موضوع عن التعليم عن بعد , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
A topic about distance education? Distance learning, especially e-learning, is one of the most important means that we follow nowadays as an alternative to traditional learning. Educational centers are no longer the only place in which we can learn, and it is now possible to receive education through easy remote means without leaving home, nor Distance learning is a new method of education, but it has developed significantly in recent times, and to dig deeper in this field, the reference site will present this article to us to learn how to write a topic about distance education.
Introduction to distance education
Education in life is an indispensable tool as it nourishes the human mind and gives it stability in professional and personal life, and makes the person able to understand and deal with things in a better way in life, and education helps the person to acquire various skills and makes the person socially connected with others. Not only the social environment in which he lives, but also the communication with people of different cultures, education is the only way to deal with the constant change in our lives so that we can move forward with ease, and in our time, education is available everywhere and not only in schools and universities , The distance education technology is a vivid and realistic example of the process of education easily.
A topic about distance education
Distance education: is the provision of science by the teacher to the seekers of knowledge, but not as usual. The teacher presents his lessons through various means, not like education in traditional schools. Without the trouble of going to schools and universities, and this saves us time, and gives us a greater opportunity for students who live in remote places, or some students who cannot move well, such as patients or people with temporary or permanent physical problems, so the idea of distance education came and found solutions to all these problems.
distance learning methods
Distance education depends on three basic elements, namely, the teacher and the learner, a link or a tool of communication between them, and there are two ways to achieve distance learning in terms of direct and indirect communication with the learners, namely direct synchronous education and asynchronous direct education.
simultaneous direct teaching
In a direct teaching manner, teachers communicate with students simultaneously, that is, through a live broadcast. The student follows the video presented by the teacher at the same moment and simultaneously, and here all students adhere to the lesson time, and this method may have benefits due to the ability to interact between the teacher and students through Voice or written comments, and by asking and answering questions.[1]
asynchronous teaching
In this way, the teacher publishes educational content on various means of communication, in written or graphic form, and the student can obtain it at any time, and is not forced at a specific time, and this method gives the freedom to choose the time of learning.[1]
Benefits and advantages of distance education
There is no doubt that distance learning has many benefits, including:[2]
- Distance education saves us time, as there is no need to travel long distances, in order to reach the school or university, especially if the school and university are outside the city in which we live, and there is also no need to adhere to a specific time, so we can obtain the required information at the time We see fit.
- Distance education also saves effort, so we can study while sitting in our favorite place, in a comfortable sitting position.
- Distance education provides us with additional savings of money, as it is known that distance education techniques do not require material costs as they do in traditional education.
- We can continue the study in case the weather conditions are bad, which prevents the ability to reach the educational centers.
- In the period of the spread of diseases, as in the light of the spread of the Corona virus, which prevented leaving the house, distance education helped in the continuation of the educational process.
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Disadvantages of distance education
Despite all the benefits that distance education brings to students, it also carries some disadvantages, and its benefits may sometimes turn into disadvantages, including:
- Distance education students have the freedom to study time and attend educational videos published by teachers, and this gives way to fun and lack of commitment.
- This freedom may give students the opportunity to neglect study and procrastinate and postpone it to leisure time. Excessive neglect and procrastination cause academic decline for some students.
- Distance education causes a loss of motivation provided by the teacher through direct discussion between him and his students.
- Distance education may deprive teachers of the opportunity to check the students’ comprehension through the duties that he imposes on students and to hear what has been learned.
distance education problems
Successful methods usually face many obstacles that hinder its progress, and the same applies to distance education, including:
- Some students may face difficulty in obtaining the required means such as electronic devices and fast internet.
- Teachers may find it difficult to accurately assess students’ educational performance.
One of the advantages of the Internet is the use of a standard language, which is English only.
Elements of distance education
Distance education needs the following elements:
- The learner or student.
- The person who is the teacher who is either the class or educational program teacher.
- Educational tools such as webcam, speakers, etc.
- Secure a strong internet connection.
- Most important of all is the existence of self-censorship for the educated person or the existence of self-censorship for the parents to ensure the success of the education process.
The one responsible for locating the device on the Internet for network exchanges when transmitting from one device to another is called
Distance education goals
Distance education is not limited to students who had to leave their school seats because of Corona, but rather includes those who left these school seats at an early age, and advanced in age and thought that they had missed the opportunity to learn, and the following are the most important goals of distance learning:
- Giving the opportunity to learn to people who were not previously able to learn.
- Giving university graduates the opportunity to hone their skills.
- Giving employees the opportunity to develop their job performance and improve their level while they work.
- Development of societal culture for all members of society.
- Giving uneducated people the opportunity to be accepted into decent jobs.
Distance learning success factors
There are many factors that help in the success of the distance learning process, including:
- The learner’s motivation and ability to focus and communicate effectively with the teacher.
- The presence of the teacher who guarantees the detailed interpretation of the educational material, and that he has a high level of experience with this modern method of dealing.
- Proficiency in the use of tools that help in the process of distance education such as modern devices, smartphones and the availability of the Internet.
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Realistic examples of distance education
After the Corona pandemic, many countries have introduced educational platforms to help students complete their distance education, in order to ensure the continuation of the education process on the one hand, and not to mix and transmit infection to this deadly virus among members of society, and like other countries, school and university students in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia began to follow The method of distance learning during the health crisis suffered by all students of the world, and one of the most important applications provided by the Ministry of Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the Madrasati platform, which is registered by downloading the Tawakkalna application according to the following:
- Create an account, log in to Tawakkalna, and then search for the data of my school platform, which will be in the My Account tab within the Tawakkalna app.
- Send an admission request by clicking on the username of the school leader and waiting for the text message containing the secret code.
- Log in to my school platform, and choose to activate the Microsoft account after clicking on the login icon, then write the username and continue to enter the password we obtained from the school leader’s message.
- After pressing login, we have completed the process.
- To download the Tawakkalna application, click here
- To enter and register on my school platform, click here.
The history of distance learning
Distance education cannot be considered a modern method, as it began several decades ago with several methods, including:[3]
- Broadcast media: Some parties have practiced the method of distance education by broadcasting educational programs on television or radio.
- Correspondence: In 1982 the technology of teaching and learning through correspondence was invented, and this method has been followed since then, and more than 500 universities have followed it in several disciplines, including engineering and other branches.
- The Internet: It is a relatively modern means, which is the use of the Internet to obtain lessons through electronic means of communication, using mobile devices or smart phones.
Inventor of the Internet How the Internet was invented without the Internet
The role of distance education in theoretical sciences
Distance education is one of the most important means of modern education that is almost free, and provides many benefits for people who want to learn and challenge the conditions that prevented them from doing so, although distance education is ideal for theoretical sciences that do not need physical presence, such as learning languages, philosophy, sociology and others. However, it is not useful at all for practical education that requires personal attendance, such as sciences that require tests in chemical laboratories and so on.[4]
Conclusion about distance education
Science and scientific methods have developed rapidly in human life, especially in light of modern technology, and although distance learning is not new in the world as a whole, it has spread very quickly in recent times, especially after the spread of the Corona virus, and it is planned for this method in education, To be the future of modern education holistically.
Short essay on distance education
Introduction: Education in human life is a continuous process permanently and its primary goal is to obtain knowledge, and it is no longer difficult to obtain knowledge in our current age, because it is now easily available and within our reach wherever we are, such as distance education.
Topic: Distance education is a technology that is not old, and not new, but rather began a few decades ago. This technology has helped in the continuation of educational systems over the past several decades, and it has benefits that cannot be ignored, such as saving time and effort and easy access to education, without the need to cut Long distances, or moving from the place of residence to the place of the school or university, and also give us the opportunity to graduate from colleges and universities in record time, and can register on the platforms of universities and electronic schools through applications found on the Internet, but it should be noted that following the distance learning technology may It leads to a reduction in the academic motivation, and a complete lack of commitment to the dates of electronic lessons, and we can overcome it through follow-up and diligence and not neglect the study, and try to interact with teachers and the rest of the students.
Conclusion: Distance education is the main artery of education in our time in light of the pandemic that recently invaded the world, however, this modern educational process remains with it some characteristics that prevent the effective achievement of the required scientific goal, due to the excess freedom in this style. Education prepared to be the future of modern education.
Research on distance education pdf
Distance education is one of the most important types of education in our current time, which keeps pace with development and modern technology in the age of speed, and given the importance of this topic in our time, including its benefits and harms, we present it to the reader as a pdf file that can be downloaded “from here” to remain an easily accessible reference at the time. the need.
search for distance education doc
Education remains one of the most important attributes of the human being since God created it to this day, and the development of traditional direct education to distance education is one of the important turning points in the education path, and to achieve the maximum benefit from this research, we present it as a doc file that can be downloaded “from here” so that he can Reader use it with Word documents and print it on paper.
Here we conclude this article, in which we talked about how to create a topic about distance education and enumerated some of its advantages and disadvantages, as well as some obstacles that students face, and we talked about the history of the practice of these technologies in the world in general, and in Saudi Arabia in particular.
خاتمة لموضوعنا موضوع عن التعليم عن بعد ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.