طريقة حساب التأمينات الاجتماعية من الراتب

طريقة حساب التأمينات الاجتماعية من الراتب , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

What is the method of calculating social insurance from the salary, where the General Organization for Social Insurance deducts part of the salaries of employees and workers in the state and it is added to the insurance accounts; Below we will explain to you the reference site in the lines of this article how to calculate Saudi social insurance, the social insurance discount rate for non-Saudis and Saudis, and all other relevant important information.

Social Security System

The social insurance system was established in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on 03/09/1421 AH corresponding to 11/29/2000 AD, by Royal Decree No. M/33 dated 30/90/1421 AH, whereby every month it deducts a portion of the worker’s salary in the Kingdom to pay it It also allowed workers in different sectors to subscribe through its official website. This system seeks full coverage with regard to the work of the Social Insurance Institution, and it also includes many branches of social insurance and tariffs, which are represented in:[1]

  • Special provisions for the application of the Annuities Branch to voluntary contributors.
  • Common provisions between the Occupational Hazards Branch and the Annuities Branch.
  • General provisions, transitional and final provisions.
  • Scope of application.
  • Administrative regulation.
  • Resources and financial regulation.
  • Compensation, including:
  • Occupational Hazards Branch Compensation.
  • Annuities Branch Compensation.

Types of insurance coverage

The regulatory authorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have clarified that there are 3 types of insurance coverage, in which the discount rates differ depending on whether the worker is Saudi or non-Saudi, and the types are as follows:

  • Pension discount rate: This type of pension is deducted from Saudis only.
  • Sanid support discount rate: This discount is for Saudi citizens only.
  • Work hazards discount rate: It is deducted from both the Saudi and non-Saudi employee.

When is the employee registered in the insurance?

How to register for social insurance

The General Organization for Social Insurance allows registration online, by following the steps shown below:

  • Entering the Social Security website “from here”.
  • Click on the login icon.
  • Click on Register from the Shared tab.
  • Determine the nationality and then enter the required data, which are:
    • Identification Number.
    • password.
    • confirm password.
    • Verification code.
    • Accept the acknowledgment, then click Complete.
  • Follow the instructions to verify that the data is correct.
  • Follow up to complete the registration.

Sign in Social Security

You must be logged in to perform any service provided by the social security website, and you can do this by following the steps below:

  • Entering the insurance website directly “from here”.
  • Click on the login button.
  • Write down the user name and password.
  • Type the verification code that appears in the image in front of you.
  • Click on the login icon.

How to inquire about social insurance

You can inquire about private social insurance through the website by following the following steps:

  • Enter the Saudi General Organization for Social Insurance “from here”.
  • Click on the (login) icon, through:
    • Enter the username.
    • password.
    • Press enter.
  • Click on the electronic services at the top of the portal’s home page.
  • Click on “Verify Subscription”.
  • Click on “Online Insurance Service”.
  • The required data block.
  • Press “Inquiry”.
  • All information about the user will appear.

How do I know that I am registered in the insurance with the ID number?

Inquiry about insurance dues by ID number

You can inquire about the insurance benefits at the General Organization for Social Insurance by ID number through the following:

  • Entering the page to inquire about insurance entitlements “from here”.
  • Specify the search by the national identity number.
  • Enter your ID number and verification code.
  • Click on Verify to see details.

Inquiries about the period of subscription to insurances

The social insurance contributor can also inquire about his subscription period through the following:

  • Entering the official website of Social Insurance “from here”.
  • sign in.
  • Click on Express Verification.
  • Click on the functional status, as shown in the image below:
  • Write the civil registry code and verification code.
  • Click on Verify.
  • You will see all the details of your subscription.

Social insurance discount rate for non-Saudis and Saudis

Social insurance discount rate for Saudis

The General Organization for Social Insurance has clarified the discount rate for the insurance coverage of the Saudi employee, which is 22%. This percentage is not deducted completely from the employee’s salary, but is divided as follows:

  • 9% will be deducted from the employee’s pension.
  • 9% is deducted from the organization to which the employee belongs, so the full discount rate is 18%
  • 2% is deducted from the value of the employee’s basic salary under the item of injuries and risks, and the worker and the facility are divided equally, so that each pays 1%.
  • 2% of the value of the basic salary of the employee participating in the SANED service is deducted, divided equally between the worker and the facility, with each paying 1%.

Social insurance discount rate for non-Saudis

The General Organization for Social Insurance enables non-Saudi residents in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to participate in social insurance, as the percentage of discount from the Saudi citizen differs from the non-Saudi, because the residents cannot receive a pension, after retirement, and they are not given a support salary, and the deduction is made from the individual Non-Saudi as follows:

  • A monthly deduction of 2% from the salary of the non-Saudi employee.
  • The company in which the non-Saudi employee works bears 2%, and it is paid under one of the occupational hazards branches.

How to calculate social security from salary

Workers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia can calculate social insurance based on the previous and subsequent subscription period, and it can be calculated as follows:[2]

  • Previous subscription period before 01/01/1422 AH: the average wage is calculated (during the last two years of the entire subscription period x previous subscription period ÷ 600), with the addition of the percentages shown below, according to the following:
    • If you support two people: 15% is added.
    • If you support three family members: 20% will be added.
    • If you support one person: 10% is added.
  • Subsequent contribution period after 01/01/1442 AH: The average wage is calculated (during the last two years of the entire contribution period x the subsequent contribution period ÷ 480), and the result of the two paragraphs is the pension due to the contributor.

My salary is 4000 how much does the insurance take.. The method of calculating social insurance from the salary

My salary is 4000, how much do you take in insurance?

The individual’s salary is calculated as 4 thousand Saudi riyals by the Social Insurance, where the value of the premium is deducted from this salary at the rate of 9% of the value of the basic salary, and this salary is calculated as follows:

  • [4000 × (9%)] = 360 Saudi riyals, so the value of the salary after calculating the insurance percentage is 3640 Saudi riyals.
  • In the event of any incentives or allowances for the salary; It is not included in the insurance premium calculation, but the establishment bears 6%, for a total of 15%.

My salary is 6000 how much do you take insurance?

The discount rate, if the salary is 22%, is calculated as follows:

  • Basic salary x (9%), [6000 × (9%)] = 540 Saudi riyals, so the salary after deducting the insurance is (6000 – 540) = 5460 Saudi riyals.

Salary calculator after deducting insurances

Employees working inside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia can calculate their salary amount and salary calculation after deducting the amount of social insurance deduction, and know the value of the net salary after deduction accurately and correctly, as well as knowing the date of the descent of the salary and the value of the salary for retirees, where the employee’s complete budget is displayed on the main screen of the program, The salary and the salary deduction percentage are calculated by following the following steps:

  • Download the salary calculator on mobile devices running iOS “from here”.
  • Open the application.
  • Enter the value of the employee’s basic salary.
  • The program will automatically calculate the value of the insurances on the salary, the deduction due on the basic salary, and clarify the value of the salary after deducting the insurances correctly.

Conditions for disbursing social security benefits for men and women

Regulations of the General Organization for Social Insurance

The executive regulations of the Saudi Social Insurance Institution have established the controls and conditions through which the employee’s salary is deducted. The executive regulations can be viewed directly “from here.” These regulations are divided into the following:

  • Registration and Contribution Regulations: All provisions related to registration, rules for determining contributions and the deduction percentage, as well as a schedule of monthly income brackets, are included in this list.
  • The Annuities Branch Compensation List: It includes the method for calculating the months of contribution, in addition to the method for calculating the compensation due to the obligatory or optional contributors.
  • Occupational Hazards Branch Compensation Regulation: This regulation lists the details of reporting work injuries and the deadline for reporting them, as well as talking about medical care and financial returns for participants.
  • Medical Committees Regulations: It includes the steps for forming medical committees and their rules, as well as mentioning the details of objection to decisions related to this bylaw.

Cases of disbursement of social insurance benefits

The General Organization for Social Insurance approved cases of disbursement of social insurance dues, the most prominent of which are the following:

  • If the contributor suffers from any disease or disability that prevents him from completing the work.
  • If the person engaged in dangerous work has spent twenty years or more.
  • In the event of death and total disability.
  • If a person leaves work due to a danger threatening his life, provided that he leaves work for a period of up to 10 years or more.

The date of the descent of social insurance salaries 1443

Article thirty-three of the executive regulations of the Social Security System states that pensions are due from the month following the month in which the payment request is submitted. Where the salaries of those entitled are released on the first day of the new Gregorian month, and the date of the salary’s descent is delayed to Sunday when the first day of the month agrees to Saturday, while the salary date is brought forward to Thursday if the beginning of the month falls on Friday.

How to book an appointment for Social Security

We can book appointments to visit Social Security through the following steps, as it is not allowed to visit any of the insurance branches without pre-booking an appointment by the client:

  • Go to the insurance website “from here” directly.
  • Transfer to public services.
  • Click on the book now icon.
  • Choose to book an appointment to visit the institution’s branch.
  • Write the full name.
  • Select the identity type from the drop-down list.
  • Enter the ID number.
  • Enter the mobile number.
  • Enter the e-mail address of the beneficiary.
  • Choose the office, select the service.
  • Select the date from the calendar.
  • Determine the appropriate date for the visit.
  • Enter the code, then click Verify.
  • Complete the instructions to confirm the appointment.

My insurance application

The General Organization for Insurance in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia launched the Tamminati application, which you can download from the Google Play store “from here” and the Apple store “from here”, in order to enable citizens to use all the electronic services provided by the institution, among which are the following:

  • Review job details.
  • Pay tracking.
  • View pension information details.
  • Issuing and uploading a certificate of the amount of the pension.
  • View profile data.
  • Submit a report to technical support.
  • Enter a new complaint.
  • Review and follow up on a complaint.
  • Mobile number update.
  • Review the list of the institution’s branches and contact numbers.

How to communicate with the General Organization for Social Insurance

You can contact the General Authority for Social Insurance for inquiries and complaints, and the following are the ways to communicate:

  • Headquarters: The Insurance Headquarters is located on King Saud Street to the south of the Military Hospital in Riyadh, and the headquarters can be visited during official working hours from 08:00 in the morning until 04:00 in the evening.
  • Toll-free: You can contact customer service through the toll-free number 8001243344.
  • Phone number: You can contact us through the phone number +966118087777.
  • Fax number: You can contact us by fax at +966112668900.
  • Twitter: You can contact customer service through Twitter by entering the customer care page “from here”.

Social networking sites for the General Organization for Social Insurance

The institution also provides the service of communicating with its customer service through the official social networking sites, and they are as follows:

  • General Organization for Social Insurance Facebook page: “From here.”
  • The account of the General Organization for Social Insurance via the Twitter platform: “From here.”
  • Page of the General Organization for Social Insurance via Linkedin: “From here”.

Social Security login link gosi.gov

We can go to the social security login page in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia directly “from here” and enter the beneficiary’s account to benefit from the electronic services provided by the ministry.

With this, we bring you to the conclusion of our article, the method of calculating social insurance from the salary, where we explained the method of registration in social insurance, the method of inquiring about social insurance, and the method of calculating social insurance from the salary, and we talked about the regulation of the General Organization for Social Insurance, cases of disbursement of social insurance entitlements, and we mentioned Ways to communicate with the institution, and a link to log in to the Social Security to benefit from all the various electronic services.

خاتمة لموضوعنا طريقة حساب التأمينات الاجتماعية من الراتب ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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