أضرار إزالة الشعر بالليزر على الحامل , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
The damages of laser hair removal to pregnant women make women live with great fear during their pregnancy, especially if they have undergone laser hair removal without knowing much about it, as laser hair removal technology is one of the modern technologies that have spread widely in recent times, and it has become one of the Among the essentials for a large number of women, because relying on the use of this technique results in a great saving in time and effort, and through the reference site, we will highlight this matter and explain everything related to it.
What is a laser
It is a type of non-ionizing radiation that targets the hair follicles and destroys them directly. It is worth noting that these rays do not cause any damage to the DNA cells, as they are far from causing any problems to the fetus if the woman is pregnant. Moreover, the The laser does not cause the woman to feel any pain. It only targets the melanin pigment in the hair. All that a woman may feel during these sessions are slight electrical stings that are controlled through the use of local anesthetic only.
Laser hair removal side effects for pregnant women
Many studies and experiments have been conducted about the damages of laser hair removal to the pregnant woman in order to preserve her safety and the safety of the fetus, and all these studies have confirmed that the laser does not negatively affect the fetus because it is far from the x-rays that penetrate all layers of the skin, which are Using it when treating some other problems, and despite that, there are some reasons why a woman should wait until she gives birth safely, and then she can apply laser to get rid of hair, and among these reasons are the following:[1]
- The woman is exposed to any allergic reaction because she is in a critical stage, or she suffers from burns, and the removal sessions are not successful.
- Not getting rid of hair permanently and re-appearing again due to hormonal changes that occur in women during this period and its aftermath.
- In addition to the failure of the operation due to the woman taking some medications that may affect the laser sessions and their effect, it is preferable to consult the doctor first to know his opinion before laser hair removal.
- A woman is exposed to uterine cramps or some other health problems that require her to take some medications that may be harmful during pregnancy.
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Does laser affect pregnancy?
Opinions differ on this thorny subject. Some believe that this method causes great harm to the pregnant woman and causes deformities to the fetus, or it may lead to the woman’s abortion and the death of the fetus, as well as it may affect the future of pregnancy in women in general. Proven by research, it confirms that the laser does not cause any problems for the woman, whether she is pregnant or planning to do so, because the rays emitted from it are not ionized and do not penetrate deep layers of the skin, so they cannot reach the fetus in any way, as these rays are intended Only the outer layer of the skin targets the hair only, and because some women place all the blame on beauty centers if the fetus is affected for any reason after laser hair removal, we see that most centers refuse to deal with women during pregnancy.[2]
My experience with laser and pregnancy
I have suffered for a long time from the presence of thick hair in many areas of the body, and the reason for the rapid appearance of thick hair in this period may be due to the change in hormones in the body during pregnancy. It is known that pregnancy is one of the most sensitive periods in which health must be maintained. In general, and body hygiene in particular, so I resorted to applying some traditional methods to get rid of hair scattered all over my body, but it was very stressful.
In addition, the change in hormones made my skin very sensitive and my skin began to be damaged in a striking way, and I was not able to use hair removal creams for fear of the compounds in them, so I started thinking about laser hair removal for some areas in order to save the effort during resorting To the traditional methods, and I searched a lot about the effects of laser hair removal on the pregnant woman so as not to endanger the life of the fetus, and most of the answers indicated the need to wait until the months of pregnancy end well, despite the absence of any scientific studies confirming the extent of the effect of laser on the fetus .
And after thinking carefully, I decided to give my baby a try with laser hair removal during pregnancy. In fact, I underwent a number of sessions that revealed great success, and I delivered my baby healthy and very well, so I decided to pass on my experience to you so that it may be a reference when you need it.
Home laser and pregnancy
Relying on laser as a method of hair removal has become very prevalent, because this method eliminates the appearance of hair permanently, and because pregnant women may be afraid of doing this procedure in this period in a place outside the house so that the infection does not spread to her, we see her heading to the use of laser However, it is worth noting that this method is one of the unsafe methods, as it may cause some damages, such as:
- The appearance of red spots on the skin, and these spots often remain with her even after she is born.
- The laser, when used in some areas such as the abdomen, bikini, and thighs, may cause some problems such as contractions in the uterus.
- In addition to the possibility of a woman getting burns as a result of her lack of awareness of the correct way to use the device, and these burns may continue for long periods until they are treated.
- In addition to the infection of women, the treatment of which requires the use of analgesic creams, which are often harmful as a result of their composition of harmful chemicals.
The efficacy of using a laser
It is worth noting that the use of the laser and its effectiveness varies greatly according to the different hair color and degree. Since the laser technology targets the color of the hair dye and does not care about the hair itself, so if the woman’s hair color is light, it is preferable to stay away from using this technique because the results are not satisfactory for her.
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pregnancy after laser
It is worth noting that the results of studies about laser hair removal for pregnant women are still ambiguous, and in order to avoid the unknown consequences of the laser, it is recommended to postpone this step until the woman delivers her fetus safely. This is normal because a woman’s hormones during pregnancy are very different than before and the hair is already starting to reappear.
But this offer differs from one woman to another depending on the nature of her body and her hormones, and in order for a woman not to lose all the results she obtained from the laser sessions, she should not resort to removing the hair that appeared by any of the traditional means except using the razor only, since it does not remove the hair from the roots, While other methods result in the re-growth of hair follicles that were eliminated by the laser.
Alternatives to laser hair removal during pregnancy
Pregnancy is one of the periods in which the mother should be as careful as possible and stay away from questionable choices, and given the many rumors about laser damage, it is best for pregnant women to follow any of the following methods to get rid of excess hair:
Use of razors
Which is one of the fastest and easiest ways to help get rid of hair, in addition to that it does not pose any damage to the woman, but she must be careful while choosing the type of these blades, and stay away from sharp blades to a large extent so as not to cause her any wounds or scratches, and it is taken to use The blade in hair removal it leads to the speed of the appearance of hair again.
Use of hair removal machines
They contain tweezers that facilitate the removal process, and the good thing is that more than one type of these machines are available, but all of them give the required results, and this method is considered the best during pregnancy, as it helps to get rid of hair very quickly, in addition to that It does not cause any harm or injury to the woman.
use of wax
Wax can be used to get rid of excess hair during pregnancy, especially the ready-made slices, since it removes the hair from its roots and prolongs the period of its appearance again, but the woman must be careful while using it so as not to suffer any bruises or burns, by removing Hair smoothly and not using violence, and it is preferable to see the method of use written on the products when following this method.
hair removal creams
Hair removal creams destroy hair follicles and their fall, thanks to the fact that they contain barium sulfide powder and calcium acid. in the skin.
Laser for pregnant in the ninth month
The laser experience is one of the experiments that fall under suspicion from the beginning of the pregnancy period to its end, so it is preferable to stay away from unknown risks and rely on some other means during this period until the fetus is healthy and healthy. It is also preferable not to risk the fetus in the last months because some women resort to To the laser operation in the ninth month, thinking that the date of birth is approaching and that there are no fears or risks to the health of the fetus, but this action is wrong because it may cause contractions in the uterus and hasten the premature birth of the fetus.[3]
Excess body hair during pregnancy
It is recognized that pregnancy is one of the periods in which the body’s hormones change greatly, as the proportion of secretion of the hormones androgen and estrogen increases, and this results in significant hair growth in several areas of the body. This noticeable change occurs during the last trimester of pregnancy. There is a lot of hair on the arms, breasts, abdomen and neck, and this hair usually disappears immediately after birth.
Also, the hair during pregnancy increases in thickness and density due to the delay in its fall during this period, and this hair may continue to appear for a period ranging from 3 to 6 months after birth, after the hormones return to normal.
Does laser affect the ovaries?
There is no study confirming that the laser has even a slight effect on the health of the ovaries or the uterus, as it does not target the inner layers of the skin that are targeted by some other radiation, in which the radiation penetrates to the different layers of the body in order to examine it or explore what is in it, and therefore the woman You can do the laser at any time you want without fear of any risks to the uterus or ovaries, as it is very safe.
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Does laser cause fetal abnormalities?
The laser does not cause any problems to the fetus, despite the spread of some false beliefs that explain that the laser may cause deformities or various problems on the health of the fetus or its future development, and this belief was spread because of the laser experiments that were applied to a group of mice Pregnant women and fetal abnormalities have been observed, but this matter has not been proven until that time on people. Noble, there are a number of women who have undergone laser experiments during pregnancy and the fetus did not have any problems.
Misconceptions about the use of laser
There are a wide range of rumors that have spread about the use of laser, especially by pregnant women, including the following:
- That the laser is used only for cosmetic purposes: this belief is wrong, as the laser is used in the treatment of many problems such as: getting rid of tattoos or dark birthmarks, or getting rid of birthmarks that appear after birth, as well as for the treatment of psoriasis, vitiligo, and the effects of accidents and eczema.
- The laser results in unbearable pain: this is not true because topical drugs are used on the area before the laser is used on it, and therefore the person does not feel any pain, he may only feel a very slight tickle.
- That the laser causes cancer: This statement is incorrect, since the rays emitted by the laser are non-ionizing, so exposure to any cancers does not result.
Side effects of using laser
Although laser technology has made a noticeable change in the matter of permanent hair removal while ensuring that it does not appear for very long periods, it has caused some side effects to people, including the following:
- Infection in the area where the laser was used, especially when applying the laser to the sensitive area, and for this it is recommended to take good care of it after this operation.
- Exposure to some burns in the skin due to the high temperature of the laser when burning the hair follicles, and this results in shrinkage of the skin and the difficulty of treating it later.
- The color of the skin changes and becomes darker than it was before, and its color may become similar to the color suffered by the vitiligo patient due to the lack of melanin production in the body, which causes darkening.
Damage to hair keratin for pregnant women
Tips when laser work during pregnancy
After talking in detail about the damages of laser hair removal to the pregnant woman, it was necessary to mention a set of tips that must be taken into account before performing the laser sessions. The most important tips to take are the following:
- During the laser sessions, it is recommended to wash the body with running water only, without using any detergents or sterilizers.
- Completely avoid the harmful rays of the sun, as it negatively affects the laser sessions.
- Care should be taken when using the laser by keeping away from the eyes from exposure to these harmful rays, which may result in total vision loss.
- Reducing the laser procedure in the abdomen, bikini or chest area in the third trimester of pregnancy.
- Rely on sunscreen and use it before and after the removal process to reduce the serious side effects.
Thus, the damages of laser hair removal to the pregnant woman and the extent of the effect of these rays on her have been identified, and a number of alternative methods that the pregnant woman should prefer to adopt during that period to avoid suffering from any damage, even minor, have been identified, and some important information has been identified about The home laser that some women resort to during this period for fear of going to beauty salons.
خاتمة لموضوعنا أضرار إزالة الشعر بالليزر على الحامل ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.