الغاز صعبة جدا مع اجوبتها 2022 , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
Gas is very difficult with its answers 2022. It is one of the topics that lovers of competitions are most interested in, which depends on the principle of puzzle and its answer or on the principle of question and answer. We offer a wide range of intelligent puzzles with answers 2022 in addition to poetic puzzles and complex puzzles with answers and solutions.
Gas is very difficult with its answers
Below we present a set of very difficult puzzles with their answers and solutions:
- Riddle: How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? Answer: Only one egg, because the eggs you will eat after the first egg will not be on an empty stomach.
- Riddle: Something solid like rock, but it melts directly in fire? Answer: Ice.
- Riddle: Something that always comes especially at night, is new and gets old little by little? Answer: The beginning of the new year.
- Riddle: What thing do you have to break before you can use it? Answer: eggs
- Riddle: The number of days in a month may be 30 or it may be 31, so what is the month that has 25 days? Answer: All months
- Riddle: What can you keep for life without touching or guarding it with your hands? Answer: It is a covenant or a promise.
- Riddle: What is the word that all the inhabitants of the earth pronounce with the same pronunciation despite the different languages and dialects? Answer: It is the word hello or hello.
Gas is difficult with the solution 2022, only geniuses can solve it
Difficult puzzles with written answers
Among the most difficult puzzles with written answers are the following:
- Riddle: What is the thing that you carry with you wherever you go but that is light and never hinders you in all your travels? Answer: Your name.
- Riddle: Abu Emad has 4 children, Khaled, Sami, and Samer. What is the name of the fourth boy? Answer: Emad.
- Riddle: A person is building a rectangular house, but all sides of the house are facing south, and during that a bear passes next to the house. What color is that bear? Answer: The color of the bear is white, because the house is located in the Arctic.
- Riddle: What is green on the ground, black in the market, and red in the house? Answer: It is tea.
- Riddle: A man is driving and sees three doors: a diamond door, a ruby door, and an emerald door. Which door should he open first? Answer: His car door.
- Riddle: Surah in the Noble Qur’an all its verses end with the letter D, so what is it? Answer: Surat Al-Ikhlas, say He is God, One.
- Riddle: I am a thing that can carry weights unparalleled by dozens of men, and at the same time I cannot carry a nail, so do you recognize me? Answer: The sea or the ocean.
- Riddle: A thing has leaves but is not a plant, has skin but is not an animal, has knowledge and is not a human, so what is it? Answer: The book.
- Riddle: What is impossible to cool when put in the refrigerator? Answer: hot pepper.
- Riddle: If you want to know me; You will find me once in a century, and twice in a minute, and you will not see me in a day or an hour, so who am I? The answer: the letter qaf.
Gas is very difficult with the solution 2022. If you pass it, you are a genius!!
Difficult puzzles and old solutions
Among the old puzzles known to previous generations are the following difficult puzzles with their solutions:
- Riddle: Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest summit in the world? Answer: Mount Everest.
- Riddle: What can travel around the world, but stays in a corner all the time? Answer: Postage stamp.
- Riddle: What is the thing that crosses cities, villages and fields without making any movement? Answer: the road.
- Riddle: What is the thing that when placed in water is black, and when taken out it comes back red? Answer: Iron.
- Puzzle: Mr. Blue lives in the blue house, Mr. Pink lives in the pink house, Mr. Brown lives in the brown house, who lives in the White House? Answer: The American President.
- Riddle: I am a thing that is able to speak though I have no tongue, and I am able to listen, and I also have no ear, so who am I? Answer: the phone.
- Riddle: The day before the two days after tomorrow is Saturday. What is today? Answer: Friday, “the day before tomorrow” is today; “The day before two days later” is really one day after that. So if “one day after today is Saturday,” then it must be Friday.
- Riddle: It has a neck, no head, arms, and no hands. It can look very smooth or wrinkled. What is it? Answer: A shirt.
- Riddle: Jack looks at Ann, Ann looks at George, Jack is married, and George is not, and we don’t know if Ann is married, does the married look at the unmarried? Answer: Yes. If Anne is married, she is married and looks at George, who is unmarried, if Anne is unmarried, then Jack, who is married, looks at her, either way, the statement is true.
Gas is difficult and its solutions are old
Difficult puzzles for geniuses written
After difficult puzzles and their solutions are old, we put in the following a set of difficult puzzles for geniuses written:
- Riddle: In a pond, there are some flowers and some bees hovering over it. How many flowers and bees if the following two statements are true: (First: If each bee lands on a flower, then not one bee will get a flower. Second: If two bees share each flower, there will be only one flower left): Answer: 4 bees and 3 flowers .
- Puzzle: An empty basket one foot in diameter. Can you know the total number of eggs that can be placed in the basket so that it will not remain empty? Answer: Only one egg, because when you put an egg in the basket it will not remain empty anymore.
- Puzzle: I have so many faces, expressions, and feelings, and you’re only a click away from me. So what am I? Answer: emoji list
- Riddle: What word in English uses all five vowels plus Y in alphabetical order, and uses each only once? Answer: Facetiously
- Riddle: The guy who was outside in the rain without an umbrella or hat didn’t wet a single hair on his head. Why? Answer: He was bald.
- Riddle: What is the thing that does not hear, does not see, and does not speak, but always testifies to the truth? Answer: the mirror
- Riddle: I found it in socks, scarves, and gloves. And often at the playful feet of cats. What am I? Answer: thread
- Riddle: If ten people can finish one of the tasks in five days at a rate of working two hours per day, how many days will it take to carry out the work if only two people do it and that is an average of five hours a day? Answer: It will take ten days, Because the work takes a hundred hours to complete.
- Riddle: If there are twenty parrots on the fence and the farmer shoots five of them, how many parrots are left? Answer: None. The rest of the parrots flew away when they heard gunfire.
Gas and its solutions are difficult, easy, old, funny, 2022
Old capillary gas and its solutions
The riddles may be poetic, that is, they are composed of some verses of poetry. Among these riddles are the following:
- The riddle: What is meant by the following poetic verses: A judge has judged justice in the people, he has a palm and he has no arms I saw people have accepted his judgement and he has no palm and no tongue Answer: the balance
- The riddle: What is meant by the following poetic verses: I appeal to you about men without two legs, and he has a destiny and charm in people’s eyes, faster than a god and a twinkle of the eye, nor is he unjust and does not like the oppressor Answer: The Angel of Death, Azrael.
- Riddle: What is meant by the following poetic verses: What girl drank it from her father’s womb, and even her father drank it from her head. The atmosphere of a group besieged and caught it, and guarded it with its movement and its reversals. And on the day they gained from her earnings, they imprisoned her and her father, and bended her guards. The answer: What is meant is the quill of the pen.
- Riddle: What is meant by the following: The fortune-teller sang about an ancient man who did not go with a generation that went and lost him between his actions.
- The riddle: What is the meaning of these verses: a name for a fruit that has four letters on the face of every beholder, with what has passed and the present if the beginning of it has passed, it spread with a perfume first and third, we find it half tamer, and the second and then fourth half the hissing of a zamer Answer: apples.
- Riddle: What is the intent of the verses: O poet who sings the poems, Jack sings the news from me and his thoughts are based, we ask you about my uncle’s lute, not to speak. He reveals the veil of his virginity to the one who drags a lute to reveal the truth, a teacher who teaches him to make one person happy and another to harm him, bring the news and send your answer, tagged in four houses from the villages whose villages make you happy. The answer: the caliber of oil in the engine.
- Puzzle: What is meant by the verses: God has given, reason and Ajtbah created image, and then guided his knowledge of the pen and the character did not know what thanks he says, a fervent sing: Lulac what guided my Lord and Salitajawab: Human
- Riddle: What is the intent of the following poetic verses: The fortune-teller chanted for several daughters who ride above their father, all evidence, and above their father, riders that are good for the elder and the land of the Prophet. Answer: The rosary.
10 tricky puzzles with a solution written for smart people only 2022
Fun puzzles with the solution
After the poetic puzzles and difficult puzzles with the solution, we put in the following a group of interesting puzzles with the solution:
- Riddle: One rabbit saw 6 elephants while heading towards the river. Each elephant saw two monkeys heading towards the river. Each monkey carried one fly in its hands. How many animals were heading towards the river? Answer: 5
- Riddle: What is always in front of you but you can never see it? Answer: the future.
- Riddle: What has a lot of keys but can’t open a single lock, no matter how small? Answer: The piano.
- Riddle: What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty? Answer: The blackboard.
- Puzzle: Two people played chess five times, they both won the same number of games and there was no tie. How is this possible? Answer: This is only possible if they play with other people.
- Riddle: What gives you the ability to look through a wall? Answer: It is a window.
- Riddle: What goes around every area of the house, with its lady always dancing, yet always working, and never romantic? Answer: Broom.
- Riddle: What has a lot of teeth but can’t bite? Answer: the comb.
Gas sing you with its solutions
There are many riddles known in the Gulf dialects, and these riddles begin with the word I sing to you. Among these riddles are the following:
- Riddle: I am asking you about a hunter who wants to hunt and benefit. If he hunts, he hunts two, and if he makes a mistake, he hunts four? The answer: Friday prayer.
- Riddle: I ask you about a virgin whose life is the head of men who eats and what she eats. Her men did not benefit her from the redness of blood, what was shed, O God’s help, how could he feel her pain? Answer: The sharpener of the pen.
- Riddle: I am asking you about a high-ranking man and the dignity of a man without whom you would not rest in peace, and his goodness but outside his home, otherwise his branch will not show? Answer: The passport.
- Riddle: I am asking you about ten sisters who are like them for girls, in whom there is a beautiful bride who makes thousands of books? Answer: The last ten days.
- Riddle: I ask you about a man who took two of the whites, lying between them and each of them seeing him, neither he took them heresy nor took them on the religion, and the kaf to clarify the first letters. And I think you are a lover, and Zain explained it to you, and the clever of you will go around it? The answer: carbon paper.
- Riddle: I beg you about a girl who is afraid of the cause. If it does not show her that she does not heal, how many neighbors have you separated from the group of people who have hidden her from some view? Answer: Tooth decay.
Gas questions and new puzzles 2022 with the solution
10 hard puzzles with solution
After these past puzzles, we put the 10 most difficult puzzles among all the puzzles, with the appropriate solution for each of these ten puzzles:
- Puzzle 1: Hana multiplied 414 by a certain number and got 69,958 as the answer. But she finds that there is something wrong with the answer – both the number 9 in the answer are wrong and all the other numbers are correct. Can you find the correct answer? Answer: 60858.
- The second riddle: What is something that you cannot see wherever it is, even though it constantly fills the room around you, can neither be touched nor heard, but is harmless, so who is it? Answer: Air
- Mystery 3: A man drove all the way from Shimla to Delhi only to discover at the end of the trip that he had a punctured tire Solution: Right from the start. However, his car was not affected by it at all? How is this possible? Answer: A flat tire must be a spare tire.
- The fourth riddle: What is achieved without making any significant effort? Answer: Failure.
- Puzzle 5: I’m a precious little thing, I dance and eat all the time. Watch me from afar, so that you may feel my warm and gentle love, but do not come near me or it may be my next meal! Answer: Fire.
- The sixth puzzle: What is the cover that is placed while it is wet only? Answer: the paint layer.
- Seventh puzzle: There is a one-story house in which everything is yellow. Yellow walls, yellow doors, yellow furniture. What color is the staircase? Answer: There is no house because it is a one-story house.
- Riddle 8: How many times a day is the clock in a straight line but in the opposite direction? Answer: 22
- Ninth Riddle: My life can be measured in hours, I serve you until I die. I’m thin, I’m fast. I’m fat, I’m slow. The wind is my greatest enemy. Answer: a candle
- Riddle 10: What can you hold with your left hand but not with your right? Answer: Your right elbow
With these riddles, we come to the end of this article, in which we put a group of very difficult puzzles with their answers 2022. We also put in it a set of poetic riddles, chanted puzzles and other difficult and fun riddles with their complete answers.
خاتمة لموضوعنا الغاز صعبة جدا مع اجوبتها 2022 ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.