دعاء للابناء بالتوفيق في الاختبارات

دعاء للابناء بالتوفيق في الاختبارات , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

A prayer for the children to succeed in the exams is what the topic of this article will discuss, as God Almighty created humans and made them live a life of adversity and testing, this life every day gives people lessons and lessons, and tests them in their patience, strength and faith. In their lives through school exams, the reference website is interested in mentioning the most prominent supplications for success for the children in their school exams, as well as showing the importance of supplications for success and facilitating and facilitating matters.

The importance of supplication in the life of a Muslim

Before mentioning a supplication for the children for success in the tests, it is necessary to talk about the importance of supplication in the life of a Muslim, for supplication is one of the greatest acts of worship, and the most beloved of it to God, it strengthens the relationship and brings it closer between the servant and his Lord, and God – Glory be to Him – loves the persistent servant in supplication, and He rewards him from His bounty with great reward And the great reward, and with its great reward and reward, has a great impact on the life of a Muslim. Du’a brings goodness and fulfills wishes, success, sustenance and success for a Muslim. Many Quranic verses and hadiths of the Noble Prophet that clarified the importance and virtues of supplication in a Muslim’s life, including:[1]

  • God Almighty said in Surah Ghafir: {And your Lord said: Call upon Me; I will respond to you. Indeed, those who are arrogant about My worship will enter them.}[2]
  • On the authority of al-Numan bin Bashir – may God be pleased with him – that the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – said: “Supplication is worship.” Then he recited {And your Lord said: Call upon Me, I will respond to you}.[3]
  • Abu Huraira – may God be pleased with him – also narrated that the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – said: “Pray to God while you are certain of the answer, and know that God does not respond to a supplication from a negligent, careless heart.”[4]
  • Ubadah ibn al-Samit – may God be pleased with him – narrated that the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – said: “There is no Muslim on earth who supplicates to God Almighty without giving it to him or turning away from him a similar evil, as long as he does not pray with a sin or a severing of ties of kinship.” The people, if we increase, God said more.”[5]
  • The Almighty also said in Surah Al-Baqarah: {And if My servants ask you about Me, then I am near.[6]

Written prayer for entering the exam 2021.. the best supplications to facilitate short exams

A prayer for the children for success in exams

Children are the most valuable thing a person has. They are a piece of the heart. When a person has children, he becomes responsible for them and eager to meet all their needs, and protect them from all bad or harm. The first thing that parents do is to immunize their children with prayers and ruqyah, and pray for them to reconcile them and facilitate their affairs, especially in times. The difficult times that children go through, such as during school exams, when children are tense and anxious, so parents are keen to pray for them to succeed in the exam, and these supplications are:

  • Oh God, there is nothing easy except what you make easy, if you wish, you make sadness easy, oh God, make this test easy for my children.
  • Oh God, grant success to my children and make every difficult thing easy for them.
  • Oh God, guide them and ease their affairs, and make their path lined with your mercy, protection and care.
  • Oh God, you are the best of preservers, protect my children and make them successful and superior.
  • I ask You, O God, to make my children the apple of my eye, to make me happy with their success, to make them among Your righteous and successful servants, and to give them the best of this world and the Hereafter.

A prayer for studying and memorizing

Prayers to facilitate the exam for children

After talking about the importance of supplication in the life of a Muslim, as well as a supplication for the children to succeed in the exams, it is necessary to mention some supplications to facilitate the exam for the children:

  • Oh God, facilitator of matters, ease their examination, and open their minds.
  • Oh God, explain the chest of my children and ease their affairs, and untie the knot from their tongue.
  • Oh God, put light in the heart of my children, light in their mind and light in their sight, Oh God, open their insight and ease their path.
  • Oh Lord, make this test easy for my children and make it easy for them and open to them the conquest of the gnostics.
  • Oh God, facilitator of every difficulty, and facilitator of every difficult, ease and ease this test for my children.

A prayer of facilitating difficult things tested

A prayer for the children in the exam

Supplication is the best way that a person resorts to in difficult times. In exams, the first thing that parents resort to is to pray for the children for success, payment and success. Some of the supplications for the children in the exam will be mentioned in the following:

  • Oh God, guide my children in the exam, and ease the difficult questions for them.
  • Oh God, explain their chests, ease their affairs, loosen a knot from their tongues, and ease the exam for them.
  • Oh God, guide my children to gain knowledge, and write them success and excellence.
  • Oh God, grant them wisdom, and useful knowledge, and open to them the conquests of the knowers, O Lord of the worlds.
  • Oh God, be with them at the time of forgetting, so remind them, and be with them at the time of asking, so help them to answer.
  • Oh God, grant my children a light in their sight and insight, be for them a helper and helper, and support them in their exam.

The most beautiful prayer to draw closer to God

A prayer for success for the children in the exam

Parents are always keen to pray for their children in all areas of their lives, and consider supplication as a responsibility and duty for them, and they pray for them to succeed in exams, supplication helps calm the student, and gives him the strength to memorize, we will mention in the following some of the supplications for the success of the children in the exam:

  • Oh God, write for my children success in this world and the hereafter, and help them to acquire knowledge.
  • Oh God, remind them if they forget, teach them if they are ignorant, bring peace to their hearts, and explain their chests.
  • Oh God, I entrust to you what my children read, and what they memorized, return it to them when they need it, that you are over all things.
  • Oh God, guide them to what you love and are satisfied with, and make them a role model for good, and benefit them and benefit them.
  • Oh God, expand their minds, grant them speedy understanding and memorization, inspire them to be correct while answering, and reach them to the highest ranks.
  • Oh God, O live, O Qayyum, honor my children with the light of understanding, open to them the knowledge of knowledge, improve their morals, and facilitate for them the doors of grace.

The virtue of a supplication: There is no god but You, Glory be to You, I was one of the wrongdoers

The most beautiful supplications for my children in exams

Children are among the most beautiful and most precious blessings of God – Glory be to Him – the parents bear all the troubles of life in order to make their children happy, and they wish to be among the best and most successful people. We will mention the most beautiful supplications for my children in exams as follows:

  • Oh God, you are the conciliator and the helper, and you have to rely and you have the whole matter, according to my children in every test they pass.
  • Oh God, make their tongue free, expand their minds, and grant them guidance and patience.
  • Oh God, protect my children for me, bless them in their time, and make the end of their effort and fatigue joy.
  • O Allah, open to them the conquests of the gnostics, grant them success in the righteous, and make them among Your righteous servants.
  • My Lord, explain their chests to them, and grant them success and payment, and help and righteousness.
  • Oh God, I ask you for my children to understand the prophets, and to protect the messengers, and the close angels, and make their hearts full of your love, and strength them to worship you, that you are over all things.
  • Oh God, be with them and do not be against them, and make the exam cool and peaceful for their hearts, and inspire them with the correct answer, O Lord.

A supplication to relieve anxiety and anguish and facilitate matters

Good luck prayer messages for children

After mentioning the importance of supplication and its impact on the lives of Muslims, and talking about a supplication for children to succeed in exams, and supplications for success and facilitating exams, it is necessary to formulate and present some phrases and supplications as messages to reconcile children in exams, which are mentioned in the following:

  • Oh God, guide my children to what You love and are pleased with. Oh God, grant them knowledge that they can benefit from, and work that will bring them closer to You, and reach them to the highest ranks in their religion, this world and the next.
  • Oh God, make my children role models for good, and strengthen their faith, and more than their successes.
  • Oh God, grant them light in their hearts, light in their faces, strength and success in their deeds.
  • O God, I ask You in Your Greatest Name, by which if You are called, You will answer, that You open my children to the conquest of the gnostics, grant them success, and grant them success, goodness, and success.
  • My Lord, I ask you to facilitate for my children the correct answer, and the correct writing, O Lord, understand them and teach them and make them successful, O Lord.
  • Oh God, write for them success, prosperity and success, teach them useful knowledge, benefit them with what they have learned, and force their thoughts, O Most Generous of the Most Generous.

A supplication to relieve anxiety and anguish and facilitate matters

The correct way to study before the exam and to facilitate the exam

After mentioning many supplications for the success and success of the children in the exam, it is necessary to clarify the ways and methods of studying in an orderly and correct manner, which are as follows:

  • That the student organize the subjects that he will study.
  • That the student begins with the subjects he loves, which are easy to memorize and study, and then follow with the difficult subjects, which require more effort.
  • Watching videos explaining the materials on the Internet, which helps him to understand in a simple and easy way.
  • To enhance memorization in writing, and to repeat reading the lesson to ensure that the information is memorized.
  • To review the basic concepts of each subject periodically.
  • That the student, after completing the study, do a test for himself, and evaluate his level, and the extent of his understanding and comprehension of the subject he studied.
  • Take a break every now and then, so he can stay focused, and better.
  • There is a very important point, which is the support of the parents for the student, thus raising morale and reducing tension, as well as reading supplications to facilitate the test.
  • That the student submit the exam within a distinguished group of friends, to give him the spirit of activity and challenge.
  • Be patient, avoid stress, and be sure that the student will succeed with excellence, God willing.
  • Stay away from staying up late, and forget the subject of the exam, to avoid insomnia.
  • Make sure to review previous exam questions, to learn how to ask the question, and how to answer it.
  • Review important information periodically.
  • After completing the revision, the student should give himself time to relax, rest, and sleep deeply, so that he can pass the exam well.
  • The most important thing is to pray for success and excellence, to take reasons and to rely on God.

A supplication for children on the day of Arafat, the best supplications for children on the day of Arafah

Pictures of prayers for children good luck in exams

In the following, pictures of supplications will be presented to the children for success in the exams:

At the conclusion of this article, which discussed a supplication for children to succeed in exams, he talked about the importance of supplication in the life of a Muslim, and a supplication for children to succeed in exams, and mentioned some supplications to facilitate exams and achieve success, and what are the most beautiful supplications for children in exams, and some messages of supplications for success in exams were enumerated For children, and what is the correct way to study before the exam and to facilitate the exam, as well as display some pictures of supplications for children to succeed in the exams.

خاتمة لموضوعنا دعاء للابناء بالتوفيق في الاختبارات ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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