هل يوجد اكتتاب جديد قريب في السوق السعودي 2022 / 1443 , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
Is there a new subscription soon in the Saudi market 1443/2022 and what are the new subscriptions offered in the Saudi stock market and the steps for knowing the upcoming new subscriptions will be presented by my articles website in detail in addition to the dates of the new subscriptions and the method of subscribing to new shares for individuals in addition to the definition of the public offering prospectuses and the order book for the new subscription and banks receiving subscriptions.
Is there a new subscription coming soon?
In order to answer the question: Is there a new subscription soon, you should view the list of expected listings for new shares in the official Tadawul market through the official stock trading website in the Saudi Stock Exchange, and many individual traders in the Saudi Tadawul market seek to achieve profit and increase capital from trading shares and selling shares And the purchase of banking products such as investment funds and other banking products, and individuals are allowed to view any new subscription soon in the Tadawul market “from here”. [1]
New subscription in the Saudi market 2022
Is there a new IPO soon in the Saudi market
Yes, there is a new subscription soon in the Saudi Tadawul market. The new subscriptions in the official Tadawul market can be detailed as follows:
- Nahdi Medical Company subscription.
- Subscription of Al-Masani Al-Kubra Mining Company.
- Subscription of the drug company for medical services.
New shares offered for subscription 1443 / 2022
New subscription dates 1443
The official Saudi Tadawul market has set the dates for new subscriptions in the Saudi Tadawul market with the following:
- The earliest date for subscription in the Saudi Tadawul market is the subscription of the drug company for medical services. Subscription for drug shares begins on February 27, 2022 AD, and the date for subscription for shares for individuals ends on March 1, and the subscription period for drug shares continues for 3 days.
- Subscription for the shares of Al-Masanea Al-Kubra Mining Company begins on March 9, 2022 AD, and the subscription date for Al-Masanea Al-Kubra Mining Company for individuals will end on March 11, and the subscription period for the mining share continues for 3 days.
- Subscription for the shares of Al-Nahdi Medical Company begins on March 13, 2022 AD, and the date of subscription for the shares of Al-Nahdi Company ends
- For individuals on March 15th, the subscription period for Nahdi Medical shares will continue for 3 days.
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What is an underwriting?
Subscription is defined as a term used to describe the newly issued shares that investors agree to buy before the official issuance date and when announcing the intention of offering and listing. The price range of the subscription share, and the receiving banks aim to register a greater number of individuals as investors in their electronic channels available to subscribe to the new shares. [2]
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How to know the upcoming new IPOs 2022
Individuals and customers can view the upcoming new IPOs 2022 by following the following steps:
- Entering the official Saudi stock market Tadawul website “from here”.
- Choose markets from the list of the official Tadawul market.
- Click on the listings and choose the subscriptions as in the image below.
- The list of a new soon-to-be IPO appears in the Saudi Tadawul market easily, as shown in the attached image.
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How to buy shares in new IPOs
Individuals and subscribers may purchase shares in new subscriptions by following the following steps:
- View the prospectus for the shares to be subscribed to from the official Saudi Tadawul market website.
- Knowing the receiving banks for the new subscription from the prospectus.
- Opening an investment account in one of the receiving banks or an investment portfolio for trading in the Saudi stock market.
- Depositing funds in the investment portfolio or in the investment account.
- Activate the account with the ID number or the residence number in the Kingdom.
- Choosing the subscription method through one of the electronic banking channels available at the receiving bank and participating in the subscription operations.
- The method of purchasing shares in the new IPOs is chosen through the mobile application, from the official website, or through self-service machines.
- Choosing the new subscription and buying shares using one of the aforementioned electronic channels.
- The new shares are transferred to the client’s portfolio after the completion of the shares allocation in the subscription schedule.
- Paying the purchase price of shares in new subscriptions through the investment portfolio.
- The new shares are transferred to the client’s portfolio after the completion of the allocation of shares in the subscription schedule, or the subscription surplus is returned to the client’s portfolio after revealing the minimum subscription for individuals.
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Documents Required for Individual Subscription
Individuals wishing to subscribe to the upcoming new subscriptions in the Saudi market are required to prepare the following necessary documents and papers: [3]
- The original national identity card or the original residence card and a copy of it for the individual subscriber.
- The subscriber’s original civil registry and a copy of it, including all family members.
- The original legal power of attorney for family members of the first degree and a true copy of it.
- Guardianship deed for orphans, if any, and a true copy of the deed.
- A copy and original of the divorce deed for the children of a divorced Saudi woman from a non-Saudi husband who wish to subscribe.
- The death certificate of the husband and a true copy of it for the children of a widowed Saudi woman from a deceased non-Saudi husband.
- Birth certificate of the subscriber and a true copy of us for the children of a Saudi woman who is divorced or widowed by a non-Saudi husband.
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Saudi Arabia Tadawul subscription details
The Saudi Tadawul subscription was offered on the official Saudi Tadawul market, according to the following details:
- The date for the start of subscription for the shares of the Saudi Tadawul Group Holding Company is on November 30, 2021.
- The end of subscription for the shares of the Saudi Tadawul Group Holding Company is on December 2, 2021.
- The subscription price of the Saudi Tadawul Holding Group Company 2021 at the time of the offering at a price of 105 Saudi riyals.
- Allocating a minimum of 10 shares for individual subscription in the IPO of the Saudi Tadawul Holding Company.
- The number of shares offered for subscription is 36,000,000 shares, representing 30% of the total capital value of 1,200,000,000 Saudi riyals.
- The receiving banks for Tadawul subscription are Saudi National Bank, Al Rajhi Bank, Arab National Bank, Alinma Bank and Riyad Bank.
Terms of public offering of companies
The Saudi Tadawul market, with its two main parts, and the parallel growth market, stipulated achieving each of the following points to ensure the public offering of companies, which are as follows: [4]
- The minimum number of public shareholders in the company is 200 shareholders in the main Tadawul market and 50 shareholders in the parallel growth market.
- Offering 30% of the company’s total shares for trading in the main Tadawul market, while the Nomu market is satisfied with offering 20% of the company’s share capital, or 30 million Saudi riyals.
- The expected minimum total market value at the date of listing all shares is 300 million riyals in the main market and 10 million riyals in the parallel market.
- Designating a member of the board of directors and a member of the company’s senior executives as representatives of the company before the market for all purposes related to the listing.
- Appointing the financial advisor to list the company before the market.
- Disclosure of the quarterly financial statements within a period not exceeding 30 days from the end of the period in the main Tadawul market and the disclosure of the semi-annual financial statements within a period not exceeding 45 days from the end of the period in the parallel growth market.
- Disclosure of the annual financial statements within a period not exceeding three months from the end of the period to list the main Tadawul Market and Nomu Market.
- Determining the company’s main activities in the Saudi economy sector.
- Explicitly and accurately disclose the company logo and capital of the company.
- Determining the company’s communication channels and the end date of the company’s fiscal year.
- Provide information on underwriters and underwriting managers.
- Determining the receiving banks for the company’s subscription, through which individuals will be allowed to subscribe for the new offering shares.
Steps for public offering of companies
The steps for offering the public offering of companies in the main Tadawul market or in the parallel growth market are as follows:
- Completing the stage of preparing the IPO with the assistance of the IPO advisors to launch the IPO for individual and corporate subscribers.
- Submit an application for registration and listing in the official Saudi stock market.
- Ensure that the information, orders, and record of the offering match the financial statements of the company, and ensure the accuracy of the information and numbers in the offering document.
- Announcing the company’s future expansion goals after the capital increase as a result of subscribing to the offered shares.
- Preparing the initial prospectus for the shares and the regulatory disclosure of the offering process with the assistance of the offering advisors.
- Submit the prospectus and offer request to Tadawul and the Saudi Capital Market Authority.
- The approval of the Capital Market Authority to register the company’s offering and the initial prospectus.
- Saudi Tadawul’s approval to list the offering order book on the Saudi Stock Exchange.
- Pay the dues for listing the shares as decided by the financial market and with the approval of the Saudi Capital Market Authority.
- Pay the dues resulting from the annual listing of the company’s shares in the Tadawul market.
- After the approval of the Capital Market Authority and Tadawul on the listing, the offering process begins and the intention to offer shares for subscription is announced in an official statement to the public.
- The Offering Managers determine the order history, the initial offer price per share, and the price range per share.
- Principal investors in the company assist in the process of determining the final price of the public offering.
- Shares are offered at the final price and individuals are allowed to subscribe after setting the date for the start of the subscription and the date for the end of the subscription for individuals.
- Shares are allocated for individual subscription according to the value of the objective of subscribing to the company’s shares.
- The new shares are deposited in the portfolios of investors and individuals, and the subscription surplus is returned to the shareholders, if any.
Online New Subscriptions Link
Individuals and investors in the Saudi Tadawul market are able to learn about the upcoming new subscriptions and the date of new subscriptions in the main Tadawul market and the parallel growth market “from here” directly, and to view the prospectus and listing of the company’s shares on the Saudi Stock Exchange.
In conclusion, we have explained whether there is a new subscription soon in the Saudi market 1443 / 2022 and the new subscription dates 1443 and the way to know the upcoming new subscriptions 2022 in addition to the method of buying shares in new subscriptions and the documents required for individual subscription. Public offering of companies.
the reviewer
saudiexchange.sa , tadawul markets , 24/02/2022
investopedia.com , Subscribed , 24/02/2022
saudiexchange.sa , https://www.saudiexchange.sa/wps/portal/tadawul/knowledge-center/about/parallel-market?locale=ar#:~:text=%D8%AA%D8%AA%D9%85%20%D8%B9%D9%85%D9%84%D9%8A%D8%A9%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B7%D8%B1%D8%AD%20%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A5%D8%AF%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%AC%20%D9%88%D9%81%D9%82%D8%A7%D9%8B,%D9%84%D9%82%D9%8A%D9%85%D8%A9%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D8%B3%D9%87%D9%85%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%AF%D8%B1%D8%AC%D8%A9%D8%8C%20%D8%A3%D9%8A%D9%87%D9%85%D8%A7%20%D8%A3%D9%82%D9%84 , 24/02/2022
خاتمة لموضوعنا هل يوجد اكتتاب جديد قريب في السوق السعودي 2022 / 1443 ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.