معلومات عن عمليات تحديد الفك , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
Information about jaw surgery and its types Women are obsessed with beauty and elegance, so they always resort to many tricks that help them with this, but with the passage of time and due to old age, the cells of their bodies begin to weaken, causing the appearance of wrinkles, sagging and fine lines, as sagging under the chin, and each one begins Some of them resort to the best option for them to solve the problem that bothers them, such as undergoing surgeries, filler injections, or the use of medical devices such as Althera, etc., and through the reference site we will circulate several information about jaw determination operations and their types.
Information about jaw determinations and their types
The jaw and chin are among the areas of the face that are most affected by external factors and aging, which causes the appearance of sagging and wrinkles below that area, and this worries many men and women, but due to the recent development in the field of aesthetic medicine, many techniques have appeared that work to define the jaw, as:
- The most important standards of beauty for many people, especially women, is to have a sculpted face. Therefore, recently, several artists have resorted to jaw contouring and sculpting the bottom of the chin in order to appear younger. Chin sculpting does not only affect that area, but its positive effect reaches all areas of the face.
- Jaw contouring operations highlight the features of the lower jaw and are an extension of face-lift and sculpting operations. There are many operations and techniques through which the jaw can be determined, and most of these types have positive and quick results, which prompted many to submit to them.
- The most famous, most effective and most recent technology currently emerging is the “Taxes” technique. This technique does not only sculpt the area under the chin, but has a great and effective effect in sculpting the rest of the face, such as defining the edges of the chin of men to make them more attractive.
What are the types of jaw surgery?
Jaw lift and chin sculpting is not done in one way or through a specific technique, but there are many operations that can be undergone, in addition to many different medical techniques that can achieve the goal easily without undergoing any surgery, and the methods are as follows:
- Surgical operations: Surgical operations are considered the most common and used by many to tighten various areas of the face, especially under the chin, and “jaw contouring,” despite being the most dangerous, harmful and costly of them, but it is the most effective method with more positive results than others.
- Filler injection: This technique is not a recent phenomenon and it is of medium cost, and its positive results reach a large percentage, but it does not last long, as filler injections are considered a temporary solution that artists often resort to to tighten the area under the chin and to define the jaw.
- Botox Filling: This technique is not often used in tightening the area under the chin and defining the jaw, but it is effective, and it is considered a temporary solution like filler fillers.
- Althera device: This device is effective in tightening all areas of the face and depends on the electromagnetic wave technology, which has a significant and effective effect in effectively tightening the face.
- Taxes technique: This technique is considered the most effective and the latest emerging at the present time, and it is also the most effective non-surgical technique, and men often resort to it more than women to determine the area under the chin to get a sculpted and attractive jaw, but its cost is high, so many cannot undergo it .[1]
Candidates for jaw surgery
Only certain people resort to the jawline procedure, and a radical change has occurred in the area below the chin for them, which necessitated undergoing this procedure. Some young people who aspire to have an attractive face resort to it. The candidates for the jawline procedure are:
- Women who showed signs of early aging, such as drooping and sagging below the chin, and normally this occurs in their early thirties, such as suffering from straight cheeks or drooping tissues in the eye area.
- Older people looking to have a tighter, sculpted and attractive face, especially those in their forties and fifties.
- Young people aspiring to have a more attractive and defined face and features.
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When can jaw surgery be performed?
It is known about these operations that they belong to a certain age group because the problem of drooping and sagging area under the chin is only experienced by the elderly and those who suffer from the appearance of early signs of aging, but by research it was found that this operation or that procedure can be undergone at any age, because it It is not only related to tightening sagging, but also goes beyond that, such as defining the jaw to obtain attractive features, especially for a man. Young people may suffer from sagging in the area below the chin as a result of the increase in fat in that area resulting from obesity, and this can be treated by liposuction of that excess fat using the Vaser technique, and the sagging of that area may be hereditary. However, this operation cannot be performed until after reaching the age of eighteen, making sure that the person subject to it does not suffer from any serious health problems such as dermatitis, because this operation must be performed under general or general anesthesia, so it is important to examine all Health functions before the operation with the selection of the appropriate type of anesthetic.
What are the procedures to be taken before a jawline procedure is performed?
Before undergoing the operation, several medical procedures must be undergone to ensure that the patient’s health is in a good condition that allows to undergo this operation and to determine the appropriate type of anesthetic. These procedures are as follows:
- Performing various tests related to blood, kidney and liver functions to ensure that there is no chronic disease that may interfere with the surgery.
- X-rays of the jaw to identify the bones by medical methods before transferring or identifying them, and to visualize the final image of the jaw shape after the operation.
- Smoking interferes with the normal functioning of the circulatory system and impedes wound healing in the desired rapid manner, and may cause bleeding, so it is necessary to stop smoking before undergoing the operation.
- You should stop taking some medical medications that may interfere with surgery, such as anti-inflammatories, analgesics and aspirin, because both of them increase blood flow, which may expose the patient to bleeding.
- The operation may require the patient to undergo general or local anesthesia, so it is necessary to have an accompanying person with the patient before and after the operation.
Surgical fixing of the jaw
Chin surgery may be augmentation, reduction or limitation, that is, it is reshaping the shape of the chin again through surgical intervention. The process is as follows:
- Most of the plastic surgeries and definition of the jaw are performed in the lower area of the chin, and this process the main and main objective of it is to improve the proportions of the jaw and face in general in order to enhance self-confidence.
- This process is among the most recommended procedures by plastic surgeons and surgeons, because it harmonizes the face and features and improves the balance of the chin, forehead and cheeks.
- This operation is mostly done by pushing the bones of the lower jaw forward, and this procedure is called genioplasty. It is also possible to remove a small part of the jawbones, which provides better dynamics for chewing, occlusion and tooth fit. Patients’ cases differ from each other in terms of complexity.
- Also, this process sometimes causes an increase or decrease in the size of the nose.
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Defining the jaw with fillers
The filler technique relies on filling various areas of the body, especially the face, with a gel material that contributes to the production of hyaluronic acid and collagen, and this greatly helps in reducing facial sagging, and this technique can be used to define the jaw as follows:
- Filling the jaw area with these gels to enhance the production of hyaluronic acid and collagen to get rid of sagging in the area under the chin and to define the jawline.
- This technique for defining the jaw is one of the quick techniques that have positive results, as it is safe and works to sculpt the area under the chin effectively.
- The filler is injected into several areas along the bottom of the chin and lower jaw, with a line separating the neck and jaw. This injection is not painful, but it may be annoying, so it requires the use of anesthetic cream to relieve pain.
- This process takes from half an hour to an hour in order to obtain a sharper and thinner jaw in an accurate manner. The best types of fillers are the fillings that contain Calcium hydroxyapatite or Calcium hydroxyapatite.
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Defining the jaw with silicone fillings
Defining the jaw through silicone filling is not the best option, as there are several other techniques with greater effectiveness and better quality than this technique, in addition to the possibility of undergoing surgeries that are characterized by multiple positive results. This technique relies on the same technique as the filler filler, which is defining the area to be tightened and then filling it with a gel material, but it is more dense and heavier than the materials used for injectable filler fillers, but this material differs from the material used in filler fillings.
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Lower jaw surgery before and after
The most cosmetic problems that bother many people are deformities and problems of the lower jaw. It was also found that a large segment of people suffer from them due to genetic factors and exposure to accidents and trauma, so a lot of people are looking for an effective solution to this problem, but the only solution is plastic surgery. The cosmetic mandibular advancement process is among the oldest corrective surgeries that have been performed since ancient times, and it has many advantages related to beautifying the shape of the face, improving the placement process and the consistency of the teeth, and the following picture shows the great change that occurred after the operation and its great positive effect.
Upper jaw surgery before and after
The upper jaw operation is among the safest cosmetic surgeries, if it is performed under the hands of a doctor specialized in dental surgery, with the participation of a specialist in orthodontics, this process contributes greatly to straightening and beautifying the general and external shape of the face by moving the bones of the upper jaw inside. Orthodontics is also considered an alternative to it in the event that the expansion occurs is the extension of the upper teeth, and this process is similar to the operations of the lower jaw in terms of the mechanism, the procedures to be followed and the recovery period, and it also has a positive effect on changing the general shape of the face for the better as shown in Picture.
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A very large number of people undergoing jaw surgery, because everyone aspires to a face with sharp, attractive and contrasting features, especially women and celebrities, “men and women.” Therefore, there are many experiences related to jaw surgery, including the experience of a woman in her forties, who says:
- Throughout her life, she has never suffered from obesity or excess fat, so she never noticed that the area under her chin was drooping or flabby, but with the start of her forties, she began to notice the appearance of many fine lines with sagging of the face, especially below the chin with the appearance of wrinkles.
- She said that she had conducted many experiments that she believed could contribute to getting rid of that sagging, such as undergoing many medical devices used in face-lifting, and performing exercises, but she did not notice any positive warning at all.
- That woman went to a doctor who specializes in plastic surgery, and he advised her to undergo surgery to get rid of that sagging.
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Advantages of jaw determinations
The advantages of jaw fixing operations of various types are as follows:
- The gel used in filler injections helps to increase the percentage of fullness, and the collagen, Hyaluronic acid and Calcium hydroxyapatite contribute to stimulating new cells to renew themselves automatically while tightening the skin effectively.
- These injections contribute to alleviating the appearance of signs of aging and reduce sagging and sagging of the skin, especially in the area below the chin. They also reduce the erosion of the jawbone.
- The injection filler increases the size of the jaw and chin area and strengthens them.
- Define the jaw line to give it a sharp and attractive look.
- Minimizing the effects of age-related mandibular depression.
- Balancing the asymmetric jaw line.
- Reducing the size of the wattle so that it appears oval.
Disadvantages and risks of jaw surgery
Jaw fixing operations pose several minor risks and have several disadvantages, including the following:
- These processes cause itching and inflammation of the skin.
- These operations may cause several bruises and redness of the facial skin.
- Sores, scars and numbness in the area under the chin.
- Drug interactions that may cause allergic reactions due to what is made up of the filler used in the injection.
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Best clinic to define jawline with fillers
Clinics specialized in plastic surgeries under the supervision of specialized doctors are the best clinics that can be resorted to to undergo a jawline procedure with fillers, and the best clinics in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia include:
- Al Faran Medical Center located in Riyadh: This center includes many distinguished doctors in dermatology and cosmetology. This center is located in Riyadh, on King Abdullah Road – in front of Prince Sultan University Walk.
- Jewel Clinics in Jeddah: These clinics contain the latest technologies and devices specialized in the field of plastic surgery. It is located on Prince Saud Al-Faisal Street – above the Saudi Fransi Bank – west of the square bridge.
- Ram clinics: This clinic is one of the most famous cosmetic clinics in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and is located in Dammam, Al Mubarakiya District – Gulf Road.
Jaw fixing cost
The average cost of jaw fixing operations varies according to the place, the type of operation and the technique the patient undergoes, but by looking at it, it was found that those who are undergoing jaw fixing operations are the first and best option for them, which is determining the jaw with fillers and its cost in various Arab countries as shown in the following table:
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In an article, we dealt with information about jaw determination operations and their types, everything related to these different types of operations, identifying their advantages, disadvantages and cost in various Arab countries.
خاتمة لموضوعنا معلومات عن عمليات تحديد الفك ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.