أرخص سعر تقويم الأسنان 2021 , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
The cheapest price for orthodontics 2021 varies according to the type and quality of the braces, in addition to other factors such as the skill of the doctor, for example; Then, due to the variety of prices, each person can examine them and choose the most appropriate calendar for him according to his financial capabilities. Therefore, the reference site will show you the price of orthodontics 2021 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and compare it with calendar prices in some other Gulf countries, and we will also discuss the most prominent prices in the cities of the Kingdom and some information Orthodontic details.
Cheapest price for orthodontics 2021 in Saudi Arabia
Orthodontics is usually expensive in all countries, but its prices in Saudi Arabia are better than others and are considered among the cheapest; Where the average price of orthodontics starts from 3500 riyals up to 15,000 riyals, which is equivalent to about (950: 4000) US dollars, and most clinics in major cities start at 5000 riyals, and the cheapest price for orthodontics 2021 is about 3000 riyals ; Because some medical centers provide offers and discounts on the calendar in certain seasons or as advertisements for the center, and the price may be from 2000: 2500 riyals in the case of poor or lower quality types, also after the discount.. It is worth mentioning here that the “Care Clinics Complex” provided an offer The calendar is priced at 499 riyals in the past years, but it is an exception and does not represent the rule.
Orthodontics prices in Riyadh
The average price of regular braces in Riyadh ranges between 2500 to 3000 Saudi riyals, and the price of regular braces reaches 4000 Saudi riyals as a maximum, and when adding any luxuries to it, its price may rise slightly accordingly. For many people it is quite expensive.
Orthodontics prices in Jeddah
The cheapest price for orthodontics in Jeddah may be about 4000 Saudi riyals for the regular type, and in the case of choosing the transparent braces, 1000 Saudi riyals may be added to the basic price. Al Sondos Center is considered one of the best specialized centers in Jeddah.
Orthodontics prices in Medina
Orthodontics prices are slightly higher in Medina than in other cities, where its price reaches 5,000 Saudi riyals, and some medical centers and clinics provide the possibility of installments, where the average price of installments is about 100 riyals, and the first payment reaches 1,000 Saudi riyals. The best centers that are handled in the city.
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Orthodontic tools prices in Saudi Arabia
Orthodontics needs a long period of up to years, and during that period there is periodic follow-up with the doctor; To change the wire or maintain the damaged parts of the orthodontic, etc., and this also comes at an additional cost, and there are orthodontic toothbrushes that must be used instead of the regular ones, so we will explain the average prices of these tools in the following points; Because it must be calculated as an expected additional cost unless the position provides it within the total agreed price per year (package system):
- Orthodontic Part Attached Without Glue (Tiffany Color) Approx. 170 SAR.
- A special cleaner for the teeth and gums in the case of orthodontic installation, its price is about 20 riyals.
- The blue silicone dental grooming tool costs about 20 riyals.
- Dental wax 20 riyals.
- Connected orthodontics brand “Zeina” varies according to its color; Gray is 85 riyals, white without glue is 130 riyals, dark blue is 62 riyals of the separate type, and blue with chain is 65 riyals, phosphorous green is 65 riyals, pink is 70 riyals, and cyan without glue is 150 riyals.
Metal and transparent braces price in Saudi Arabia
The choice of either type must be with the doctor’s approval; Because the purpose of the transparent is not only cosmetic, but it is used in cases of:
- Having problems pressing on the teeth, or problems with biting.
- Tooth adhesion to a large extent.
- A large distance between the teeth.
Therefore, unless necessary, it is preferable to choose the metallic one for its cheap price over the transparent one, which costs a lot; The cost of the transparent ranges between 10,000 as a minimum and up to 25,000 Saudi riyals, in contrast to the metal, which has a maximum of 15,000.
Orthodontics prices in Arab countries
Before mentioning prices, the same rule of price difference should be applied between centers and cities in the following countries. Discounts and price variations may make a big difference, but what we are going to mention is the average prices for orthodontics in the rest of the countries:
- Egypt: Prices have varied a lot after the flotation. The cheapest price for orthodontics in 2021 is at least 6 thousand Egyptian pounds, and the price can reach 15, 20 thousand pounds in the case of metal, and about 30 thousand for transparent ones.
- Kuwait: The Kuwaiti dinar is the most expensive currency at all, and therefore prices must be translated when comparing them, and the average price of the calendar in it is from (500: 2000) dinars.
- Jordan: It is distinguished by its prestigious centers that provide the best medical services, and the average price is in the range of (500: 3000) dinars.
- Qatar: Prices range from 6 thousand to 20 thousand Qatari riyals.
- United Arab Emirates: from 6 thousand to 15 thousand dirhams.
- Morocco: prices are high; Orthotics can be installed at a price ranging from 11,000 to 50,000 Moroccan dirhams.
- Sultanate of Oman: average price from 650: 1700 OMR.
Factors affecting the price of orthodontics
Orthodontic prices vary according to several factors. The price cannot be uniform for all cases and in all medical centers, and this is considered good to some extent; There are many options for the patient to choose the most appropriate price for him, and these factors are as follows:[1]
- The type of calendar, and the materials it is made of.
- The extent of the condition and the problems that the person faces in his teeth.
- The period of installation of the calendar and the continuation of its placement.
- The skill of the dentist and the level of the medical center.
Types of orthodontics
There are several types of orthodontics, and each of them has its price, advantages, and disadvantages, and we will mention a summary of the most prominent features of each type as follows:
- Ordinary (metal) braces – clear braces: one of the most commonly used types.
- Ceramic braces: It is also called for its color close to the color of the teeth, and it is desired by many, especially young people, and it is a middle price between metallic and transparent.
- Internal braces: It is an orthodontic that is installed from the inside of the teeth, and its disadvantage is that no non-professional doctor can do it; Because it is difficult to install, and it may require the removal of one of the teeth for easy placement, and it is resorted to in the case of crooked teeth and their movement inward.
- Laser braces: It is the easiest way to straighten teeth and is not accompanied by any pain, but it is the least used method, as it is not suitable for all cases, such as cases of previous fillings for molars, and it has not yet spread due to its modernity and high price.
The difference between metallic and transparent aligners
Now after mentioning the cheapest price of orthodontics 2021 between metallic and transparent, it must be clarified that the difference between them is not only the price; for the following reasons:
- The transparent is almost invisible, which avoids the patient embarrassment.
- One is metal, the other is plastic.
- The transparent can be removed at the time of eating and drinking, while the metal ones do not need to be cleaned with special tools after eating.
- Transparent performs its work faster than metallic.
- The transparent treats the crookedness of the teeth and the difference between them, while the metallic ones are in cases of obvious protrusion.
- Transparent does not require many visits to the doctor, unlike the other type.
dental ceramic braces
Ceramic braces are a bit expensive because of their advantages. They do not provide the same clear appearance that metal braces do, and this is because its color is close to acrylic, which is similar to the color of teeth, but despite that it also has several drawbacks, as it can be damaged faster and is not characterized by durability, It also changes color when drinking coffee or tea, and because of smoking, it has drawbacks, and the cost of its installation in Saudi Arabia starts from 5000 riyals.
Invisalign Dental Hybrid Orthodontics
Due to the high prices of ceramic (transparent) braces, some medical centers have invented the mixed braces, which combines the advantages of traditional metal braces, transparent and movable braces, and its price is more expensive than metal and less than transparent, which is easy to remove and install and achieves satisfactory results.
Mobile orthodontics
It is of the latest and best types as it has several advantages that made it worth its high price, which may reach 10,000 Saudi riyals, because it is easy to take off and does not need to visit a doctor for removal and installation, and provides the opportunity to clean the teeth, which reduces the chance of infection, and it can be used for all cases. Even the simplest problems can interfere in solving them, and it is placed after the end of the traditional calendar period, and it is for a full year, which is a combination of plastic and metal wire.
orthodontic components
There are many types of orthodontics, but the idea of u200bu200bthe work is one, and the basic composition of it is as follows:[2]
- Braces: They are small metal pieces that are attached to the teeth and glued directly, and are mostly hollow from the inside.
- Metal wire: It is inserted in the middle of the braces that are attached to the teeth, in order to connect all the bras, and the doctor tightens this arched wire at varying intervals in order to bring the teeth closer together.
- Other tools: The doctor may use other auxiliary tools such as jaw expanders that help improve the appearance of the jaws, and some rubber bands.
What is the possible cause of tooth decay?
Can orthodontics be dispensed with?
Yes and no, yes, in some cases where the curvature is slight, it does not cause a problem in the jaw or embarrassment in front of others, but if it causes one of them, then the doctor must be resorted to to diagnose the condition and see if the straightening will be for cosmetic or to solve an existing problem.
The best age to install the calendar
Between the age of (7: 14) years, and this is in case there is any warp in the child’s jaw that was noticed after the teeth were fixed at the age of seven, but at any age in general, orthodontics can be resorted to; To modify or beautify the teeth, and it is worth noting that there are types of warping or dental problems that the orthodontic does not benefit from because they require surgical intervention, and this is the final say in the diagnosis of the doctor.
Orthodontic damage
Despite the well-known advantages provided by orthodontics, it must be known that it has damages, or in other words, side effects that can cause distress for some or leave their claws on health, and we mention this in the following points:
- Frequent regular follow-up to the doctor.
- Food residues get stuck between the orthodontic wire and the retainers, in case the daily proper dental care is not done properly; Which can cause the problem of decay.
- effect on some minerals in the tooth enamel; There is a problem of white spots on the teeth that may last for a long time.
- The tightening of the teeth resulting from the installation of braces moves the teeth from their position, making them less strong and stable, and this problem, if it occurs, will appear in the long run.
- It may cause a lot of pain if it is installed incorrectly or by an unskilled doctor.
The best orthodontic medical centers in Saudi Arabia
It is preferable to resort to trusted centers, and this does not mean the price, there are centers with exorbitant prices and not a strong level of professionalism, so you must first ask about the center and the treating doctor, especially if the problem is unusual and requires great medical effort, and the following are some of the centers that became famous in This aspect, namely:
- Smile Experts Center in Riyadh.
- Jumana Medical Clinics Group in Riyadh.
- Smile Design Dental Clinics.
- Malin Center is a multi-specialty dental center located in Riyadh.
- Lussurer Center in Riyadh.
- Diamond Shine Clinics Complex.
- Gama Dental Clinics Complex.
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Now we have presented the cheapest price of braces 2021 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with a mention of the difference between the prices in the various major cities of the Kingdom, and we have compared the price in the Kingdom and other countries, with a mention of the types of braces and their potential damages and the most prominent information related to it.
خاتمة لموضوعنا أرخص سعر تقويم الأسنان 2021 ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.