أسباب نزول الدم من الانف عند الصغار

أسباب نزول الدم من الانف عند الصغار , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

The causes of nosebleeds in young children are many wondering about, as the cause of nosebleeds in children is due to many reasons, for example, that it is possible for a child’s nose to bleed due to a blow to the face, so let us know with us in this article about the reasons that can lead to for nosebleeds.

Causes of bleeding from the nose in children

The problem of nosebleeds, or as some people call it epistaxis, is a health problem that occurs greatly to many children, as nosebleeds do not take much time, as it takes time ranging from a few seconds to several minutes, it can happen This bleeding is due to anxiety, and if this bleeding recurs or continues in the child more than once, it is necessary to go quickly to the doctor to take the required measures, and the ages of children with nosebleeds range greatly between the ages of two years and up to 10 years, and among the reasons that may The following may lead to nosebleeds in young children:

Vascular irritation

It is one of the most common causes, and irritation of the blood vessels in the nose can be due to one of the following things:

  • Wipe or scratch the nose vigorously.
  • Exposure to dry air, or exposure to hot air.
  • Moisture. A child’s exposure to moisture can affect the blood vessels in the nose.

soft part bleeding

The occurrence of nosebleeds in children may be due to bleeding in the front part of the nose or the soft part, as this area contains a lot of small blood vessels, which can rupture at any time, and thus irritate these vessels and eventually lead to nosebleeds .

Bleeding progressed to the back

The reason for nosebleeds is due to the development of bleeding in the back of the nose, that is, the progression of the posterior nosebleed, but this reason does not occur to children to a large extent, as it is a rare cause for young children, but if this bleeding occurs in children, it is heavier, and It is difficult to control or stop.

bacterial infection

Bacterial infection is one of the most important causes of nosebleeds in young children. In many cases, the presence of a bacterial infection leads to nosebleeds, as this infection causes ulcers and infections in the crusty and red areas on the skin, and inside the front part of the nostril, and eventually leads Those infections cause blood to come out of the nose.

Causes of dry nose

Other causes of nosebleeds in young children

There are some other reasons that lead to nosebleeds in children, including:

  • High air temperature.
  • The face or nose may have been subjected to a trauma or blow that led to this, for example, a soccer ball hitting the face, or falling on the face.
  • The septum between the nostrils, if deviated, is likely to bleed.
  • Nasal cartilage or nasal bones in case they are broken.
  • Nasal tumors or abnormalities in the blood vessels of the nose.

Less common causes of nosebleeds in children

There are many reasons that lead to nosebleeds, which are weak or rare, and among these reasons are the following:

  • Cancer.
  • heart disease;
  • Liver diseases.
  • high blood pressure
  • Types of medications used, for example, blood-thinning medications.
  • Conditions that affect blood clotting or bleeding, such as hemophilia.
  • Calcium, if reduced in the body, may lead to nosebleeds.
  • Cocaine and narcotics, if ingested, may cause nosebleeds.
  • pregnancy.
  • Allergy to wheat.

Causes of allergic rhinitis

The so-called allergic rhinitis occurs in the nose, and this may be due to a reason that can be recognized as soon as it occurs, or it may be due to a reason that is not known except when going to a doctor. Among the reasons that lead to the occurrence of allergic rhinitis are the following:

  • Nasal sprays, use them a large number of times per day, and overuse them.
  • Benign and non-malignant tumors.
  • Sinuses and infections that occur in them.
  • Influenza, colds, or colds and many other infections that greatly affect the nasal passages, especially if these colds are accompanied by coughing or sneezing.
  • Pressing or clicking on the nose continuously and forcefully.
  • The tissues that cover the bleeding of the nasal cavity and the inflammation that occurs in it.
  • Certain types of odors sometimes may lead to nosebleeds, for example the smell of gasoline, detergents.

How to prevent children from nosebleeds

Nosebleeds are sometimes difficult to prevent, and sometimes nosebleeds can be a great danger, and there are approximately 10% of nosebleeds that are considered serious, and require the intervention of a doctor.

There are cases of nosebleeds that can be treated at home by following first aid, although some steps must be taken to reduce the occurrence of nosebleeds, including the following:

  • Motivate children to wear injury prevention equipment during their favorite sports or any other activity.
  • Treating allergic rhinitis, in order to reduce nasal infections and the accompanying bleeding, and this can be done with saline water, or what is known as saline nasal sprays, in order to maintain the moisture inside the nose of children.
  • Run a humidifier in the place where children sleep, to avoid drying out the air.
  • Trim the child’s nails regularly, so as not to scratch his nose from the inside and cause nosebleeds.
  • Rub an emollient into the nostrils with a finger or a cotton swab, for example, such as lanolin or petroleum jelly.
  • Moisturizing the lining of the nose.
  • Use of nasal saline spray, as it is sprayed into the nostrils for a number of consecutive times per day.
  • Clean the child’s nose regularly, to avoid the accumulation of dust in the nose.

Nosebleeds that require going to the doctor

We mentioned before that there are cases of nosebleeds that do not require going to a doctor, and some of these cases do. Among these cases, when they occur, you must go to the treating doctor quickly as follows:

  • Vomiting occurs as a result of the child swallowing an amount of blood that is oozing from his nose.
  • The bleeding in the nose continues without stopping, in addition to this, if the person is taking blood-thinning medications, more caution should be taken.
  • The patient suffers from breathing problems, such as shortness of breath.
  • The appearance of some symptoms associated with nosebleeds, for example, a change in the color of the face and its pallor, shortness of breath, and an increase in the heart rate.
  • Continuous nosebleeds for about 20 minutes or more, with large amounts of blood coming out.
  • Repeated nosebleeds during frequent and successive periods.
  • Nosebleeds in a baby less than two years old.
  • The presence of some bruises all over the body.
  • The presence of bleeding in the body from another place, such as bleeding gums.
  • Inserting something into the nose and bleeding as a result.
  • The child feels dizzy or persistent headache after a blow or shock to the head, and nosebleeds.
  • Persistent bleeding despite first aid measures.
  • The presence of disorders in the child related to blood clotting.

How to properly deal with nosebleeds

There are sometimes many people who deal with bleeding from the nose incorrectly, as a member of the German Association of Physicians who specializes in the treatment of ear, nose and throat warned against implementing the idea that is widely used in cases of nosebleeds.

This idea states that when a person bleeds from the nose, the person sleeps on his back, then puts his head back, and this doctor confirmed that this behavior leads to an increase in the rate of bleeding and not to stop it, and it also causes blood to flow from the nose to the throat, Also, this idea is not considered very dangerous, but it is possible that the child feels nausea, then vomits, or the child feels tired. As for acting correctly to stop the bleeding, in order for this to be done, the following steps must be followed:

  • Placing the child with a nosebleed on a chair in an upright or standing position, then he must bend his head slightly forward.
  • Press firmly with your thumb and index finger on either side of the nose, just below the nasal bone, using a tissue or a towel.
  • Continue in this position well for up to 10 minutes, in order to ensure that the nosebleed has stopped permanently.
  • Directing or occupying the child’s thought with something else during this period, so that he does not think about bleeding, for example, it can be occupied by telling a story or novel to him, or by watching television.
  • Avoiding the child from engaging in any violent activity, or high-moving activities immediately after the bleeding stops, so that the bleeding from the nose does not recur.
  • Put a cold towel or bag containing ice around the neck, until the nosebleed stops through constriction of the blood vessels, and then let the child rest for some time.
  • The child’s ability to understand the situation, meaning if the child can perceive, he must learn how to deal with the bleeding, and take all the previous steps in the event that he had bleeding from the nose and was alone.

The recurrence of the bleeding and its continuation for twenty minutes or more, and its occurrence at frequent intervals, after all the previous steps have been taken. In this case, you should go to the doctor and not treat the bleeding at home, in order to know the main cause related to this bleeding.

The difference between anterior nosebleed and posterior nosebleed

Nosebleeds may be anteriorly, and at other times it may be posterior, and the difference between them is as follows:

anterior nosebleed

When an anterior nosebleed occurs, blood flows from the front of the nose, and it is due to a rupture of the tiny blood vessels inside the nose, sometimes called capillaries. Anterior nosebleeds are the most common nosebleeds.

posterior nosebleed

When a posterior nosebleed occurs, the blood flows from a place deeper inside the nose, and the cause of this bleeding is the result of an impact on the nose or face, as this type of falsehood is rare in children.

Using nasal cauterization to prevent bleeding

Otolaryngologists have indicated that cauterizing the nose from the inside does not have any risks, but rather that it is a very safe procedure. This behavior may be resorted to if there is one of the following reasons:

  • Resorting to stopping active and continuous bleeding in the child’s nose from the two openings.
  • Closing the open blood vessels in the nose that are bleeding.

How to perform a nose cautery procedure

The doctor performs some procedures that enable him to cauterize the patient’s nose from the inside, and these procedures include the following:

  • The person is sitting upright or straight in a chair, and the person may be bent over, or lying down.
  • The doctor places an anesthetic solution in the nostrils, where this solution can be in the form of a mist that is sprayed into the nostrils, or placed on a piece of cotton, and this solution reduces the feeling of cauterization procedure, and also works to reduce the presence of active bleeding in the nose.
  • The doctor then removes the swab, and then examines the nasal cavity, in order to reach the bleeding points or to see the prominent blood vessels.
  • Silver nitrate sticks are used to cause a slight, delicate and slight burning, as these sticks are placed on the bleeding points that were identified before, in order to finally reach the closure of the blood vessels.
  • The doctor then places a special sponge inside the patient’s nose.
  • The doctor fills the patient’s nose with an antibiotic substance, so that these antibiotics work with the special sponge to protect the tissues that have been burned inside the patient’s nose during the recovery period.
  • The doctor begins by cauterizing the first nostril, and then waits for two weeks or more, in order to cauterize the second nostril, because if the two nostrils are ironed together, a hole or hole may occur in the nose, so it must be waited until The cauterization of the first hole is healed.

At what time does frequent nosebleeds become a problem?

Bleeding from the nose becomes a problem if it is repeated more than once in a row and continuously as a result of irritation of the lining of the nose, or as a result of the blood vessels in the nose being exposed to bleeding for any reason even if it is simple, as there are many children who do not experience nosebleeds except once or twice during several years, but others are exposed to this bleeding more often.

Nosebleeds in children during sleep

Sometimes a child’s nose bleeds while he sleeps. The reason for this is hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, symbolized by the symbol HHT. It can lead to nosebleeds easily, and the signs of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia include:

  • Continuous recurring nosebleeds.
  • The appearance of some red spots on the hands or face.
  • The amount of blood oozing from the nose may be heavy.

In conclusion, the issue of the causes of nosebleeds in young children is an important topic that must be known in detail. Parents are very concerned if their young son’s nose bleeds for any reason, so it is necessary to know how to do the necessary first aid; To avoid or reduce this bleeding.

خاتمة لموضوعنا أسباب نزول الدم من الانف عند الصغار ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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