مقابلة حوار بين شخصين عن الوطن قصير

A short interview, a dialogue between two people about the homeland, is the topic of this article. Such interviews and dialogues may be asked of students and school students to do, and a person may encounter in his public life such dialogues, which are caused by the abundant feelings related to the homeland, and some important national occasions and events. Which is a spark for such national dialogues, and the reference site is concerned with the homeland and its importance and highlighting its role in the lives of individuals, so in this article it provides us with examples of a short and expressive interview between two people about the homeland.

What is the concept of home?

In this article, we will present to the dear reader a short interview between two people about the homeland, but before that we will define what the concept of homeland is, as its concept is broad and cannot be limited to simple words. By its affiliation and association with it, and it is the geographical spot on which man is born and settled, and this spot is a permanent incubator for man.[1]

Dialogue between two people about the purpose of human creation

A short interview between two people about the homeland

In what follows, we present a short interview between two people about the homeland: Ihsan and his friend Ghassan are sitting in a popular café in the center of the capital, drinking a cup of tea and exchanging conversations, on the chairs of the antique café and its wooden tables. The National Day, then a long dialogue took place between them, as follows:

  • Ehsan: Look, my friend, this is important news.
  • Ghassan: What do they say about it?
  • Ehsan: The National Day of the dear homeland is approaching.
  • Ghassan: This is beautiful. That would be cool and entertaining.
  • Ehsan: It is a very great day, my friend, a day of joy for us and for the dear country.
  • Ghassan: You know, I sometimes feel that I do not understand much the meaning of homeland, and I do not know what its rights and duties are upon us.
  • Ihsan: The homeland, Ghassan, carries a great meaning and a very great reformer. The homeland is the place in which we live and reside on its land. Rather, it is the place to which we feel that our belonging belongs to it, and it is that blessed piece of land that includes and contains us.
  • Ghassan: What does the homeland offer its children and what is its preference for them?
  • Ihsan: My friend, the homeland is the one who embraces his sons in life and death, and it is the place of their stability in which they will grow up and enjoy security and safety, and it is the impenetrable bond for them. All the services they need.
  • Ghassan: What is our role as citizens towards our country?
  • Ihsan: Our duties towards the homeland fall on all of us as the sons of the homeland, from the old to the young, whether men or women, it is our duty to protect it from any external or internal harm, so we preserve its internal structure and public facilities, preserve its environment from pollution, and defend it against any aggression externally, and the relentless pursuit of the advancement and development of the homeland and making it at the forefront of civilization.
  • Ghassan: Well done, my friend.
  • Ihsan: I ask God for me and you all the best and to benefit our countries.
  • Ghassan: Amen, and I ask God to protect our homeland and raise its status.
  • Ihsan and Ghassan finished drinking tea with silence over the situation, and each of them had thousands of thoughts prevailing in his thoughts, and his heart ignited with the most sincere feelings towards the homeland.

Dialogue between two people about home

Dialogue between a student and a teacher about the homeland

Aseel is an intelligent student who is very diligent in her lessons and school. She is an example for other students to follow. In one of the important lessons about the country, Aseel takes the initiative, as usual, and takes the initiative to exchange experiences and gain more information from her distinguished teacher. A dialogue took place between the student and the teacher as follows:

  • Teacher: Today our lesson is going to be very special, dear students.
  • Aseel: My dear teacher, why would he be special?
  • Teacher: Today we learned about homeland and patriotism.
  • Aseel: Great. It must be an interesting and useful lesson.
  • Teacher: I ask, do you love your country?
  • Aseel: Of course I love him very much.
  • Teacher: What does home mean to you, Aseel?
  • Aseel: It means a lot, my teacher, for the homeland is our big home, in it we are born and upon it we live, and in its regions we grow, and from its air we breathe, and from its water we drink, and from its bounties we eat.
  • The teacher: Well done Aseel, and what can you do for your country to show me your love for it?
  • Aseel: I will offer him my soul and heart as a sacrifice for him. I will protect him from all harm. I will protect his land and air from pollution. I will defend him from enemies.
  • Teacher: Well done Aseel, you are an outstanding student, I wish you continued success.
  • The teacher was pleased with the student Aseel’s responses about the homeland, her great awareness and awareness, which indicates the maturity of her mind.

A short message about patriotism

Dialogue interview between two people about the homeland in English

Rami is a young man expatriate from his homeland, working in a foreign country, while he is in exile, his heart is burning with nostalgia and longing for his dear country. And about the reason for his crying, an interview took place between two people about the homeland in English between them as follows:

  • Rami’s colleague: How are you, Rami, are you okay?
  • Rami: Thank God I’m fine.
  • His colleague: what makes you cry, Rami, are you sick, are you complaining about something?
  • Rami: No, I’m fine, but I’m crying with joy.
  • His colleague: What is that joy that makes you cry, Rami?
  • Rami: My vacation is approaching, and I will return to my country soon.
  • Colleague: Do you yearn for your country that much?
  • Rami: I will not be able to describe to you my feelings and the extent of my longing for my country, my friend.
  • Colleague: Why do you yearn so much for your country?
  • Rami: It is true that I left the country, but my heart and soul remained there. Can anyone live without his heart and soul?
  • His colleague: No, of course no one can.
  • Rami: I am also, my soul and my heart are my homeland and my belonging to it is not to anyone else, no matter how long the days are outside the homeland, but I cannot live without it, I am now like a fish outside the water, and I will return to the water soon.
  • His colleague: I respect your patriotism and affiliation very much.
  • Rami: Thank you, but no matter what I do to my country, I will remain short on it, and I will never be able to repay it.
  • His colleague: Safety accompanied you on your vacation, then, good luck.
  • A colleague of Rami left at work, and Rami left his place, swimming in his thoughts and dreams in which he sees himself, prostrating to God on the soil of the homeland, embracing loved ones, family and friends, smiling a smile full of hope, and saying long live my country.

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Translation of a dialogue interview between two people about the homeland in English

  • Rami’s colleague: How are you, Rami, are you okay?
  • Rami: Thank God I’m fine.
  • His colleague: What makes you cry, Rami, are you sick, are you complaining about something?
  • Rami: No, I’m fine, but I’m crying with joy.
  • His colleague: What is that joy that makes you cry, Rami?
  • Rami: My vacation is approaching, and I will return to my country soon.
  • Colleague: Do you yearn for your country that much?
  • Rami: I will not be able to describe to you my feelings and the extent of my longing for my country, my friend.
  • Colleague: Why do you yearn so much for your country?
  • Rami: It is true that I left the country, but my heart and soul remained there. Can anyone live without his heart and soul?
  • His colleague: No, of course no one can.
  • Rami: I am also, my soul and my heart are my homeland and my belonging to it is not to anyone else, no matter how long my days are outside the homeland, but I cannot live without it, I am now like a fish outside the water, and I will return to the water soon.
  • His colleague: I respect your patriotism and affiliation very much.
  • Rami: Thank you, but no matter what I do to my country, I will remain short on it, and I will never be able to repay it.
  • His colleague: Safety accompanied you on your vacation, then, good luck.
  • A colleague of Rami left at work, and Rami left his place, swimming in his thoughts and dreams in which he sees himself, prostrating to God on the soil of the homeland, embracing loved ones, family and friends, smiling a smile full of hope, and saying long live my country.

Words of pride and pride for King Salman

Dialogue between the homeland and the citizen

The love of the homeland is the first love that is planted in the human heart, and the citizen has to remain loving and loyal to his homeland, and to preserve it. Here is a dialogue between the homeland and the citizen:

  • Homeland: Hello, loyal citizen.
  • Citizen: Hello, my dear country.
  • Al-Watan: How are you, citizen, are you happy while you live on my land?
  • Citizen: I am very happy, and I love to live in your land, and to draw from your water, for you are my beloved homeland.
  • Al-Watan: Will you give me your soul and blood, if necessary?
  • Citizen: Yes, of course, I will water your land with my blood, and I will sacrifice my soul for you without the slightest hesitation.
  • Al-Watan: May God protect you, loyal citizen.
  • Citizen: You have survived for us, dear homeland, and may God preserve you and perpetuate your security, peace and security.
  • Al-Watan: Can you, O good citizen, participate in what increases protection and peace in my land?
  • Citizen: Yes, yes, I participate in many organizations and activities that will preserve the security of the homeland, and educate people in order to abide by the laws in order to preserve their safety and the safety of the homeland.
  • Al-Watan: Well done citizen, I ask God to make all citizens as good as you.
  • Citizen: Thank you, my dear country.

Read also: A short dialogue between three people about the homeland

Dialogue between two students about Saudi National Day

In the following, we will present to you a dialogue between two students about the Saudi National Day, and these two students are Sahar and Sawsan:

  • Sahar: Will you participate in the celebrations and events on the Arab National Day, Sawsan?
  • Sawsan: Of course, Sahar. This is a big day in which all the Saudi people participate.
  • Sahar: My father told me that we will go to Riyadh to participate in the events that will be held in the capital, where we will attend concerts and traditional plays.
  • Sawsan: And do you know when the founding king united the Emirates under the name of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?
  • Sahar: Yes, in the history class yesterday, we took a lesson on the National Day, where the founding king, may God have mercy on him, united the kingdom in the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-two.
  • Sawsan: Well done, Sahar, it is true, and we in our beloved kingdom celebrate this occasion on the 23rd of September, and this year we will celebrate the 91st anniversary.
  • Sahar: We ask God Almighty to preserve our homeland, perpetuate our unity, and perpetuate security and peace in our dear homeland.

Dialogue between two people about the homeland of glory

A dialogue will take place between two people, Ahmed and Sami, who are schoolmates, and they will talk among themselves about the nation’s pride and dignity:

  • Ahmed: In your opinion, Sami, how can the pride of the homeland be achieved, and how can it be dear and free?
  • Sami: The pride of the homeland can only be achieved by the pride of its people and people. Everyone who lives in this country must be proud of himself, proud of himself, and proud of being from this country.
  • Ahmed: What is our role in this matter, Sami?
  • Sami: Our role is to be loyal to the homeland, for we are in its future and present, and with our progress, the homeland will flourish, and its prosperity will increase in its majesty, and its status will increase among the countries of this world.
  • Ahmed: So, Sami, we must strive hard in our studies, in order to be the builders of this dear country in the future, so that it progresses and flourishes more and more.
  • Sami: He will be dear, proud and secure, and now let us go to the lesson so that you do not get lost from us.

But in this article, we presented a short interview between two people about the homeland, in addition to presenting many dialogues between different people that dealt with different national topics such as the security of the homeland and its glory, prosperity and progress, as well as the National Day. In the article we also presented an explanation of the concept of homeland.

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