أقوى فيتامينات لتقوية عضلات العين , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
The most powerful vitamins to strengthen the eye muscles Many people try to eat many foods that contain a different number of vitamins in the desire to improve vision and strengthen the eye muscles and to improve the health of the body in general, because maintaining vision is very important, and based on the importance of looking and the need for it Many resort to many unfounded things in order to strengthen and preserve their eyesight, such as resorting to eating carrots in large quantities, and despite the existence of many myths, there are many healthy things that can be resorted to, such as vitamins in various foods that strengthen Eye muscles and thus improve vision, and through the reference site, we will take the most powerful vitamins to strengthen the eye muscles.
The most powerful vitamins to strengthen the eye muscles
Eating foods that contain various types of vitamins is important for the health of the body in general and for the eye in particular, so it is necessary to obtain these vitamins in their natural form by eating healthy foods or resorting to taking these vitamins through some nutritional supplements if the situation calls for it, such as cases that Severely deficient in a particular vitamin, the most powerful vitamins used to strengthen the eye muscles include:
Vitamin A
Ophthalmologist Soner Garg, who is a professor of medicine and ophthalmology at Jefferson University, explained that carrots may be beneficial to the eye muscles and eye health in general, due to the large amounts of vitamin A that it contains, due to the many benefits of this vitamin, including: [1]
- Dr. Sunir Garg also explained that this vitamin is very important for strengthening the eye muscle, as it is important for the cornea and the back part of the eye, or the so-called retina, because of what it contributes to the production of pigments that stimulate the cornea to function properly.
- When the diet lacks vitamin A, great damage occurs to both the cornea, retina and eye muscles, causing dim vision or total loss of vision, so you should eat foods that contain large amounts of vitamin A, such as carrots and sweet peppers.
Foods containing vitamin A
There are many foods that contain vitamin A in abundance, such as sweet potatoes, red peppers, carrots, spinach, ice cream, broccoli, mango, lamb liver, cheese, almonds, and sunflower seeds.
Side effects of taking vitamin A in large quantities
Excessive intake of vitamin A in quantities greater than 200,000 micrograms per day causes many damages, which are represented in the following:
- Nausea, dizziness, vomiting, blurred vision, and severe headache.
- Large amounts of vitamin A can cause osteoporosis, liver damage, and sometimes diarrhea.
- It has also been proven by scientific studies that taking vitamin A causes skin irritation with multiple pain in joints and bones.
- Pregnant women taking large amounts of vitamin A, more than 1000 micrograms, cause birth defects or the so-called congenital malformations, so caution should be taken and not to take nutritional supplements during pregnancy without consulting a doctor.
Vitamin B
Vitamin B, especially vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and folic acid, are among the most nutrients that contribute to improving eye health, as follows:
- Vitamin B works to strengthen the muscles so that each of them contributes to preventing the macular degeneration process, which is a general deterioration in the retina that causes fog and dimness of vision, and this symptom is an effect of aging.
- Vitamin B deficiency also causes a severe deficiency of homocysteine, which negatively affects the retina due to the weakening of the arteries in the retina.
- During 2009, studies demonstrated that severe vitamin B12 deficiency causes so-called blind spots.
Food containing vitamin B
Vitamin B is abundant in dairy products such as cheese, meat such as beef and seafood such as sardines, and this vitamin is also found in some vegetables and fruits such as carrots, corn and bananas.
Side effects of taking vitamin B in large quantities
Taking vitamin B in large quantities causes many side effects, such as:
- Mild diarrhoea, rash, itching, severe headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting.
- It can also cause heart failure, severe allergic reactions, pulmonary edema and sometimes venous thrombosis and leukemia, so it is important to take these supplements only after consulting your doctor.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C delays the appearance of signs of aging and contributes to reducing the chances of developing cataracts, because it acts as an antioxidant. Vitamin C has many other benefits related to the health of the skin and body in general and contributes to strengthening immunity, so it is recommended to eat foods containing Vitamin C.
Food containing vitamin C
Vitamin C is found in abundance in citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons of various types, where citrus fruits are an excellent source of this vitamin, and is also found in tomatoes, green peppers, strawberries, potatoes, spinach, broccoli, lettuce and peas, and vitamin C can be obtained by taking various nutritional supplements.
Side effects of taking vitamin C in large quantities
Taking vitamin C in large quantities causes many damages, including the following:
- Gastrointestinal side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, GERD, bloating and stomach cramps.
- A noticeable increase in the level of iron, which leads to a high level of iron and also causes damage to the heart, pancreas, thyroid gland, liver and nervous system, and causes the problem of pigment deposition known as hemochromatosis.
- Formation of kidney stones, because excessive vitamin C is eliminated in the form of oxalate, which is eliminated from the body through urine.
- Imbalance of minerals and vitamins in the body with an imbalance in the work of some parts of the body as a result of an imbalance in those minerals and vitamins.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a vitamin that helps prevent macular degeneration, which is a genetic disease and also increases the strengthening of the eye muscles. During 2006, scientists proved that there were about 4,500 people who took vitamin E in the required quantities, reducing the risk of vision loss as a result of age by 19%. It also reduces the development of macular defect disease.
Food containing vitamin E
Vitamin E is found in wheat germ oil, sunflower oil, hazelnut oil, almond oil, safflower oil, canoe oil, and olive oil, as well as nuts, eggs, sardines, salmon, shrimp, mango, avocado, spinach, blackberries and chard.
Side effects of taking vitamin E in large quantities
Taking vitamin E in large quantities causes many side effects, which are as follows:
- Disturbances of the stomach represented by feeling nausea, dizziness and vomiting, as well as causing fatigue, weakness, headache, diarrhea, bleeding, rash and intestinal cramps.
- Although vitamin E is important for vision, vision, and eye muscles, high intakes of it cause blurred vision.
- Large amounts of vitamin E weaken the gonads and increase the concentration of creatine in the urine.
Signs of Vitamin D deficiency
The benefits of zinc to strengthen the eye muscles
Zinc contributes to strengthening the eye muscles while improving the ability to see, because:
- Zinc increases the chances of the body absorbing vitamin A, which is the most important vitamin for the eyes, especially the cornea and retina. Zinc is also a very important mineral that contributes to protecting the eyes from macular degeneration and blind spots, and reduces the chances of night blindness.
- Zinc is present in a large amount in peanuts, eggs, chickpeas and many legumes such as kidney beans and beans, and it is found in oysters and in some types of meat such as chicken.
The benefits of omega-3 fatty acids to strengthen the eye muscles
Omega-3 is a type of fatty acid that is very important for both the health of the eyes and the body in general, as represented in the following:
- Omega-3 contributes to alleviating dry eyes, allergies and inflammation that in the long run cause blindness, and omega-3 enhances the absorption of vitamins beneficial to eye health and muscles, such as vitamin A and vitamin B, which reduces the chances of macular degeneration.
- Omega-3 fatty acids are found in cod liver, nuts, salmon, tuna, and many seeds such as flaxseeds. Omega-3 fatty acids are also found in large amounts in soy oil, safflower oil, canola oil, turnip, eggs, olive oil, sunflower oil, and peanuts.
The benefits of selenium to strengthen the eye muscles
Selenium is a very important substance for the eyes and the health of the body in general, as follows:
- Selenium improves the body’s ability to absorb minerals beneficial to the eye, such as vitamin E and vitamin A, and reduces the chances of developing oil blindness.
- Selenium is found in Brazil nuts and seafood in general, especially tuna, sardines, halibut and oysters. It is also found in chicken, eggs, brown rice, white bread, oats and sunflower seeds.
The benefits of lutein to strengthen the eye muscles
Lutein contributes to improving vision in general and has many other benefits for eye health in general, as follows:
- Lutein is a substance that contributes to strengthening the retina of the eye and enhances its normal functioning, which in turn helps preserve vision, and lutein is a very important substance to preserve the eyes from dryness, sensitivity and itching that lead to poor vision.
- Lutein is found in many foodstuffs such as vegetables such as kale and spinach, as well as in eggs and some dairy products.
Types of vitamins that increase weight
Exercises that strengthen the eye muscles
There are many exercises that can be performed to strengthen the eye muscles, these exercises are as follows:
Focusing on the thumb to strengthen the eye muscles
Fixing eyesight for a long time on something such as focusing on the phone or TV screen for a long time weakens the eye muscles significantly, but this can be eliminated by undergoing this exercise daily through the following steps:
- Stand still without any movement with the body straight and extending the arm straight forward with the thumb raised.
- Not keeping the thumb away from eye level and moving it back and forth towards the body, focusing well on it, and this movement is repeated about 15 times.
Blinking exercise to strengthen the eye muscles
This exercise not only strengthens the eye muscles, but also contributes to the relaxation of the eye and the brain in general. The steps of the exercise are as follows:
- Close the eye for three seconds vigorously, without pressing too much on the eyelid, so as not to cause any complications.
- Relax the eye and eyelid for ten seconds without applying pressure.
- Repeat this process several times a day and it is recommended to undergo it before going to sleep.
The exercise of placing hands on the eyes to strengthen the eye muscles
This exercise helps to relax and reduces dry eyes. It is one of the yoga exercises for the eyes. It consists of the following steps:
- Rub the hands well for five minutes until the feeling of heat is complete, and then place the hands over the eyes without reaching the fingers to the forehead.
- The cheeks should be touched with the palms of the hands and do not try to touch the eyes directly, while keeping the eyes away from the light.
- This exercise stimulates a sense of positive energy and the process is repeated whenever the opportunity arises.
Eye movement exercise to strengthen the eye muscles
This exercise relaxes and greatly strengthens the eye muscles. Its steps are as follows:
- Sit with the spine relaxed and the face and eye muscles relaxed without any movement.
- The gaze is directed to the ceiling with the focus of the vision for three minutes, and then the eye is moved by rotating it clockwise, and the largest possible circle is drawn by the eyes.
- Repeat this process three to five times, closing the eyes and relaxing after each time moving the eyes.
Additional Tips for Strengthening the Eyes
Weakness of the eye muscles, which is a major cause of poor vision, is among the problems that trouble many people, but it can be overcome by following several things, including the following:
- Giving the eyes three hours a day to rest while not straining the eyes in reading or looking at the phone or TV screen.
- Giving up medical glasses for at least an hour a day, and this is also a kind of giving the eyes a rest.
- Gently massage the eyes by using the thumb without putting pressure on the eye so that the massage does not cause any damage.
- Avoid looking at screens for long periods, spending as much time as possible in the middle of nature, looking at things that do not strain the eye.
- Use a piece of cloth dampened with lukewarm water on the eyes for 30 minutes daily.
- Eat fresh juices, especially carrot juice, and eat vegetables and fruits that contain vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin C.
- Follow the different eye exercises, which are the exercise of moving the eyes, the exercise of looking at the thumb while moving it, and the exercise of placing hands on the eyes.
Do we need to take nutritional supplements for eye health
Food supplements are chemically manufactured substances to supplement what the human body lacks in vitamins and minerals, and these supplements are sometimes extracted from natural materials, but most of the time they are chemically manufactured, and these supplements have many different types, these types may consist of only one type of Vitamins and may consist of a wide range of vitamins, minerals and acids such as omega-3, and most supplements are in the form of oral pills, as well as in the form of syrups, powders, intramuscular and intravenous injections, and others. These supplements are not necessary to be taken except in one case, which is the case of severe deficiency of a particular vitamin or mineral, while in the case of the presence of that vitamin at a moderate rate or slightly less, it is advisable to eat food that contains those vitamins that are beneficial to eye health, because as these supplements have many The benefits also have many disadvantages and side effects.
In an article, we dealt with the most powerful vitamins to strengthen the eye muscles, the most important vitamins that work to strengthen the muscles of the eye and vision in general, and we also dealt with various exercises that contribute to maintaining vision with the importance of nutritional supplements for the eye.
خاتمة لموضوعنا أقوى فيتامينات لتقوية عضلات العين ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.