شروط الضمان الاجتماعي المطور للمطلقات 1443 , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development has set the terms of the developed social security for divorced women 1443 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; The social security system has been developed that provides support with monthly sums of money to deserving divorced women. The announcement of the activation of the developed system of social security was on the fifteenth of Rabi` al-Thani for the current year 1443 AH; Therefore, this article from the reference website is devoted to presenting the conditions or controls that divorced women must meet in order for them to obtain a social security pension according to the new developed system. social development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The social security system in Saudi Arabia
It is a humane social system affiliated to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This program was established to provide financial assistance to individuals and groups most in need in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, according to certain conditions determined by the program according to each of the eligible groups, and the program aims to help individuals and the poorest and needy groups to achieve and meet their basic needs and in order to provide them with a decent living. The funds for this program are collected from several sources, perhaps the most prominent of which are the Zakat funds collected by the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as well as the private funds that individuals donate in particular to the Social Security Program, As for the categories that benefit from this program, they are many, such as widows, divorcees, people with disabilities, orphans and others who meet the conditions of social security.
Activate the developed social security system
The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development said through its official website that it has started activating the developed social security system that was issued by Saudi Royal Decree No. (M/32) for the year 1442 AH, with the aim of achieving financial stability for the most needy families in the Kingdom and ensuring that they get what covers their needs. the basic; Where cash or financial support, rehabilitation services, training, empowerment and employment are granted to each eligible individual in accordance with the laws and legislations that have been established in order to achieve social protection in the Saudi society, and also to ensure that Zakat funds reach those who deserve it, as well as work to improve the skills of the workforce by strengthening the support that They get it, and this new developed system has been designed to be in line with the vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030 AD; It is based on a realistic need, like the previous system, taking into account the application of the best international methods that exist in similar social security programs in other countries.[1]
The developed system of social security targets the neediest individuals; It is based on providing them with material support in order to improve their living life and achieve their independent financial status; Thus, they can be transformed into productive individuals within the Saudi society through the qualification and training they receive. The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development also said that it will study the cases of eligibility for individuals who have applied for a social security pension, in the month of December of this year; As these eligible beneficiaries will receive their first social security pension in January of next year 2022 AD, the ministry also noted that individuals can file an objection to the eligibility decision within 30 days from the date the refusal decision reached them.
Read also: Minimum pension in the newly developed social security system 1443
Developed social security conditions for divorced women 1443
The conditions for divorced women to obtain a social security pension from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development have changed slightly; Since the new developed social security system has imposed some conditions or criteria that must be met in absolute in order to obtain monthly support from the new social security system, which we review the conditions for obtaining it for divorced women in the following points:[2]
- A divorced woman who wants to receive support from the Social Security Program must be a Saudi national.
- The nationality requirement is not considered if the divorced woman is a wife, widow or divorced from a Saudi citizen and she has Saudi children, with the need for the divorced woman to be permanently residing with her children in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- The nationality requirement is not considered if a Saudi woman is divorced from a non-Saudi husband, with the need for her to be permanently residing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and she must prove this with an official document.
- A divorced woman entitled to a Social Security pension must live in her own home away from her own family.
- In addition, a woman entitled to a social security pension must be a permanent resident of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, regardless of her status.
- A divorced woman who wishes to receive a social security pension must also have no source of income.
- A divorced woman must have a bank account in order to receive the monthly cash support through this account.
- A divorced woman who is entitled to a social security pension must not be employed in any government or private agency.
How to register in Social Security for divorced women 1443
Saudi citizens who wish to obtain a social security pension have started registering electronically through the developed social security platform, in which we review the steps for applying and registering for a pension as follows:
- Go to the official website of the developed social security platform directly “from here”.
- Click on the “Registration” icon from the main interface, then read the conditions for registration in Social Security.
- Fill in all the data required to register for Social Security, and care must be taken to ensure that all information entered is correct.
- Submit the completed Social Security registration form by clicking on the “Send” icon.
How to log in to the upgraded Social Security 1443
After registering with Social Security and creating an account in the new developed Social Security platform, you can log in at any time by following the following steps:
- Go to the official website of the developed social security platform “from here”.
- Type the username.
- Write down the password.
- Click on the “Login” icon.
Documents required of divorced women to obtain a social security pension
When a divorced woman registers with Social Security System 1443, she must bring and attach the following documents:
- A valid national identity card or residence ID.
- Attach documents that prove the marital status of the divorced woman, such as the absence of a breadwinner for her.
Read also: A full explanation of the new developed Social Security 1443
When to register in the developed social security?
Registration in the developed Social Security System 1443 has already started for the first time last Saturday, November 20, 2021 AD; Where the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development invited all those who are eligible or who wish to obtain support from the social security system to register in the new developed social security platform, knowing that the old platform will continue to work until May 23 of next year 2022 AD; After that, this old platform will be closed and the beneficiaries will be transferred to the new platform.
Improved Social Security Objectives 1443
The developed social security system was launched in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, in order to achieve a set of general goals that this system will work to achieve in accordance with the highest standards applicable in other countries of the world, and in the following points we review the goals that were Its status when launching the developed social security system in Saudi Arabia:
- This system aims to provide assistance to the deserving in order to achieve their financial independence, in addition to transforming individuals from needy or consumers into productive individuals who contribute to the progress of society.
- The developed social security system aims to provide or secure the minimum material support that meets the basic needs of eligible families.
- The developed social security system works to put in place methods or mechanisms to ensure that support reaches the appropriate beneficiaries, in cases of crises, disasters, or otherwise.
- The new system provides support and protection for all groups who deserve to benefit from the system in line with their needs.
- The developed social security system also aims to approve means and methods that work to overcome the financial need that families have, as well as provide solutions to the problems of poverty that spread in Saudi society.
What are the resources of the developed social security system?
Some Saudi citizens who are eligible for support from the developed social security system or other individuals may wonder about the sources of funds that make up the social security system, which pumps monthly amounts to all beneficiaries, and the resources that are the sources of obtaining funds for the system have been announced. The developed social security, which are the following:
- Zakat funds collected by the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- There are financial subsidies allocated from the state treasury of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in order to support the social security system.
- There are also some other sources that the developed social security system benefits from in raising funds, and these sources are represented in alms, zakat, endowments, donations and gifts that reach the social security system.
Beneficiaries of the improved social security system
If we go beyond talking about the developed social security conditions for divorced women 1443 AH, and move to talk about the system in general, we will find that the Saudi government represented by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development has developed the developed social security system to include many groups in Saudi society, which we can mention in the following points:
- Saudi nationals who are unable to work, whether permanent or temporary.
- Orphaned children, including those who have lost or unknown father or both father and mother.
- Saudi women who have no one to support them, and these women are divorced or abandoned, as well as the wife of the absent or the wife of the missing, and also the wife of a drug addict, in addition to the widowed woman.
- Older individuals in old age who are unable to work either men or women.
- Saudi families that do not have a breadwinner, such as abandoned families, the family of the missing or the family of the absent, as well as the family of a drug addict.
- Children of widowed and divorced Saudi women.
Read also: New Social Security Resolutions 1443
How is the social security pension for divorced women calculated?
The social security pension for divorced women is calculated based on the difference between the minimum pension and the income received by the divorced woman; Where a divorced woman receives a social security pension if her income is less than the minimum pension. It is possible to know how the social security pension for divorced women is calculated using the following equation:
Pension = (computed minimum pension – imputed income).
Ways to communicate with the support and social protection platform
It is possible to contact the Social Support and Protection platform of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in order to submit complaints or raise inquiries, and this is done through one of the following methods:
- Call the number: 19911 which is the unified toll-free number for the Social Support and Protection platform.
- You can also contact the support and social protection platform through the postal code: 11157.
- You can also call the number: 8001222777, which is a number that follows the social support and protection platform.
- A message can be sent to the support and social protection platform through the mailbox at: 12484.
Developed Social Security Platform Link
The link for the developed social security platform is: sbis.hrsd.gov.sa, where you can click on it to go directly to the website of the new launched platform so that Saudi citizens who wish to apply for the developed social security pension can register after approving its new conditions.
And here we finish clarifying the terms of the developed social security for divorced women 1443 that were determined by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and we have also clarified the method of registering in social security for divorced women, which has already started through the new platform for the developed social security.
خاتمة لموضوعنا شروط الضمان الاجتماعي المطور للمطلقات 1443 ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.