أفضل أنواع شراب الكولاجين

في نهاية مقالنا أفضل أنواع شراب الكولاجين ,رضت أفكار تجاه هذا الموضوع بكلمات من ذهب، حيث استعنت باللغة العربية التي تتضمن العديد من العبارات والمفردات الناجزة، مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.

What is collagen?

Before starting the presentation of the best types of collagen drink, it is necessary first to take a detailed look at collagen and what it is, through the following lines:

  • Collagen is known to be one of the very important types of protein that is found inside the body by 30 percent of the total types of other proteins that exist in the human body, and it is also found within the fibrous tissue that is found in the skin, tendons, and bones.
  • Collagen protein has an active role within the human body, as it performs several vital functions such as changing and repairing cells, in addition to bone growth in addition to increasing the strength of cells, joints, ligaments and bones, and gives the skin the perfect glow and freshness, and increases the strength of nails and hair.
  • Aging causes a decrease in the body’s production of collagen, and thus the body and skin are exposed to some side effects of its loss, so many resort to the use of collagen supplements, as there are many types of them that come in the form of tablets, syrup, candy, and powder.

Types of collagen in the body

There are 3 types of collagen in the body, and they are:

  • Collagen Type 1: It is the most important type and the component of hair and skin tissues.
  • Collagen Type 2: It is the component of cartilage cells and is used to treat rheumatic and joint pain.
  • Type 3: collagen, which is the component of ligament and bone tissue.
  • The best collagen drink

    The list of the best collagen drinks includes:


    This type of collagen contributes to reducing the appearance of fine threads in the face, in addition to moisturizing the skin, and this is by improving the body’s production of collagen, and finally it also helps to thicken hair, as well as increasing the strength of nails and reducing their breakage.

    2_ BIOGLAM Beauty Collagen Powder

    • This product is considered one of the best types of collagen drink ever, which comes in the form of a powder that is added to water and eaten. This product includes hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for maintaining the freshness and health of the skin, and effectively eliminating the signs of aging.
    • This product also increases the strength of hair and nails and protects them from split ends and breakage.

    3_ MOON JUICE Beauty Shroom Vegan Collagen Protection

    This product helps protect the proportion of natural collagen and elastin from decreasing inside the body, which contributes to making the skin brighter, youthful, and smooth, in addition to that it contains a group of vitamins and important elements for the body, such as: Vitamin C, grape seed oil, papaya, and others.

    4_  AMANDEAN Wild-Caught Fish Marine Collagen

    In the morning, add this powder with many benefits to a glass of water or a fresh drink and then eat it, until you get flexible skin, free of wrinkles, in addition to that it contributes to increasing the strength of your hair and giving you strong nails that do not break, because it contains high levels of collagen. and amino acids.

    5_ VITAL PROTEINS Collagen Water

    Collagen water is the best drink ever, as it contains a not small amount of natural collagen, which is 10 grams, in addition to containing sugar by 1 gram.

    What is distinctive is that it comes with more than one distinct flavor, such as lemon, and it works to increase the health and freshness of the skin.

    6_ SPORT RESEARCH Marine Collagen Peptides

    • Collagen powder is added to any drink or water, stirred and then eaten, so that its great benefits can be obtained, as it includes a group of vitamins and minerals as well as natural collagen, for example: 18 amino acids, peptides.
    • This product contributes to enhancing the health of the skin and giving it collagen responsible for enhancing its freshness, and giving it an attractive appearance.

    7_ SHISEIDO The Collagen

    Collagen drink includes a group of important nutrients, such as: citrus extract, strawberry seed oil, hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, natural collagen, ceramides, and this is what makes it one of the best types of collagen drink ever.

    8_ SEAGARDEN Norwegian Marine Collagen Powder

    • This powder comes with a distinctive lemon flavor, which can be added to any natural drink or water and taken as a liquid, as it works to provide the body with the rate it needs of proteins that are easily absorbed and digested by the body, and natural collagen.
    • This product improves skin health, increases elasticity, and effectively strengthens nails and hair.

    9_  NEOCELL Collagen C Pomegranate Liquid

    This product is one of the best types of collagen drink because it contains many antioxidants, vitamin C, and collagen, which supports the tissues of the skin and enhances its freshness and youth, as well as its ability to increase the strength of both nails and hair.

    The best type of American collagen drink

    There are many types of collagen drink, including American collagen and the best types are:

    1_ super collagen

    • This type of collagen drink is the most widely used because of its amazing and fast results. It includes a group of vitamins, minerals, and proteins, which leads to tightening the skin and increasing its freshness, as well as improving the strength of the immune system, and enhancing the process of natural collagen production in the body.
    • It also contributes to eliminating signs of aging skin, increases bone strength, and works to give hair strength, smoothness, and luster.

    2_ Youtonics collagen drink

    • In addition to containing high percentages of natural collagen, this product also includes vitamin A and vitamin E, and it is quickly absorbed, which makes it one of the best types of American collagen drink, as it reduces the production of the enzyme responsible for the appearance of signs of aging of the skin.
    • It also gives the skin a youthful, glowing appearance, in addition to promoting the health of the skin and tissues and helps repair damaged ones.

    The best collagen drink from iHerb

    There is a group of collagen drink provided by iHerb, which is considered the best in terms of effect and ease of absorption, which are as follows:

    1_ marine collagen

    • Marine Collagen is the absolute best collagen drink due to its endless benefits to the skin, its ease of absorption, and its quick action.
    • This is because of its very small molecules compared to other types of collagen drink, which makes the speed of its absorption into the body double, and therefore it increases the collagen rates in the body within a record time.
    • This product includes many other vitamins, such as: hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, amino acids, which are the main component of collagen, and it works to promote healthy skin, increase the strength of bones, nails, and hair effectively.

    2_ bovine collagen

    • Bovine collagen is one of the best types, but less effective compared to marine collagen, as this type needs to take vitamin C with it to speed up the process of absorption inside the body, and its benefits include eliminating wrinkles, improving hair and skin health, and significantly increasing the strength of nails.

    3_ chicken collagen

    • It is collagen that is extracted from chicken and is very useful for cartilage, as it increases the strength of cartilage and joints and reduces their exposure to various diseases, so it is always recommended to eat chicken collagen drink for those who suffer from joint or cartilage problems.

    Signs of collagen deficiency in the body

    There are a group of symptoms that confirm the low percentage of collagen inside the body, which are indicators of the body’s need for collagen, and they are as follows:

    • Feeling of general weakness and fatigue.
    • Weakness of muscle mass.
    • Sensation of different pains inside the body.
    • fever.
    • Very itchy red spots on the surface of the skin (rash).
    • Feeling of joint pain.
    • The appearance of signs of aging of the skin.
    • The skin loses its freshness and elasticity.
    • Nails break and weaken.
    • Weakness and frequent hair loss.

    Why is a collagen product the best choice?

    There are a set of specifications that make collagen supplements of any type the best product ever, which are as follows:

    • The product has very small particles, so that it can be effectively transferred from the blood circulation to the rest of the body.
    • It contains a group of important elements, for example: Hyaluronic acid, Vitamin C, Coenzyme Q10, which is an antioxidant to make the process of its absorption faster and better and to strengthen the effect.
    • It comes in a very high concentration, ranging from 5000 to 7000 mg.

    How to use collagen drink

    The method of using collagen drink is as follows:

  • Add 1 ampoule of collagen syrup to 1/2 liter of water.
  • Stir the mixture well and take it daily.
  • To notice the desired results, it is necessary to adhere to the collagen drink for a period of not less than 30 days.
  • Which is better, syrup or collagen pills?

    In fact, it depends on the preferences of individuals, as most of them have difficulty swallowing tablets, so they resort to collagen drink, but in general the collagen drink is the best in terms of ease of intake, rich in collagen, having faster and stronger effectiveness.

    When do collagen drink results start to appear?

    • In fact, every body has its own nature in terms of sports, age, food style, daily stresses, lifestyle and others, so the appearance of the result varies from person to person, but in general the human body needs 4 months to be able to see the results of any product taken.
    • However, there are some small changes that can be noticed after 21 days of taking the collagen drink, for example: increased skin hydration, improved hair and texture, while strong changes appear after a period ranging from 3 to 5 months.

    collagen drink benefits

    There are many benefits that collagen drink provides to the body, which are the following:


    • Collagen drink contributes to filling in the lines of wrinkles on the face, thus eliminating them.
    • It reduces the slackening of the skin and gives it the necessary hydration and freshness.
    • Helps remove scar marks and scars that result from acne.
    • It contributes to plumping lips and cheeks, so it is a healthy alternative to fillers.
    • Helps lighten the skin and give it a lively and radiant appearance.
    • Reduces the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.
    • It works to restore youth to the skin and moisturize it, thus increasing its smoothness.

    2- Lilshad

    • Contributes to the intensification of hair and increase its luster.
    • Collagen drink reduces hair loss and brittleness.
    • It increases the length of the hair and eliminates all the problems it is exposed to.
    • Helps increase hair softness and hydration.

    3_ for bones

    • Collagen drink increases bone strength.
    • Helps increase the strength of teeth and gums.
    • Relieves osteoarthritis and joint pain.
    • It prevents exposure to tendonitis, osteoporosis, and reduces pain when exercising.
    • It restores strength to the bones by providing them with proteins and vitamins needed to increase their health.

    4_ for nails

    • Collagen syrup helps increase nail strength.
    • Contributes to increasing the length of weak nails in record time.
    • Reduces nail breakage.

    5- Shameless

    • Collagen drink treats neural tube infections and increases the strength of the central nervous system.
    • It helps give your muscles the energy and strength they need.
    • Contributes to the treatment of cellulite and white lines that appear in the body with age.
    • Collagen drink stimulates the body to produce more natural collagen.
    • Reduces feelings of stress, tension, and fatigue.
    • Collagen has an effective role in increasing the strength of the heart muscle, due to its ability to rebuild the structure of blood vessels and arteries, and thus it promotes heart health.
    • Increases the strength and health of the mind, due to the ability of collagen to combat free radicals responsible for many diseases.
    • It also significantly maintains normal blood sugar levels.
    • Promotes blood circulation and regulates cell growth.
    • Collagen helps heal wounds effectively.

    Does Collagen Drink Cause Cancer?

    • Despite the endless benefits that collagen drink enjoys, it can increase the chances of developing cancer, so it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting to take it, with the need to inform him of his health condition and if there is an allergy to any of its components.
    • This is in order to preserve the health of individuals from serious diseases such as cancer, which may occur when there are health disorders or sensitivity to some components of the collagen drink.

    Can collagen drink be taken continuously?

    • Yes, collagen drink can be taken on an ongoing basis, because collagen is one of the natural elements that are present in both the bones and tissues of cows and poultry, but it is difficult to extract it because it takes a lot of time, besides enjoying pungent and bad food, so it is resorted to eating collagen drink .
    • Therefore, the collagen drink is safe to use on an ongoing basis, according to the permissible doses.

    Collagen drink alternatives

    There are alternatives that replace the consumption of collagen drink in the event that it is not possible to find it or there is an allergy to it, and those alternatives are as follows:

    • Topical products that contain vitamin A and other minerals, which boost collagen production.
    • Skin moisturizing creams, such as: glycerin or hyaluronic acid, where moisturizing the skin is one of the best methods to help stimulate natural collagen in the skin.

    Collagen Drink Side Effects

    There are a number of side effects that collagen drink may cause, which are as follows:

    • Loss of appetite and lack of desire to eat, causing weight loss and thinness.
    • Skin rash.
    • Feeling of heaviness in the stomach area and fatigue.
    • It is harmful to the health of the fetus because it contains a not small percentage of cortisone, so it is forbidden for the pregnant woman to take it.
    • May cause joint pain if taken in high doses.

    Tips before using collagen drink

    There are a set of instructions that it is preferable to follow before and when using the collagen drink, which are as follows:

    • Have a collagen drink before eating breakfast to allow the stomach to benefit from it as much as possible.
    • Avoid staying up late and getting enough rest, so that the results of the collagen drink can be seen quickly.
    • Avoid exposure to sunlight when drinking collagen drink, as it has negative effects on the skin.
    • Reduce your intake of sugar, caffeine, and foods full of trans fats, as they destroy collagen.

    In conclusion, we have thus discussed the best types of collagen drink at all, and please consult your doctor before starting to take it to avoid exposure to damage.

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