أضرار مجفف الشعر على الشعر المبلول , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
Damage of a hair dryer to wet hair Most women find it easy, instead of taking care of their hair, a healthy attention by taking care of it, they resort to using heat for styling hair to get soft hair instantly without spending a lot of time or effort to maintain it, and a hair dryer is a device that is often available in every woman’s home According to its ease of use and its economic price, it is therefore important to mention these damages and how to avoid them, and that is what we will address through the reference site through the damages of a hair dryer to wet hair.
Hair dryer damage to wet hair
A hair dryer is a device that works with a modern technology that relies on heat that is used for several purposes, including hair styling and straightening. In some cases, wet hair is dried with it, but it turns out that this causes a lot of multiple damages that affect the hair follicles themselves, as well as the scalp and hair roots. Those damages are as follows:
- The thermal dryer causes damage to the hair and the collapse of its follicles when used on wet hair directly with the temperature of the dryer constantly increasing significantly, because the pores of the hair when wet are open and the dryer causes hot air to enter those pores, which causes inflammation of the scalp and that makes the hair Weak, brittle and perishable.
- Constant use of a hair dryer leads to the split ends of the hair, causing it to fall out, with the formation of frizzy and rough nodules, which lose the hair strands of their flexibility and vitality, and lead to the difficulty of styling.
- Repeatedly pulling the hair with a hair dryer brush with the use of high temperature leads to the weakening of the hair from its roots, so it is easy to fall out, and thus the density of the hair will decrease.
- The use of a hair dryer leads to weak scalp and weak follicles, which causes the hair to lose its luster and moisture, causing dryness that causes the hair to lose its luster.
- When the dryer is directed at the scalp directly, burns and infections occur in the skin, which causes the scalp to collapse, which leads to weak roots and causes the loss of a lot of hair.
- Continuous use of a hair dryer on wet hair causes lumps of dandruff on the scalp with an unpleasant odor.
Avoid hair dryer damage
To avoid hair dryer damage, several things must be followed before using the dryer. These things are summarized as follows:
- Hair should be dried well using a hair towel designated for this, because drying helps reduce the duration of use of the hair dryer and thus reduces damage.
- Using a wide-toothed comb to style the hair well and to untangle the tangled tufts of hair from each other, by starting by styling the hair from the ends and then moving upwards until the hair is completely styled, and this way works to reduce hair loss and breakage.
- A high-quality hair dryer should be chosen with its own brush, and the best dryers today are ionic technology.
- Use a heat protectant for your hair type by applying it to the ends of the hair, avoiding applying it to the roots.
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What are the effects of heat on hair?
Heat causes a lot of damages that damage hair and cause it to fall out, and these damages are as follows:
- The heat resulting from the use of blow-dry or ironing causes damage to the natural oils and proteins naturally present in the hair, which causes damage to the basic structure of the hair follicles with its breakage, brittleness and damage.
- Heat causes hair to lose shine and moisture, causing hair to dry out and fall out.
- It causes many burns to the scalp due to the closeness of the blow dryer hole to the skin.
- Pulling the hair with the blowdry brush to be straightened causes the loss of a lot of hair strands and causes the roots to weaken, which leads to dryness of the scalp, and this causes the formation of crusty lumps that cause many problems.
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What are the symptoms of heat damage to hair?
There are symptoms that indicate that the heat has already begun to damage the hair follicles and strands, and these symptoms are summarized as follows:
- Feeling of constant itching due to the formation of dandruff in the scalp with a feeling of burning caused by inflammation in the scalp.
- Profuse and noticeable hair loss, with weak hair strands.
- Dry hair due to heat stripping of the natural proteins and oils that are naturally secreted by the scalp.
What is the best way to use a hair dryer
The most desirable type of hair among women is smooth and straight hair, or the so-called straight hair, so they always resort to going to beauty centers for hair styling and straightening, but this process takes a lot of time, so girls and women, especially workers, buy a hair dryer and start using it themselves, but the wrong use of the blow dryer may lead There are many risks that harm the scalp and the hair follicles itself, so it is necessary to follow the tips and steps for using a hair dryer to get soft and healthy hair, and these steps are as follows:
- The first step before you start using the hair dryer: It is necessary to make a hair oil bath or a cream bath in order to preserve the natural oils in the hair that are secreted by the scalp. It is also important when exposing the hair to hot air to use the blow dryer cream in a very small amount So that it is not affected by heat and causes dandruff on the scalp.
- The second step is to choose a suitable hair dryer: It is important to choose the right hair dryer for the type and density of hair, as the low-temperature dryer is used for fine hair, while thick and curly hair is recommended to choose a multi-temperature dryer, and it is also important not to resort to high temperatures.
- The third step is to wash and dry the hair well: Before using the hair dryer, the hair must be washed well and moisturized with the appropriate type of conditioner for hair, with drying the hair using a hair towel, so that the hair is not dry or wet.
- The fourth step: Dividing the hair: It is necessary to divide the hair into several separate strands using plastic hair clips that do not contain pointed tines so as not to cause hair breakage.
- The fifth step: Determining the direction of the air of the hair dryer: The direction of the air emitted from the dryer must be determined so that it is always facing down so that it does not cause harm to the face or ears such as causing burns, while choosing the appropriate brush for the length and density of the hair, as if the hair is long and thick, the brush must be chosen Large ones have wide differences between the teeth, but if the hair is medium, then the medium brush is the most suitable for him, and if it is short, it is necessary to choose a small brush with soft teeth so as not to cause it to fall out.
- The sixth step is to put the brush under the hair to be styled: in order to control the hair dryer and make it easier to deal with, and then run the blow-dry while exposing the tufts to the hot air lightly and at an appropriate distance from the roots to the ends without exposing the hair to heat for a long time while making the blow-dry always above the brush.
- Step Seven Repeat the steps: Repeat the process to finish all the hair, from the front of the head from the forehead to the back, wrapping the hair on the used brush and then exposing the hair to the air after repeating the process.
Using a hairdryer for children
A child may want to style his hair with many styles, especially girls, and some mothers prefer not to use a hair dryer to style their children’s hair to know what damage it causes to damage hair, especially children’s hair, because the child’s scalp is at the beginning of the formation and the tufts are much weaker than the scalp And tufts of adult hair, but you can use a child’s hair dryer on important occasions without worrying, when you follow the following tips:
- The child’s hair must be dried well with a hair-drying inhaler before using a hair dryer, because the hair is weak while it is wet, with the use of a small blowdryer suitable for the child’s hair, which is widely available in the markets.
- Determine the appropriate temperature for the child’s hair so that the hair or scalp is not hurt, while directing the blow dryer heat down so that the child’s face or ear does not get burns due to the hot air emitted by the blow dryer.
- Use the blowdryer for a short period of time by speeding up its use, because children do not have enough patience to withstand sitting for a long time and bear those high temperatures.
- Use a suitable hair brush. It is best to acquire a children’s hairdressing brush from the places designated for selling these tools, with a moisturizing cream after and before using the blowdry, but in small quantities so as not to cause lumps of dandruff to form on the scalp.
Tips for using a hair dryer
The hair styler is an electric device that relies on shedding high-temperature air on the hair strands for styling, smoothing and straightening its extensions, due to the availability of both electricity and heat at the same time during use.
- The hair dryer should not be used in the bathroom to avoid electrocution.
- Taking care of hair medically and naturally, such as resorting to medical preparations for hair care or using natural oils to nourish hair, while minimizing the use of a hair dryer as much as possible to keep it from drying out and splitting leading to hair loss and loss.
- It is important to let the hair dry naturally, make sure to do an oil bath frequently and moisturize the hair with the appropriate creams.
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What happens when you use a blow dryer every day
It is not recommended to use the blow dryer on a daily basis because of the many damages it causes, including the following:
- Using a hair dryer daily will certainly damage the hair due to its constant exposure to heat, which causes a general weakening of the hair follicles, which in turn causes hair to fall out in large quantities that lead to its loss.
- The daily use of a hair dryer with the use of special creams using hair dryers leads to the formation of dandruff clumps in the scalp with the loss of its vitality, which is not easy to restore and difficult to treat.
- A hair dryer should be used a maximum of once a week, with moisturizers and oil baths used frequently to keep hair moisturized.
What is the difference between a hair iron and a blowdryer?
Although both the iron and the hair dryer are devices used to straighten the hair by heat, each of them differs from the other in terms of the method of use and in terms of results as follows:
- A hair iron is used to give the hair a different shape only by using the heat. Through the hair iron, many different styles and styles can be obtained, such as getting smooth and straight hair, curly hair, or working on wavy hair.
- A hair dryer dries wet hair using hot or cold air and gives it smoothness in minutes. A hair dryer is better than an iron in terms of use, because it can be used on cold and dispenses with hot air that leads to frizziness and dandruff.
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What are the benefits of using oil before a hair dryer?
Natural or industrial oils should be used before using the blow-dry in order to reduce the damage of the blow-dry. These oils also have many benefits, which are summarized as follows:
- These oils are used as a shield for the heat resulting from the use of blow-dry, and this reduces the damage caused by shedding heat on the hair strands.
- These oils moisturize the hair and give it the nourishment it needs, especially dry hair, which helps protect the hair from damage and breakage.
- These oils help make the hair more moisturized when styling, making this process easier.
What are the best oils to use before a hair dryer?
There are many natural oils that can be used before using a blow dryer, including the following:
- Coconut oil: This is due to the substances it contains that help moisturize the hair, treat hair loss, and reduce sweating that leads to the occurrence of dandruff clumps that cause hair loss, which keeps the hair more shiny and healthy. In addition, coconut oil contains a lot of fatty acids that act as an antioxidant. Natural cortex.
- Olive oil: as olive oil contributes to hair extension, because it is rich in vitamin E, which works to greatly nourish the hair and helps fight its loss and activates the blood circulation, which in turn strengthens the follicles, and olive oil contains antioxidants that fight bacteria.
- Sweet Almond Oil: Almond oil contains a lot of anti-oxidants, along with many vitamins and minerals that nourish the scalp, contributing to the treatment of breakage and damage.
We talked through an article about the damages of a hair dryer to wet hair about the damage caused by using a blow dryer on wet hair, as well as heat damage and its symptoms and how to avoid it with how to use a blow dry for children and adults with the difference between it and an iron and about the benefits of using oil before blow drying and what are the best oils that Can be used before blow-dry.
خاتمة لموضوعنا أضرار مجفف الشعر على الشعر المبلول ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.