رسوم تركيب عداد الكهرباء في السعودية 2022 , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
The fees for installing an electricity meter in Saudi Arabia 2022 vary according to the size of the meter and the amount of amperes that the user wishes to obtain. This service is provided by the Saudi Electricity Company, which provides a wide range of services and basic matters in all cities and governorates in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Ministry of Electricity has clarified all the details of installation fees and the method of obtaining a new electricity meter. Through the reference website, the visitor can learn about the prices of installing an electricity meter in Saudi Arabia and the method of providing electricity.
Saudi Electricity Company
It is one of the strongest and most prominent government companies operating in the Saudi market, as this company is considered one of the strong international companies in the Middle East and North Africa in the field of electrical energy, and is based on sponsoring a wide number of services that deal with this important economic material for all people around the world, and it guarantees Electricity reaches all homes of citizens and institutions in all Saudi cities and governorates, and this company has contributed extensively to raising the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s classification in this important global sector to the eighteenth rank in the ranking that contains more than one hundred and ninety countries around the world. This company has been approved globally for a number of important reasons:[1]
- The Saudi Electricity Company has reduced many procedures for obtaining electricity.
- It worked to reduce costs to very acceptable limits, those that people have to pay for electricity services.
- It is based on the design of a GIS application that aims to reduce the number of site visits.
- The company has worked effectively to establish specialized centers in the field of follow-up applications.
See also: Knowing the electricity meters registered in my name in Saudi Arabia 1443
Electricity meter installation fees in Saudi Arabia 2022
The fees for installing the meter vary according to the capacity that the subscriber wishes to obtain through this meter and the different facility in the event that it is a residential house or an industrial or commercial establishment or something else. The cost is calculated based on the capacity of the circuit used or the load connected to this cutter. Electricity meter according to the following table data:
Composite cutter capacity (kVA) Installation fees (SR/kVA) greater than 1 30 60 (SAR) 30 60 95 (SAR) 60 90 150 (SAR) 90 120 165 (SAR) 120 152 175 (SAR) if it is greater than 152 26,600 SAR + 250 SAR / additional kVA
- Fees in the event of connection to a voltage of (220) volts between two phases: The fees imposed in connection with the connection were made on the higher voltage (220) volts between two phases, and they came according to the data of the following table:
Amount of the installed clamp capacity Voltage connection fees (220) volt-amperes kVA 30 11.43 686 (SAR) 40 15.24 914 (SAR) 50 19.05 1143 (SAR) 70 26.67 1600 (SAR) 100 38.1 3620 (SAR) 125 47.63 4524 (SAR) 150 57.15 5429 (SAR) 200 76.2 11430 (SAR) 250 95.25 15716 (SAR) 300 114.3 18860 (SAR) 400 152 26600 (SAR) Receipt fees if it is greater than 152 KVA = 26600 + (Total KVA -152) * 250 (SAR)
- Installation fees in case of connection to voltage (230/400) volts: They are shown in the data of the following table:
The capacity of the cutter against the receipt for the voltage (230/400) Volts (SAR) Amp KVA 20 13.8 828 (SAR) 30 20.7 1242 (SAR) 40 27.6 1656 (SAR) 50 34.5 3278 (SAR) 70 48.3 4589 (SAR) 100 69 10350 (SAR) 125 86.25 12938 (SAR) 150 103.5 17078 (SAR) 200 138 24150 (SAR) Receipt fees greater than 152 kV A = 26600 + (Total KVA -152) * 250 (SAR)
Electricity meter 60 amp How many air conditioner is running
Electricity meter installation fees in Saudi Arabia 2022 measured in amperes
A wide number of options have been put forward through which citizens can obtain electricity, in accordance with their need for use. The fees for installing an electricity meter, measured in amperes, vary according to the following categories:[2]
Electricity meter installation fee of 60 amps
The Saudi Electricity Company has made 60-ampere electric meters available for a wide number of installations that require this size, according to installation fees that came as follows:
- The 60-amp electricity connection fee is (150 Saudi riyals + 250 Saudi riyals/kVA additional).
- Electricity delivery fees of 60 amps at 19.05 kVA compared to the delivery for voltage of 200 volts, amounting to (1,143 Saudi riyals).
- The fees for electricity connection of 60 amps at 34.5 kVA compared to the connection for voltage 230/400 volts, amounting to (3278 Saudi riyals).
Electricity meter installation fee of 100 amps
It differs from the rest of the other categories, where a specific system was adopted in approving the value of the fees for each meter separately, and the fees for 100 amperes came, as follows:
- The value of the electricity connection fees of the category (100) amperes will be (165 Saudi riyals + 250 Saudi riyals/kVA additional).
- The value of the electricity connection fee of the category (100) amps at 38.1 kVA in return for the connection to the voltage of 220 volts will amount to (3620 Saudi riyals).
- The value of the electricity connection fees of the category (100) amperes at 69 kVA in return for the connection for voltage 230/400 volts will amount to (10350 Saudi riyals).
Electricity meter charges 150 amps
A specific fee has been approved for subscribers wishing to obtain large meters of the 150 ampere class, and it is explained as follows:
- The value of the 150-amp electricity connection fee will be (175 Saudi riyals + 250 additional Saudi riyals/kVA).
- The value of the electricity connection fee of 150 amps at 57.15 kVA compared to the connection for the voltage of 200 volts, it will amount to (5429 Saudi riyals).
- The value of the electricity connection fee of 150 amps on 103.5 kVA compared to the connection for the voltage of 230/400 volts, it will amount to (17,078 Saudi riyals).
200 amp electricity meter installation fee
The value of installing an electricity meter in the 200-amp category also differs from the rest of the other categories, and it was explained in the following information:
- The electricity connection fee of 200 amps is the amount of (175 SAR + 250 SAR / kVA additional).
- The value of the electricity connection fees is 200 amps at 76.2 kVA, compared to the 220 volt connection, an amount of (11430 Saudi riyals).
- The value of the electricity connection fees is 200 amps at 138 kVA in return for the connection to the voltage 230/400 volts, an amount of (24150 Saudi riyals).
How to get temporary electricity
The Saudi Electricity Company announced the possibility of obtaining temporary electrical outlets (for construction and other purposes) by entering “from here.” The temporary electricity service can be obtained for reviving an occasion “from here” provided that the person wishing to participate fulfills the special conditions which are:
- First, the conditions for obtaining temporary electricity for construction purposes, the following conditions must be met:
- It is necessary that the person wishing to participate has possessed the official building permit, which must be valid, and be legally and officially regulated.
- The applicant is required to visit the website designated for that service on the company’s website and enter all the necessary data.
- It is important that the service applicant pays all costs incurred to obtain that service.
- The subscriber is required to have obtained an authorization from the relevant and private authorities to approve the delivery of temporary electrical services, whether governmental or private, and it is required that the authorization signed in the name of the applicant for their project.
- The required capacity of the temporary meter must be (30 amps), and it has been noted that the capacity can be increased starting with a maximum of 10% of the total permanent load, provided that the subscriber attaches all the data that justifies his need to do so, in order to be approximated to the breaker closest approved.
- Second, the conditions for obtaining a temporary electrical service for the purpose of reviving events, and they are as follows:
- The service applicant is required to provide the appropriate letter to the concerned and private parties on the official website of the Electricity Company, in addition to attaching data on the type, duration and reason for holding the event.
- It is required that the applicant submit an application for the service three days before the scheduled date, in the case of loads that do not require network construction.
- It is necessary for the applicant to provide all the technical capabilities required for obtaining the electrical service.
- The service applicant is required to pay for the receipt issued by the Ministry of Electricity.
- All safety requirements must be provided by the person wishing to obtain the service, in a place dictated by the company’s procedures, and based on the requirements issued by the General Directorate of Civil Defense.
See also: How to transfer the ownership of an electricity meter through the Saudi Electricity Company website
How to remove the electricity meter in Saudi Arabia 2022
The Electricity Company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has made it possible to remove the electric meter for a temporary period while the subscriber is carrying out repair or rebuilding operations or otherwise. The process of removing the meter is carried out through a number of important steps that came as follows:
- It is required that the owner of the removal request attach the permit for the demolition process and a permit to rebuild or restore or other operations that require the removal and re-installation of the meter.
- The owner of the removal request is required to liquidate the meter, paying all his obligations before removing it.
- The owner of the meter undertakes to pay all costs required for the actual removal and installation process again.
- This is in the event that the recovered materials cannot be used again when reconstructing again.
- Entering the official website of the electric meter removal service directly “from here”.
- That is, while the removed counter is restored for a temporary period by following the following steps:
- It is important that the building permit is attached.
- It is necessary to attach the latest invoice associated with the subscription that was removed or to provide data for that subscription.
- The initiative should be taken to pay the financial costs corresponding to the delivery of electricity services in the event of increased loads.
- Note: In the event that the subscriber wishes to change the location of the meter from the previous location from which it was removed, he must comply with all costs necessary for this process, and this service can be requested “from here”.
Steps to get an electricity meter in Saudi Arabia
A citizen wishing to obtain an electrical energy service to connect it to a home, facility, commercial store, or otherwise, must familiarize himself with the regulating conditions first, and then take a number of steps to obtain approval, which are:
- Attach the coordination certificate: It is one of the basic things, and you can apply for it by entering the link “from here”.
- Attaching the request for the electrical service connection: Those who wish to obtain the service can enter the following link, and submit the request “from here”.
- Attaching requests for addition: approval for this important item of the basic provisions can be obtained by entering through the link “from here”.
- Reinforcement Request: It is a request that you can obtain through its link, which you can enter “from here”.
- Retail requests: This request can be obtained by entering directly through the link “from here”.
- Load aggregation requests: This request can be obtained by entering directly through the “from here” link.
- Request for a temporary electricity service receipt: This request can be obtained by entering directly through the link “from here”.
- Requirements to remove and then return the counter for a temporary period: This request can be obtained by entering directly through the “from here” link.
- Request to change the supply voltage according to the request of the service: This request can be obtained by entering directly through the link “from here”.
- “Reassure” service: This request can be obtained by entering directly through the link “from here”.
- Ownership transfer request: This request can be obtained by entering directly through the link “from here”.
Here we have come to the end of the article in which we talked about the fees for installing an electricity meter in Saudi Arabia 2022 and moved with its lines and paragraphs to explain all the matters stipulated in the rules of the Electricity Company in installing an electricity meter, and ways to obtain temporary electricity to conclude with the procedures for connecting an electricity meter to subscribers.
خاتمة لموضوعنا رسوم تركيب عداد الكهرباء في السعودية 2022 ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.