موضوع عن الصدقة

موضوع عن الصدقة , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

A topic about charity. Charity is one of the things that Islam has made good for those who are able and those who are unable, where a poor Muslim can give charity even if it is with a half of dates, as came from our Noble Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, because of its great reward and great benefit that accrues to man and life in general, and through our next topic Through the reference website, we will discuss one of the most important topics in Islam and in our lives in general.

Introduction topic about charity

Charity in Islam is one of the worships desirable for every Muslim. Rather, it is considered one of the best acts of worship by which a person draws close to God Almighty. It benefits those who did it and those who took it. We find that the concept and its importance lies in its meaning. Exalted be He, and especially if a person does it in secret, its reward will be great and greater. It is also considered one of the beautiful things if a person does it in public if the purpose of it is where people are in this matter and encourage them to spend in the way of God Almighty.

topic about friendship

Charity is for a Muslim to deduct part of his money and pay it to the poor and needy to bring joy to them, and it is in itself a kind of thanking God Almighty for His innumerable blessings upon us. acts of worship that bring the servant of the Lord, has urged us our noble on charity as well as stated in the Qur’an in the words of God Almighty, {who spend their money in the way of Allah and then do not follow what they spend us or harm their reward with their Lord, and no fear, nor shall they grieve. }.[1]

Its legitimacy is from the Qur’an and Sunnah

It came in the Book of God and the Sunnah of His Noble Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, which indicates the legitimacy of charity and encouragement for it.

The legality of charity from the book

There are many verses in the Noble Qur’an that indicate its legitimacy, including the following:

  • God Almighty says: {If you disclose your alms, they are fine, and if you conceal them and give them to the poor, it is better for you.}[2]
  • God Almighty says: {God destroys usury and nurtures charity, and God does not love all sinful infidels.[3]
  • God Almighty says: {There is no good in many of their secret secrets, except for those who enjoin alms.}[4]

The legality of charity from the year

Many hadiths have been narrated from our master Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, which indicate its legitimacy, including the following:

  • The Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – said: “The people of Paradise are three, with authority, equal, giver, giver, benevolent.”[5]
  • The saying of the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him -: “We are not bequeathed, as long as we leave it is charity.”[6]

Charity etiquette

There is a set of etiquettes that a Muslim giving charity must be aware of and must adhere to.

  • We must purify the heart from showing off and bragging about charity: because these things nullify its virtues and they are a cause of torment on the Day of Resurrection. God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him -: “The owner of the money will be brought and he will say, ‘God did I not give you so much that I did not leave you in need of anyone. It is said so-and-so is a horse, and it was said that “to his saying: “These three are the first of God’s creation with whom the Fire will be engulfed on the Day of Resurrection.”[7]
  • Manna and harm, should not be tracked or harm because they Abtalan virtues and the reward is not accepted by God from Motassadek because Allah the Almighty: {O you who believe, do not vain Sedkatkm harm aphid spends his money like the one seen of the people and does not believe in Allah and the Last Day}[8]Also, the Muslim should know that the kindness and giving are from God Almighty and that the giver of charity is in need of reward and the merit of charity is like the one who receives charity.
  • Preferably in secret and not in public, because God is added pay only if for Muslims urged to charity, where God said Almighty: {that seems alms Venama is even conceal them and give them to the poor is the best for you and make atonement for you from your sins, and God what you do expert }.[9]
  • It must be from money whose source is halal and good: because God does not accept unlawful earnings and he may also give it in charity, as the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – said: It was a date, so grow it in the hand of the Most Gracious so that it is greater than a mountain, just as one of you would grow his cavalry or his family.”[10]
  • The poor and the needy: where you must reach the most needy people, as Islam prefers that it be for the relatives first, so the reward of charity for them is higher and greater than the poor and needy, as the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – said: .[11]

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Categories that deserve charity

He came in the Holy Qur’an to clarify the categories that deserve an eight came in the words of God Almighty: {but alms to the poor and the needy and the workers on whose hearts and in the necks and Debtors in the way of Allah and the wayfarer ordained by Allah, and Allah is Knowing, Wise}[12]As for volunteering, it is one of the desirable things and acts of obedience by which the servant draws close to his Lord, according to the saying of the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – which was referred to previously:[13]

Conditions for accepting charity

In order for God to accept it and for its doer to obtain the full reward and reward, three conditions must be met, as explained to us by our Noble Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, and our true religion, which are as follows:

  • The sincerity of faith in God Almighty, because God Almighty does not accept it except from a true believer in his faith and love for God Almighty, because of His saying: {And whoever does righteous deeds while he is a believer, he does not fear oppression or injustice.}[14]
  • The one who does it must be sincere with the intention of God by his righteous deed, because the condition for the acceptance of righteous deeds is that the intention be purely for God, as He, the Most High, said: {So whoever hopes to meet his Lord, let him do a righteous deed and not associate with Him in worship}.[15]
  • Agreeing with the Prophet’s guidance: Because God does not accept deeds unless they are on the approach of our master Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, because of his saying – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him -: “Whoever performs an action that is not in accordance with our command, it will be rejected.”[16]

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Kinds of charity

It is divided into two sections, and each section includes many types of charity, which are as follows:

Charity of money and material alms

Examples include:

  • Spending on family, one of the most important and best types of alms is that a man is responsible for spending on his family and tries as much as possible to meet their demands and to count his work for the sake of God; On the authority of Saad bin Abi Waqqas, on the authority of the Prophet – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – he said: “You will not spend anything that seeks God’s pleasure but that you will be rewarded for it, even a morsel you raise to me in your wife.”[17]
  • The most important charity that reaps its reward and reaps its virtue on the one who gives it is the cultivation of plants and trees, and this was confirmed by our Holy Prophet in his saying – may God bless him and grant him peace -: charity”.[18]
  • Sponsoring orphans that a Muslim does, and it has a greater reward with God Almighty in this world and the hereafter, and the Prophet – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – said: “The one who sponsors an orphan for him or for someone else, he and I are like these two in Heaven.”[19]
  • Relatives and neighbors, as mentioned in the words of the Almighty, the Most High: {And the neighbor who is a relative and the neighbor who is next to you}.[20]
  • Ongoing charity, the reward of which remains even after the death of the one who does it. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “If a man dies, his deeds are cut off except for three: a righteous child who prays for him, ongoing charity, or knowledge that is benefited from.”[21]

Spiritual alms

These are some of the acts of worship and obedience that a Muslim performs with the aim of getting closer to God Almighty, including the following.

  • Reciting dhikr and glorification: For the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Every tasbeeh is a charity, every takbeer is a charity, every tahmeedah is a charity, and every tahlilah is a charity.”[22]
  • Prayers for Muslims.
  • Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice.
  • Teaching people what works for them.
  • Read the Qur’an and teach it to people.
  • Removing harm from the road, as he, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “Removing harm from the road is charity.”[23]
  • Helping people and giving help.
  • Pay people off.

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The virtues and benefits of charity

God, Glory be to Him, does not legislate a matter of religion that does not benefit us.

  • Sins are expiated and sins removed: This is because the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – said: “And charity extinguishes sin as water extinguishes fire.”[24]
  • You will be saved from the torment and the heat on the Day of Resurrection: This is because the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – said: “Every person is in the shade of his charity, until it is judged between people.”[25]
  • The blessing increases in life and the increase in money: This is because of the words of God – the Most High -: {And whatever you spend, He replaces it, and He is the best of Providers}.[26]
  • The livelihood is multiplied and the good is increased: This is because the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – said: “Are you helped and sustenance only through your weaknesses?”[27]

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The best thing about charity

Tarfa bin Al-Abd: He folded the island until a news came to me, in which I terrified my hopes for a lie, until if he did not leave me with charity, hope, it rose with tears until it almost shone in me.

Ibn al-Qayyim: Four things make the body sick: talking a lot – sleeping a lot – eating a lot – having a lot of intercourse, four things that destroy the body: worry – sadness – hunger – staying up late, four things that dry the face and take away its water and its joy, lying – rudeness – and a lot of questioning without knowledge – and a lot of immorality. And four increase in the water of the face and its joy: piety – loyalty – generosity – and chivalry, and four bring sustenance the night prayer – and a lot of forgiveness at dawn – and the pledge of charity – and remembrance at the beginning and end of the day, and three things prevent sustenance from sleeping in the morning – lack of prayer – and laziness

Ahmed Al Shugairi: Your refusal to throw garbage in the street means that you provide a bow to the back of the cleaner. Is there any kindness to you?! Reducing sustenance through charity –

Ali bin Abi Talib: Do not give charity to the individual, but to the person – Aristotle. Charity is never lost – Jean Le Bon. If they provide for people according to their minds, you will find more than you think to give alms – Saleh Abdul Quddus.

Imam Muhammad Al-Ghazali: “The imposed zakat is not a tax taken from pockets, but rather it is first to instill feelings of tenderness and compassion and to consolidate the relations of acquaintance and familiarity between the various classes. The Qur’an states the purpose of paying zakat by saying: Take alms from their money to purify them and purify them with it. Cleansing oneself from the sins of inferiority and exaltation in society to a nobler level is the first wisdom. For this reason, the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, expanded on the significance of the word “charity” that a Muslim should give. He said: Your smiling in the face of your brother is charity, enjoining good and forbidding evil is charity, guiding a man into the land of misguidance is charity for you, removing harm, thorns and bones from the road is charity for you, and emptying your bucket into Your brother’s bucket is charity for you, and your sight for a man with poor eyesight is charity for you. And these teachings in the desert environment that lived for ages on quarrels and strife refer to the goals that Islam drew and led the Arabs in the dark pre-Islamic era.

Ibn Taymiyyah: “In the two Sahihs on the authority of Abu Hamid al-Saadi, may God be pleased with him, he said: The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, used a man from Al-Azd called Ibn al-Latbiyah to give charity, and when he came, he said: This is for you, and this was given to me. And he said: What is the matter with a man that we use him to do the work that God has entrusted to us, so he says: This is for you, and this was given to me, so would he not sit in his father’s house or his mother’s house and see whether it was given to him or not? By the One in Whose Hand is my soul, he will not take anything from him, except that he will bring it on the Day of Resurrection carrying it on his neck, if it is a camel that has frothing, or a cow that is bellowing, or a sheep that is moaning, then he raised his hands until we saw the shame of his armpits. Oh God, have you reached? Oh God, did you reach,? three

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Conclusion of a topic about charity

Honesty is one of the desirable acts of worship and obedience and is not an obligation on Muslims, but our noble Prophet urged us to do it to get closer to God Almighty and obtain His reward in this world and the hereafter, as we must and sincerely intend in all acts of worship to God Almighty, so that God accepts it and removes affliction from it and spreads goodness and abundant sustenance to us.

At the conclusion of our topic on charity, we have clarified all the matters related to charity in addition to its types and categories that crush charity, the preference of charity over its giver over the one who takes it, and all what was mentioned from the Book and the Prophetic Sunnah about the importance of charity and its impact on the life of the individual.

خاتمة لموضوعنا موضوع عن الصدقة ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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