هل تعلم عن شهر رمضان للإذاعة المدرسية قصيرة

هل تعلم عن شهر رمضان للإذاعة المدرسية قصيرة , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

The paragraph “Did you know about the month of Ramadan for school radio” is short and is one of the basic paragraphs that adorn the morning school radio, and the students are keen to prepare that paragraph that is filled with important information about the month of goodness and mercy, to work positively on enriching the student’s information in that educational institution, The reference website We are pleased to narrate a school radio introduction about Ramadan 2022 within the paragraphs of our article that we are talking about about the blessed month of Ramadan.

An introduction to a school radio about the blessed month of Ramadan

In the name of God, who there is no god but Him, and praise be to God who created the heavens and the earth, and created for man ropes and seasons for good, so we are keen to seize them with what pleases God to make up for the months of default that passed on our hearts, by which God revives us what died of conscience, and with them those souls rise in the A space of beautiful religious fragrances, to rise in their rank and presence with God, and the blessed month of Ramadan has topped the throne of those great seasons, and came in the first ranks since it was imposed by God Almighty, and the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – and his honorable companions took care of him one Ramadan after another To reach us in its great sanctity and in its present form, an opportunity for salvation and an opportunity to be among those whom God frees their necks, in which wages multiply and good deeds grow, and in it the world increases upon us with gifts. The school that the classmates prepared, and may the peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you.

School radio about the coming of Ramadan 2022

Did you know about the month of Ramadan for a short school radio?

The “Did you know” paragraph is one of the basic paragraphs that increase the culture of the Muslim person on that occasion, and increase his ability to recognize the greatness and value of this blessed month. There is a lot of information about this paragraph, the most prominent of which are as follows:

  • Did you know, dear student, that the good Ramadan was imposed for the first time in the second year of migration, and this means that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, fasted nine Ramadans until his death, may God have mercy on him and bless his soul.
  • Did you know, dear student, that the blessed month of Ramadan was never a month of sleep and laziness, and the nation of Islam was accustomed in this month to conquests and great deeds, during which the Battle of Badr took place, and in which the Battle of the conquest of Mecca took place.
  • Did you know, my friend the student, that the righteous predecessors used to pray to God for half a year, that God would honor them by reaching the month of Ramadan, then they prayed to God for the other half year that God would accept from them those acts of obedience that they did during Ramadan.
  • Did you know that the most distinctions of the holy month of Ramadan, is that the month he came to the Koran on the heart of the Messenger of Allah, based on the saying of God: “The month of Ramadan, which revealed the Koran Huda for people and between the guidance and the two people, who has seen you the month Or on the travel of one of another days, God wants you the left and does not want you to hard and to complete the kitten and to prepare God for what this guides and you will thank you “[1].
  • Did you know that the blessed month of Ramadan is enough to bring the Muslim servants of God into Heaven, for the Lord of Glory has approved a special door for those who fast in Ramadan to enter Heaven through it, which is the Gate of Ar-Rayyan, so God be praised to you for this blessing.

Ramadan Calendar 1443 / 2022

A word paragraph about the month of Ramadan for school radio

This paragraph is characterized by being one of the basics in the radio, as it prepares for the Ramadan occasion, and is based on presenting a comprehensive vision of that great occasion, and it came in many forms, most notably:

May God’s peace, mercy and blessings be upon you. In the name of God, we start our school radio with which we discuss one of the greatest Islamic features that God has bestowed upon his Muslim servants. It is the month of goodness and mercy in which wages are multiplied and hearts are filled with obedience to reach their religious and moral advancement. The Messenger of God noted – May the blessings and peace of my Lord be upon him – given the importance of this blessed month and the great goodness that resides among its swift tithes. How many people who were with us in Ramadan and are now in their graves wish they were among us to benefit from the grace of this blessed month, because it is a blessing that a Muslim must seize with all What is in it of energy, because the best deed is obedience and the best provision is congregational prayer, so it is only a few days as God described it in his dear book, and it passes in a hurry, for whoever took advantage of it and was disappointed who lost it from his hands those precious treasures that are not equal to any of the treasures This world is mortal, so God thank you for the blessing of Ramadan, may God bless us and you on this occasion, and make us firm on his religion and obedience.

The date of the month of Ramadan in the year 2022

A poetry paragraph about the month of Ramadan for the school radio

There were many poems that welcomed that blessed month, and many poets have emphasized the value and presence of this great occasion in the memory of the Muslim person, and the importance of that worship, and in this we list the following poem for you in the voice of the student (the student’s name), so please come to the radio platform:

Welcome to the month of piety, generosity and generosity, the month of fasting, exalted in rank among the nations. Welcome to the robe surrounded by splendor, and from your light the imprint of injustice has vanished. Welcome to the people’s cell – since the sun has risen – and the assembly of the people of virtue and values. Welcome to the polishing of the people of misfortune and the forum of those who distance themselves from the focus of blame. These minarets resound with joy. Those mosques in smiling dresses The souls of people who met in your love drowned and were shaken by longing, the longing of the reformer of knowledge

Do you know about Ramadan fasting for school radio?

Fasting is considered one of the most important pillars on which Islam is built, and it is of great benefit to the Muslim person, and important information about this phenomenon has been abundant, after many studies conducted by scholars, and in this we present to you a paragraph about fasting, according to the following:

  • Did you know, dear student, that obedience to fasting is the fourth of the five pillars of Islam, which are: witnessing that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God, establishing prayer, paying zakat, fasting Ramadan, and pilgrimage to the House for those who are able to do so.
  • Did you know that fasting plays a key role in the process of cleaning fats from the body, and cleaning it from harmful toxins, which are expected to be present in fatty accumulations, as fasting is an opportunity for every person to rise in his health and religion at the same time.
  • Did you know that the Suhoor meal of Ramadan is one of the desirable things that our Master, the Messenger of God Muhammad – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – noted, and it is desirable to delay it until the end of the night, in addition to expediting the iftar when the sunset is certain and presenting it for prayer.
  • Did you know that the worship of fasting is a form of worship that must be accompanied by preoccupation with seeking knowledge, as well as with a lot of recitation and study of the Noble Qur’an, and the necessity of remembrance of glorification, praise and humility, in addition to the importance of the Muslim being keen to pray for the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him.
  • Did you know that the worship of fasting is one of the acts of worship that intercede for the servant on the Day of Resurrection, based on the hadith of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, in which he stated: “Fasting and the Qur’an intercede for the servant; Fasting says: Lord, I prevented him from food and desires during the day, so he may intercede for me for him, and the Qur’an says: I prevented him from sleeping at night, so he will intercede. [2].

Who is the first of the prophets to fast?

Do you know about Ramadan for children?

This paragraph is addressed in cultural events for children, in order to enrich the student’s mind with the most prominent information that talks about the presence of this important religious value, and the most prominent of what is said:

  • Did you know that the blessed month of Ramadan is the ninth month of the Hijri year, and it comes after the month of Sha’ban, and is followed by the month of Shawwal, which is considered the month of Eid Al-Fitr.
  • Did you know that the blessed month of Ramadan is the month that was imposed in the second year of migration, and that the Messenger of God had fasted nine times before his death in the eleventh year of migration – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him -.
  • Did you know that Ramadan fasting is one of the acts of worship that saves a person from the torment on the Day of Resurrection, and that God Almighty has made for the fasting people a special door for them to enter through it to heaven, which is the door of Rayyan.
  • Did you know that the name of the month of Ramadan came from Ramadh, which is the severity of the heat according to the Arabic language dictionaries, as this month was named in one of the years that was known for its high heat.
  • Did you know that Ramadan fasting is one of the five pillars of man, and that a person’s Islam is not correct without it, in addition to the fact that Ramadan is a month in which rewards and good deeds are multiplied.

Paragraph Do you know about the month of Ramadan is short

The month of Ramadan brings a lot of goodness and benefits to the Muslim person, and many researches and studies have highlighted these important matters, and in this we present a set of information for the Did you know paragraph, about the blessed month of Ramadan, according to the following:

  • Did you know that fasting during the month of Ramadan plays a major role in ridding the body of toxins, and works effectively and truly to reduce the level of sugars in the blood, as it is an opportunity for good health.
  • Did you know that fasting during Ramadan has the greatest role in reducing the percentage of fat that is stored in the body, which helps to get rid of obesity.
  • Did you know that the month of Ramadan plays an ideal role in caring for the human digestive system, in healing the body from inflammation and allergies, in addition to being a comfort for the pancreas, and lowering the level of sugar in the blood.
  • Did you know that the rituals of the month of Ramadan guarantee the Muslim person to get out of the narrow psychological circle, where he meets with the family on the dining trip, and then stays up with relatives.
  • Did you know, dear, that the month of Ramadan is an opportunity for forgiveness, and to learn about the value of this world, which is not equal to the wing of a mosquito with God Almighty, so that the Muslim is keen to enter the month of Ramadan with a pure heart.

The supplication for the reception of Ramadan 2022 The most beautiful written supplications for the advent of the month of Ramadan

The conclusion of a school radio about the month of Ramadan

Here we come to fellow students, and beloved teachers, to the conclusion of the paragraphs of our school radio in which we talked about the virtues of the blessed month of Ramadan, and the value of that important religious phenomenon, which the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – stressed its importance in the Prophetic Sunnah, and the honorable Companions emphasized that Let us follow their approach in seizing the great goodness in this blessed month, to highlight the presence of the month of goodness and blessing in the poems of Arabic poetry with colleagues in a poetry paragraph about Ramadan, so that the image of the greatness and importance of that month reaches the hearts of everyone, so we are keen to take advantage of what it contains Good, we ask God for us and you good work, and we thank you for listening, and peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you.

Here we bring you to the end of the article in which we discussed the talk about the month of Ramadan for the school radio short, and we moved through the paragraphs of the article to narrate a bouquet of information about the month of Ramadan, and a bouquet of paragraphs for the school radio about the blessed month of Ramadan, to finally conclude with the conclusion that is said in School radio final.

خاتمة لموضوعنا هل تعلم عن شهر رمضان للإذاعة المدرسية قصيرة ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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