ابيات شعر عن المنزل الجديد 2022

ابيات شعر عن المنزل الجديد 2022 , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

It is good to use the most beautiful verses of poetry about the new house 2022 on the occasion of the move of a friend to his new house for housing and stability, as the house is one of the most important foundations that give rise to that stability, in order to build a happy family, as the house is the one who takes care of housing the family members and gather them under a common roof to share love life, and share the joys and sorrows, to be the one that unites them between those walls, those that are adorned with noble feelings, and through the reference site, we clarify that idea and list to you a bouquet of the most beautiful beautiful phrases about the new home and the most beautiful verses of poetry about the new home 2022 and a group of congratulations on the new home 2022.

Verses of poetry for the new house 2022

Many poets, in their beautiful letters, expressed their joy in the new home, based on the importance and beauty of this occasion and its reflection on life in general. We have chosen for you the following poems:

  • A poem describing the new house, and it is one of the distinctive poems in which the poet expressed the house with the most beautiful descriptions, and it came as follows:

A palace for a man who pleases the sight *** A palace that causes longing, a chord player with roses, contains goodness, is complete *** in art, a celebrant of the marvel of humans, I hesitated in the sides of the palace, mix it *** of beauty with the character of pearls, O friend, you are for creativity accompanied *** And this blackness adorned your house *** at night it appears to the eye as the moon and in the morning the sun adorns it *** It is an invention of an artist and creator of God. my lifelong friend

  • Congratulating a friend in the new house, we have chosen for you the following verses from a beautiful poem:

Gina bled the congratulations with sincerity at the time of the promise. Gina, we congratulate the men who may be affected. The existence is a blessed abode. A hand guided by a musk wind, and a oud wind scattered from it, leaving its people full, leaving them a fortress and a support in the guardians of the honorable Lord, Edom in all the covenant

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The most beautiful poetic phrases about the new house 2022

It is one of the phrases that play a key role in expressing the joy and happiness on the occasion of a friend buying a new home and settling in it, and they are sent through social networking sites, and the most beautiful of them came as follows:

  • The letters of poetry, the punches of prose and the feelings are all mixed in a beautiful artistic painting to express to you the extent of joy and pleasure on the occasion of your purchase of the house of a lifetime.
  • This occasion makes us happy for you, for you are the friend in whose presence the words of poetry dance. Congratulations on your new home, and may it be a thousand good, God willing, in which you will find a lot of comfort and safety.
  • Moving home has increased your distance from us, but we are ready to bear the result as long as it gives you joy. May God bless you, my dear friend, and I honor you with more peace of mind and peace of mind.
  • Congratulations on your new home, full of roses and beautiful scents, full of your warm heart, friend of a lifetime. I ask God to bless you at home and write you joy and happiness from the first moments.
  • A new home, a new heart, and new feelings, God willing, I ask God to change your conditions for the best, so that He increases you His grace on the occasion of your move to the dream home that you have always been worthy of.
  • You have always been the one who can achieve the impossible, you have always been the candle of hope that burns in our chests after the break, you have always been our hero, congratulations on the new home, and may it be a thousand good, and from it to the best, God willing.

The most beautiful poetic thoughts about the new house 2022

The letters of those thoughts carry a lot of feelings of love and security, which are reflected from the walls of the new house that will contain us for the coming years. The writer addressed this step in beautiful words, including:

  • But after, here I am, after these years, I open my heart to a new house as the doors of this house were opened for me, and I do not know whether he loves me as I love him or whether love comes after acquaintance, I ask God for success in my new home.
  • Moving to a new home is like leaving a great time period of memories in order to make other, bigger and broader memories, without knowing that whatever will be implanted in our depths more.
  • In the name of God, I begin the first words in my new home. In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. I ask God Almighty to bless me and make me in it comfort, calm and peace of mind, and to bless me in its corners and sides.
  • It’s the tenth day and we are still strangers to each other, me and the walls of this house, maybe it takes more days, we need to make memories so that they will be remembered for a long time, to laugh at the time of those cement walls from excessive love.
  • With great love, I congratulate myself for moving to the new house, which I have always dreamed of and wanted to be mine, but persistence is stronger than love, and it is one of its main drivers, thank God for his success.
  • My dear friend, your new home is that beautiful painting that resembles you, in which there is a lot of warmth and security, and there are more beautiful feelings that do not know end.

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Words of congratulations on the occasion of the new house 2022

Out of concern for the friend’s life, care is taken to exchange congratulations on all new occasions that require showing love, and on the friend’s move to a new home, it is said:

  • Blessed be the house, O the best of friends. Blessed be upon you that space of comfort and safety that you have always been worthy of, as long as you are the party that deserves it with all merit. You are the friend from whom we learn persistence and challenge.
  • Although you are far from us, we will remain the closest people to your heart. Congratulations on moving to a new home, and we ask God Almighty to be the dream home in which the world accommodates you and your big dreams.
  • The occasion of your move to a new home should not go unnoticed, but rather it should be celebrated and shared with you that beautiful joy that adorned our hearts. Congratulations to you, friend of a lifetime, and we ask God to complete the matter well for you.
  • In the name of God, praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon the master of creation, Muhammad, the Messenger of God. We congratulate our dear brother and friend on his move to the new home after a journey of hard work and hard work. Congratulations on your happiness, my dear friend.
  • The letters, words, and metaphors of poetry and prose are all ready to say Mubarak to you, they all announced the horn to say the best words about you.
  • When I moved to your new home, I felt sad, I used to see you close to my heart, and those feelings immediately changed to joy when it was confirmed that you loved that house, God bless you, and God bless you.

The most beautiful poetry verses about the new house 2022

It is one of the things that increase love between friends, as congratulations are exchanged on the occasion of someone moving to live in a new house, poetic phrases and distinctive poems are sent, the most prominent of which are as follows:

Ba Aptda by mentioning one God of the individual Samad Creator idol what other minimum grants to the Lord of the seven heavens raised without baptized the Lord of all the planets and all of them have limits and the second preparation is underway the sound of rain thunder and prepare what Azahraly the world of flowers and roses peace response sufficient to confer on the Dar Saad received Wafa To the people of loyalty, we salute it, the high bonds, Jenna bleed, the congratulations are sincere at the time of the promise, Jenna, we congratulate the men who have contributed. A hand that guides her is a musk wind, and a oud wind sprouts from it, leaving its people full, leaving them a fortress and a support in the guardians of the honorable Lord, Edom in all eras

Poetic words about the new house of the husband 2022

The wife expresses her pride and admiration for her husband on the occasion of moving to a new house with the most beautiful words that stem from a beautiful poetic situation. These words address the new home that unites hearts in the most beautiful terms, as follows:

  • My dear husband, words dance in my throat with joy at our move to the new house, dance like butterflies waiting for spring, all the love I hold for you in my heart may not be enough to return the favor.
  • My beloved husband, the idea of ​​sitting with you under the roof of this new house to make memories is one of the things that gives me the most joy and pleasure, because you are the one who can light up a lifetime with all the beautiful things.
  • To my biggest reason in life, to that man who gathers the scattered pieces of my heart between his ribs, God bless you and me in the new home, which we have always dreamed of, God bless us and us, thank you soul of the heart.
  • You are beauty, and you are the homes that make us feel safe, because you are the first beginning, and the first pulse of the soul, because you are the home that my heart loves to sit in. May God bless us in the new home, and we ask Him Almighty more success.
  • The new home in its beauty stems from being the place in which I share the features of life with you, I share with you the making of memories, those that fill the heart with all forms of love, the ones in which we live for more joy.
  • My beloved husband, may God Almighty bless us in the new house, whose walls are adorned with your heart, and whose garden is adorned with my perfume, that place that brings me together with you is definitely one of the most beautiful places in the world.

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A touching poem poetry about the parents’ house 2022

It is one of the most beautiful poems in which the poet depicted the home of the parents and those feelings that ignite whenever the hours of nostalgia ring its bells, as it is the memory that cannot be missed from the memory, and the most beautiful verses of poetry about the new home:

O house of my family, the flame of love is a flood *** and the house lover is for loved ones and it is humiliating, O house of my family, the noon has become dark *** and he missed you due to the action of eternity, so the owner of death did not leave us a womb *** until we folded us for length of hardship shrouds The affliction comes to the extent of met destiny *** The affliction for the people of remembrance is the address of my money. I see you as the home of the parents is lonely *** at night is a grave and in magic there are sorrows in every corner in every window *** in every whisper the heart goes out to the mind, the shriek of the creaking of the wind is my stillness *** and after the embrace of the parents I am a snake that I am a stranger The house of its people is pictures *** The people have phantoms and rats The door did not open Anas when I approached her *** Or jones the eye after the door The man of the house is warm and my body wrapped in cold *** Like an ark rider above the water thirsty Ah, far from loved ones weighed me *** until it lengthened my heart The heart is running. I live by riding, the wind betrays its goal *** until its hands and legs collapsed What was after me love in a paradox *** Or there was in the soul towards the family betrayal

The most beautiful supplications for those who live in a new house

It is pleasant for a Muslim to receive new things in his life by praying to God Almighty and supplicating as an expression of his entrusting his command to God Almighty in all matters, and moving to a new home is one of those matters, where beautiful supplications are circulated, including:

  • In the blessed Sunnah of the Prophet, there was a supplication for those who moved into a new house, and this supplication was reported from the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him- in the Sahih of Imam Muslim, which is that a Muslim person says if he enters, stays or stays in a new house: “I seek refuge in the perfect words of God from the evil of What He created.” On the authority of Khawla bint Hakim – may God be pleased with her – that the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – said: “Whoever descends into a house, then says: I seek refuge in the perfect words of God from the evil of what is created, something will harm him.” ”[1].
  • May God bless you and us in this new home, and I ask God Almighty to increase us in His bounty, so that we may praise and be good in returning the favor, in obedience to God Almighty, may God grant us goodness in every next step.
  • In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Oh God, I entrust myself to you in this new house, so guide us in it to the path of good and keep away from it and from us all roads that do not lead to your praise and thanksgiving.
  • We ask God Almighty to bless us in this house, and to make of it a good home visited by angels, full of security, safety and obedience to God Almighty, so praise be to God for what He has bestowed upon us from the grace of His generosity and generosity.
  • Oh God, my dear friend has moved to the new house, so replace it with something better than his house, and make him comfortable and reassuring in the new house.

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Pictures phrases about the new house 2022

These pictures speak through their letters about the new house in the most beautiful words, and these pictures are exchanged between family and loved ones on the occasion of moving to a new house, increasing the bonds of goodness and connection, and we have chosen the following package for you to express a little joy:

Here we bring you to the end of the article in which we talked about verses about the new house 2022 and moved on to recounting a beautiful bouquet of poems moving to a new home, then a special bouquet of the most beautiful congratulations on the good home to finally conclude with a group of beautiful pictures about the new house 2022.

خاتمة لموضوعنا ابيات شعر عن المنزل الجديد 2022 ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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