اقتباسات صباحية ، أجمل اقتباسات عن الصباح للأحبة والأصدقاء

اقتباسات صباحية ، أجمل اقتباسات عن الصباح للأحبة والأصدقاء , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

We present to you morning quotes, the most beautiful quotes about the morning for loved ones and friends in appreciation of that special period of time that enjoys global popular consensus for its beauty, as the morning atmosphere is considered to be overflowing with poetic, beauty and elegance. During which the poets expressed their gratitude for the atmosphere that carried with it whiffs of nostalgia and beautiful feelings for each of the family, friends, the homeland and the beloved, and through the reference site, we are pleased to present the most beautiful morning quotes for family and friends, and a bouquet of the most beautiful quotes for the beloved.

morning quotes

The morning quotes are distinguished by the fact that they carry a high percentage of feelings through which the writers expressed their gratitude for the feelings of the morning, so they wrapped them up and sent them to friends with one of the most beautiful pictures, and the most prominent of these quotes:

  • The world is good when the sun shines on the creatures of God Almighty, the mountains glorify Him, the birds whisper in His name, and the living chains work to perform their functional tasks. There is nothing greater than the integration of the morning, which is our launch to tomorrow.
  • The rituals of the world are integrated to paint for us in the morning one of the most creative periods of time that God Almighty created, the ones that witness the first rays of the sun to rise like a shy bride from behind a mountain, and we wait for her eagerly for children as we have waited for a lifetime. May God bless your morning.
  • It is from the mercy of God Almighty to His servants that He created them on the religion of Islam and that He created in them mercy, love and sympathy, so there is no event in this universe that does not bear witness to the glorification of God Almighty, and whoever watches the morning is important in God’s love more, may God bless your morning.
  • The world is blessed with kindness of heart and the company of good friends, they are the ones who deserve the trouble of searching.
  • Good morning, it is the morning in which the servant feels the blessings of God Almighty upon himself, it is the morning in which he looks with satisfaction at God’s creatures and at the details of his life that he sees as beautiful because they are from the arrangement of God Almighty, so welcome to the morning of loved ones.
  • The miracle of the morning starts from being a continuous state from which the world does not get bored, and despite that it is a renewed state and contains many signs of surprise and confusion, because the morning is the first teacher in not giving up, but rather we are waiting for a new morning.

Good morning phrases 2022, the most beautiful images, words and messages of the morning

The most beautiful morning quotes for loved ones and friends

These quotes are numerous, and their importance stems from the fact that they contain important poetic spaces that we have to stand with in the good and loving mornings in which we carry the most beautiful letters for family and loved ones, and they came in the following form:

  • There was great wisdom in God’s creation of man, and the succession of night and day had a special wisdom in changing the stations of the human soul, those by which a person regains his self-confidence, and leaves bags of sadness at the last train station, and the morning was appropriate for that, so let us leave our pains and continue with a new morning To safety and security, may God bless you.
  • There is nothing like the sunrise of dawn on a heart that is pure and full of hope, a heart that God Almighty has filled with faith, mercy and trust in Him. There is nothing more beautiful or safer than that painting.
  • The blessing of parents is one of the many blessings that God bestows on His servants to establish the heart in its rightful place.
  • There are many words, and they all meet in that the morning is not an occasion, a holiday, or an official holiday, but rather it is all of that, it is the holiday of anger and the holiday of pain, and the holiday of insomnia, it is the holiday of all the members of the body, and the appropriate period for the growth of wings, let us fly with the sun’s rays to the place that suits us .
  • The renewed morning gives us greater hope, that we are capable of tomorrow, able to draw the steps to a better future full of us and those we love. The morning is our message, so read it well.
  • Tyrants fear the morning as foreign forces fear the dawn, because the morning is the one that carries the strong new, it is an unknown and frightening for everyone who is afraid, and a space of comfort and safety for everyone who is reassured, thanks to God and his security. May God bless your morning.

Good morning religious messages 2022, the most beautiful Islamic religious messages for the morning

morning poetry quotes

Poetry becomes good with that period in which the sun announces its victory over darkness. The poets focused on the morning, as it was an occasion for the dawning of every beautiful thought and feelings, and in that we quote the following:

  • A poem for me that justifies the loneliness of the morning, and it is one of the beautiful poems in which the poet Yahya al-Samawi drew one of the most beautiful scenes of sadness at the morning gate, and its most prominent verses:

This morning, the gray hair morning may Bolek, soon was at night Vastnar sacrificed for ever and two colors of light, and from the twilight, this is punished by this whenever Brha and those imbued demonized his sons out if lax field of age and Anevsha what one would deny the light of Gela dusk, unless the aspirations of self Matarha if I saw the lightning of the gray hairs, they smiled at Mafraq, so the life of life has grown bright, the old man is greeted with honor and dignity, Whoever has prepared deeds that are righteous, but as for me, he justifies it from the breeze.

  • The poem “The Word of Sabah” from your lips is different, and it is one of the poems of the distinguished poet Faisal Al-Adwani written in Nabati poetry, in which he expressed his excessive love according to verses that came as follows:

The word “good morning” from your lips changed the light of the morning people, and it ended my morning, and you say, “How are you?” And I answer fine *** and the problem is that I did not sleep from yesterday, waking up. I was afraid that I was lying down and dreaming that you would like to fly *** with someone I knew and you would break my wings, I swear to God that I adore you, tricks and changes *** Oh, I swear to God that I am with you, I am with you, I am sober, I meant for you my legs and I drove the journeys ** * I will walk you with love in all respects, and I will give you my heart at the very least *** And I build you in the chest a palace and suburbs, and in the eyes of the wishes I became heralds *** My biggest ambitions and my greatest success as long as you rose and birds sang through you *** No doubt in your voice increases my happiness, you are in goodness, kiss of goodness *** and I seek your permission I slept from yesterday awake

Good morning poetry for friends

good morning quotes for lover

Love is sweet with the rising of the dawn, because these feelings often float on the surface of the heart, and sink to the bottom, so the lover finds only his lover in the first memory with the rising of the sun, and the most beautiful said about that:

  • My beloved you, do you know that this sad morning is trying so hard to paint a picture of your radiance, you know, lady of jasmine, wild mint, bitter orange, and sapphire, that all these things are trying, but I am trying to keep pace with your love only, may God bless your morning.
  • The morning is nothing but a miniature version of the faces of our loved ones, it is the deepest image that ignites whenever memories flood us and nostalgia flows, may God bless your kind heart that I love and love.
  • The world is sweet and the days are sweet with the beloved who sent my spectrum to my proximity, so I do not sleep, may God bless the sunshine of the sea that overflows from the sea of ​​your attraction, O Lady of the Fields, do you know that the sun and your eyes are twins, do you know that I am drowning in the sea of ​​your love until addiction.
  • The morning that begins with pictures of loved ones is a sad and tormented morning, a morning that carries us the tears of longing that the threads of darkness have always hidden year after year.
  • Beautiful words travel across borders, they are the only ones who do not need residence permits or passports. They are the only compasses for me to reach your heart, whose pulse and whisper I love, and some of its qualities and connections.
  • Morning love and beauty on that scent that summarizes my longing for you, morning coffee and the smell of the earth’s moisture after the rain, a beautiful morning on the echo of your soul and your words that still repeat themselves in my ears like angels whisper, may God bless you morning, my heart.

Celebrity morning quotes

The morning has attracted the attention of writers, poets and thinkers since the dawn of history, as it is the time period that overflows with calm and peace, and the period with which volcanoes of nostalgia ignite, and the most beautiful thing that famous people said about the morning is the following:

  • Author Clarice Lispector says:

The best hours of my day are the early hours of the morning. I get up and smoke a little, and sit down to drink my coffee quietly, uninterrupted by anyone.

  • Franz Kafka, a world-renowned writer says:

They all wanted to come in to him that early morning, when the doors were shut, and now that one door had opened for them by himself, and the other had apparently been open all day, none of them had entered.

  • International novelist Haruki Murakami says:

Morning is the best time of the day for me, as if everything starts beating again, and sadness begins to overwhelm me with noon, and when the sun goes down I hate it, I live with the same feelings day after day.

  • The poet says the angels descend about the pain of parting in the morning:

Let us part now, as long as there is sparkle in our eyeballs and as long as there is some nectar at the bottom of my cup and your cup. In a little while, the morning rises and the moon fades, and we glimpse in the light what the palms of boredom have drawn, on our foreheads and on our lips, and we realize that the tender feeling has passed away mockingly and folded by fate.

  • Writer Abdelwahab Mutawa says:

Always give the morning a chance, my friend, to change the conditions and circumstances we complain about with our diligent effort.

  • Writer and thinker Max Josep says:

In the morning we saw the worst that humans can do. We’ve seen what happens when leaders abandon common decency in favor of anger and hate. Through the lens of history, the Holocaust happened yesterday, the civil rights movement was this morning, so we’re not as out of the woods as we thought.

  • Author Salih Zamanan says:

When you wake up in the morning, don’t believe the mirror, come and believe me, you’re the most handsome boy, you torment of young girls, so said a woman to her fat son who fell young and poisoned his face with a broken bottle.

Poetry about the morning, the most beautiful verses of poetry about the morning

The most beautiful posts in the morning for family and loved ones

It is good for family and loved ones to eat the most beautiful publications during the early morning period, based on the importance of this circle of knowledge for all writers and activists around the world, and perhaps the most beautiful thing that can be said during the morning period, is the following:

  • The morning sun is one of the miracles of God Almighty that comes to us every day to say that you are my sun, only those who burn for us throughout the year, and only family and loved ones who look like us in that, O God, I entrust you with their comfort and safety, so be them.
  • Love becomes pleasant as the sun’s rays penetrate the hearts in the beautiful mornings, they carry us to love as you carry love to us.
  • The word good morning carries the most beautiful notes of world music when it comes out of the mouth of the one you love, so you see it flying in the air and dancing in front of your ears, until you enter with it doses of wine and the nostalgia of the whole world. Good morning.
  • May God bless the mornings that begin with the fragrance of your cheeks, oh beautiful heart, and the lady of longing and jasmine, who was exposed to my heart so that I could become one of his captives.
  • Letters rush out to the hearts of our loved ones with the first sunrise.
  • There is no objection to some sadness, for here we are still having the strength to start over, for it is from our certainty in God that we derive our confidence in a new sun that may light up the hidden aspects of darkness in our souls.

Here we bring you to the end of the article in which we dealt with morning quotes, the most beautiful quotes about the morning for loved ones and friends, and moved through the lines and words to introduce the reader to a variety of the most beautiful quotes about the morning, and a package of the most beautiful phrases, thoughts and poetic quotes in the morning to the family and loved ones, to finally conclude with The most prominent publications about the morning for family and loved ones.

خاتمة لموضوعنا اقتباسات صباحية ، أجمل اقتباسات عن الصباح للأحبة والأصدقاء ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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