هل تحليل الدم للحمل يحتاج إلى صيام؟

هل تحليل الدم للحمل يحتاج إلى صيام؟ , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

Does a blood test for pregnancy require fasting? Pregnancy is one of the things that every married woman seeks, especially if she is a newly married woman, and this pregnancy is her first child. Therefore, it is worth noting here that some analyzes may require fasting and others do not, and in response to this, the answer to the question will be reviewed, does blood analysis for pregnancy require fasting? Through the reference website, it will also shed light on how to perform a home pregnancy test, in addition to clarifying a set of symptoms through which it can be concluded that a pregnancy test is necessary, as well as providing assistance in knowing the best time during which a pregnancy analysis can be done.

What is the blood analysis to detect pregnancy?

The blood test to detect pregnancy is one of the most accurate tests that confirm the results by 100%, whether positive or negative, as it is known as a test that is conducted for women in order to confirm the validity of pregnancy or not, by checking the presence of the pregnancy hormone in the blood , or by measuring the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin, by taking a blood sample and examining it with specialized devices, and it should be noted here that this hormone is secreted in the blood after the fertilization process and implantation of the fertilized egg in the woman’s womb, and thus its ratio remains It rises in the blood and doubles every two to three days, thus making sure that pregnancy has occurred because it can only exist in the case of a confirmed pregnancy.[1]

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Does blood analysis for pregnancy need fasting?

A blood analysis for pregnancy does not require fasting, as fasting for pregnant women is generally considered safe and does not have any negative impact on the fetus or pregnancy, as we find that when the woman confirms that pregnancy has occurred and during follow-up with the specialist doctor, some tests must be performed The necessary medical procedures during pregnancy to check on the health of the mother as well as the fetus and that the pregnancy is proceeding in a normal way, and within the same scope, we find that the blood test for pregnancy is one of the tests that do not require fasting in advance, as well as the lack of preparation or preparation in any way to perform this analysis, and here it should be noted that some The special examinations requested by the doctor and carried out for pregnant women require fasting, but this is what the doctor determines according to the needs of the situation.

What is the period of fasting required before blood tests?

Medical examinations, as well as the period of fasting required for each type, differ, which requires pre-fasting before them, but in general, we find that most of these tests require fasting from food and drink before them, at least 8 hours, with the exception of drinking water. To come to mind and get confused, are they among the things that are allowed to be eaten prior to the examination or not, including the following:

Drinking water

There was no warning not to drink water prior to any medical examinations, as we find that drinking water does not affect these analyzes in any way, with reservations not to put any additives to water such as lemon or others, but the person must refrain from drinking water if the doctor asks him to Processor so as an exception.

Drinking coffee

Drinking coffee of all kinds and forms before performing any medical examination is strictly prohibited, for several reasons, the most important of which is the effect on the accuracy of the results. We may find that coffee contains caffeine and soluble substances, which in turn can affect the validity of the examination, and coffee A diuretic causing the possibility of dehydration that could affect the method of sampling.

When is pregnancy visible in a normal blood test?

Types of pregnancy tests

The rate of secretion of the pregnancy hormone HCG increases in women when pregnancy occurs, we may find that there are some ways by which this can be known, as examinations are made for the pregnant woman in one of two ways, which are either through urine analysis or through blood analysis, and as a result, pregnancy can be confirmed It is denied by measuring the proportion of this hormone, and since the blood test is one of the most important and accurate tests ever in terms of results, so the most important types of blood analysis that are performed for pregnant women can be listed as follows:[2]

  • Specific HCG test: It is known as the human gonadotropin hormone, and this analysis is done in the laboratory after the menstrual period is ten days late by drawing a sample of blood and examining it. Positive or negative without details, so it can be said that this type of analysis is the best option for those who want to know whether pregnancy has occurred or not.
  • Quantitative or digital HCG test: This type of test is more accurate than the aforementioned, as it is based on measuring and tracking the level of pregnancy hormone secretion in the blood, even no matter how small its percentage, which leads to the doctor’s help in a more comprehensive way by determining the age of pregnancy as well as its health and whether it is going in a way Natural or not, as the percentage of this hormone increases and doubles every day from the previous until it reaches its peak after ten weeks of pregnancy, and then begins to decline gradually, and if it disappears, this may indicate pregnancy loss.

Other analyses

After the blood tests and their types were identified, we find that there are other types of tests, which are as follows:

  • Urine analysis: It is considered one of the easiest types of analyzes that are performed to confirm pregnancy, as it is done at home a week after the missed period by buying it from the pharmacy and following the steps listed on the package, and its result is one of the documented results by 97%, so we find That when the result is positive, there is definitely pregnancy, but if it is negative, it can be done after several other days, due to the possibility of not appearing at the beginning of pregnancy and because the proportion of this hormone increases with the passage of days, it is also recommended to do it in the morning and not drink a lot of water before doing this examination .
  • Progesterone level: It is one of the tests that can measure the levels of progesterone in the blood, which is used to find out if there are indications that the pregnancy is at risk of stress, as well as an ectopic pregnancy.

  • Estradiol level: This hormone is one of the hormones derived from estrogen, and it is one of the indicators by which it is possible to measure the health of the placenta.
  • Ultrasound: It is considered one of the accurate examinations and the means by which it is possible to ascertain the presence of a fetus in the mother’s womb or not, and it can also indicate whether the pregnancy is normal or there are any abnormalities in the fetus.

Steps to do a home pregnancy test

The home pregnancy test is one of the means that can be done at home after purchasing this analysis from the pharmacy to confirm the presence of pregnancy. This is done by following the steps listed on the package, which can be explained in the following:

  • A urine sample is taken into a suitable cup.
  • The pregnancy test slide is immersed in the sample well and left for a few minutes.
  • After waiting a few minutes, an indicator should appear on the test stick indicating whether the result is positive or negative.

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How to do a blood test to detect pregnancy in the laboratory

The blood test for pregnancy is like any other medical blood test that is done in the laboratory. This is done through the following steps:

  • The sampling area is sterilized with a medical disinfectant, usually one arm or the back of the hand.
  • The pressure belt is placed on the upper part of the arm, for easy and rapid blood flow to the hand.
  • A biopsy syringe is inserted through the specialist and the required blood sample is drawn.
  • The drawn blood sample is placed in the sample bottle designated for the patient and the type of examination.
  • Finally, the sample is sent to the laboratory and examined well to get the result on time.

Best time to do a pregnancy test

Some women follow the delay of their period for fear of pregnancy, and others are eager to get pregnant, especially if this is her first child, and between this and that, the answer to the question can be addressed to the question of what is the most appropriate time during which a woman can take a pregnancy test and make sure that pregnancy occurs or not and list it In the following:[3]

Urine examination and its relationship to the menstrual cycle

A urine test is done at home to confirm whether pregnancy is present or not, by relying on the appearance of the hormone HCG that is secreted in the urine, and this analysis can also be done two or three days after menopause, but there are two cases to choose the most appropriate time for analysis after absence Menstruation can be listed as follows:

  • In the case of regular menstruation: we may find that the best time to conduct this examination is after a full week of delayed menstruation.
  • In the case of irregular menstruation: the woman must delay doing a pregnancy analysis, as the delay could be due to the irregularity and not due to the presence of pregnancy, so we find that the most appropriate time for her in this case is after a month and a half has passed from the date of the last previous menstruation. And then this pregnancy hormone will appear in the urine.

Blood test and its relationship to the menstrual cycle

The blood test differs from urine, as we find that the blood analysis is done by drawing a sample of blood and examining it, in order to ensure the appearance of the hormone HCG and measure its proportion in the blood of the pregnant woman, and in order to achieve this, the best time for this analysis can be presented in one of the two cases after the delay of the menstrual cycle in the following :

  • In the case of regular menstruation: Pregnancy can appear in the blood analysis from the first day of pregnancy, but in the case of regular menstruation, we find that the best time to do this analysis is one day after the period is late for its scheduled date.
  • In the case of irregular menstruation: In this case, the most appropriate time to take a blood test for pregnancy is about a week after the expected date of the menstrual cycle, and it should be noted here that making a blood test for pregnancy in the laboratory is more accurate and gives reliable and confirmed results More than other home urine tests.

Factors affecting pregnancy test

We also talked in the past that one of the ways by which one can know whether or not pregnancy is a home test, and since this type of doubt and uncertainty in the results is due to the lack of sufficient knowledge of some women about the correct method of use, but it was found that there are other factors that may affect the accuracy of the pregnancy. As a result of pregnancy, and in this regard, these factors will be presented in the following lines:

  • The appropriate time to conduct the analysis: that is, choosing the best time to do this examination, as we find that the optimal choice is in the morning, as a result of the fact that the pregnancy hormone has the highest concentration and concentration in the blood in the morning, which leads to more certain results.
  • A prior miscarriage: We find that having a prior history of recent miscarriages may cause misleading test results, because the miscarriage may leave an impact of the presence of a percentage of the pregnancy hormone in the blood.
  • Taking medications: There are some regular medications that we do not find any effect on the analysis of the pregnancy hormone, such as Advil, but there are also other types of treatments that greatly affect the pregnancy hormone, such as taking fertility drugs, of which we find HCG injections.
  • Presence of cancers: When a pregnant woman is exposed to some cancers, and the reason for this is that there are some types of cancers that secrete the pregnancy hormone in the blood, which in turn will affect the result of the pregnancy hormone and give improper results.
  • Rushing to do the test: We may find that when you use a pregnancy analysis early, it may lead to incorrect results, as pregnancy may be in its early stages and the HCG hormone has not yet reached the blood, which results in the absence of a positive pregnancy result. .
  • Rare medical cases: There are some medical cases that can show adverse results of pregnancy, and the reason for this is that some of these cases work on the secretion of the pregnancy hormone in the blood, among which we find a pituitary disorder.
  • Cluster pregnancy: we may find that it is among the cases of pregnancy, in which the fetus grows inside the mother’s womb in the form of a grape cluster and becomes deformed, and surgical intervention and abortion are required.

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Symptoms that indicate the need for a pregnancy test

  • The blood test for pregnancy is one of the very accurate and confirmatory tests for pregnancy or not, so we find that there are some symptoms that if a woman feels it, a blood test must be done to ensure the presence of pregnancy or not. In the next lines:
  • Delayed menstruation, especially if it was regular.
  • Breast tenderness and sensitivity just to touch and feel full.
  • Feeling nauseous, especially in the morning, as well as cramping in the lower abdomen.
  • Change or disturbance of appetite, whether increase or decrease, and may reach complete loss.
  • Frequent urination more than usual in an exaggerated way.
  • Feeling tired and exhausted, severe fatigue and inability to work before.
  • Pain in the uterus that resembles menstrual cramps, as a result of the implantation of the egg in the uterus.

After dealing with this amount of important information related to pregnancy and the types of tests related to it, the end of this article has been reached, in which we have discussed the nature of the blood analysis to detect pregnancy, as well as the answer to the question: Does blood analysis for pregnancy require fasting? The light was also shed on how to perform a pregnancy blood test in the laboratory, as well as some factors that have an impact on the results of a pregnancy test.

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