هل الميت يشتاق لاهله

هل الميت يشتاق لاهله , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

Does the dead miss his family? A question that intrigues many Muslims, for God – Glory be to Him, the Most High – created death and life to test people which one is best in deed. The world is after death, his life stops and his family and other Muslims bury him, and the living yearn for their dead and those who have lost a great longing, so the reference site will explain whether the dead longs for his family and will show the conditions of the dead after his death in the grave from feelings and feelings with the correct sayings of the people of knowledge and what was mentioned in them from Legitimate evidence.

Does the dead miss his family?

Does the dead miss his family? There is no report in the book, in the honorable Sunnah of the Prophet, nor from the predecessors and from the people of knowledge, which indicates that the dead longs for his family, and most likely that when a person dies, he misses this worldly life and moves to another life other than this life, and becomes in another world, so the dead moves to the world of the isthmus that is not The people of this world know about him except what was brought by revelation, and some of the early generations narrate what indicates that the dead feels what is going on around him and sees those who visit him and rejoice in him, to the extent that the dead may know who washes him and pleads with God to lighten his washing, and it is said to him on the bed of death listen to people’s praise You, but in his longing for his family after his death, it is most likely that he does not long for it because he is preoccupied with his new life after death from questioning in the grave and the loneliness of the grave and the bliss or torment according to his work in this world and what he offered his hands to his afterlife, and God and His Messenger know best.[1]

Is it permissible to take his life from the dead?

Does the dead long for the living?

What has been reported from the people of knowledge regarding the issue of whether the dead misses his family and does he miss the living, it is most likely that the dead is preoccupied with himself about his family and loved ones and all the living, he is busy with what he faces from the trial of the grave and the question of the two angels, and the darkness in the grave and what he faces in the life of the isthmus about which he is not known. Except for what was mentioned in the honorable Sunnah of the Prophet, and there is no legal evidence that indicates that the dead misses his family and the living of people, and this is known to God Almighty.

The prayer of the dead how many rak’ahs

Does a dead child miss his parents?

What worries the living in the dead is whether the dead longs for his family if he was a child and longs for his parents, and the dead children have a special situation for them after death, and God has singled them out that they will be intercessors for their families on the Day of Resurrection. Two sons have died for me, so what are you talking to me about the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, with a hadith by which we purify ourselves about his death? He said: Yes, their young ones of Paradise have one father, or his parents said, and he takes his garment, or his hand, as I take this Besnfh your dress, do not let go, or he does not end, even God him and his father of Paradise. “[2] It has been proven that if a child dies, he will be in a kindergarten with the Prophet of God Ibrahim – peace be upon him. It was reported on the authority of Samra bin Jundab who said: “Then we set out, and we came to a darkened kindergarten, in it of all the color of spring, and it came to him. in length in the sky, and if the man of more than two children never saw them said: I said to them: what is this, what are these? …… .. the tall man who is in kindergarten it is Abraham peace be upon him, and the newborns around him is born dead on instinct she said: Some of the Muslims said: O Messenger of God, children of the polytheists? The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: And the children of the polytheists.[3] As for the fact that they miss their parents, nothing is reported about it, and most likely it is not true, and God knows best.[4]

Interpretation of seeing blood come out of the dead in a dream for a single woman, a married woman, and a pregnant woman

Can the dead hear the words of the living?

Likewise, delving into the question of whether the dead misses his family, it motivates the search for whether the dead hears the words of the living, and the scholars differed on this issue on two sayings:[5]

  • The dead does not hear the words of the living: Where a group of scholars held that the dead cannot hear the living, and this is the opinion of Mrs. Aisha, Ibn Abbas, Ibn Masoud and other honorable companions, and the majority of scholars went to him from Malikis, Hanafis and Hanbalis, and they inferred this on a lot of legal evidence from The Qur’an and the Sunnah, including the Almighty’s saying: {Indeed, you do not make the dead hear, nor can the deaf make the supplication heard when they turn around.}[6] In the interpretation, it was said that God – Glory be to Him, the Most High – sealed the hearing of the dead and deprived them of the ability of hearing for the living, and it was reported from Sheikh Al-Albani that he said, “I have not seen anyone who stated that the dead hears absolutely as it was in his life, and I do not think a scholar says it.”
  • The dead can hear in the sentence: in it the people of knowledge said that the dead can hear, and some of them said, but he does not hear in all cases, and others said that he hears in every condition, but he cannot benefit from what he hears, and it was reported from Ibn Al-Qayyim that he said that the infidel is dead-hearted not You are able to hear him about something that benefits him and him, and God did not want that the owners of the graves do not hear anything at all. He, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said: “If a servant is placed in his grave and his companions turn away from him, he can hear their sandals knocking.”[7]

The name of the king entrusted with questioning the dead

Does the deceased visit his family in a dream?

The scholars have argued that lives between the living and the dead meet in the isthmus and evidence of this verse: God dies souls while her death and that have not been in her dream by examining that spent by the death and sent the other to indefinitely in that are signs for those who reflect}.[8] Since the souls of the living and the dead meet in a dream and get to know each other as God wills from them, God seizes the souls of the living if they die and when they sleep. It coincides with experience, as told in the past and the future, for how it has not been proven that spirits visit the living in a dream, and what the sleeper can see from the state of the dead if it is a correct vision, then what he sees is the reality, and many true traces have been reported, which indicates the vision of the dead in a dream Knowing his condition and looking at him, and God and His Messenger know best.[9]

Interpretation of seeing the dead come back to life and then die in a dream for single, married and pregnant women

Does the dead feel who is calling for him?

Is the dead longing for his family and it is prescribed for him to pray for him, is what the scholars have explained and elaborated on, as it is mostly that the dead naturally does not hear those who are around him and does not long for his family because he is preoccupied with what is in him, but supplication reaches its reward for the dead after his death, and it is one of the three matters Which benefits him and which the Prophet – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – told about, and seeking forgiveness for the dead also falls under supplication. this? It will be said: By your son asking for forgiveness for you.[10] And pray for the dead with supplications for charity, Hajj and Umrah, for the majority is that the dead knows and feels who is supplicating for him, and the knowledge is with God, then the conditions of the dead are unseen that only God knows, and people do not know anything about him except what the Prophet – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – told of what was revealed in revelation, and from It is the duty of a Muslim to supplicate for his dead and the dead of Muslims without considering whether the supplication reaches him or not.[11]

Does the deceased see his family after his death?

There is no clear and explicit text in the Noble Qur’an or the Prophetic Sunnah stating that the deceased may see his family after his death, but scholars have said that the dead feels who visits him in his grave, and knows who visits him if he knew him in his worldly life, and it is the duty of the dead’s family to He supplicates for him when visiting him and to have mercy on him. Supplication is one of the actions that benefit the dead in his grave and ease his torment. It has been reported that the dead asks about his family from the dead who joined him and knows in this way their conditions and their news. The unseen is with God, the Blessed and Most High, is the most knowledgeable of it.[12]

Is it permissible to take a fee for washing the dead?

Does the dead feel before burial?

It has been proven in the blessed Sunnah that the dead feels, before burial and after burial, those around him of his creation, and this feeling is represented by hearing, rejoicing, and rejoicing. and Atrahmon him when buried and after the burial, it was reported in Saheeh Muslim that Amr ibn al-Aas before he died he said to his companions, God bless them: “If Dvintamona staging the soil Shanna, and then steadfast about my grave as much as slave women roots and divides the flesh, even Stans you, and see what With it I return the messengers of my Lord.”[13] And whether he sees, speaks, or is able to visit his family in a dream or something else, that is all in the knowledge of the unseen with God Almighty, so what the revelation brought about the world of the dead and its conditions is the tip of the iceberg, and God knows best.[14]

The number of takbeers in prayer for the dead

Does the dead rejoice when he visits him in his grave?

The people of knowledge said that the dead feels someone who visits him at his grave, and he rejoices in those who pray for him and have mercy on him, whether he is called for him at his grave or anywhere else, and he rejoices with his family and loved ones if they visit him, and he hears them if they talk to him, and if they cry over him intense crying that has howling, wailing and tearing. One of the important matters that every Muslim woman must know is that it is not permissible for a woman to visit the graves, as this is one of the forbidden things for her, regardless of the degree of kinship between her and the dead, for the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – cursed the visitors of the graves. , God knows.

Do the souls of the dead meet and visit each other?

Souls in the life of the isthmus are divided into two parts, souls that are preoccupied with torment and reckoning for what they did in the world, and souls that do not receive punishment at all for the good deeds they have done in this world. and ask other spirits about the state of people of this world, and talking with each other about what they had in life, and these spirits are accompanied with those who Ahbhunha, from the pious and the righteous, God Almighty said: It obeys Allah and the Prophet, they are with those who blessed them from the prophets and saints And the martyrs and the righteous, and those are good companions.} [15] There have been many blessed prophetic hadiths that refer to blessed souls visiting and meeting them after death.[16]

Interpretation of a dream about seeing the dead alive in a dream by Ibn Shaheen

Does the dead know that he has died and is being washed?

The scholars said that there is nothing in the Noble Qur’an or the blessed Sunnah to indicate the feeling of the dead who is washing him or shrouding him. And he must occupy himself with everything that is good for him in his religion, his livelihood and the consequences of his affair, and he should leave things that are of no benefit to him not in this world and the hereafter.[17]

The state of the dead in his grave

It was mentioned in the Noble Qur’an and the blessed Sunnah that the dead in the grave will be embraced by the earth after burial, so no one escapes from it at all. A door from Heaven will be opened for them and it will not be closed until the Day of Resurrection, but if he is not answered, a door from Hell will be opened for him, which will not be closed until the Day of Resurrection, and if he has any of the sins, he will be tormented in it to atone for them, then he will enjoy it until the Day of Resurrection, and each according to his sins that he earned in life The world, God knows best.[18]

The world of isthmus and life in it

Before concluding the article Does the dead long for his family, it is important to define the life of Al-Barzakh, the world of Al-Barzakh or the life of Al-Barzakh is what is called. And the servant in it is presented with his seat in Hellfire or Paradise, so the good will be rejoiced, the evil will increase in grief, and the one who is blessed will be fine until the Day of Resurrection, and the one who is tormented therein will be tormented until the Day of Resurrection, and on the authority of Anas bin Malik – may God be pleased with him – he said: him said: the slave if put in his grave and took him his companions, and that to hear the sound of their footsteps, Attah Malakan Afikadanh, They will say: what did you say this man Muhammad, peace be upon him, either believer, he says: I bear witness that Abd Allah and his Messenger, it is said to him: Look at your seat in Hell, for God has exchanged it for you for a seat in Paradise, and He will see them both together – Qatadah said: And he mentioned to him: He returned to the hadith of Anas – he said: As for the hypocrite and the unbeliever, it will be said to him: What did you say about this man? He will say: I do not know. I used to say what the people say, and it will be said: You neither read nor recited.[19] The life of al-barzakh differs from the life of this world and the life of the hereafter, in which the soul is attached to the body, as it does not remain in it at all times and does not separate from it completely, and the whole reality of al-barzakh is known only to God.[20]

Talk about the dead father in the new year 2022

So here we have come to the end of the article Does the dead long for his family, where we explained what Islamic law says about the dead’s longing for his family, whether he is old, young or a child, and we also spoke within this article about the condition of the dead in his grave, and his condition before burial, does he feel what is around him, and does he rejoice? Who visits him and prays for him, and does he know the news of his family, and does he visit others with others who died and others, and finally we talked about the life of the isthmus in the Qur’an and the Sunnah.

خاتمة لموضوعنا هل الميت يشتاق لاهله ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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