دعاء اخر يوم في السنة مكتوب , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
A written supplication for the last day of the year is one of the supplications that will be presented in this article. As the date of the New Year 2022 approaches, Muslims resort to God these days with supplication and supplication to Him, in the hope that God will forgive them their sins and forgive their misdeeds and misdeeds in the past days, and they pray For God to make the coming year a year of goodness, success and blessing, and the reference site will present in this article the most prominent supplications that are answered in the last days of the Gregorian year, along with the supplication for the end of the year and the supplication for the last day of the year written and answered, God willing.
End of calendar year 2021
There are not many days left for the end of the Gregorian year 2021 AD, as only about 22 days remain for the entry of the New Year 2022 AD, and the beginning of the year will be on January 1, 2022 AD, which is the day that will coincide in the Hijri date 28 Jumada al-Ula / 1443 AH, where he lives Muslims at this time are the last days of December, which is the last month of the Gregorian year, which is the twelfth month of the year, and Muslims are keen to pray a lot and draw closer to God, so that the end of the year is good, and the beginning of the new year is good.[1]
Farewell prayer for the year 2021 Duas for the reception of the new Gregorian year 2022
A written supplication for the last day of the year
The supplication of the last day of the year is written and is not limited to a specific supplication, and there is no text or specification in that, and the Muslim can supplicate with whatever he wants from the permissible supplications mentioned in the honorable Sunnah, and in the following the Muslim will find the most beautiful supplications on the last day of the year written:
- Oh God, on the last day of the year, we ask you to forgive us what we presented, what we concealed and what we announced, and what we learned and what we did not know, God forgive us and forgive us and have mercy on us, God go away from us in our new year all the pain that befell us in our past year.
- Oh God, on the last day of the year, we ask you to make this day the beginning of every end to pain and sadness and the end of every distress, illusion and distress, O God, make our coming days in the coming years, days of goodness, blessing, joy and pleasure, and make for us in them mercy and forgiveness what makes you satisfied with us.
- Oh God, on the last day of this year, we raise our hands to You, we pray to You and seek Your protection, Oh God, make comfort descend upon every Muslim heart whose aches and pains are known only to You, Oh God, keep them away from worries, sorrows, distress and misery.
- Oh God, on the last day of this year, make our past days an atonement for us for our sins and bad deeds, and a reason for the affliction to go away and the fulfillment of wishes. We do not sin after that, and prescribe for us Paradise without reckoning and without precedent of torment.
A prayer for the end of the year complete from the Qur’an and Sunnah
Prayer for the last day of the year
In the following, the supplication for the last day of the year will be included in order to be supplicated with it and to draw closer to God in it:
- O Allah, on this day at the end of the year, I ask You for mercy from You, by which You guide our hearts, and by which You bring us together, heal our strife, restore our familiarity with it, and reform our religion by it, O God, by it, protect our absent, raise our witness, purify our work, whiten our face, inspire our guidance, and protect us with it from all evil. .
- O God, on the last day of the year, I ask You to bring down my need for me, and I ask You to forgive me for my weakness of my opinion and the shortness of my work.
- There is no god but God and Muhammad is the Messenger of God, there is no god but You, Glory be to You, I was one of the wrongdoers. Oh God, on the last day of the year, make for me light in my heart, and in my grave light, and in my hearing light, and in my sight light, Oh God, increase me light, and give me light and make for me Nura.
- Oh God, at the end of the Gregorian year, make me a guide and a Mahdi, not misguided or misguided. Oh God, make me love people with your love and make me hostile to you with your enmity and those who disagree with you. Oh God, in our new year we ask you for forgiveness, wellness, and safety in this world and the hereafter.
Prayers for the New Year 2022 Prayers for the reception of the New Year are answered
End of the year prayers
Among the supplications for the end of the year, people search for a supplication for the last day of the year, in order to pray with it, circulate it and send it to people, and the following are some of the supplications that are answered that will be highlighted:
- Oh God, with the end of the year and approaching the beginning of the new year, we seek refuge in You from the abominations of morals and deeds. The world is saturated with knowledge that is neither useful nor benefited from.
- O God, at the end of this year, I ask You that You are God, the One, the One, the Eternal, the Eternal, who was not begotten, was not begotten, and had no equal, to forgive me of my past sins and to make me happy in all my days.
- O Allah, at the end of this Gregorian year, I ask You for guidance, success, and guidance, O Allah, we ask You to guide us to every good and to choose for us what you love and are satisfied with, and arrange for us, for we do not improve the measure.
- Oh God, make this end of this New Year a happy ending, and make the beginning of the New Year a happy beginning, Oh God, make it a cloud full of goodness and giving to all Muslims.
Prayers for the last days of the year
The supplication of the last days of the year and the supplication of the first days of the new year, are among the supplications that Muslims are keen to persevere in, and thus they are looking for a written supplication for the last day of the year, which they will find in the following:
O God, You are the First, and there is nothing before You, and You are the Last, and there is nothing after You. Oh God, with your mercy that expanded everything, and with your strength that conquered everything, and your might that conquered everything, may Allah have mercy on us in our coming years and forgive us the past of our lives, may Allah direct our actions to the right, and guide our hearts to guidance, O Allah, you are the rest after the annihilation of everything, and you are the holy of the first And others, forgive us the sins that bring down resentment, change blessings, withhold supplications, and bring down calamity, O God, grant our souls piety and purify them.
A prayer for the end of the year and the beginning of a new year written 2022
Beautiful prayer at the end of the year
The following is a beautiful supplication at the end of the year and the most beautiful supplications for the new Gregorian year:
- Oh God, we ask you to make us among those close to your servants, and those for whom you have sealed with goodness with the end of this year, Oh God, make the end of this year a good end and a good beginning, Oh God, make it forgiveness and acceptance, O Lord of the worlds.
- Oh God, in the New Year, forgive me, have mercy on me, and grant me success for that which You love and are pleased with. Oh God, relax my heart, my mind and my mind, and remove from me the scattered things of my affairs and my thoughts. Oh God, in my heart there are things that only You know. New year wonders of your mercy and ability.
- Oh God, as the year approaches its end, and with it we turn a page of our life, we ask you to increase our religion and to bless us and us in our lives, and to give us health in our bodies.
- Oh God, at the end of the year, our cities are our hands to you, and what is with you is the greatness of our desires, so accept our repentance, have mercy on our weakness, forgive our sins, accept our excuses, make for us a share of every good, and ease us to every good way.
A prayer of welcome in 2022 and farewell in 2021
End of the year prayer
The best supplication for a Muslim at the end of the year is the supplication of the last day of the year, which begins with the prayer of the Prophet – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – and praise to God – the Almighty – and it is one of the blessed supplications from the Qur’an and the Sunnah, and the following is the best supplication for the end of the year 2021:
In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, and prayers and peace be upon the most perfect of the messengers, the unlettered prophet, the intercessor, the intercessor in the resurrection, and upon his family and companions, and may the peace and blessings of God be upon you abundantly. Oh God, this is another year that is rolling out of our lives and we are approaching the reception of a new year. Do not be stingy, O God, and You are the Mighty, do not be humiliated, and You are the impenetrable who is not fine, and You are the one who gives us the right, so reward us, O You who are not harmed. We ask you, O our Lord, not to turn your honorable face away from us, O Most Merciful, Most Merciful.
A written prayer for self-immunization is answered from the evil eye, envy, disease and magic
Duas for the last days of the year
Supplication in the last days of the year is a good deed that every Muslim can do. Supplication is one of the greatest and most honorable acts of worship with God, the Blessed and Exalted. The supplications of the last days of the year will be mentioned in the following:
- O Allah, with your mercy, I seek help, O Living, O Qayyum, rectify all my affairs for me, and do not leave me to myself for the blink of an eye.
- O Lord of the worlds, I ask you to give me an open mind, a present mind, and a quick understanding, O Lord of the worlds.
- Oh God, I ask you to guide me to the path of truth, and to make me one of those who establish and maintain prayer, O Lord of the worlds, O Lord of the worlds, increase us and do not diminish us, honor us and do not lose heart, give us and do not deprive us, prefer us and do not affect us, and our land and land on us.
- O Most Merciful of this world and Most Merciful in the Hereafter, descend upon us from Your mercy, grant us Your grace and generosity, and complete Your favor upon us, for You are the Giver and there is no hindrance to You.
- Oh God, I ask You for happiness in my life, and I ask You for happiness after my death, so do not deprive me of it, O Lord of the Worlds.
The supplication of Surat Yassin to spend the needs is written, the most beautiful supplications from Surat Yassin
A prayer of God on the last day of this year
The supplication of God on the last day of this year is what will be mentioned in the following, as many are looking for a supplication for the last day of the year, to supplicate by it and to be a good opening for the new year, and the supplication that will be mentioned is a beautiful and good supplication, which a Muslim can supplicate with on the last day of the year or any other day:
Oh God, guide me among those whom You have guided, and grant me health among those whom I have recovered, take care of me among those whom I have taken care of, bless me with what You have given, protect me, and turn away from me the evil of what I have spent, that You will judge with truth and it will not be judged against You. Oh God, on the last day of this year, I ask You for a good conclusion, good standing, and good thanks to You, O Lord of the worlds. I have my sins, what is apparent from them and what is hidden, and what I know of them and what I do not know.
Farewell phrases and words in 2021 and welcome in the Gregorian new year 2022
A prayer of God at the end of the Gregorian year is written
We present to you a written supplication of God at the end of the Gregorian year, and it is a good and beautiful supplication, with which a Muslim can supplicate to God Almighty and converse with Him, and it is:
O God, at the end of the Gregorian year, I ask You for Your kindness, mercy, and generosity. The spring of my heart, the purifier of my anxiety and my sorrow, and a cure for my ailments and ailments, O God, grant me good offspring and grant me Your bosom, O God, set right my affairs for me, and guide me to the right path and guidance from every matter, O God, inspire me patience and solace on the hardships of life and its trials on the Day of Resurrection. Praise be to You, many good thanks to You until you are satisfied, Amen.
Happy New Year pictures 2022 Happy New Year pictures
The most beautiful supplications for the new year 2022
In the following, the most beautiful supplications for the new Gregorian year 2022 will be presented, as the Muslim may search for such supplications to call upon God Almighty and call him in these special times, and the supplications are:
- Oh God, Most Merciful of this world and Merciful in the Hereafter, make me among the righteous, and guide me with the rightly-guided, Oh God, save me from the torment of a great day, and gather me with the martyrs and the truthful, and unite me with the Messenger of God, upon him be blessings and peace, and all the messengers.
- O God, to you I have submitted, and in you I have believed, and in you I have relied, and in you I repent, so forgive me what I have done and what I have delayed, there is no god but You, glory be to You, I was one of the wrongdoers, O God, cover me with Your beautiful veil.
- O Lord of the worlds, I ask of Your unending favor, and I ask You to bestow upon us from Your giving, and to have mercy on us with Your mercy, there is no god but You, O God, fulfill my needs for me if they are good for me in my religion, my livelihood and the outcome of my affairs, for You are capable of all things.
Dua for the last month of the year
Below we present to you the supplication of the last month of the year:
O Allah, in this last month of this year, I ask You to make the new year a good year for the Islamic nation, and I ask You to make it the beginning of happiness and success for us in our lives, O Most Generous of Hosts. Sorrow, worry and distress, O Most Merciful of this world and Most Merciful in the Hereafter, O Allah, in it, spare me from sins and immoralities, what is apparent from them and what is hidden, and complete Your favor upon me and all those I love, and may God’s prayers be upon our master Muhammad and his family and all his companions.
The importance of praying at the end of the year
Supplication is one of the great acts of worship and good deeds that God Almighty has legislated for His Muslim servants, and He has made goodness and grace in it great and abundant reward, and supplication at the end of the year is not only important, but supplication is required in all times and circumstances, because supplication is one of the most honorable acts of worship with God Almighty. God Almighty supplicates to inherit anger and anger from Him, Glory be to Him, and that supplication is a means for a person to achieve what he wants in this world and the hereafter, and because supplication is an expiation for sins and a gain for God Almighty’s love and pleasure. His ranks will rise in this world and the hereafter, and God knows best.[2]
Oh Lord, have mercy, the best supplications for mercy are written
Beautiful last day of the year prayer pictures
Beautiful pictures of the last day of the year will be presented as follows:
Here ends our article written supplication for the last day of the year, as we mentioned in this article many supplications about the end of the year and its last days, and we talked about the last month of the Gregorian year and the importance of supplication in it. year or any time he wants.
خاتمة لموضوعنا دعاء اخر يوم في السنة مكتوب ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.