The correct method of holding the pen for children is one of the things that mothers suffer from with their children, especially at the beginning of children’s education. They don’t even know left from right let alone how to divide their fingers into different positions, given the difficult nature of holding a pencil and its effect on children’s handwriting skills. Through this article on the reference site, we will introduce you to everything related to this method.
The correct way to hold a pen for children
The best way to hold the pen correctly in children is the standard tripod handle (thumb and index finger while resting on the middle finger), and for your child to succeed in using this method, the following steps must be followed:[1]
Use shorter pencils
A shorter pencil means there is less room for finger padding, and it essentially forces kids to pinch with their thumb and forefinger, golf pens (pens that are triangular and shorter than regular pens) are the best pens for teaching a child to hold a pencil, which is also why Occupational therapists often have children use crayons that are broken in half if they are having trouble using crayons for their age.
Teaching the child the disc
If the pencil trick doesn’t work for your child, they should be taught to pinch and flip. They should pinch the sharp end of the pencil and then flip it over with their fingers until it rests gently in the “web space” (that soft skin between your thumb and index finger) in a position to write.
Holding something under your pinky and ring finger
If the previous tricks did not work for your child, you can use a new trick. Try to get your child to hide something under their pinky and ring fingers such as a small ball or a tissue, etc. These two fingers should be bent towards the palm of the hand while the thumb, index and middle fingers hold the pen. However sometimes children have difficulty with this because they cannot ‘separate’ the sides of their hands (the pinky side and the thumb side), be aware that the child’s hand is small so you should try something smaller and weight, try using a small ball of clay dough or a cotton ball Or a marble, a bead, a piece of crumpled paper or a small rubber toy, you can also insert the pen into a small rubber ball or dough and ask your child to hold it correctly.
Remember that in addition to teaching children the “tricks” of holding a pencil correctly, they also need strong muscles in their hands, shoulders, and even core muscles to be able to sit and write with control.
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How to teach children to hold the correct pen with pictures
Before starting, it is necessary to know the shape of the fist of the child when starting to use the pen. This picture shows you this:
The correct way to hold the pen for children can be determined by this picture:
Tricks to help you teach your child to hold the pen in the best way in the following pictures:
Incorrect pen holding methods for children
Incorrect methods of holding the pen and writing incorrectly often lead to a stiff wrist and pain that spreads to the arm, shoulder and neck area, in addition to this, writing speed and stamina are reduced, which makes the lines blurred and reduces the ability to read handwriting. Some examples of difficult ways to hold the pen that will negatively affect writing flow and speed, writing is often difficult to read and while writing sometimes the child cannot see what he is writing:[2]
- Claw grip: This grip is when the index finger covers the thumb rather than resting on the pen.
- A narrow grip: This grip is when the pen falls on the fingers and is directed with the thumb.
- Pincer grip: This grip is where the thumb is on one side while the index and middle finger are on the other side.
- Thumb grip: This grip is where the thumb is above the index finger.
- The index and middle finger grip: This grip is where the index and middle finger are above the thumb.
- Arched fist: This fist in which the whole hand is arched like the fist around the pen, and the thumb is usually on the other side and sticks to it.
- Full fist: In this fist, the child holds the pen with the entire fist.
Note: The longer a child writes while holding the stressed pen, the longer it takes to correct the grip of the pen. After the age of 6 years, it is very difficult to correct and change the grip of the pen.
Pencil holding exercises the correct way for children
In general, all fine motor exercises help to support and develop the child’s skills in holding the pen in an optimal way. Here are the most prominent of these exercises:[2]
- Walking with the pen: The mother makes her child hold the tips of the fingers with the pen and the thumb against the other fingers, and ask him to walk his fingers with the pen from bottom to top and vice versa, and it is better to use both hands simultaneously then the other hand cannot be used to help.
- Ball exercise: the pen can be inserted into a rubber ball and ask the child to write control to take the three-fingered position and write correctly.
- Bend the pinky and ring finger: Some tools such as papers, beads and small balls help your child to write correctly. All you have to do is put the previous tools under these two fingers and ask your child to write like this for a week and he will get used to the correct position.
- Using the rubber: The mother can use rubber to make her child write in the correct way, by placing rubber in the wrist of the hand and then raising it to insert it in the middle finger while keeping it attached to the wrist of the hand. The finger will automatically rise and allow the child to hold the pen in the correct way.
Things that help in holding the pen the right way for children
The following things help in achieving the correct way of holding a pen in children:[3]
- Thicker the pen: the thicker the pen will force the child to learn the correct way to hold the pen.
- Triangular Pencils: The triangular pencil grip is designed to help the child hold the pencils the right way.
- Finger extensions: These are the use of some of the tools we talked about earlier.
Please always make sure that the pen is not held down or up, for this you can mark the area with masking tape.
The right age to teach a child to hold a pen
Most children do not have the fine motor control or strength to hold a pencil with a finger grip until they are at least 4 years old. five-fingered), and by age 5 or 6, children’s finger muscles are more developed and strong enough to hold a pencil correctly using only three fingers, the thumb, index and middle finger. Writing. Instead of correcting your pencil grip, you can reinforce the correct grip by doing fun activities that help develop hand and finger muscles, such as playing with blocks or solving puzzles.[3]
Training the child to hold the pen
When a child learns to color he instinctively holds a crayon in his fist and scribbles, but by the time your child is in preschool or kindergarten, he should be able to hold the pencil correctly between his thumb and index finger in a “tripod grip.” Holding a pencil the right way may be difficult for the child but it is appreciated for fine motor development and learning progress, if the child learns incorrectly to hold a pencil, it can lead to poor handwriting and hand posture, and it may be very difficult to correct later, That’s why it’s important to have the right supplies, practice the right techniques, and troubleshoot if problems arise.[4]
Tools for teaching the child to hold the pen in the correct way
In order to ensure that your child writes in the correct way and holds the pen well, the following steps must be taken:
Ensure that the child has the appropriate pencil
Using shorter pencils such as golf pencils or regular, broken, and triangular pencils can help children learn the correct grip on their own. Short pencils have less room for unnecessary fingers so your child has no choice but to use the correct three-finger grip.
buy pencil grips
Pencil grips are simple devices placed on a pencil designed for children to help them hold the pencil correctly, in most cases the grip slides easily over a pencil and rests around the area where the pencil is located. The adhesive keeps his hand in place once you hold the pencil in the right way. Pencil grips are available at most learning and office supply stores or online. They are inexpensive so consider trying a few different types until you find the one that works best and is most comfortable for your child’s hand.
Handmade pen handle
Make a homemade pencil grip from simple homemade alternatives to a pencil grip Pass a pencil through a clothespin and have the child hold the clothespin between his thumb and finger, using the pencil through the rounded hole near the end, the child can hold onto the long, flat ends and the pencil will stay in A position that allows your child to pinch and hold it with three fingers.
Helping the child hold the pen
Start using the pencil grip every time your child writes. Your child’s hand can automatically hold the pencil correctly thanks to muscle memory. Once they can hold the pencil correctly on their own, you can remove the pencil grips and have your child use regular pencils.
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Tips for teaching a child to hold a pen the right way
When you follow the tips that we will remember now, any nanny will inevitably be able to make her child hold the pen in the right way. Here are the most prominent of these tips:[4]
Teaching the child the basics of holding a pencil
Fine motor skills should be practiced to make it easier for your child to hold the pencil. Developing fine motor skills and finger strength can give young children the physical skills needed to hold the pencil correctly. You should also have your child play with small household items such as straws or straws by picking them up. Throwing them in another container, this establishes a finger grip from an early age, another way to develop fine motor skills is to have the child practice putting small objects into small holes such as corn kernels through the holes of a Parmesan cheese bowl or pasta through a cheese grater or straw, on the There are plenty of items around the house that are perfect for developing fine motor skills. Anything that requires your child to pinch or hold the object can help build the muscles and skills needed to hold the pencil correctly.
Using the OK . mode
Initially teach your child to use the OK position When holding the pen To put your child’s hand in the correct position to hold the pencil, start by making your child OK with his writing hand by connecting his thumb and forefinger to the letter O and placing his remaining three fingers straight, then ask him to open a finger O’s thumb and forefinger slightly and then place the pencil between the fingers, they can then grab the remaining fingers and wrap them around the pencil to put their hand in the correct writing position.
Teach the child the position of the disc and the face
Teach your child to pinch and flip A quick way to put the pencil in the correct position is to start with the pencil on the table. Have the thumb and forefinger of the writing hand on the top of the pencil, just below the sharpened part. Pick up the pencil and use the other hand to turn the pencil over and spin it. Clockwise until it is in the correct position, you can walk your child through the process and be the one to roll the pencil to the correct spot before letting your child do everything on their own.
Training the child to hide the finger
Many children have difficulty keeping their pinky and ring fingers away from the pencil by holding them under their hands. Their motor skills are not developed enough to separate these two fingers and move them on their own. Have your child hold a small object in these two fingers, which will force the fingers to flex and apply pressure on the hand. Small things like play dough or a cotton ball work well for little hands.
Draw for your child and have him imitate the model
Make a suitable model of holding the pencil whenever you are writing or coloring where your child can see you and point out how you are holding your pencil. With the right grip from the start, learning the correct grip for a pencil takes time but with constant effort your child is more likely to succeed.
find the mistakes and resolve it
First you must make sure that the pen fits comfortably in your child’s hand, check to see if the grip of your child’s pen or pencil is comfortable, if something is holding your child’s hand uncomfortably, it may be as simple as trying a new type of pens, as can be If your child is not too old to hold a pencil, it may seem easier to teach your child early on the correct pencil writing technique once he can hold a pencil or crayon, but this can have negative effects, as young children find it difficult to hold a pencil In the right tripod grip because their shoulder and arm muscles are still developing and stabilizing.
With this amount of information, we have come to the end of our article, in which we talked about the correct method of holding the pen for children. We also talked about the incorrect methods of holding the pen for children, how to address these problems, and tips for dealing with the child and making him hold the pen in the best way.