina is apparently a cause for concern, in fact it is completely normal and happens to all girls, especially after the onset of menstruation by about six months or a little more in some cases. The main reason for the discharge of vaginal secretions in general is the high percentage of estrogen In girls’ bodies, the shape, density and color of this water differ from one girl to another according to her physical structure, but it is certain that this water greatly benefits the vaginal area in the following matters:

  • It prevents the problem of vaginal dryness and moisturizes it.
  • It cleanses the vagina from harmful bacteria.
  • It rids the vagina of unpleasant odor.
  • Removes dead cells from the vagina.

White secretions such as cutting tissues, causes and treatment methods

Types of vaginal discharge

The vagina usually secretes a lot of fluids of multiple colors, and its density varies from one girl to another, depending on the health status, the estrogen hormone level, and other physical differences that exist between girls. The following explains the types of vaginal secretions in detail:

White vaginal discharge

White vaginal secretions are secretions produced by the body after menstruation. The following are the characteristics of white vaginal secretions:

  • White vaginal discharge in terms of shape: Vaginal discharge is usually mucous, white, and odorless.
  • White vaginal secretions in terms of causes: White vaginal secretions are secreted in order to preserve the uterus from infections and also prevent bacteria from reaching the cervix.

Watery vaginal discharge

Watery vaginal secretions are natural secretions that the body produces at many times, and we explain their characteristics in the following lines:

  • Watery vaginal discharge in terms of form: Watery vaginal secretions are clear, liquid, and odorless.
  • Watery vaginal secretions in terms of causes: The causes of watery vaginal secretions can be sexual arousal that the woman did not manage, or vaginal moistening before or after the onset of the menstrual cycle.

Brown vaginal discharge

Brown vaginal discharge does not occur regularly, or even for many girls, and here we explain all about these secretions:

  • Brown vaginal discharge in terms of shape: Brown vaginal discharge is mucous, brown, and odorless.
  • Brown vaginal secretions in terms of causes: In fact, brown vaginal secretions do not indicate anything because they are old blood that did not come out completely at the time of the menstrual cycle, so the uterus expels it through vaginal secretions.

What is the cause of secretions such as water, and what are the cases that require a visit to the doctor?

Green or yellow vaginal discharge

Yellow or green secretions are among the secretions that every girl should worry about as soon as she sees them, as they indicate the presence of a physical problem that she has. We show its characteristics in the following lines:

  • Green or yellow vaginal secretions in terms of shape: The secretions are green or yellowish, mucous in texture and usually accompanied by a bad smell.
  • Green or yellow vaginal secretions for reasons: These secretions indicate the presence of a microbial or viral infection that has infected the uterus and may be evidence of the transmission of a sexually transmitted disease to the woman.

red vaginal discharge

Red vaginal discharge at a time other than the menstrual cycle may be a sign of many things, including pregnancy, for example, one of the signs of which is bleeding as a result of the implantation of the egg in the lining of the uterus. Here we explain all of these secretions:

  • Red vaginal discharge in terms of shape: They are red vaginal secretions that are odorless and have a mucous consistency.
  • Red vaginal secretions in terms of causes: The cause of these secretions may be a hormonal imbalance, thyroid problems, pregnancy, or an infection in the uterus, so a woman should consult a doctor as soon as she sees these red secretions.

Water coming down for a married woman

There are many reasons that could be the main factor in the discharge of water for a married woman, and these reasons are:

  • Pregnancy of the woman and the descent of these secretions from the vagina to clean it.
  • If the woman is sexually aroused or in the course of her private relationship with her husband.
  • Water comes out of a woman in menopause due to the change in hormones and the lack of estrogen in the body, which prompts the vagina to try to moisturize itself by dropping this water.
  • When a woman takes drugs that prevent pregnancy.

The secretions of the beginning of pregnancy, how they look, what are their indications, and the cases that require a visit to the doctor

Does vaginal water leakage mean pregnancy?

Water coming out of the vagina does not mean pregnancy in all cases, but it does mean pregnancy if the following things coincide with it:

  • If the descent of water from the vagina coincided with the woman’s interruption of the menstrual cycle for a month or more, then the vagina downloads watery secretions as a result of the increase in the estrogen hormone in the woman in preparation for receiving a child inside the womb.
  • If the thickness of the vaginal secretions increases after a period of time from the beginning of its descent from the woman.
  • If these secretions are not accompanied by any bad symptoms such as itching or bad smell.

Yellow discharge before period and I came out pregnant

Causes of water coming out of the vagina in girls

There are many reasons that may lead to vaginal discharge in girls, including:

  • The reason may be a girl’s vaginitis, a viral or bacterial infection.
  • A girl’s high estrogen levels during her ovulation days may lead to white water coming out of her vagina.
  • If the girl has gonorrhea, this may be the reason for the water coming out of her vagina. This disease usually accompanies several other symptoms besides the water coming out, such as itching, vaginal pain and unpleasant odor.
  • Infection of the vagina with a fungal infection.
  • Water coming out of the vagina may be the result of taking medications that contain cortisone or some types of antibiotics.
  • If the girl has diabetes.
  • The cause of water coming out of the vagina may be uterine diseases in general, such as tumors and others.

Symptoms of water coming out of the vagina in girls

Water in girls is a normal thing that occurs frequently, but it may be accompanied by other symptoms that indicate health problems for the girl, and these symptoms are:

  • If the secretions are not white or transparent, if they are in any colors other than these colors.
  • If the normal vaginal secretions are accompanied by other secretions with an unpleasant smell and a sticky nature.
  • If the secretions are accompanied by a burning sensation, an urge to scratch the genital area, or an unpleasant smell.
  • If there is pain in the uterine region.

Treatment of water from the vagina in girls

If the discharge of water from the vagina in girls is mainly due to pathological reasons such as bacterial infection or dryness of the vagina, there is no doubt that it has many solutions and treatments that a girl can use to get rid of this problem.[1]

Vaginal suppository

Vaginal suppository is a type of medicine that eliminates viruses and microbes that are found inside the uterus. It is closer to a topical antibiotic and can be used as follows:

  • The vagina is thoroughly cleaned and then dried.
  • The suppository is placed inside the pusher into the vagina.
  • Spread the legs apart and raise one of them, and this can be using the toilet seat by raising one of the feet above it.
  • Pushing the suppository into the vagina through the insertion device.

metronidazole tablets

Metronidazole tablets can be used to treat problems with bacterial infections affecting the uterus. It is considered one of the most effective antibiotics in eliminating bacteria, but it should be noted that this medicine is not allowed to be taken without the doctor’s permission, as its side effects may be worse than the disease itself if recklessness occurs. It is taken in the wrong doses.

Herbal treatment for water leakage from the vagina

Although there are many pharmaceutical drugs, many women still prefer to use home recipes to get rid of problems related to the female parts of their bodies, because they are less in side effects and more abundant in homes, as it has been tried by many women and for the treatment of water loss From the vagina many herbal home recipes, namely:

saffron recipe

Saffron contains a lot of antioxidants, which makes it able to completely eliminate the bacteria that infect the uterus and within a short period of time. Saffron can be eaten to treat water loss in the following way:

  • Boil one teaspoon of saffron in one cup of water.
  • The mixture is taken four times daily.
  • A little sugar can be added to saffron after boiling if the woman cannot tolerate its taste without sugar.

Sodium bicarbonate recipe

Many women use sodium bicarbonate to relieve itching in the vagina and eliminate bacteria and fungi in it. This recipe also reduces the sensitivity of the vagina, equalizes the acidity in it, and treats urinary tract infections. The sodium bicarbonate recipe can be used in the following way:

  • Dissolve one tablespoon of baking soda in a full liter of cold water and mix them together well.
  • Wash the vagina with a mixture of water on sodium bicarbonate.
  • Wash the vagina with plain cold water to remove the remaining water mixed with baking soda.
  • Dry the vagina well.
  • Women should do this method daily until the symptoms disappear for the best results.

Turmeric and Alum recipe

This recipe combines two types of herbs known for their great ability to eliminate bacteria and fungi in the uterus and can be used in the following way:

  • Mix one tablespoon of each type of herb with half a liter of water.
  • Wash the vagina with the herbal mixture.
  • Washing the vagina with plain water after washing it with the therapeutic mixture.
  • This method is performed once a day for the best result.

Coconut oil recipe

This oil is known to contain substances that help to eliminate bacteria and fungi in general. Therefore, women who suffer from bacterial vaginosis problems are advised to massage the vagina with coconut oil three times a day for the best result, leave for one hour, and then wash it from the genital area.

raspberry leaf recipe

Mulberry leaves can be used to treat problems with increased vaginal secretions by drinking the powder of these leaves, which contains effective substances in relieving vaginal infections and reducing its secretions. Two tablespoons of crushed mulberry leaves are boiled with a glass of water, then drink the mixture warm.

sandalwood oil

Sandalwood oil is one of the most important oils that can be used in treating vaginal problems. It kills fungi and harmful bacteria. To use it, a spoonful of it is boiled with a glass of water, then the vagina is washed with it after it cools down. For the best result, the recipe is repeated day after day.

Tips to prevent water from coming out of the vagina

The vaginal area is the area of ​​the female body that is most prone to health problems in it by nature because it is a wet area and is not exposed to ventilation, so every girl must adhere to the advice that we will mention in the following lines to maintain the health of that area:[2]

  • Change underwear periodically throughout the day to ensure its cleanliness.
  • Drying the vagina after washing it so that moisture does not increase in the genital area, making it a suitable environment for the growth of bacteria and fungi.
  • Girls should stay away from synthetic fibers and wear cotton underwear.
  • Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits, especially foods that contain antioxidants.
  • Drink more water throughout the day.
  • Use vaginal lubricants during intercourse to prevent infection in the vaginal area.

Cleanliness is part of faith and the cleanliness of the private parts of the body is one of the most important pillars of hygiene. In addition to the pain caused by health problems in the genital parts, it emits foul odors due to health problems in them in most cases. Therefore, we have explained in this article the treatment of vaginal water leakage in girls to be a reference Every girl has the right to treat vaginal discharge problems, whether through synthetic treatments or herbal recipes.

خاتمة لموضوعنا علاج نزول ماء من المهبل عند البنات ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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