نص المادة 62 من نظام التامينات الاجتماعية , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
The text of Article 62 of the Social Insurance Law refers to the many penalties that are imposed on violators of the system in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The reference website is keen to provide the Saudi reader with all details about violations of Article 62 of the Insurance Law in addition to Article 61 and Article 55 of the same law. Mention the method of downloading the insurance system and its executive regulations as well.
Social Security System
The social security system in force at the present time in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was issued on Wednesday 3/Ramadan/1421 AH corresponding to November 29/2000 AD and was published in the Official Gazette on Friday 17 Shawwal/1421 AH corresponding to January 12 2001 AD. With regard to the administrative organization of the insurance institution, in addition to its attention to the provisions for the disbursement of pensions to the beneficiaries, with a mention of the resources of the Insurance Fund, the risks it covers, and the penalties that violators deserve.[1]
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The text of Article 62 of the Social Security Law
Article 62 of the Social Security Law stipulates the following provisions, with the provisions necessary for their implementation within the articles of the executive regulations:
- Without prejudice to any more severe penalty provided for by another law; Anyone who violates the provisions of this system and its regulations – including providing any incorrect data or refraining from providing the data requested by the institution – shall be punished with a fine not exceeding ten thousand 10,000 Saudi riyals, and this limit shall be doubled in the event of repetition, and the fine shall be multiplied by the number of participating workers who committed One or more violations committed by the employer regarding them, as well as the number of data submitted or refrained from providing them.
- An employer who registers a person who proves to the Organization that he does not work for his benefit shall be punished with a fine in accordance with the provisions of the first paragraph of this article, or not exceeding twice the total value of contributions for the period that was registered for the person, whichever is more, and the fines shall multiply according to the number of persons registered in violation.
- If any of the violations stipulated in the first paragraph of this Article results in the unlawful payment of compensation; The penalty is a fine not exceeding the amount of those compensation, with the violator obligated to return what was spent from it.
- Committees are formed – in the offices of the Social Insurance Institution – to verify the occurrence of violations and evidence of this, consider them, and suggest what is necessary in their regard, according to what is stated in this article, with the violations being referred to the institution’s governor. The competent authority.
- The governor of the institution shall issue the necessary decisions in accordance with the procedure stipulated in the fourth paragraph of this article, and the person concerned may object to the decision within thirty (30) days from the date of his notification in accordance with the provisions of Article sixty-first of this system.
- The decision to determine the penalty may include a provision to publish its summary at the expense of the violator in a local newspaper issued in his place of residence. The publication of the decision shall be after immunization by the lapse of the legally specified period or its endorsement by the competent court.
- It is not permissible to impose any of the fines stipulated in this article for violations that have passed five years or more.
The executive regulations for the text of Article 62 of the Social Insurance Law
Article 55 of the Executive Regulations of the Insurance Law stipulates that the following should be taken into account when implementing the provisions of Article 62 of the Law:
- The penalties stipulated in accordance with Article 62 of the applicable social insurance system are imposed on any of those who address the provisions of the system and its executive regulations in the event of a violation of any of these provisions, including providing incorrect data to the institution or refusing to provide the data it requests. Those violations have been committed against them, and the penalty will be doubled if the violation is repeated.
- The repetition that requires doubling the penalty means the repeat offender of the same gender as the offense within five (5) years from the date of the issuance of the decision to impose the penalty for the previous offense.
- The violation of the employer by registering a person who does not work for his benefit is proven if what is stipulated in the registration is not available according to the fourth paragraph of Article 9 of the Regulations.
- The Social Insurance Institution has the right – in cases where it is proven that any of the persons addressed by the provisions of the system and its executive regulations participated in the commission of any of the violations that resulted in the unlawful payment of compensation – impose the prescribed penalty on anyone who participated in committing any of those violations, with obligating him to return what was disbursed. of unjustified compensation.
- The governor shall form one or more committees to investigate violations, while specifying the rules and procedures for the work of these committees.
- Without prejudice to the maximum penalty amounts stipulated under Article 62 of the applicable social security system; The amount of the penalty due for any of the violations of the provisions of the system and its implementing regulations is determined by the governor of the institution.
- The institution may include the decision to determine the penalty stipulating the publication of its summary at the expense of the violator in a local newspaper or in any other appropriate means, and the rules for applying this penalty are determined by the governor according to the type, severity and impact of the committed violation.
- Penalties may not be imposed for violations that occurred on the last day of the commission of which five years or more have passed.
How do I know the establishment’s subscription number in social insurance?
Article 62 before the amendment of the Social Security Law
Article 62 of the Social Security Law stipulates the following items before being amended:
- An employer who does not comply with any of the provisions of this Social Security Law and its implementing regulations shall be subject to a fine of no more than five thousand 5,000 Saudi riyals, and this limit shall be doubled in case of return with the fine multiplying by the number of joint workers in respect of whom the employer committed one or more violations, The total fines imposed each time shall not exceed fifty thousand riyals.
- Without prejudice to any more severe penalty prescribed by another law; Every person who intentionally submits incorrect data for the purpose of unjustly benefiting others from compensation, a fine not exceeding two thousand riyals will be imposed on him, and this limit shall be doubled in the event of a return to the violation.
- A person who submits incorrect data for the purpose of benefiting from the compensation is subject to a fine that he pays to the Foundation, and the value of this violation does not exceed the value of the compensation unjustly paid by the Foundation to him, in addition to obligating him to refund what was paid from those compensations.
- Investigation committees are formed in the offices of the Social Security Corporation to look into violations and determine penalties.
- The decision to impose the fine stipulated in the previous paragraphs shall be issued by the governor of the institution, and the concerned person may object to the decision within thirty (30) days from the date of notifying him of the decision in accordance with the provisions of Article 61.
- It is not permissible to impose any of the fines stipulated in this article for violations that have passed five years or more.
The text of Article 61 of the Social Insurance Law
Article 61 of the social security system in force in Saudi Arabia stipulates the following items:
- Employers, contributors and their representatives can submit an objection – by sequencing – against any decision issued by any competent authority in the founders of social insurances related to the necessity of registration, subscriptions or compensation, and the objection is submitted to the higher authority in sequencing for the case in which it was issued, as well as for the decision It is indicated below:
- The governor of the institution for the decisions taken by the director of the office.
- The Board of Directors for the decisions taken by the Governor.
- Employers, workers and those acting on their behalf may file a complaint before the judicial authority competent to look into labor cases if his objections are not accepted after being submitted in the previous sequence.
The text of Article 55 of the Social Insurance Law
Article 55 of the Insurance Law includes many items, which are the following:
- The Social Insurance Institution pays the family members of the contributor who is sentenced to imprisonment what he deserves from the proceeds of the injury as well as the pensions for the period of his imprisonment.
- Injury proceeds and non-occupational disability pensions may be suspended in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the fourth paragraph of Article 30 if the recipient refuses to undergo treatment, visits and medical examinations, refuses to attend retraining or vocational rehabilitation lessons decided by the competent bodies in the institution, or refuses to adhere to any Other medical instructions, in case of refusal without a legitimate excuse.
- The combination of the benefits of the Occupational Hazards Branch and the compensations of the Annuities Branch shall be within the limits of the following provisions:
- The contributor has the right to combine the benefit and the pension, not to exceed 100% of the greater value between the two following values:
- The average wage on the basis of which the benefits of occupational disability were calculated after increasing it by a hypothetical annual allowance of 7% for each year of the complete years between the date of establishing the disability and the date of his retirement, provided that this does not exceed the age of sixty.
- The average wage on which the pension is calculated.
- The contributor or his beneficiaries, as the case may be, have the right to combine the lump sum compensation due according to the Occupational Hazards Branch and the compensations to the Annuities Branch.
- The combination of returns and pensions payable to family members shall be in the following cases:
The sons and daughters who are entitled to a pension or benefit combine between what is due to them on behalf of the father and what is due to them on behalf of the mother.
The widow combines her pension for herself and her husband’s pension.
The beneficiary who is unable to work combines the pensions and benefits due to him.
- It is not permissible to combine the scholarship stipulated in the first, second and third paragraphs of Article 51, which are:
- Contributor’s death grant as a result of a work injury or the death of an owner as a result of permanent total or partial disability.
- The death grant for a contributor who is working and has spent the period that entitles his family members to entitlement to a pension.
- Grant for the death of the holder of a retirement pension or non-occupational disability.
- In other than the previous cases, it is not permissible to combine more than one compensation or between compensation and income from work for family members, except in the cases and limits stipulated by the regulation of the social insurance system.
- The contributor has the right to combine the benefit and the pension, not to exceed 100% of the greater value between the two following values:
Conditions for disbursing social security benefits for men and women
Objection to Social Security Violations 1443
Objections to the violations of the Public Institution for Social Security in 1443 AH are submitted by following the following steps:
- Go to the objection form “from here” directly.
- Write the full name in the field provided for this.
- Enter the ID number or the residence number according to the objection category.
- Enter the mobile number, then enter the email address.
- Select the transaction from the dropdown list.
- Enter the objection details in the provided space.
- Upload the required attachments for objection.
- Write the visual verification code that appears in the image.
- Click on Complete when finished.
How to verify subscription to the Social Security System 1443
The following are the steps to verify participation in social insurance for the year 1443 AH:
- Go to the insurance website “from here” directly.
- Click Verify Now from the Quick Verification tab.
- Clicking on the functional status from the list of available services.
- Enter the civil registry number, then write the verification code.
- Click Check to see the required details.
Download the new social insurance system 1443
We can follow the following steps to download the social insurance system in force in 1443 AH.
- Go to the social security system “from here” directly.
- Click on print from the system text tab.
- Click on the Print Destination menu and select Microsoft to PDF.
- Press the print button, then choose the appropriate course.
- Click Save when finished to download the system text.
Social Security login link gosi.gov
Social Insurance System Regulation 1443 Online
We can follow the following steps to browse the list of the social security system in force in 1443 AH:
- Visit the Social Insurance website “from here” directly.
- Click on the insurance systems from the top bar.
- Click on Executive Regulations from the right-hand menu.
- Choose one of the lists, then start reading the details.
The text of Article 62 of the Social Insurance Law authorizes the penalties to be imposed on violators of the law by entering wrong data or refraining from providing the institution with some of the data it needs. others to deter violators.
خاتمة لموضوعنا نص المادة 62 من نظام التامينات الاجتماعية ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.