هل الزنجبيل مضر للحامل والجنين , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
Is ginger harmful to pregnant women? Ginger is considered one of the medicinal herbs that has an effective role in treating many diseases. It is also used in the treatment of colds, and also to raise the rate of burning fat in the body for those trying to lose weight. It is also used in preparing food due to its multiple health benefits as well. It adds a different and distinctive flavor to food, so the pregnant woman wonders about ginger being harmful to her health and the health of her fetus.
Ginger is one of the medicinal plants that has been known to have many therapeutic benefits since ancient times, as it is used dried, fresh, in powder form or in the form of oil, as it contains many oils and minerals, in addition to antioxidants, and has medical and aesthetic benefits, Ginger also contains leafy stems and yellowish-green flowers. These roots are taken to be used as a food preservation material, and also added to foods. Ginger tea can also be formed from them, as ginger is originally from China, Japan, and India, and is grown in Africa. , South America, and the Middle East.[1]
Is ginger bad for pregnant women?
Ginger is not harmful to the pregnant woman and the fetus, as the specified dose was taken from it, which is only one gram of fresh ginger per day, which is distributed from 2-4 doses per day, and be careful when eating it, as it must be taken in its fresh, natural form in moderation, and to avoid its dry roots during Pregnancy, and in addition, a pregnant woman can eat ginger candies, as it protects her from morning sickness or drinking ginger tea in the first three months of pregnancy, and when consuming large amounts of ginger may cause vaginal bleeding and loss of the fetus in some cases. For pregnant women when consuming large amounts of it:[1]
- Causes deformities of the fetus: Excessive consumption of it poses a threat to the health of the mother and the health of her fetus, which increases the fetus’s exposure to the risk of congenital malformations, in addition to the fact that eating ginger frequently affects sex hormones, which may lead to the risk of miscarriage, as it helps to Heavy bleeding when consuming more than a gram per day, as a pregnant woman should consult a specialist doctor to determine the appropriate dose of ginger.
- Causes a blockage in the intestines: Ginger is effective for treating stomach problems such as bloating and stomach disorders, indigestion and diarrhea, and it is considered an expectorant. Or as food, you suffer from multiple problems with the intestines, including blockage.
- Increased heart rate: Pregnant women are advised not to eat more than a gram per day, because the increase in it helps to lower pressure, and thus increases the heart rate. The pressure and the heart share the same effect of ginger, that is, it closes the calcium channels in the cells of the heart, especially in the ears. When ginger is taken in addition to several types of medications, it causes high blood flow.
- Reduces blood pressure: Everyone thinks that ginger helps raise blood pressure, but in fact it works on lowering blood pressure and does not raise it, as it is used in the treatment of high pressure, and tachycardia, and at this stage it is necessary to consult a doctor to determine the necessary dose of ginger .
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Side effects of ginger on pregnant women
Ginger is a popular medicine for many diseases, but when you eat it excessively, side effects occur for different people, and the amount of ginger that has been eaten. Here are some things and side effects that a pregnant woman should know before eating ginger during pregnancy:[2]
- Effect on blood sugar levels A pregnant woman should avoid ginger completely if she has gestational diabetes.
- Arrhythmia.
- Gastrointestinal disturbances.
- Mouth or throat irritation.
- The skin when using ginger topically.
- Diarrhea.
- Inhibiting the nervous system eating a large amount.
- The occurrence of heartburn.
- Increased risk of bleeding.
How much ginger is allowed in pregnancy?
The permissible amount of ginger for a pregnant woman is 1 gram of ginger root per day, in addition to dividing it into 2-4 separate doses. Ginger can be used in multiple forms, but caution should be exercised when using it, especially in the first three months, if the pregnant woman feels nauseated. You can take ginger when feeling these symptoms, although it is safe to eat fresh ginger with food during pregnancy, but dried ginger may not be good at this stage, in addition to avoiding ginger supplements and the need to consult a doctor, because women may be exposed to Pregnant woman to have an abortion.[3]
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Nutritional value of ginger
Ginger is used to give a distinct flavor to drinks or foods, but it is used in small quantities as ginger does not add many calories, fiber or carbohydrates to the body, but it provides a variety of important nutrients, and the most important of these elements that it provides per 100 grams of ginger:[4]
Nutrients Nutritional value Calories 80 kcal. Carbohydrates 17.77 grams. Fiber 2 gr. Proteins 1.82 g. Sugars 1.7 g. Sodium 13 mg. Vitamin B6 0.16 mg. Calcium 16 mg. Iron 0.6 mg. Vitamin C 5 mg. Potassium 415 mg. Magnesium 43 mg. Phosphorous 34 mg. Zinc 0.34 mg. Folic 11 micrograms Riboflavin 0.034 mg. Niacin 0.75 mg.
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Benefits of ginger for pregnant women
There are many benefits of ginger for pregnant women, as it contains many vitamins and minerals needed during that period, as it has positive effects on the health of the fetus and the mother. The commitment of a pregnant woman to the exact amount that she must take of it will have avoided all the harms of ginger, and the following is a statement of the most important benefits of ginger:[5]
- Protects the health of the mother and her baby, because it contains antioxidants.
- Treats morning sickness that affects pregnant women in the first months.
- Pregnant women get rid of digestive problems such as indigestion, constipation, and bloating.
- It resists colds and coughs, as during pregnancy the immune system of a pregnant woman becomes very weak.
- It helps in accelerating the recovery from diseases, due to its antimicrobial properties.
- Activates blood circulation and lowers cholesterol, because it contains natural salicylate acid, which provides the child with blood, and improves blood circulation.
- Maintains blood sugar level and makes it within its normal level, as most pregnant women develop gestational diabetes.
- It reduces cases of inflammation in the mother, as it reflects positively on the health and growth of the fetus inside the womb.
- Relief of pregnancy colic in the first months, as it is considered a pain reliever.
- Relief of muscle and joint pain during pregnancy.
- It helps absorb the necessary nutrients from food, as it stimulates digestive enzymes.
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Tips for eating ginger for pregnant women
Pregnant women can use ginger in more than one way to benefit from its components and the important nutrients it contains. Pregnant women during pregnancy can use ginger in the following ways:[6]
- Add ginger to tea and drink it hot.
- Eat cold ginger, which can be soaked in boiling water for a short period, then left to cool, and add honey and lemon to it.
- Cut ginger into small pieces, and put it when preparing food as a seasoning.
- Sprinkle a little ginger on grilled meat and fish.
- Put a pinch of ginger in a cup of warm water, then filter it and eat it warm.
- Add grated ginger to the boiled vegetables.
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Ginger recipes for pregnant women
Ginger is one of the controversial drinks for pregnant women, as the pregnant woman must always pay close attention to everything you eat or drink, so you must follow a diet beneficial for the pregnant woman and the child during this period, and when a person does not want to take ginger as a drink alone, it can be mixed With natural materials that give it a wonderful flavor, it can be prepared by adding some other herbs, and these recipes include the following:
ginger tea for pregnant women
Ginger tea is one of the famous drinks, especially in the treatment of cold problems and cases of cold, as many people like to bite it and eat it constantly, in addition to that they may offer it to guests, but it should not be taken too much for the effects and damages that were talked about in the article earlier, but when it is A pregnant woman’s decision to drink ginger tea requires thought and reflection. Ginger tea also contains plant compounds that relieve nausea and vomiting in the first three months. One study showed that eating a teaspoon of 5 grams of grated ginger root, which is soaked in hot water after 4 Only days of use, an improvement in symptoms of nausea and vomiting appears in pregnant women, in addition to it relieves uterine contractions, it is the best drink for pregnant women in the first three months, for the amount of ginger tea recommended for pregnant women is 1 gram during the day, which is equivalent to 4 cups of ginger tea.[7]
How to prepare ginger tea
- Two cups of water.
- A tablespoon of ginger.
- 1 tablespoon of sugar, or as desired.
- Add a pinch of saffron as desired.
- Add lemon, as desired.
How to prepare
- Put the water on the fire, then when it boils add sugar and ginger to it.
- Lower the fire under it for a few minutes, then remove the drink from the fire, then filter it.
- Add saffron and some lemon to it, ready to serve.
- The possibility of replacing sugar with honey if it is available during preparation.
- The possibility of replacing ground ginger with ginger peels.
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Ginger and cinnamon tea for pregnant women
Cinnamon ginger drink is considered a healthy drink, as it is characterized by being low in calories, in addition to possessing strong anti-inflammatory properties, as it contains many health benefits for the body, as it improves cases of dysmenorrhea, reduces symptoms of degenerative arthritis, and relieves nausea In addition, it is a good source of antioxidants.[8]
How to make ginger and cinnamon tea
- Two cups of water.
- 1 gram of ginger.
- Add a pinch of cinnamon.
- 1 tablespoon of sugar or honey to taste.
- Add lemon slices as desired.
How to prepare
- Put two cups of water on the fire.
- Peel the ginger and cut its root into small pieces.
- Add the ginger slices to the water and leave it on the fire until it boils.
- After boiling, cover the jug and leave the ginger to soak in water for at least 10 minutes.
- Sprinkle ground cinnamon on the jug.
- The possibility of flavoring this tea with honey or lemon slices.
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Ginger and clove tea for pregnant women
Ginger and clove tea is one of the drinks frequently used in the winter, as it contributes to getting rid of colds and coughs in addition to getting rid of phlegm, and contains many benefits because it contains antioxidants and inflammation, in addition to it reduces the feeling of morning cough, Eating cloves during pregnancy is 100% safe, as it does not cause any harm to the pregnant woman, and helps build the baby’s muscles inside the womb, because cloves contain vitamin E, and it also strengthens the immune system of the pregnant woman and protects her from infection, which is recommended to be eaten warm and boiled. From slices of ginger, in addition to cloves, sweeten it with honey, then pour into a cup and enjoy its delicious taste.[9]
How to make ginger and clove tea
- Two cups of water.
- A tablespoon of ginger.
- 1 tablespoon of sugar or honey to taste.
- Add a spoonful of cloves.
How to prepare
- Put two cups of water on the fire.
- Put ginger in hot water.
- Cool it in the refrigerator to make ginger water.
- Sprinkle ground cloves or cloves on the pitcher.
- The possibility of flavoring this tea with honey or lemon slices.
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My experience with ginger for pregnancy
One of the women suffered from pregnancies for five years after her marriage, and God did not grant her children, and she tried more than once and conducted many tests and rumors, and the doctors assured her that there were no congenital defects or problems that prevented her pregnancy, as well as her husband did several tests and there are no problems And they tried many things that did not work, one day I met a friend of hers from school and learned that I still had no children. She told her to try ginger, as it has an effective ability to increase the production of eggs, and also accelerates the implantation of the fertilized egg inside the uterus Ginger was used by our ancestors, besides that it is completely safe as an alternative to medicines that cause side effects, she actually grated fresh ginger and put it in water, and then left it in the refrigerator for 24 hours, and then ate it during the menstrual cycle, and also during ovulation at a rate of two cups a day And one day, she found some secretions coming out, and she also felt some cramps in her stomach, she was expecting that it was the result of changing hormones, and after one month had passed, she did a pregnancy test and found herself pregnant.
At the end of our topic, we hope that we have clarified the answer related to the title of our article: Is ginger harmful to pregnant women, as well as the benefits that it contains, the recommended quantity, and the side effects when eating it, and some recipes through ginger for pregnant women have been discussed.
خاتمة لموضوعنا هل الزنجبيل مضر للحامل والجنين ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.