هل التخصيص له علاقة برواتب التعليم

هل التخصيص له علاقة برواتب التعليم , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

Is the allocation related to education salaries? A question that preoccupies all individuals working in the educational sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia launched the new privatization system in many government sectors, including the education sector, with the aim of developing and strengthening government sectors within the Kingdom. The reference site is keen to talk about the privatization program in Saudi Arabia. , with the answer to this question through the lines of our article, along with an explanation of what privatization of education means.

What is the privatization program in Saudi Arabia?

The privatization program is one of the programs of the Saudi Vision 2030. It was launched with the aim of enhancing the role of the private sector to provide services and make government assets available, as well as reduce the cost of services to the government and raise their efficiency. The program also works to attract foreign investors. The privatization program is applied to the services provided by the government or the assets owned by it, and this includes contracts for partial or complete sale of assets, in addition to contracts for partnerships between the public and private sectors. It is worth noting that the privatization program was launched in 2018, and sought to identify government assets and services that can be privatized in a number of sectors, develop the system and mechanisms for privatization, and define partnership between the public and private sectors. The National Center for Privatization, which works to organize the procedures related to the projects of this system in accordance with clear regulatory procedures, and to ensure that the procedures are applied with integrity to provide an attractive and stimulating regulatory and investment environment for the private sector for investment in the short and long term. The program will also focus its efforts in the next stage on intensifying work To enhance the role of the private sector in providing services and raising spending efficiency, in order to stimulate economic diversification and promote economic development, as well as work to increase competitiveness to face regional and international challenges and competition to attract foreign direct investment.[1]

What is the meaning of privatization in education and what are its types, pros and cons?

Targeted sectors in the privatization program for government sectors

The Saudi Privatization Program targets many sectors in the Privatization Program, which number up to (12) twelve different sectors, and these sectors are as follows:

  • Education sector.
  • health sector.
  • Transport sector.
  • Communications and information technology sector.
  • Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources Sector.
  • housing sector
  • Municipal and Rural Affairs Sector.
  • Labor, development and social sector.
  • Environment, water and agriculture sector.
  • Hajj and Umrah sector.
  • Media sector.
  • sports sector.

Privatizing education in Saudi Arabia 2021

The education sector is one of the sectors covered by the privatization system, in order to raise the level of education and raise the capabilities of teachers and all workers in this sector, and to develop methods and mechanisms for graduating new generations capable of bringing about renaissance and development in all sectors and different fields. Privatization in education means the transfer of assets. or administration, functions, or responsibilities[relatedtoeducationthatwerepreviouslyownedorperformedbythestatetoprivateactorsandprivateactorsincludecorporationsreligiousinstitutionsorNGOsTherearemanydifferentwaysinwhichprivatizationcanoccurtonameafewthroughthedevelopmentofpublic-privatepartnershipsAdditionallyitmayhaveanuncontrolledandunregulatedexpansionofprivatesectorprovisionofeducationsuchasfor-profitorlow-feeprivateschoolsifstudentshavenootherchoiceofschool[المتعلقةبالتعليمالتيكانتمملوكةأونفذتهاالدولةسابقًاإلىجهاتفاعلةخاصة،وتشملالجهاتالفاعلةالخاصةالشركاتأوالمؤسساتالدينيةأوالمنظماتغيرالحكوميةهناكالعديدمنالطرقالمختلفةالتييمكنأنتحدثالخصخصةمنخلالها،فعلىسبيلالمثاللاالحصر،منخلالتطويرالشراكاتبينالقطاعينالعاموالخاصبالإضافةإلىذلك،قديكونللتوسعغيرالخاضعللرقابةوغيرالمنظملتوفيرالقطاعالخاصللتعليم،مثلالمدارسالربحيةأوالمدارسالخاصةمنخفضةالرسوم،إذالميكنلدىالطلابخيارآخرللمدرسة

Types of privatization of education

The privatization of education is divided into three types according to the controls to which educational institutions in the country are subject. Below we will show you the types of privatization of education, which include:

  • The complete privatization of education: It is intended to transfer the responsibility for education in the country, including all educational institutions, to the private sector, and thus the first and last official in any decisions related to education is the private sector.
  • Partial privatization of education: it means the transfer of a lot of responsibilities from the public sector to the private sector, without releasing the public sector’s responsibility in general, through which many educational matters are discussed between the private and public sectors, with the assignment of some educational tasks to the public sector.
  • Conditional privatization of education: It means the transfer of some responsibilities from the public sector to the private sector, according to some conditions imposed by the general government sector and approved by the private sector, and the first and last word is for the public sector.

When does the privatization of education begin?

The relevant authorities did not specify the date for privatizing education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Saudi government has not officially announced it yet, but it is scheduled to be implemented soon, as the privatization system is one of the goals of Vision 2030 for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Does the allocation have anything to do with education salaries?

Many employees wonder, is privatization related to education salaries, and in this regard, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development announced through its agent, “Adel Al-Youssef”, that there will be no difference in the ranks of government employees after privatization, but that the contract will become by contract instead of the service system. Civil and executive regulations, as the salary will remain the same for two years, after which it will be subject to increase and decrease according to the employee’s productivity, in accordance with some controls and standards that will be agreed upon with the Ministry of Education, with clarification of the mechanism for evaluating employees in the new privatization system.

Al-Youssef explained: “An employee who has exceeded a service period of more than 25 years, and has passed all the criteria and controls, will be given the opportunity to choose between early retirement or signing a new contract with the private entity of the labor system, or the possibility of combining his services to benefit from them when referring to retirement at the regular age.

Benefits of privatization for teachers 2021

The privatization system has many benefits that make it superior to the public system, and these benefits are:

  • Increase wages and salaries for teachers and staff.
  • The development of the educational process, through the availability of all modern technological education, and the creation of an appropriate environment for the teacher.
  • Increasing the feeling of reassurance among many qualified and experienced teachers.
  • The possibility of obtaining the appropriate promotion in a fair manner.

Advantages of privatizing education

Privatizing education has many benefits, including:

  • High levels of competition between the private sector, which leads to the creation of many modern educational mechanisms.
  • Providing many job opportunities for qualified workers in the education sector.
  • Decrease in the value of taxes imposed by the state on citizens.
  • The prosperity of the educational sector through the emergence of experience and competence of teachers, staff and administrators in educational institutions.
  • Reducing the expenditures covered by the state’s general budget and investing them in public services.
  • The entry of modern electronic technologies into education, to keep pace with modern development and facilitate the delivery of information to students.
  • Intense competition between private companies, which leads to an increase in the quality of services, with lower prices.
  • Attracting foreign capital to invest in the education sector.
  • The government does not bear responsibility for financial risks, as all educational risks are shared between the private and public sectors.

Disadvantages of privatizing education

The privatization of education contains many important negatives that must be taken into account when implementing this system, the most prominent of which are:

  • The privatization of education leads to widespread bribery and reduced transparency, with institutions seeking to reap more investments at the expense of education.
  • Monopolization of services by private companies in pursuit of their own interests.
  • Removing the public sector from supervision and control.
  • Transferring all education profits to the private sector, which will cause a lot of material losses to the public sector.
  • Higher prices for education.
  • Reducing the quality of education, due to the lowering of its financial cost.
  • Low level of educational services, because the private company will work to reduce services and raise prices to reach the required financial profits.
  • Monopolizing education, and limiting it to the class that is able to pay the high cost only.
  • Neglecting the scientific aspect and focusing on the profit aspects.
  • Many employees left due to the repercussions of the new system.
  • Reducing teachers’ wages, draining their resources and expertise.
  • The difference in the academic levels of educational institutions.
  • Increasing tuition fees for people with special needs.
  • Depriving the low-income group of education.
  • Ease of issuing certificates and degrees.

The companies that acquired the privatization of education

The companies that acquired the privatization of education

There are some companies that have acquired the privatization of education in Saudi Arabia, which include:

  • Misk Foundation has acquired:
    • Riyadh Education Department.
    • Al-Kharj Education Department.
    • Aflaj Education Department.
    • Al-Quway’iyah Education Department.
    • Afif Education Administration.
    • Education departments in Qassim region.
    • Dawadmi Education Department.
  • Al Khaleej Training and Education Company, which has acquired:
    • Shaqra Education Department.
    • Wadi Al Dawasir Education Department.
    • Combined Education Department.
    • Education Department of Hotat Bani Tamim and Al-Hariq.
    • Ghat Education Department.
    • Zulfi Education Department.
    • Guilty Education Department.
  • Dallah Al Baraka Holding Company, which acquired:
    • Jeddah Education Department.
    • Makkah Education Department
    • Medina Education Department.
    • Education Department
    • Taif Education Department
  • Nesma Holding Company, acquired:
    • Yanbu Education Department.
    • Al-Qunfudhah Education Department.
    • Laith Education Department.
    • The Administration of Al Baha Education.
    • Al-Makhwah Education Department.
    • Cradle of Gold Education Department.
  • Al-Jabr Company Ltd., acquired:
    • All education departments in the Eastern Province.
    • Hafr Al-Batin Education Department.
  • Albilad Holding Company, acquired:
    • Tabuk Education Department.
    • Hail Education Department.
    • Northern Border Education Department.
    • Al-Jawf Education Department.
    • Qurayyat Education Department.
  • Al Yusr Holding Company, acquired:
    • Jazan Education Department.
    • Najran Education Administration.
    • Sarat Abidah Education Department.
    • Sharurah Education Department.
    • Sabya Education Department.
  • Aseer Holding Company, acquired:
    • Aseer Education Administration.
    • Rijal Almaa Education Department.
    • Al-Namas Education Department.
    • Bisha Education Department.
    • Mahayel Aseer Education Department.
    • Dhahran Al-Janoub Education Administration.

The new teachers’ salary scale 1443 with the annual bonus

Teachers salary scale after privatization 2021

Many male and female teachers became suspicious about the salary of the educational job after the privatization system was implemented. The table below shows the new teachers’ salary scale for the year 1443 AH, which is the salary that will continue for two years, after which it is changed according to the controls and conditions approved by the Ministry, and the table below shows the salary scale Teaching jobs at all levels and degrees:

Privatization system in Saudi Arabia

The Saudi government launched the privatization system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which consists of forty-two, and released it in a document so that all citizens can view it and know everything related to this system, and this document can be downloaded directly “from here”.

National Center for Privatization link: ncp.gov.sa

We can go to the National Center for Privatization website “from here”, as the website provides all the information about the specialization program, as well as all the rules and regulations governing this program, in addition to seeing all its details via the Internet.

In conclusion, we have answered about whether privatization has anything to do with education salaries, as we have talked a lot about the system of specialization, privatization of education, the benefits and negatives of privatizing education, and we moved to explain the companies that acquired the privatization of education, and we talked about the teachers’ salary scale after privatization, and we concluded with a document link Privatization system, and the National Center for Privatization link.

خاتمة لموضوعنا هل التخصيص له علاقة برواتب التعليم ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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