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Knowing the type of fetus from the mother’s gait, how is it?, where many women want to know the type of fetus and there are many ways through which to identify the type of fetus. From the mother’s gait and many other information in detail.

How is the fetus formed?

Pregnancy is one of the most important periods that most women go through at some point in their lives, as this period is the period during which the fetus stays in the mother’s womb from the beginning of its formation until the birth process occurs and the fetus comes out of the mother’s womb, which is estimated at nine months in most cases The fetus is formed from the beginning of the fertilization and fertilization process that occurs for the egg, as the female reproductive system through which an egg is released every month from the ovaries, where the process of ovulation or ovulation takes place by exchanging the release of eggs from the right ovary and the left ovary, and when the intimate relationship between a man and a woman occurs Several sperms are released from the male reproductive system and the egg is fertilized by only one sperm and thus the egg becomes fertilized and is implanted in the lining of the uterus and then pregnancy occurs and this egg begins to grow and develop and form what is known as the zygote, which grows into a fetus and all its organs are formed in Within nine months until birth occurs.[1]

In what week do I know the gender of the fetus.. Methods of determining the gender of the fetus

Knowing the gender of the fetus

Knowing the gender of the fetus and revealing its gender is one of the important matters, as once the pregnancy is discovered, the woman is eager to know the type and gender of the fetus in order to choose the name of the fetus as well as prepare all matters related to it. Until the genitals are formed, whether the male or female genital organ, in order to see it through sonar or examination by other methods, while many people rely on some methods and theories that have not been proven effective until now, such as relying on the mother’s gait and the mother’s age as well as the mother’s name, Although many people have relied on these methods, they have not been proven effective so far, but the correct knowledge of the gender of the fetus is done through ultrasound detection or by ultrasound, which shows the type of the fetus by detecting the genitals, whether the vagina in the woman or the penis in the man. There are some other scientific methods that can be used to know the gender of the fetus, such as examining the amniotic fluid, taking a sample from the placenta, and others.[1]

Knowing the type of fetus from the mother’s gait

There are many traditional methods that are not based on scientific evidence and that many people rely on in order to determine the sex of the fetus, but these methods should not be relied on definitively to determine the sex of the fetus. Relying on it in knowing the type of fetus from the mother’s gait include the following:[1][2]

  • It is possible to rely on the traces and marks of the mother’s foot when walking on the sand to determine the gender of the fetus. When a pregnant woman walks on the sand and the traces of the mother’s foot are in the form of a small circle, the fetus is a boy, while in the case of the trace of the mother’s foot in the form of a triangle, the fetus is a female.
  • The extent or distance of the mother’s feet when walking can be relied upon to determine the gender of the fetus, as when the mother walks with her feet far apart, the fetus’s type is a girl, while in the case of the feet close to each other, the fetus’s type is a boy.
  • The mother’s walking speed during pregnancy is based on which the sex of the fetus can be determined. When the mother walks very quickly, she is pregnant with a boy, while when the mother walks slowly and heavy in gait, the type of fetus is usually a girl.
  • The size of the mother’s foot is also relied upon and observed when walking in order to determine the sex of the fetus, as when the mother’s foot increases in size and swells, and the size of the foot increases by one, the gender of the fetus is a girl.

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Knowing the gender of the fetus from the shape of the hand of the pregnant woman

There are some other theories that can be used and relied upon in order to determine the gender of the fetus, but these methods have not yet been proven accurate or correct and should not be relied upon in order to determine the sex of the fetus. It is as follows:[2]

  • It is possible to rely on the shape of the hand lines of a pregnant woman in order to determine the sex of the fetus by noticing whether the hand lines are thin or broad, for example, when the hand lines are wide, this indicates that the fetus was born, while in the case of the hand lines being thin, this indicates That the fetus is female.
  • It is also possible to rely on the shape of the hand in order to determine the gender of the fetus, for example, the pregnant mother is asked to extend her hand forward, and if the direction of the palm of the mother’s hand is upward, the type of fetus is a girl, while in the case of the direction of the hand of the pregnant woman is down The gender of the fetus is male.

Knowing the gender of the fetus from the back pain of the pregnant woman

It is also possible to rely on many other methods through which it is possible to know and determine the sex of the fetus, and one of the most important of these methods is to rely on the back pain that a pregnant woman feels during pregnancy, as people believed that a woman who feels severe pain in the back area, especially in the first period From the pregnancy, the type of fetus is a boy, while if the woman feels only mild pain during pregnancy in the back area, the type of fetus is a girl, because pregnancy in a female does not cause this severe pain, but this method should not be relied on categorically to determine the sex of the fetus This is because so far there is no conclusive scientific evidence of its validity and it must wait until several months have passed in order to determine the sex of the fetus until the genitals are formed and can be photographed and seen.[1]

Theories for determining the sex of the fetus

There are some different theories that can be relied upon in order to determine the sex of the fetus and know its type, but there is no scientific evidence so far that determines the correctness or wrongness of these theories. The most important of these theories are as follows:[2]

  • Theory’s tusk theory: This theory is one of the theories that many people rely on in order to determine the sex of the fetus. This method is based on the direction in which the genital organ grows at the beginning of its formation and growth, as the genital organ in the beginning is similar in both male and female. And in case the direction of the growth of the genital organ is at an angle greater than 30 degrees, the gender of the fetus is male, while if the genital organ is tilted at an angle equal to or less than 30 degrees, the gender of the fetus is female.
  • The position of the umbilical cord: This theory is also one of the theories that many people rely on in order to determine the gender of the fetus, as the direction and position of the umbilical cord of the fetus is revealed. The gender of the fetus is female.

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Myths related to determining the gender of the fetus

There are many myths that many people rely on in order to determine the gender of the fetus. Most of these myths depend on the symptoms that the mother feels during pregnancy. The most important of these myths are:[1][2]

  • The number of fetal heartbeats: Many people rely on the number of fetal heartbeats in order to determine its type. When the fetal heart rate exceeds more than 140, the fetus is usually a girl, while in the case of a boy pregnancy, the fetal heartbeat is less than 140. .
  • The color of the mother’s nipple: Many people rely on the color of the nipple and the changes that occur in it in order to determine the gender of the fetus. In the case of a boy pregnancy, the nipple tends to darken, while in the case of a girl pregnancy, the nipple is light in color.
  • Abdominal shape: where the shape of the pregnant woman’s abdomen can be relied upon in order to determine the type of fetus. .
  • Urine color: Many people rely on changes in the color of the mother’s urine in order to determine the gender of the fetus. In the case of darkening the color of the urine, the fetus is a boy, while in the case of the fetus being a girl, the color of the urine will be lighter.
  • Nausea and vomiting: Both nausea and vomiting are among the signs that occur during pregnancy, while in the case of a girl being pregnant, the rate of nausea and vomiting is more than normal, and it does not occur in the boy at the same rate.
  • Foods that the mother desires: The type of fetus can be determined by the foods that the mother wants to eat during pregnancy. on sugars.
  • The amount of food that the woman eats: the amount of food eaten by the pregnant woman can be relied upon in order to determine the sex of the fetus.

What are the scientific methods for determining the sex of the fetus?

Although many people rely on some of the methods and theories that we mentioned earlier, they have not been proven effective so far, but the correct knowledge of the gender of the fetus is done through modern medical and scientific methods that depend on determining the sex of the fetus based on the genitals and genetic factors. The most important of these methods are: follows:[1][2]

  • Ultrasound imaging: This method is considered the best way to know the gender of the fetus, as this method uses ultrasound waves in order to show the full anatomy of the fetus and thus through these waves it is possible to know whether the fetus is male or female through the anatomy of the genitals Which appears after several months of pregnancy, where through the presence of the penis, the fetus is male and through the presence of the vagina, the fetus is female.
  • Placental biopsy: This method is also one of the most important ways to know the sex of the fetus. A sample is taken from the placenta, which shows many information about the fetus, such as the gender of the fetus, whether male or female, as well as whether the fetus suffers from any abnormalities or abnormalities. Genetic disorders or problems that can be detected before birth.
  • Blood tests: where the doctor may resort to doing blood tests, which reveal a lot about the genetic and hereditary factors associated with the fetus. Through this examination, chromosomal tests and many genetic tests are done that help determine the sex of the fetus by detecting abnormalities, genetic disorders or problems that it suffers from The fetus can be detected before birth.
  • Examination of the amniotic fluid: This method is one of the famous methods that are used to know the gender of the fetus, as the amniotic fluid is a fluid that surrounds the fetus, and a sample of this fluid can be taken and relied on to know the gender of the fetus and many other matters such as disorders and congenital malformations.

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The date of determining the gender of the fetus

Determining the gender of the fetus is certain when seeing the genitals, both male and female, after their formation is complete, and this often occurs in the weeks between the eighteenth and twenty-second weeks of pregnancy, as this stage is characterized by the fact that the genitals die by a hand completely formed and appeared through the presence of the penis The fetus is male and through the presence of the vagina the fetus is female. Ultrasound imaging is often used in this examination, which shows the complete anatomy of the fetus in the mother’s abdomen and shows all the organs in its body. In only a few cases, some factors may affect the possibility of seeing the fetus.[1]

Factors that affect the vision of the fetus by ultrasound

There are some different factors that affect the vision of the fetus by ultrasound or ultrasound, and the most important of these factors are as follows:[1]

  • The position of the fetus: The position of the fetus in the mother’s womb is one of the most important factors that affect its vision on the sonar, as the fetus may be in a position that does not allow seeing the genitals, as the fetus’s feet may be close to each other, which leads to not seeing the genitals.
  • Examination time: The more time progresses and the woman is in an advanced stage of pregnancy, the better it is in determining the gender of the fetus, as the organs have been formed and completed.
  • The weight of the mother: the more the mother weighs, the more it affects the possibility of seeing the fetus by ultrasound, as the accumulation of fat in the body leads to interference with the ultrasound and ultrasound, which hinders the vision of the fetus.
  • Number of fetuses: As the presence of more than one fetus in the mother’s womb may hinder the ability to see the fetus and determine the fetus’s gender as a result of the overlapping of the fetus bodies, as the woman may become pregnant in twins or triplets.

When do I know the sex of the fetus and what are the early ways to know the sex of the fetus

In conclusion, we have answered the question of knowing the type of fetus from the mother’s gait, how is it?, We have also learned about other ways by which the gender of the fetus can be determined, such as the shape of the hand and back pain, as well as myths related to the gender of the fetus and the correct scientific methods in detail.

the reviewer

  • ^ Healthline.com , Gender Prediction Myths: Are You Having a Boy or a Girl? , 18/03/2022
  • ^ WebMD.com , Can You Guess Your Baby’s Sex? , 18/03/2022
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