تفسير رؤية الترجيع في الحلم لابن سيرين والنابلسي

تفسير رؤية الترجيع في الحلم لابن سيرين والنابلسي , الجميع يعلم جيدًا أن هذا الموضوع الذي من المقرر أن أكتب فيه الآن، هو موضوع مفيد وجذاب للجميع، حيث أن يتناول إجابات الكثير من التساؤلات التي ترددت مؤخرًا على ألسنة البعض، وتناولتها وسائل الإعلام كافة.

Interpretation of rewind in a dream by Ibn Sirin

Ibn Sirin explained that vision in various cases and in detail so that every dreamer knows what his vision means.. The interpretations are as follows:

  • Ibn Sirin said that rewinding in a dream indicates a desire to repent. .
  • If a person vomits honey in a dream, Ibn Sirin says that it is a good vision.. It indicates repentance and striving to memorize the Book of God and to learn Islamic sciences.
  • If the dreamer vomits food, this indicates that he will be given a gift to someone else.. As the vomiting in itself indicates a return.
  • When a person vomits and immerses his hand in vomit or immerses all in vomit, this indicates that he has a debt that he is able to pay, but he does not do so, especially if he vomits while fasting.
  • When the poor person vomits in his dream, this indicates that God will provide him with money and goodness, but if the poor intends to deceive people in order to get more money and dream of that vision.. then this indicates the exposure of what he is doing.

Other interpretations of Ibn Sirin

In addition to the interpretations that we mentioned, which carry different connotations of rewinding in a dream, we refer to several other interpretations:

    • When a person vomits blood in his dream and it does not smell foul.. This indicates that God will give the dreamer a son.. If the blood vomits in a vessel, the child will live, and if he vomits on the ground, this means that the child will die quickly.
    • If a person vomits his intestines, this indicates that one of his children will die in the dreamer.
    • Having difficulty breathing while vomiting, this indicates that death is approaching.
    • When the dreamer forces himself in the dream to vomit by putting his hand in his mouth, this indicates that the dreamer is obtaining forbidden money without his knowledge.
    • If a person vomits phlegm during his sleep, this indicates that he has recovered from the disease.
    • Vomiting in general indicates closeness to God Almighty.

    Interpretation of seeing the rewind in a dream by Ibn Shaheen

    Ibn Shaheen explained various forms of vomiting, and said the following:

    • Ibn Shaheen believes that if a person vomits, he vomits yellow.. This is like immunizing him from magic and disease.
    • If the color of the vomit is black, then this indicates that the dreamer has rid of the problems and difficulties that he was facing in the previous period.
    • When vomiting red.. indicates the dreamer’s success in repentance after failing several times.
    • When a person in a dream empties everything in his stomach, this indicates that he will inevitably die.
    • When the dreamer vomits honey, it indicates his sincere repentance.
    • But if it is in the form of milk, this indicates listening to falsehood and walking on the path of falsehood, and a lack of insight in the eye and the heart.
    • If the vomit was pearls, then this is good news for the dreamer that he will become a scholar because of his knowledge of the Holy Qur’an.
    • When vomiting thick food in a dream, this indicates that the dreamer will lose things dear to his heart.
    • In the event that the dreamer is a rich person and dreamed of this vision, this indicates that he will lose part of his money.
    • If the vomit reaches the stomach and returns again to the stomach, then this indicates that the dreamer finds it difficult to repent and returns to the sin every time.

    Interpretation of seeing rewind in a dream by Nabulsi

    Al-Nabulsi defined the quality of vomiting and its interpretation according to the state of the seer, which gave his interpretation a kind of comprehensiveness, as he said the following:

    • If the dreamer was a poor man and he dreamed of that vision.. this indicates that God will grant him abundant money and a child as well.
    • When the dreamer vomits food.. this indicates that he will take from his money and will give to others.
    • Vomiting milk in a dream indicates apostasy.
    • When the seer swallows gold and pearls and vomits honey.. this indicates his eloquence in matters related to religion and Quranic interpretation.
    • Vomiting with sugar… Evidence of miserliness.
    • If the dreamer vomits while he is fasting, then this indicates that he must pay his debts.
    • When the vomit has a foul smell and taste, this indicates that the dreamer was doing bad deeds and repented against his will, and it was not a sincere repentance for the sake of God.
    • Vomiting blood is evidence of repentance to God and distance from forbidden acts.

    Interpretation of seeing the rewind in a dream by Imam Al-Sadiq

    Imam al-Sadiq mentioned the interpretation of this vision in six cases, which states the following:

    • Imam al-Sadiq said that vomiting sometimes indicates the performance of the trust.
    • Agreed with the rest of the scholars that the vision indicates repentance.
    • It may indicate remorse.
    • If there is something in the vision that indicates damage and harm, vomiting is the greatest evidence of harm.
    • Whoever feels comfortable after vomiting in his dream, this is a sign of getting rid of stress.
    • In addition to finding solutions to intractable and difficult problems.

    Interpretation of a dream about vomiting in a dream, according to Miller’s Encyclopedia

    The Western commentator Gustav Miller said in the matter of this vision the following:

    • Miller’s Encyclopedia says that vomiting indicates illness.
    • Sometimes it indicates that the dreamer has revealed something that he hides from people.
    • Nausea and vomiting are evidence of hypocrisy and .. It also indicates facing some problems in school and work life.

    Interpretation of seeing rewind in a dream in a single dream

    Vomiting in a dream for a single girl indicates the changes that will occur in her life in various cases. The interpretation is:

    • When a single girl vomits blood, this indicates the presence of someone who hates her and wants to deceive her, which causes her to feel sad, but God will keep this person away from her.
    • This vision comes as a reward for the girl for the failures and hardships she witnessed in her life.
    • It also indicates that the girl will meet a young man who will love her very much.
    • Imam Al-Sadiq confirmed that this vision in the dream of the single woman indicates her feeling of joy and comfort.
    • Rewind refers to getting rid of difficulties and problems.
    • If the girl was poor and saw this vision, this indicates a positive change in her material conditions.
    • It also denotes getting rid of hateful people.
    • Rewind in a single woman’s dream indicates the success that she will achieve after experiencing failure and failure in her scientific life.
    • When you encounter difficulty in vomiting, this indicates that you will fall into a big problem that you will not be able to get rid of easily.
    • If a single girl sees a person vomiting in her dream, she must beware of him, as the vision indicates hypocrisy and deception.
    • Return of blood indicates a return through sin.

    Interpretation of seeing vomiting in a dream of a married woman

    The interpretation refers to more than one indication that promises the married woman that something will happen to her happiness. The vision was interpreted as follows:

    • The interpretation of the rewind in the dream comes to the married woman that God will grant her children who will be of help to her.
    • The commentators said about this vision that it indicates abundant money..and blessings will be abundant on her house with the lawful.
    • If a married woman vomits blood and the floor of the house is filled with it, this indicates the return of the husband or someone close to travel.
    • If a married woman dreams that she is vomiting a snake, then this indicates that the time of her death is approaching, and God Almighty knows best.
    • Vomiting indicates the suffering of the married woman in her life.

    Also don’t miss:

    Interpretation of seeing rewind in a dream for a pregnant woman

    Most of the jurists agreed that rewinding in a dream is disliked and bad, as it indicates:

    • Vomiting in a dream about a pregnant woman indicates that she will give birth to a healthy baby.
    • Vomiting a lot indicates death.
    • If the rewind is black in her dream, this indicates that she will encounter problems and difficulties.
    • Vomiting also indicates obstruction during childbirth.

    Interpretation of seeing vomiting in a man’s dream

    A man’s vomit in a dream is one of the undesirable things.. It indicates and carries in his folds things and bad events for him, and the interpretation is as follows:

    • If a man vomits a small amount in his dream, this indicates the necessity of returning the trusts to their owners and getting rid of harm and damage.
    • If the vomiting is in large quantities, this indicates that a member of his family is close to death.
    • If the dreamer is sick, then this vision indicates that this disease will cause his death.
    • It also indicates the problems faced by the man.

    Interpretation of returning a child in a dream

    The interpretation of the child turning back in a dream is as follows:

    • If the color of the vomit is black, this indicates repentance.
    • When a child vomits blood in a dream, this indicates haram money
    • Vomiting of the intestines of a child in a dream indicates the death of one of the seer’s children.
    • Rewinding the child also refers to the sins and transgressions committed by the seer.

    Rewind magic in a dream

    Rewind magic refers to several things in the life of the seer, including:

    • If the dreamer rewinds magic in his dream, this indicates that he will get rid of problems and sorrows.
    • If the vomit is black, then this indicates that the dreamer will get rid of his debts.
    • When the seer returns a red magic, this indicates his repentance from his sins and disobedience.
    • Vomiting in a dream is a sign of getting rid of the difficulties that the dreamer is facing.

    Rewind honey in a dream

    In general, the dream of returning honey indicates the strength of the dreamer’s belief and his memorization of the Holy Qur’an.. Also, the person consuming honey in his dream and then vomiting indicates a way out of problems that the dreamer was about to encounter.

    Interpretation of the patient’s return in the dream

    If the dreamer is sick and vomits black lumps.. This indicates the severity of the disease on him and may end in death, and also indicates the wrong actions that the sick dreamer was doing.

    Baby vomiting on my clothes

    Seeing that a child vomits on clothes indicates certain interpretations, including:

    • If the dreamer sees in a dream that a child is vomiting on his clothes, then this is a good tiding for him that he will be rid of worries and problems.
    • If the dreamer is married and dreamed of such a vision, it indicates the death of one of his sons.
    • If the child’s vomit is black, it indicates the regret that the dreamer feels because he has done bad things in his life.

    Interpretation of the deceased vomiting in the dream

    The interpretation of this vision comes with matters related to the deceased person, as the interpretation goes as follows:

    • If the dreamer sees in a dream that there is a dead person vomiting.. this indicates that there are some problems that are associated with the dreamer.
    • It also refers to debts that he was unable to pay in his life, and someone must pay it now.
    • If the dreamer dreams that his deceased father is vomiting, then this indicates a financial crisis.

    Interpretation of seeing cleaning the rewind in the dream

    This vision carries good and positive changes for the dreamer, as its interpretations lie in:

    • If a person dreams that he is cleaning up vomit, this indicates that he will stop doing bad deeds.
    • It also indicates that the dreamer has made new decisions in his life.. to fix what he did in the past.
    • In general, the vision indicates overcoming difficulties and crises.
    • If the dreamer is a divorced woman and sees herself in a dream cleaning up vomit, this indicates that she has rid of all the pressures that she was subjected to in the previous period… and her attempt to start a new, calm and happy life.

    Interpretation of a dream about vomiting white foam

    It is a vision whose interpretation is praiseworthy and sends goodness to the seer, as it says the following:

    • If a person vomits white foam in his dream, this indicates the passage of difficult times.
    • If the dreamer is a pregnant woman and she vomits white foam in her dream, then this indicates the approaching date of her birth and the birth of a boy.
    • When the divorced woman vomits white foam in her dream, this is a sign of the start of her new and quiet life.
    • The dream also denotes getting rid of sorrows and worries and getting rid of debts.

    Bleeding in a dream

    This vision says the following interpretations:

    • Al-Nabulsi said that vomiting blood in large quantities in a dream is evidence of wealth after poverty.
    • If the dreamer vomits feces, then this indicates his forbidden money, which he regretted and returned it to his owners.
    • If a person pours gold in his dream, it indicates that the dreamer will experience a loss in money.
    • If the vomit smells bad, this is a sign of illness.

    Vomiting in the cyst

    Vomiting in a bag indicates money that the dreamer is collecting.. It may indicate that the dreamer is withholding his money from his family and refusing to pay his debt despite his ability.

    Vomiting in the bathroom

    This vision indicates a mortal disease that afflicts the dreamer if he is sick, and if he is a healthy person, it indicates his disposal of enemies.

    Interpretation of rice in a dream

    Among the strange dreams that are related to the dream of rewinding in a dream is that the dreamer returns rice in his dream.

    Rewinding pieces of meat in a dream

    The interpretation of this vision is:

    • The vision indicates some bad deeds that the dreamer will do in his life.
    • It also indicates the disposal of sorrows and pressures.
    • Sometimes it indicates gossip by the dreamer.
    • Obtaining some earnings and money illegally.

    Vomiting from the nose in the dream

    Ibn Sirin says if a person dreams that he vomits from his nose, this indicates that he will get rid of the difficulties in which he lives… and get rid of enmity and distance from haters.

    • Also don’t miss:

    Retrieval of teeth in a dream

    This is one of the unpleasant visions, as its interpretation causes panic in the viewer, and the interpretation is as follows:

    • If the dreamer sheds teeth in a dream, then this indicates some bad things that will happen to him, such as losing a loved one.
    • It also indicates facing some problems and pressures.

    Thus, we have shown you today the interpretation of seeing the rewind in a dream, and we have known its interpretations according to many scholars of interpretation, and in the case of single women, married women, pregnant women and men.. We also talked about many other cases related to the matter, and we hope that we have helped you.

      في نهاية الموضوع تفسير رؤية الترجيع في الحلم لابن سيرين والنابلسي , أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.

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