اجمل رسائل رمضان 1442/2021 مكتوبة وبالصور ومسجات تهنئة للإصدقاء , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
The most beautiful Ramadan messages to send to family and loved ones, for the month of Ramadan is the month of goodness that Muslims await from one year to the next, and this wait is accompanied by many manifestations of celebration, the most important of which is sending the most beautiful Ramadan messages to family, friends, and neighbors. There are many congratulatory phrases that are used to congratulate Muslims, some of them in This month, and during the article now, we will discuss a group of the best Ramadan messages.
The most beautiful Ramadan messages
As the month of Ramadan approaches, man begins to recover many good memories with the people close to his heart, whether from friends or family, as it has always been known as the month of love, in which communication increases between everyone, and therefore we will present but the most beautiful Ramadan messages that can be sent to celebrate the advent of this Blessed month:
- I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and with all my soul on the arrival of the month of obedience, during which the gates of Paradise are opened, and none of them are closed, and all the gates of Hellfire are closed, and none of them is opened, and the devils in it are chained.
- One of the happiest days of our lives, and one of the most beautiful things we can start this day with is the blessing of the holy month of Ramadan. May God bless my loved ones in the month of Shaban and let them reach Ramadan, Amen.
- Blessed is the advent of this holy month in which a person feels spiritual blessings that he does not feel in any other month throughout the year.
- My dear loved ones, we were together last Ramadan, I hope to God that we meet together in the gardens of bliss, may you be a blessing to him.
- Blessed be upon you the holy month in which good deeds are multiplied, grades are raised, and bad deeds are erased.
- With the advent of the month of Ramadan, I am happy to carry my heart to say every year and you are a thousand good, my beloved, may it be returned to you and your family with goodness, Yemen and blessings.
- Happy new year, and may you be among the returns of the month of goodness, my dear loved ones, and I am pleased to be among the first to congratulate you on this holy month.
- For pure souls and tender hearts that beat with love and joy, happy new year and peace surround your lives and souls, your days, my beloved, lasted with holidays and happiness.
Thoughts about Ramadan Twitter 1442/2021 and the most beautiful Ramadan tweets and phrases
The most beautiful congratulatory messages for the month of Ramadan
Muslims wait for the month of Ramadan every year to do all kinds of good deeds that increase their closeness to their Lord, on top of which comes the forgiveness of everyone, the connection of the kinship, and the desire to break the fast of the fasting person, and with all these beautiful feelings, the Muslim wishes to congratulate everyone by this blessed month, the month of goodness And blessings, and the following is a bouquet of the most beautiful Ramadan messages:
- I ask God to fill your heart with the Noble Qur’an, to gather me with you in the shadow of the Most Merciful, and to inform me and you of the blessing of Sha’ban and the gladness of liberation from Hellfire in Ramadan, and forgiveness from God, the Most Gracious, the Most Gracious, and to gather us in the abode of Heaven.
- I ask God to give you a very happy Ramadan Mubarak, and that this year Ramadan brings you happiness, joy and tranquility, may you be among its people.
- May your Ramadan be blessed and your moments be blessed, and the paradise of eternity is my home and your home, and the Prophet – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – is my neighbor and neighbour.
- O Lord, O Rahman, O Mannan, I ask you to convey the message to the reader of Ramadan, and to make happiness his way in the midst of Paradise.
- Our wishes precede our congratulations, and our joy precedes our nights, and Mubarak is upon you and upon us the holy month.
- Welcome to the month of Ramadan with a heart full of peace, harmony and joy, may God Almighty protect you.
- I wish you a Ramadan Kareem full of bounties, and may God grant you in your path the knowledge and the light that illuminates your heart.
- May God ease the hardships of this world for you and I ask Him to bestow upon you a lot of peace and prosperity in the blessed month of Ramadan, Amen.
- May the spirit of the blessed month of Ramadan always ignite in your heart, and guide you to walk your life. Ramadan Mubarak to you and your loved ones.
- I pray that God accepts your obedience, that your joy be fulfilled on Eid, and that your eyes behold the victory of your nation.
- May God grant your eyes during the month of Ramadan the pleasure of magic, the health of the good, the mercy of the Forgiver, and the paradise of the righteous.
The most beautiful Ramadan messages by name
Adding the name of the person we are congratulating in the congratulatory message by the month of Ramadan inspires a feeling of interest, and that the message that was sent to him is only for him and not others, and that it is not one of the messages that are sent uniformly to all friends, and therefore it may be a good gesture to mention the name in the congratulatory phrase As we will now explain:
- My friend (we write the name): The month of Ramadan is a spiritual impulse in which a person is provided with what is piety for the remaining days of the year, so congratulations to you and us on the advent of this month, and happy new year.
- My dear friend (we write the name): The best expressions do not enable me to express how happy and joyful I am by the month of goodness and blessings.
- Soulmate (write the name): I send my most sincere blessings from the bottom of my heart to you in particular and to all the Islamic nation and Muslims on earth on the occasion of the month in which God forgives the sins of His servants, and changes their bad deeds into good deeds.
- Dear friend in my heart (we write the name): I congratulate you on the advent of the blessed month, whose bounty is no more than grace, and its blessings cannot be matched by blessings, and its bounties cannot be described as a statement.
- My dear brother (name): I ran out of pen when I wanted to express my happiness with the advent of the month of Ramadan, and my pen became confused, not knowing where it begins and where it ends from the greatness and splendor of this month, so I send you the finest expressions of congratulations on its arrival.
- My beloved and lifelong friend (we write the name): Blessed be the month of forgiveness, mercy, and liberation from the fire. Ramadan begins with mercy, its middle is forgiveness, and its end is freedom from the fire.
Words about the reception of Ramadan 2021 and the most beautiful phrases, messages and aphorisms 1442
The best short messages about Ramadan written and pictures
Some prefer short messages that include congratulatory phrases for the month of Ramadan, which can be sent via phone messages, or through the Whats App application, and among those messages are the following:
- Ramadan this year is not, but all its letters are good. Blessings to you and may God accept from us and you good deeds.
- Oh God, make Ramadan a new month for our souls to forgive us for what has passed, and to inform us of your forgiveness and your satisfaction, and freedom from the fire, and we and you are in full health and wellness, and every year and you are good.
- May my Lord send you endless joy, goodness that does not fade, and sustenance that does not fade, with the blessings of the days of this blessed month, and every year and you are fine.
- What the months of the year have spoiled in our burdened souls, the days of Ramadan are able to fix it, God willing. Blessed be the month of goodness. I ask God Almighty to help us and you for his fasting and doing, Happy New Year.
- O most precious human beings and people, O darling of the world and feelings, whose place in the heart is more precious than gold and diamonds.
- Every year and those I love with me are fine, every year and Ramadan enlightens my days, me and others, every year and my message reaches those I love with every pigeon and bird, every year and Ramadan Mubarak to us and you.
- Oh God, Ramadan has reached a maturity that refines our souls and purifies our hearts. We pray to God to reach mercy, forgiveness, and freedom from the Fire. Happy New Year.
- Do not forget to receive my message, for you are always on my mind and mind, and do not leave me. See the crescent moon as luminous and radiant with its beauty. This is the harbinger of entering the holy month, and every year you are good, O owner of an authentic heart.
- Congratulations mixed with an invitation from the heart that God protect you in these blessed days, and bless you by the holy Ramadan.
- With the scent of perfume, musk and agarwood, Ramadan is upon us and upon you it will return. Congratulations to you from a friendly heart.
- To the dear, send a message, and it is not any message, as it is a message containing congratulations on the approaching of the holy month and the proximity of its hall. Happy New Year, owner of the heart and its significance.
- You know or you don’t know, Ramadan is a crescent after my age, I came to congratulate you and pray for you with all my heart, may God make you happy and accept you and me.
- Do not forget to fast from the forbidden, remember God at all times, do a lot of good deeds, and increase the reading of the Qur’an, sent during the month of Ramadan.
- The month of Sha’ban ended, and after that Ramadan began, and we are now preparing to seal the Qur’an and do good and do good deeds.
- God knows that I love you for the sake of God, so God is as I love him, so love him and make him reach Ramadan, O Rahman.
- Basil, roses and flowers sent to you in a gift message on the occasion of Ramadan, happy new year.
- Two invitations by their messengers to you from a spirit that does not forget you, may God take care of them and in heaven we will meet you, every year and you are fine.
- Oh God, gather us in your permanent paradise as you gathered us in your mortal world, I wanted to tell you every Ramadan and you are fine before all.
- Oh God, promise him heaven, grant him health, and reach the month of Ramadan, happy new year.
- On the advent of Ramadan, I congratulate you, and in the abundance of paradise, he promises me and promises you, and every year and you are fine.
- Congratulations mixed with an invitation from the heart that God protect you in these blessed days, and bless you by the holy Ramadan.
The most beautiful Ramadan messages
The most beautiful Ramadan messages
Beautiful words about Ramadan 2021 and the most beautiful supplications, phrases, messages and pictures 1442
Msjat congratulations to friends in the month of Ramadan with pictures
Friends always have a special place in the heart, and with the month of Ramadan approaching, we want to congratulate them on its arrival. Here are the most beautiful Ramadan messages for friends:
- Our wishes precede our congratulations, our joy precedes our nights, and the blessed month is upon you and upon us.
- Every hour, every day, every week, every Ramadan, and every year and you, my friend, are good.
- I wish you a happy Ramadan, and may God ease all your suffering and open a new door to success for you.
- May the spirit of Ramadan remain in your hearts, and enlighten your souls from within, Ramadan Kareem.
- May this year’s Ramadan bring blessings to all of humanity so that we may walk the path of peace and harmony, Happy Ramadan to all.
- Ramadan is not only about fasting, but we need to feed the hungry, help the needy, keep our tongue, and be tolerant of others. This is the required spirit in Ramadan. Ramadan Mubarak to all.
- With the approaching date of the holy month of Ramadan, I hope that we love and respect each other, and that we ask God Almighty to forgive us all our sins, and help us to fast and do it. Ramadan Kareem.
- Perhaps all I wish for you is that your hearts and homes will be filled in this holy month with all the blessings of God Almighty, Ramadan Kareem.
- May God accept your fasting my friend and bless you the month, it will bring you health, happiness and a long life.
- There are only a few days left, a page of time turns, and Ramadan begins. Happy New Year.
- Is your crescent, O Ramadan, and the light of our house and your house, may you be from Awadah.
- Your fasting, your supplication, and your devotion to God in Ramadan are the protective shield that will intercede for you in this world and the hereafter and will protect you from the fire of Hell. Ramadan Kareem.
- May your Ramadan be blessed and all your moments be blessed and the eternity of the mole is my home and your home and the Prophet is my neighbor and your neighbor.
- May God increase his luminous face, give him the sweetness of the poplar, and inform him of Ramadan while he is happy.
The most beautiful Ramadan messages
This concludes our article about the most beautiful Ramadan messages that can be shared through various means of communication to congratulate on the advent of the holy month of Ramadan, the month that everyone is waiting for to come to enjoy its good.
خاتمة لموضوعنا اجمل رسائل رمضان 1442/2021 مكتوبة وبالصور ومسجات تهنئة للإصدقاء ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.