فضل قراءة سورة يوسف يوميا

فضل قراءة سورة يوسف يوميا , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

The merit of reading Surah Yusuf is what we will present in this article, for God, the Blessed and Exalted, has revealed the Noble Qur’an to the people and servants on earth as a mercy from Him, Glory be to Him, to them, and He made in it the virtues and characteristics that were not found in any other heavenly book. And he made in his verses healing for people, mercy and great bounty, so the reference site helps us to learn about the virtue of reciting one of the greatest Qur’anic surahs, which is Surat Yusuf.

Definition of Surah Yusuf

Surat Yusuf is one of the great Surahs of the Noble Qur’an, which contains among its verses pearls and gems that can only be extracted and enjoyed by those who contemplate these noble verses that were revealed by God – the Blessed and Almighty – to our master, the most honorable of creation, Muhammad, upon him be the best of blessings and peace. Surat Yusuf is the twelfth surah in the Holy Qur’an According to the arrangement of the Ottoman Qur’an, it is a surah that scholars have agreed that it is a Meccan, that is, it was revealed in the honorable Mecca before the blessed prophetic emigration, and the number of its verses reached one hundred and eleven verses, and this surah was named after Surat Yusuf, because it narrated the story of the Prophet of God Yusuf upon him Peace and his great biography, and it was not mentioned in the blessed prophetic Sunnah that it had another name than this.[1]

The virtue of reading Surah Al-Baqarah daily and seeking forgiveness

The virtue of reading Surah Yusuf daily

According to the scholars, there is no explicit prophetic text stating that Surat Yusuf has a specific virtue, rather its virtue comes from the virtue of reciting the verses of the Noble Qur’an in general. To you from the Book of your Lord, there is no changer of His words, and without Him you will not find a united one.}[2] The blessed Sunnah also urges us to recite and recite the Noble Qur’an, and to avoid abandoning and abandoning it, for God Almighty has made it a mercy for worship, a cure for ailments and worries, a way to meet needs, attaining what is desired and abundant sustenance, and making it a way out of distress and sadness, and a relief after worry and hardship that reading, and there is no doubt Surat Yusuf has a lot of merit, and the reward for reading it and reciting its verses is sufficient. For every letter a Muslim reads from the Holy Qur’an, whether it is from Surat Yusuf or others, is a good deed, and the good deed is ten like it, and God Almighty multiplies the reward for whomever He wills. The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Whoso He recites a letter from the Book of God, for him there is a good deed, and a good deed is ten like it.[3] Whoever recites Surah Yusuf has a good deed for every letter of it, and a good deed is equal to ten like it, and he obtains the great reward for it, and it is reassurance and comfort, because God Almighty has made in his remembrance and recitation of his great verses comfort and tranquility and tranquility for hearts and souls, so his reading of these great verses clears his chest from worries and sorrows, and through them The reward and favor are from God Almighty, and God Almighty honors him with it from His bounty, generosity, and endless giving, and God knows best.[4]

The virtue of reading Surah Yasin 7 times for livelihood, marriage, and relieving oneself

The circumstances in which Surat Yusuf was revealed to the Prophet

The revelation was revealed by an order from God, the Blessed and the Most High, to the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – with Surat Yusuf in the darkest times and the darkest days that passed on Muslims, and it was a means of mitigating and comforting him. His wife, Mrs. Khadija, may God be pleased with her, also lost his uncle Abu Talib’s support and assistance, so God Almighty revealed to him Surah Yusuf, reminding him that after every hardship ease will inevitably come, and after all their worries will come relief and comfort, Surah Yusuf has mentioned the calamities and temptations that the Prophet of God was exposed to Yusuf, peace be upon him, and how he was patient with her and sought reward from God Almighty, so that God Almighty bestowed upon him the best of relief, and provided him with His bounty and the highest and dearest of his stature, and gathered his scattered and reunited him who separated, and completed the grace and grace upon him, and the Muslim should remember that the affliction is a test from God Almighty. And a person has to be patient as the Messenger of God was patient, and as the patience of all the prophets, the most tested people are the prophets and messengers, peace be upon them, and the Muslim must remember when he reads this great surah, that hardship must be removed by ease, and that relief will inevitably come after fatigue.[5]

My experience with Surat Yusuf for beauty

One of the women said: God, Blessed and Exalted be He, has created us in the best of forms and bodies, and He has honored some people with extraordinary beauty, and He has honored some with ordinary beauty, but it is from the human nature of man that he is a creation that loves to be beautiful, and he loves to have a good appearance at all times and circumstances. Some people, including me, have heard that Surat Yusuf in the Holy Qur’an has many aesthetic benefits, which by reading it gives the reader a beautiful and attractive face, so I kept reading Surat Yusuf daily, and I started watching myself in the mirror every day. Will my face change and become more beautiful than I am now? Will I get the good I wish for? But day after day I became aware of the real aesthetic benefits of reading this great surah or any other surah. God Almighty has honored me with a good husband who sees me as the most beautiful and sweetest of women. My livelihood has increased and my outlook on life has changed. I have come to see myself as exceedingly beautiful, and I have accepted the creation that God Almighty created me with and I am content with what He has divided me, so my acceptance has met with God’s approval, generosity and grace, and since I realized this fact. I continued to read the Qur’an every day, and I thank God Almighty and praise Him for those upon me, and praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.

The virtue of reciting Surat Al-Kahf on Friday

The spiritual benefits of Surah Yusuf

God, Blessed and Exalted be He, has made in the Noble Qur’an many stories that carry many benefits, wisdom, and great lessons. In the following, we will present some of the spiritual benefits of Surat Yusuf:[6]

  • Certainty that the power of God Almighty includes everything in this world, and that there is no power in this universe greater than or equal to the power of God Almighty.
  • God’s piety is the way out and the way to get rid of problems, worries and trials.
  • For the believer to think well of God, the Blessed and Exalted, and to be certain that what God Almighty chooses for him is the best and the best.
  • Contentment with what God Almighty has divided, praised and thanked him for what he has given us of blessings, grace and bounties.
  • Surat Yusuf gives the soul hope and inspires patience over trials and tribulations, and the certainty that after every hardship there is ease, and after every distress there is relief.
  • Things in this life are not just appearances, but are much deeper and have special meanings that only the wise and understanding of the order of God Almighty and His Messenger can comprehend.
  • It is the duty of a Muslim to stay away from everything that tempts him in his religion and this world, and everything that he realizes that if he engages in it, he will deviate from the correct Islamic belief.
  • Keeping away from sins and disobedience, no matter how small or large, the consequence of the sin will come, even if this sin is the size of an atom.

The merit of Surat Yusuf in answering supplications

There are no hadiths or texts reported in the honorable Prophetic Sunnah that Surat Yusuf is a reason for the supplication to be answered or that it has merit in this matter, but it is desirable for a Muslim to supplicate after reciting the Qur’an. His supplication is the etiquette and conditions stipulated by Islamic law in order for a Muslim to adhere to them during supplication, and he must be careful that there is no sin in his supplication, nor severing the ties of kinship or aggression, and if he is sincere in his intention to God Almighty, God Almighty will not disappoint him, and God Almighty gives the servant an answer His supplication takes three forms, and they are either to give him what he asked, or to atone for his sins by his supplication, or to save his supplication for him until the Day of Resurrection, and God knows best.[7]

The virtue of reciting Surat Yusuf for the private part

God favored us and sent down upon us from His many mercy that He sent down the Qur’an for us in which there is guidance, healing and comfort. The blessed Sunnah are hadiths concerning Surat Yusuf with merit, reward and other things. The Messenger of God has instructed us to pray to God by saying: O God, make the Qur’an the spring of my heart and the light of my chest, the remover of my sadness and the removal of my anxiety. From him, and what he endured of affliction and testing, God willing.[4]

The virtue of reading Surah Yusuf for livelihood

The honorable prophetic Sunnah has been devoid of hadiths that pertain to the virtue of reciting Surah Yusuf for a specific purpose. Rather, it is like all other chapters of the Holy Qur’an in which there is merit and reward for those who read it. However, some people have believed that Surat Yusuf has merit in bringing about a sustenance and its capacity, but these sayings are wrong and incorrect, and they may The Muslim may ask for sustenance from God Almighty by praying, pleading and insisting upon him, as the blessed Sunnah is replete with many hadiths that included supplications to ask God Almighty for a good and lawful sustenance in the soul, money, family and offspring, among which the following will be mentioned:

  • “اللَّهَّمَّكِف .ن بحيلل .ل .كَ عَن حرِِ……………………………..”.[8]
  • “Oh God, you are the owner of the kingdom, you give the kingdom to whomever you want, and you take away the kingship from whom you want, you honor whoever you want, and humiliate whoever you want, in your hand is the good. Indeed, you are over all things, the most merciful of this world and the hereafter and their mercy.[9]

What is the merit of saying amen after reciting Al-Fatihah?

The virtue of reading Surah Yusuf for beauty

The human nature, which God Almighty has made him, must be attractive with a good and beautiful appearance that people praise him for, but God Almighty does not look at a person’s beauty and good or lack of beauty, rather God Almighty looks at hearts, souls and deeds, and the preference of reading Surat Yusuf or Reciting any surah of the Noble Qur’an becomes manifest and beautifies the life of a Muslim with the pleasure of God Almighty, bestows upon him by His grace and generosity, and beautifies his soul with contentment with what God Almighty has divided for him. In this life not the beauty of the face and body.

The virtue of reading Surah Yusuf for marriage

Reciting Surat Yusuf does not have any merit in marriage, but that is a facilitation from God Almighty for His servants, and He bestows this grace upon whomever He wills of His faithful servants. From his grace and generosity, he is the most generous of the hosts, and God knows best.

Search for the virtue of Surat Al-Fatihah

The virtue of reading Surah Yusuf for pregnant women

There is no hadith in the blessed Prophetic Sunnah that indicates that Surat Yusuf has merit for the pregnant woman, and that the Holy Qur’an is all good, blessing and care for the pregnant woman. Science did not stand on the validity of a saying that indicates that there is a special merit for Surat Yusuf, and the pregnant woman should supplicate to God Almighty, praise Him, thank Him and seek His forgiveness at all times, and God is the Grantor of success.[10]

Ruling on setting aside time in the day to read Surah Yusuf

There is no evidence regarding Surat Yusuf that a Muslim must allocate a specific time or day to read Surat Yusuf, and whoever does that has done something of innovations and innovations in the religion, God forbid. On the Day of Resurrection, the Fire and its price, we seek refuge in Allah from it, so it is better to stay away from these matters and unless something from the Sunnah or consensus or otherwise is mentioned in their validity.

Is it true that reading Surat Yusuf relieves anxiety?

It is not correct and has not been proven that Surat Yusuf relieves anxiety, sadness or distress for those who read it, neither in the Sunnah, nor in consensus, analogy, or anything else. And peace of mind, and the Muslim must adhere to what God Almighty has commanded him and keep reminding him day and night lest he be affected by distress, sadness or worry, and God knows best.[4]

Surat Al-Ikhlas was distinguished by great merit, as it is fair in its reading?

Here we have reached the end of our article on the virtue of reading Surat Yusuf daily, where we explained whether Surat Yusuf has a special virtue or not.

خاتمة لموضوعنا فضل قراءة سورة يوسف يوميا ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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