في نهاية مقالنا علاج الضرس المحفور في البيت ,رضت أفكار تجاه هذا الموضوع بكلمات من ذهب، حيث استعنت باللغة العربية التي تتضمن العديد من العبارات والمفردات الناجزة، مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
Carved molar treatment at home
Tooth pain is one of the most annoying pains for humans, as the teeth are connected to many nerves that intensify the pain as soon as it is felt, and tooth pain may be accompanied by some symptoms such as swelling of the affected place and some redness.
Most of the dental pain may come due to tooth decay and results in some complications, such as the digging of the tooth and the arrival of bacteria to the place of nerves and molar roots, which increases the severity of the pain.
Then the pain is unbearable, so going to the doctor is inevitable, but at first we learn about simple ways to relieve the pain of the carved molar at home.
Treating carved molars at home with herbs
Some herbs are used to soothe and relieve toothache, which are:
Clove oil
Clove oil is one of the oldest and most famous methods used to relieve dental pain, and we are now familiar with the benefits of clove oil to relieve tooth pain, and we are also familiar with the correct way to relieve the pain of a dug molar.
There are many benefits of clove oil for carved molar pain, and they are:
Dental pain relief
Clove oil contains eugenol, which is a good nerve anesthetic, which makes it the first choice for relieving dental pain and dug teeth, especially because of the nerves that bacteria have reached, causing pain that the affected person cannot bear.
It is used in cases of unbearable pain or for the pregnant woman who is prohibited from using analgesics, and the oil should not be swallowed at all so that the affected person does not suffer any damage.
stop bleeding gums
In some cases, the affected person suffers from bleeding gums that does not stop, so the only solution is to use clove oil and put it on a piece of gauze and apply pressure to the place of bleeding, to stop it completely.
Getting rid of bad breath
Clove oil is one of the essential oils, and therefore it is characterized by its ability to get rid of bad breath that exists due to infection.
How to use clove oil to treat an excavated molar
Clove oil is one of the important and basic solutions to get rid of the pain of the dug tooth and has several ways to use it:
- Put some light drops directly on the place of injury, with a simple and light massage on the injury area, and this method is repeated two to three times.
- Put some drops of clove oil on a piece of cloth or gauze, with pressure on the place of the affected molar in the gums, and this method in case of bleeding gums.
- Mix a few drops of clove oil with a little water and then gargle for 20 seconds only to get rid of bad breath.
In the event that clove oil is not available, it can be replaced with clove herbs by placing it on the slightly dug molar until it is vacant to relieve pain, then chew it well for several minutes.
Clove oil side effects
Despite the many benefits of cloves to relieve the pain of a dug tooth, its excessive use may cause many problems or side effects of misuse, namely:
- Irritation and redness of the gums.
- It may produce pain in the pulp of the teeth, in the case of a drilled molar, the central part of the teeth consisting of the internal connective tissues and central cells are exposed, and excessive use of clove oil may cause some pain to this area.
- Sensitivity and irritation of the skin inside the mouth.
- Sensitivity to tissues and mucous membranes inside the mouth.
Precautions of using clove oil to treat carved molars at home
When you take care to use clove oil and use it properly, you have inevitably got rid of the recurrent and intolerable pitted molar pain, but there are categories that warn them to use clove oil to relieve the pain of the dug molar, and these categories are:
- Children: Clove oil is completely harmful to children if swallowed, as it causes epileptic seizures and causes cirrhosis of the liver with an imbalance in body fluids, and all this is in the case of a swallow, and therefore we advise not to use it for children to avoid any harm.
- Pregnant: We advise pregnant women to be careful when using clove oil or to avoid using it completely so as not to be accidentally swallowed, which may affect the health and safety of the fetus.
Gargling with warm salt water
One of the common things used in the treatment of excavated molars at home is the use of warm water and salt for gargling, and we are now discussing the benefits of using water and salt to relieve tooth pain, and the benefits of using it:
Prevent bacteria in the mouth
In the case of an excavated molar, the bacteria have directly reached the nerves of the molar, which increases the feeling of pain, as the inflammation in the teeth may reach the throat area and some infections appear.
Gargling with salt water helps prevent bacteria in the carved molar from spreading in the mouth, and works to eliminate it in the next stage.
Getting rid of bad odors in the mouth
Because of the bacteria present in the drilled molar, the mouth odor is foul, and gargling with warm water and salt helps to eliminate this smell.
Dentists also recommend gargling with warm water and salt after meals, as it works as a solution and a natural mouthwash.
improve tongue health
The warm water and salt rinse eliminates the bacteria in the lower part of the tongue, which is the bacteria that travels to the tonsils to cause a sore throat area.
Thus, gargling with warm water and salt helps protect the throat and tonsils from bacterial infection.
Improve gum health
Gargling with warm salt water works to fight and eliminate bacteria in the gum area, which helps keep the gums from becoming infected.
Fighting tartar and preventing its formation
Sugar in food is an ideal medium for the reproduction of bacteria in the mouth, which secrete acids that destroy teeth, and gargling with salt water prevents these bacteria from multiplying.
It also helps to neutralize the acidity of the mouth and make the medium alkaline to eliminate bacteria in the mouth, prevent the formation of tartar and combat tooth damage and decay caused by bacteria.
How to gargle the mouth to treat an excavated molar
The method of gargling with warm water and salt is very easy, but the correct steps must be followed, which are:
- At first, bring a cup of warm water, and then add half a teaspoon of salt.
- Some people like to add 1 teaspoon of baking soda or baking soda, this step is optional.
- Put a small amount of warm water and salt inside the mouth, then start gargling in all directions of the mouth, teeth, tongue and gums.
- Dispose of the water immediately after this step, as it is not recommended to swallow it.
- Repeat this method two to three times daily, preferably after the main meals.
Some tips for gargling with warm salt water
Despite the simplicity of the method of gargling with water and salt, there are some who may follow wrong ways when using warm water and salt for gargling, and therefore I offer you some tips for gargling in a proper way:
- Do not add salt in large quantities to warm water to gargle, as it leads to dry mouth and throat.
- Start training children in this healthy habit that will maintain the integrity of the mouth and gums.
- Avoid swallowing gargling water, especially for patients with high pressure, for their safety.
Home methods to help treat carved molars at home
There are many different ways to eliminate carved molar pain at home, including:
ginger root
Ginger is characterized by its multiple benefits in relieving headaches and stomach disorders and is also used in the treatment of tinea (ringworm), but it is also characterized by its antibacterial abilities, as ginger helps relieve toothache and relieve toothache.
Ginger also has important benefits for oral and dental health, as it works on:
- Preventing the deposition of sugars in food from depositing on the teeth, which would lead to tooth decay.
- It has anti-inflammatory properties which reduce the sensation of pain.
The correct way to use ginger in treating an excavated tooth at home is by applying a layer of fresh ginger roots.
Then slowly chew it in the area around the carved molar, so that the ginger extract can reach the place of pain and help relieve it.
Thyme herb
Thyme is used in various ways. Thyme alone or when mixed with different herbs works to reduce dental pain. Thyme contains antiseptic and antifungal properties, which facilitates the process of cleaning the teeth and combating gingivitis and cavities.
Thyme oil can also be used to help relieve pain and treat an excavated molar at home faster by placing one drop of thyme oil into a glass of water, so that you can make a natural mouthwash to relieve the pain of a dug molar.
Turmeric recipe
Who among us can overlook the many benefits of turmeric, which scientists to this day are still discovering many and many benefits for it, and in our topic today about the treatment of carved molars at home, turmeric has a role in relieving the pain of the drilled molar.
The turmeric method is simply to mix one teaspoon of turmeric powder with a few drops of water to make a thick turmeric paste.
Then we bring a small piece of cotton and put turmeric paste on it, then we apply it in the dug molar to calm the nerve pain in it.
mint recipes
Mint is characterized by its ability to relieve toothache and toothache, whether you use peppermint oil or fresh mint leaves, you will have the benefits of mint to relieve pain.
You can use it by placing points of peppermint oil on a small piece of cotton and then placing it on the place of the molar, and if you use mint leaves, you only have to chew two or three leaves of mint and when it becomes wet, put it on the outside of the molar area in order to work to relieve the pain of the molar tooth.
garlic recipe
Garlic has many antibiotics and natural antiseptics that contribute to the treatment of toothache and toothache in general, as well as helping to treat gum disease.
All you have to do is cut a clove of garlic into thin slices, crush it and mix it with a pinch of salt, then place it on the outside of the molar.
chamomile tea recipe
In the event of gum swelling due to a drilled molar, I advise you to use chamomile to fight germs in the mouth, as it contains many anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties.
At first, we prepare a cup of warm water and add a bag of chamomile tea to it, then leave it to cool completely at room temperature, then use it as a mouthwash to eliminate the germs that cause swollen gums, then reduce the pain of the dug tooth.
Cold compresses and ice
Cold compresses help reduce pain and relieve the sensation of a dug molar pain, as the cold ice packs or cold water compresses narrow the blood vessels in the place of the drilled molar and reduce the blood flow in this area, which works to reduce swelling in the place of the drilled molar and reduce inflammation.
The method is simply to put an ice pack on the outside of your cheek for a few minutes only.
Aloe Vera and Aloe Vera Gel
Some people resort to using aloe vera gel for the purpose of relieving the pain of a dug molar, as studies have proven that aloe vera helps to kill germs on the teeth, which works to prevent tooth decay, and also helps relieve the pain of the dug molar.
Danger signs and going to the doctor
There are signs and indications that you must go to the doctor immediately when exposed to it, the most important of which is that the dull tooth pain persists for more than two days, even after using all home and herbal means to get rid of the pain, but to no avail.
There are some other symptoms that appear and the affected person must go to the doctor immediately, the most important of which are:
- Severe rise in temperature up to fever.
- Swelling of the mouth and throat with difficulty breathing.
- Constant pain that does not stop for two days or more.
- Pain when eating and trying to chew.
- redness of the gums;
- Bad breath caused by the secretions of a drilled molar.
The danger of aspirin in the treatment of excavated molars
There are some people who may resort to using aspirin to relieve the pain of an excavated molar, and even believe that aspirin has a role in treating an excavated molar, and some follow crushing aspirin tablets to put aspirin powder in the place of the drilled molar, but using aspirin in this way is completely wrong.
Doctors have announced that putting aspirin on the teeth and molars does not relieve tooth pain, but rather that it works to burn the gums in the area around the molar and cheek.
Also, aspirin is acidic, which increases the activity of bacteria in the mouth and increases tooth and molar pain.
Wrong practices in the treatment of excavated molars
When using cloves, it should be used with caution when chewing only without swallowing so as not to cause poisoning.
No narcotic medication should be used to relieve molar pain without consulting the doctor, so as not to cause side effects.
Tips when treating a carved molar at home
There are some tips to be able to treat an excavated molar in a simple way or to reduce the severe pain caused by an excavated molar.
- Take care to avoid your teeth after every meal, and use a soft brush to brush your teeth.
- Avoid hard foods that aggravate the pain of a dug tooth, and eat soft foods to chew, such as yogurt or eggs.
- Avoid hot or cold drinks or sugary drinks.
- When taking painkillers, you must follow the doctor’s instructions, in order to avoid the side effects of these painkillers.
- It is preferable to sleep on a high pillow, to reduce blood flow to the head and reduce swelling and a constant sensation of pain.
We learned about the treatment of carved molars at home through herbs or simple home methods, and we also learned how to use each of them, and in the end, all this does not replace your visit to the doctor, but it helps relieve pain until you go to the doctor,
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ختامآ لمقالنا علاج الضرس المحفور في البيت , وبعد الانتهاء من تحليل العناصر، وكتابة الموضوعات، أرغب في المزيد من الكتابة، ولكني أخشي أن يفوتني الوقت، فأرجو أن ينال الإعجاب.