7 نصائح للزوجة لتحافظ على أسرتها , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
7 Tips for the wife to maintain her family is one of the most important things that a woman should be aware of. To achieve her femininity and feel her identity, and in the following, the reference site explains some tips that help women maintain the integrity of their family and how to increase their happiness and cohesion.
What is family
Society consists of the sum of families that are considered as its cells. Therefore, a single family is considered as a cell of the cells of society. The family consists of a group of individuals who are linked by ties of filiation, paternity or marital relations that are only between a man and a woman. And good women capable of developing, developing and advancing society and raising a new generation capable of taking on this task of community development and development like the generation that preceded it.
What are the duties of each spouse towards the family?
Since society consists of many families, it is necessary for us to clarify what is the role of the spouses in the family. There is no doubt that the presence of children is very important in the family because they are its future and the future of society. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify each of the duties of the spouses within the scope of the tasks of marriage and raising children, which are:
Duties of a wife in marriage
The wife is the mainstay of the house, and without her, the life of the husband and children will never be upright, because she usually does the following in their lives:
- The wife takes care of the children’s affairs, works on their happiness, listens to them, and contains them emotionally.
- The house is the wife’s private kingdom based on its affairs and duties so that the husband and children can live in it happily and prosperously. She cleans it, decorates it, and makes it comfortable for the eyes and nerves.
- The wife is interested in fulfilling the husband’s emotional and material desires, making him more able to focus on his work outside the home and financing the family’s basic and recreational needs.
- The wife takes care of the children’s future by continuing to study and so on in order to guarantee them a bright future.
Husband’s duties in marriage
The husband is considered the basis of the integrity of the life of the wife and children, and without him, the balance of their lives is completely disturbed. The importance of the husband and what he does for his family can be explained in the following:
- The husband supports his family and provides for all their material needs.
- The husband provides protection for his family, insures them of his existence, pays for them any harm, and is considered their guardian.
- The husband fulfills his wife’s emotional and material needs in a way that makes her more able to continue her life and provide support to her family.
- The husband contains his children, hears them, and directs them to what is good for their future.
Managing family affairs and making use of their capabilities to achieve their goals
7 tips for a wife to maintain her family
A woman does not feel her identity except through her family, as God has made women love the home and children and dedicate themselves to their happiness and comfort, so the woman always thinks about how she can preserve her family and make them happy so that their cohesion increases and the bonds of love between them strengthen. Here are 7 tips for the wife to maintain her family:[1]
Make time for family life
One of the most important problems in which many families fall is that each individual is preoccupied with his private life without allocating time for the rest of the family to participate in doing any activity that makes them all happy. Therefore, the woman should allocate a time in which all members of her family gather and choose an activity in which all of them participate. Examples of activities What a woman can suggest to her family are:
- Play card games.
- Play dice-based games as a fortune bank.
- Tell the most interesting stories that happened with each family member.
- Playing electronic games such as the PlayStation and others.
- Conduct drawing, singing and acting competitions to create an atmosphere of general fun and laughter.
Do not reveal the secrets of your home
This advice is considered the most important advice in the 7 tips for the wife to preserve her family, because disclosing secrets causes many women to embarrass their husbands by revealing the secrets of the house, whether those secrets pertain to family finances such as the husband’s difficulty in spending on his wife or a problem concerning the husband’s family or one of these sons Disclosing house secrets can cause the following problems:
- He may lend the husband or children their financial condition if the person to whom the wife entrusted the secret discloses it again.
- Disclosing the secret may cause the husband’s image to be distorted in the eyes of those around him, so some of them look at him with contempt and others with pity.
- Disclosing the secrets of the house and then distorting the image of the husband may cause the parents to deliberately make their children refrain from dealing with the children of the family in which the image of the husband has been distorted.
- If the husband knows that his wife has disclosed his secrets, he will be angry with her because he feels that she has demolished the wall of his privacy, which may lead to him divorcing her and displacing the children. In the simplest reactions, this may lead to the husband losing confidence in his wife, which will strain the relationship between them.
Treat your spouse with respect
The wife must respect her husband, understand his feelings and contain him, because these behaviors will lead to the following:
- Increasing the husband’s confidence in his wife, which makes him reluctant to any other woman.
- Increasing the husband’s comfort at home, which will give him the energy to make more effort at work, which will bring financial benefit to his family.
- The husband’s attempt to make his wife happy to show his love for him, which will make her more kind to him and his children and more able to support them.
- Giving children a good example of how spouses should be treated.
Encouraging children to pray and worship
Unfortunately, the neglect of many families to teach their children to pray is destroying the younger generation. Teaching children their religion correctly will lead to the following:
- Children learn good manners, which makes them supportive of their parents in the future rather than a burden on them.
- Children feel the thanks of their father and mother to them, so they work on their comfort and do not try to get rid of them or ignore them when they grow up.
- He made the father and mother proud of the sons and for their preservation of their religion and morals.
Get some rest
Usually women do a lot of work at the same time. Between doing housework, working on the comfort of the husband and children, and taking care of their affairs, the woman’s energy is wasted. Therefore, she should allocate some time to take care of herself. This would:
- It helps the wife to renew her energy, which makes her better able to carry out her duties towards her home and family.
- It makes the wife more able to accept the difficulties of her life with patience and calm, instead of feeling angry and repressed by the husband who will make her deal with him or her children badly.
- Comfort helps a woman beautify her outer appearance, which makes her husband feel her femininity, which avoids the problems of marital infidelities, alienation and boredom that occur between spouses after a long period of marriage.
How do I organize my time with my baby and my husband
Constantly renewing the relationship with the husband
The wife must take care of her husband on an ongoing basis, pampering him and making sure to do the things that make him happy. For example, she can:
- Sending children to the husband’s or wife’s family and lighting candles in the house to remind the husband of their first days of marriage and the romantic feelings that surrounded their lives.
- Talk to the husband in a soft female voice and do not raise the voice to him.
- Going out with the husband for a walk without the children so that they can renew the feelings of love between them together.
- Paying attention to her special relationship with her husband and not neglecting her under the pretext of being busy at home and the problems of the children.
How do I win my husband’s heart?
fight boredom
Usually members of the same family get bored of being together in one place, so a sane woman is the woman who knows how to renew her family’s life and make them enjoy their presence together. Family boredom can be fought by the following:
- The family can go out and eat at a restaurant and talk while doing this activity.
- Many families enjoy picnics in public parks, especially if the parents share some activities with them, such as playing ball or stealth games and others.
- Watching a new movie together, whether on TV or in the cinema, with some crackers can be an excellent option to kill boredom.
How do you take care of your family members?
The most important thing that makes any woman happy is seeing her family in good condition and their members feel love and happiness with each other. Below we explain the answer to the question of how to take care of your family members and the answer is:
- Listening to each one of them individually and showing understanding for what they are saying so that he does not feel the need to find a listener outside the family.
- Establishing strict rules for children while dealing with each other not to hurt each other’s feelings and respecting the feelings of all family members.
- Find out what each family member likes and try to make it up to him.
- Strengthening the bonds between brothers and each other so that they become friends and brothers.
- The mother should approach the children by taking their opinions in some affairs in order to develop in them a sense of responsibility for the family and for themselves.
- Follow up on the children and the husband permanently and focus on any small change that comes from them and pay attention to it because some people may hide their problems so as not to disturb others and it is the duty of the mother and wife to know these problems gently so that they are supportive while solving them.
The family is a source of inspiration for children, as well as the first house of experience from which they gain their guidance
Disadvantages of the wife’s failure to maintain her family
Since the family is the first building block in building society, when the wife fails to maintain her family, there is no doubt that there will be many damages, some of them personal and others that will befall the society as a result of the corruption of the spouses’ children and the breakdown of marriage. The following shows these damages, which are:[2]
Personal damages to the wife
The wife’s failure to contain her husband and children may cause her many personal damages, namely:
- The relationship between husband and wife may deteriorate as a result of the husband’s feeling of default in his rights and the rights of his children, which may lead him to divorce his wife or marry her, which is not accepted by the same woman, which is why it often reaches divorce.
- The wife’s inability to maintain her home may cause the wife to divorce her husband, which will entail her inability to support herself and make her vulnerable to the insults of working abroad or the insults of some of her family members because they support her, and sometimes also the wife fails to keep her children because she does not have what Enough money to spend on them, so you have to leave them in the care of the husband.
- The husband’s alienation from the wife because of his feeling of emotional emptiness, which makes him neglect his work because he is emotionally unstable, which will return badly to the family financial level.
- The inability of the wife to maintain and contain her home may cause the children to deviate, which may push them to fall into the clutches of addiction and customary marriage in order to find the warmth they lack in the home.
- The wife’s inability to contain the house and her husband’s lack of understanding of this matter and his attempt to help in it may affect the children with a psychological complex towards marriage that makes them ascetic in it, because they will see that married people are regretful and unhappy.
Damage to society
Children in general are the wealth of society, and through them, it is possible to determine where their nation will reach in the path of global progress. The marriage system is one of the well-established systems in this society. Therefore, the inability of a woman to contain and maintain her family causes damage to society through:
- If a divorce occurs between a man and a woman, this in turn will lead to higher divorce rates in society and an increase in the percentage of female breadwinners and other societal problems.
- Family disintegration may lead to the delinquency of children, causing an increase in crime rates in the community, including murder, adultery, drug dealing, drinking and theft.
- Family disintegration causes society to lose important elements that would have benefited the nation with its energy if it had been properly brought up.
Perfection is for God alone. This is an undisputed matter, and no woman, regardless of her level of concern for her family, can take full care of them. There is no doubt that we are human beings and we have limited energy in giving, love and attention. We have shown in this article 7 tips for the wife to maintain her family, and certainly she is not It is required to apply them all, but it should only try to apply them as much as you can. There is no perfect person in life, whether it is a husband, wife or children, but there are only dedicated people who love their families and try to make them happy and maintain their cohesion and cohesion with the utmost energy for them.
خاتمة لموضوعنا 7 نصائح للزوجة لتحافظ على أسرتها ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.