أسباب ابتعاد الزوج عن زوجته في الفراش , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
The reasons for the husband’s distance from his wife in bed are one of the most important things that all wives who notice their husbands’ aversion to them in bed are unable to realize, especially if this aversion is sudden and without reason, so to help wives understand their husbands’ behavior, the reference site in this article shows the reasons that can It leads to the husband’s alienation from his wife in bed, and how to deal with this aversion and treat it if it is caused by a mental or physical illness that can be cured.
The importance of the marital relationship
The practice of the marital relationship between spouses on a regular basis is one of the most important things that help to straighten and calm the life of the spouses and reduce problems between them, as the body when having sexual intercourse secretes many hormones that improve the life of the spouses and increase their happiness with each other, such as dopamine and oxytocin, which provide these hormones The couple has the following benefits:[1]
- Reduce stress, anxiety and nervousness.
- Feeling relaxed, calm and refreshed.
- Improving mental state and eliminating depression.
- Increasing the psychological ability to bear daily difficulties such as taking care of the house and children and going to work.
- Bringing spouses together emotionally and spiritually.
- Satisfy the natural human instincts of the spouses.
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Reasons why a husband stays away from his wife in bed
In many cases, wives notice their husbands’ reluctance to have sexual relations with them, and they cannot know the reason for this aversion, especially if it is sudden, so to help women know why their husbands are reluctant to engage in marital relationship with them, we show all the psychological and health reasons that can push a man to stay away from his wife In bed in the following lines:[2]
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Psychological reasons why a husband stays away from his wife in bed
There are many psychological reasons that can push a man to stay away from his wife in bed, and these reasons are:
- Depression: Depression often causes sufferers to lose the desire to have sex and the desire to do any work in general, even if it is enjoyable.
- Anxiety and tension: Most men cannot have sexual intercourse while they are feeling anxious, so if a woman notices that her husband suffers from a lack of sexual desire accompanying a difficult situation he is going through in his life, she must know that stress is the reason for that.
- Lack of self-confidence: If a man suffers from a lack of self-confidence, he will often reduce sexual relations with his wife for fear of criticizing his sexual performance.
- Sexual frustration: Sexual frustration is the husband’s feeling of dissatisfaction with the sexual relationship because of his inability to satisfy his wife sexually or her inability to satisfy him, which makes him abandon the sexual relationship with her completely because he feels that it is not important.
- General sexual aversion: the husband’s general sexual aversion often arises because he was exposed to a bad situation during sexual intercourse that led to his disgust and disgust with her, and whoever feels that her husband suffers from general sexual aversion must convince him to visit a psychiatrist to obtain appropriate psychological treatment because general sexual aversion It is considered one of the psychological diseases that are difficult to deal with without a psychiatrist because it often leads to the husband’s inability to have sexual intercourse from an organic point of view as well.
- The wife’s uncleanliness: If the wife is unclean, this will often lead her husband to sexually alienate her and make him feel unwilling and disgusted with her.
- Psychiatric diseases: People with mental illnesses often lose sexual desire, especially if they are taking medications to treat these diseases, because these drugs cause severe hormonal disruption.
- Addiction: Addiction leads to a weakening of all physical abilities in general and a decrease in sexual desire for most drug users in particular.
- Incompatibility: Sometimes, the incompatibility of the spouses and the husband’s inability to feel love towards his wife leads to the husband losing the desire to have sexual relations with her.
- Watching pornographic films: In many cases, watching pornographic films leads to the inability of the man who gets used to watching them to enjoy sexual relations naturally, which makes him alienate from practicing them with his wife.
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Health reasons why a husband stays away from his wife in bed
There are many health reasons that can push a man to stay away from his wife in bed, and these reasons are:
- Infection with some organic diseases: Organic diseases such as diabetes, kidney disease and high blood pressure can cause a man who suffers from them to suffer from impotence.
- Low testosterone: Testosterone is the primary male hormone in men’s bodies and is responsible for a man’s sense of sexual desire and his ability to have sexual intercourse, so in the case of low testosterone, a man who has decreased the hormone in his body will often suffer from impotence and lack of sexual desire.
- Malnutrition: Malnutrition usually leads to hormonal disruption, which causes ED in general.
- Hormonal problems: Often hormonal disorders resulting from endocrine diseases such as thyroid diseases lead to impotence in the affected man as a result of the testosterone imbalance in his body.
- Impotence: There are many sexual diseases that can prevent a man from having sexual intercourse with his wife, such as premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.
- Obesity: Obesity often leads to a man’s inability to have sexual intercourse due to a weak heart and an imbalance of his hormones.
Reasons why the husband does not want to have intercourse
There are many reasons that can lead to a man’s unwillingness to have intercourse with his wife, despite the fact that he does not suffer from any psychological or organic problems. These reasons are:
- Marital infidelity: If a man cheats on his wife, he will most likely refrain from having intercourse with her because he obtains sexual gratification from another place, which makes having sex with his wife tiring and pointless.
- Pregnancy: Many men abstain from sexual relations with their wives as soon as they learn that their wives are pregnant because of the fear that the wives will suffer a miscarriage or because of the fear of causing physical pain to their wives because they do not know how the woman’s body works during pregnancy.
- The wife’s frequent criticism of the husband: If the wife criticizes her husband a lot, especially in the actions that he performs during their sexual relationship, her husband will often feel alienated from her and unwilling to have sexual relations with her.
- Routine relationship: If the marital relationship between the spouses is routine without any change, this will often cause, after a period of time, the husband’s boredom with his wife and his unwillingness to engage in intimacy with her.
- Talking about family problems before the relationship: If the wife is accustomed to talking to her husband about the problems of the house before having sexual intercourse, this may lead to him alienating her over time because the sexual relationship will be associated in his mind with a lot of annoying complaints from the wife.
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Ruling on the husband leaving his wife’s bed on purpose
God Almighty says in His Noble Book: “O you who believe, it is not lawful for you to inherit women by compulsion, nor to restrain them in order to take away some of what you have given them, unless they commit a clear indecency and live with them with kindness. A man’s intentionally abstaining from his wife’s bed, because the husband’s intercourse with his wife is considered one of the good ten days that God Almighty has stipulated, and that life is not upright without it.[3]
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Consequences of the husband staying away from his wife in bed
There are many consequences that can result from a husband’s abstinence from sexual relations with his wife, and these results are:
- Apathy between spouses: The husband’s abstention from his wife’s bed for a long time often leads to both spouses feeling sexual apathy towards the other party and unwillingness to have sexual relations with him later.
- The deprived party of the relationship falls into marital infidelity: In many cases, depriving the wife or husband of a sexual relationship leads to adultery to satisfy sexual desire, so each of the spouses should pardon his husband in order to protect him from taboos.
- Psychological problems: The lack of sexual intercourse after getting used to it often leads to many psychological problems such as depression, stress, anxiety, sleep disturbances and food cravings.
- Having health problems: Suddenly stopping sexual intercourse after getting used to it often leads to many health problems such as high pressure, low immunity, heart disease and vascular disease.
- Damage to the wife’s vaginal tissues: If the sudden cessation of sexual intercourse occurs after the wife reaches menopause, this will often lead to the thinning of the vaginal tissues, making it vulnerable to tearing easily.
- Demolition of the family: In many cases, the husband’s refusal to engage in sexual relations with his wife leads to the wife’s request for divorce, which leads to the demolition of the home and the displacement of the children.
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How to deal with a husband’s abstinence from bed
There are many ways in which the wife can deal with her husband’s abstinence from bed, and these methods are:[4]
- Remind the husband of God’s punishment: If the wife feels that her husband is deliberately refraining from intercourse with her without suffering any health or psychological problems, she must remind him of God’s punishment because he did not obey his commands and pardon his wife from the forbidden.
- Consultation with a psychiatrist: If the wife feels that her husband does not want to have a marital relationship with her because he has a psychological problem, she must consult a psychiatrist to guide her on the right way to deal with her husband so that he overcomes his psychological crisis, and it is preferable for the wife to convince her husband to go to the doctor himself and talk to him.
- Consultation with a doctor specializing in andrology: If the husband has lost his ability to have sexual relations with his wife due to a health problem, the wife must persuade her husband to go to a doctor specialized in andrology to give him the appropriate treatment for his condition until he regains his sexual ability again.
- Attention to beauty and personal hygiene: The wife must take care of her beauty, the beauty of her smell, her personal hygiene in general, and the cleanliness of her genital area in particular, so that her husband does not alienate her from having sexual relations with her.
- Get close to the husband emotionally: The wife should try to get close to her husband spiritually and emotionally so that he feels longing for her and desires her.
- Arousing the husband with clothes and behavior: The wife should try to arouse her husband with clothes and bold sexual acts in order to attract him to have sexual relations with her.
- Respecting the husband’s private space: The wife must be careful not to disturb the husband and respect his private space so that he does not alienate it and feel that it is an annoying person and loses the desire for it.
The treatment of the husband staying away from his wife in bed
In the event that the husband’s aversion to his wife in bed is due to an organic reason, the spouses should visit a specialist doctor to determine for them the appropriate medical treatment for the husband’s condition so that he can regain his sexual ability again, but if the husband’s aversion to his wife is due to a psychological reason, this aversion can be treated by following Next steps:
- Be careful not to embarrass the husband and make him feel inferior due to his inability to have sexual relations because this will lead to an increase in his psychological crisis, which will worsen his sexual problem.
- Talk to the husband calmly and ask him about his sexual preferences and tell his wife to him about her sexual preferences as well to improve their sexual relationship and increase their enjoyment of it.
- Support the husband psychologically and increase his self-confidence by constantly praising his strength and masculinity.
- Doing sexual acts that arouse the husband and wearing sexy clothes for him all the time.
- Urging the man to exercise and stay away from drugs and alcohol.
- Urging the man to refrain from watching sexual movies completely because they cause behavioral deviations and the inability to enjoy sexual relations with the wife.
- The wife’s attention to her cleanliness and her scent so that her husband does not alienate her from having sexual relations with her.
- Strengthening emotional communication with the husband by sending romantic messages to the husband and taking care of him.
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In this article, we explained the reasons for the husband’s distance from his wife in bed and how to deal with her and treat her if she requires treatment so that every woman who feels her husband’s repulsion from her intercourse can know the reasons for this aversion and fix them if she is able to do so to restore her healthy and normal life with her husband again.
خاتمة لموضوعنا أسباب ابتعاد الزوج عن زوجته في الفراش ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.