كيف انسحب من حياة شخص يحبني

كيف انسحب من حياة شخص يحبني , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

How to withdraw from the life of someone who loves me is a question that is one of the most important questions that many people who enter into love relationships full of strong feelings are exposed to, but they are exposed to a problem during the relationship that leads to their desire to withdraw from this relationship, which makes them want to find the best way to leave their loved ones While not hurting their feelings, the reference site shows how to withdraw from any relationship in a correct way that protects the feelings of both parties from the feeling of embarrassment or heartbreak.

what is love?

Love is a feeling that arises between two people as a result of the presence of common characteristics between the two parties and acceptance of each other in terms of form, personality and even defects, as the one who feels love towards others is often receptive to his faults and able to coexist with them, and love may arise as a result of the existence of a deep friendship that brings together the two loving parties Friendship turns into love or arises without a prior relationship before it, and love differs greatly from attachment, as love is based on fixed logical reasons, while attachment is irrational and often harmful to one or both parties of the relationship, and we show this by showing the signs of love through which it can Learn about true love and the difference between love and attachment as follows:

signs of love

There are many clear signs that if a person appears, it indicates that what he feels is true love and not just a feeling of false attachment as a result of emptiness or inability to obtain true love, and we show these signs in the following lines:

  • Thinking a lot about the beloved: The lover constantly thinking about the beloved and his inability to forget him or leave him from his mind is one of the strongest evidence of love.
  • Desire to be near the beloved: When feeling true love, the lover feels the desire to stay for a long time with his beloved and sadness when having to stay away from him.
  • Constantly asking about the beloved: Usually the lover wants to know all the details about his beloved, so he takes the initiative to ask about him constantly, repeatedly and permanently.
  • Jealousy of the beloved: One of the biggest signs of love is the feeling of feelings of jealousy in the event that the lover sees his beloved with a member of the opposite sex.
  • Desire to communicate with the beloved: It is one of the indications of true love that the lover has a great desire to communicate with the beloved permanently.
  • Fear for the beloved: true love makes the lover fear for his beloved from everything that might harm him, so the lover always feels feelings of fear for the beloved as a result of the fear that he will fall into anything that might harm him now or in the future.

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The difference between love and attachment

Love feelings are beautiful, wonderful, inspiring and motivating feelings for a person to progress in his life and improve his personality, while attachment feelings are sick and harmful feelings that cause the deterioration of the conditions of both sides of the attachment relationship. Love and attachment in the following lines: [1]

  • Attachment is a sick feeling accompanied by a desire to possess and control the other party in the relationship, while love is a beautiful feeling that is not accompanied by a desire to possess or control, but is accompanied by an unbridled desire to see the beloved in the best condition.
  • A person with feelings of attachment can hurt the other person in the relationship if he feels that he is going away from him, while a lover can’t hurt his loved one even if he stays away from him.
  • The lover leaves his beloved a space of privacy while the patient of attachment does not leave his beloved any privacy and pursues him all the time.
  • The lover sacrifices for his beloved while the attachment patient often demands the loved one to sacrifice for him.

Reasons for withdrawing from a relationship with a lover

Sometimes a partner in a relationship can decide to leave the relationship because they are uncomfortable with it, and the discomfort is often due to one of the following reasons: [2]

  • Extreme jealousy: Extreme jealousy can destroy the relationship because it makes the other party feel trapped and his lover does not trust him.
  • The inability of one party to control his anger: Repeated tantrums for the slightest reason lead to a suffocation in the relationship, which leads to separation.
  • Lying: Lying is a reprehensible trait, and it is one of the biggest reasons that can make one of the lovers withdraw from the romantic relationship because it breaks the two lovers’ trust in each other, making life between them impossible.
  • The inability to admit mistakes: blameworthy stubbornness is one of the biggest reasons that can lead to the separation of the two lovers, as it often causes the inability of each to admit his mistakes against the other, which leads to the sowing of grudges between the two lovers over time.
  • Betrayal: Betrayal is an unforgivable sin, whether on the part of a man or a woman, so it cannot be tolerated and is one of the most important reasons for withdrawing from a relationship.

How do I withdraw from the life of someone who loves me?

Withdrawing from a romantic relationship is not easy, especially if the relationship has existed for a long time or if the other party in the relationship is very loving and attached to the party willing to withdraw because his withdrawal will completely break the heart of the loving party, so in the following lines we mention how to withdraw from relationships Emotional with minimal losses for the willing party to withdraw and the other party as well:

Quietly thinking about breaking up

The emotional step is very dangerous for the future and lives of both parties in the relationship, so before taking the step of separation for sure, the party wishing to separate must think about this step calmly and after making quick and reckless decisions to avoid feeling regret in the future.

Determine the reason for the separation

The party wishing to separate must specify the reason for his desire to separate accurately so that he can convince the other party in the relationship of his desire to separate in a way that does not hurt him or feel that he has been abandoned without justification or manipulation, and he must specify the reason for the separation accurately so that he can tell family and friends if they try to pressure him into continuing the relationship.

Kindly inform the lover of the decision to separate

After one party withdrew from the relationship, it is very painful for the other party, so the party wishing to separate must inform the other party of his decision to leave the relationship in a gentle manner that preserves his feelings as much as possible so as not to cause him a psychological complex that accompanies him for a long period of his life.

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Accept the lover’s reaction to the breakup

The other person’s reaction to telling him or her of his decision is often hysterical and angry, and the person wishing to break up must accept the other’s reaction in the relationship and understand that it was caused by the other person’s shock and grief over the loss of his or her beloved.

No offense to the beloved

One of the biggest mistakes that can be made after the end of a romantic relationship is defaming the abandoned lover. In addition to that this behavior is only issued by the immoral, but it also closes all the doors of return and cuts the relationship between the two lovers completely, which makes the return of the party wishing to withdraw to his beloved impossible if he feels regret or that he may rush to make the decision to separate later.

Caring for oneself and working on developing it

Separation is often the feeling of both parties in the relationship depressed and unable to continue life, so each of them must try to overcome this stage of their lives through self-care and personal development and work on the development of the scientific and material level.

How to maintain your dignity in love

Many people, when they fall in love, may be lenient in preserving their dignity, which makes the other party treat them lightly, so we explain how to maintain dignity while dealing with the beloved in the following lines:

  • Not accepting lack of taste from the lover and not treating ridicule of appearance, taste, material or social level as acceptable.
  • Alert the beloved to his mistakes and not remain silent about them or treat them on the basis that they do not exist.
  • Be careful to adhere to the limits of politeness and taste while dealing with the beloved and demanding the same.

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Methods of withdrawal from the perspective of psychology

Withdrawing from a romantic relationship is so difficult that many psychologists have devoted their time and effort to reach the best answer to the question of how to withdraw from someone who loves me life, so in the following lines we show the best ways to withdraw from romantic relationships while maintaining mental health and not falling prey to depression in psychology:[3]

  • Learn new skills: After the separation, some new skills must be learned, because they prevent depression after the separation, because they occupy the sad party’s free time and introduce him to new people, which protects him from staying alone and thinking about the ended relationship.
  • Thinking in a positive way: The person depressed as a result of the separation should think of the separation in a positive way and treat it as a new beginning for a beautiful life to come.
  • Arbitration of mind instead of emotions: Sometimes emotions can cause people to remain in abusive relationships and be unable to get out of them, so people who leave a failed relationship must make up their minds and remember the reasons that prompted them to escape from this relationship to not allow the emotions to influence their actions.

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Tips to withdraw from the life of someone you love

For those who wonder about the answer to the question of how to withdraw from the life of someone who loves me, the answer is easy.. As the way of withdrawing from the life of the lover can be briefly summarized in telling the abandoned lover about the matter and accept his reactions to the decision to separate, no matter how harsh, but in the case of the desire of one of the parties to the relationship to leave it If he is the lover, the matter is more complicated because this can cause him severe psychological pain, so in the following lines we mention the best tips to overcome the withdrawal period from the life of the lover:

  • Choosing the right time to end the relationship: The right time to end the relationship must be chosen, as the separation must be in a period of stability in the lives of both the lover and the beloved in terms of material, psychological and practical so that withdrawal from the relationship does not lead to the collapse of one of the parties or falling prey to depression.
  • Not to injure the other party during the separation: The separated party must not injure the other party or mention his shortcomings while mentioning the reasons for the separation so that he does not despise himself because of his poor behavior later on.
  • Preserving good memories of the relationship: Separation from the lover does not mean that he was a bad person, in some cases people can separate from each other only because they are not compatible, so both parties must maintain friendship after the end of the relationship and remember the good memories that brought them together and forgive mistakes to reach For psychological peace.
  • Controlling reactions on the other party: In many cases, the response of the other party to the decision to separate can be offensive or violent, and the party wishing to separate should appreciate the shock felt by the other party, so as not to respond to abuse with abuse and only stay away from the abusive party until He leaps to his senses.
  • Dealing with maturity and reasoning as much as possible: The separated lover must judge his mind and not let his emotions control him so that he does not have to enter into a spiral of sadness and depression.

Withdrawing from a romantic relationship often leaves a very painful psychological impact on the psyche of the abandoned lover, and a feeling of abandonment and heartbreak. So, in this article, we explained the answer to the question of how to withdraw from the life of someone who loves me to help those who want to withdraw from a romantic relationship to do so in a smart, gentle and harmless way to the other party.

خاتمة لموضوعنا كيف انسحب من حياة شخص يحبني ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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