اذاعة مدرسية عن شهر رمضان كاملة 2022 , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
The entire school radio segments about the month of Ramadan 2022 are one of the important matters that are being talked about in conjunction with the whiffs of faith for this blessed month. The paragraphs that talk about the month of Ramadan are dealt with in the best words and words on the school radio, which is concerned with keeping pace with all the important events for students, and through My articles website Dear visitors, can learn about the introduction and conclusion of an integrated school radio about the month of Ramadan within a school radio article about Ramadan 2022.
A school radio introduction about Ramadan 2022
In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, and prayers and peace be upon the master of creation, Muhammad, and upon all his family and companions. May God’s peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you all. May God bless you all with good times, our fellow students and our distinguished professors. It is from God Almighty’s mercy to people that he made it easy for them to obey and made them have many seasons that extend over the years. Among them is the great good, and the disobedient repent of their sins, and in those hours the hearts of loved ones rise in the midst of those breaths of faith that are full of blessed deeds, and the blessed month of Ramadan is considered one of the most attended. We use it as evidence on the way to God, through the worship of fasting, whose reward God has made subject to Him alone, and made for it one of the gates of Paradise, from which those who fast will enter, God made us and you among them, and the peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you.
Messages, phrases and words about tolerance before Ramadan
School radio for the whole month of Ramadan 2022
Distinguished school radio sections with their topics deal with this great religious occasion, and the paragraphs are prepared and organized by students to be at a level that suits everyone.
A paragraph of the Holy Quran about the month of Ramadan
The best thing to start this blessed morning with are verses from the Wise Remembrance, recited to our ears by the fellow Student of Creation (the name of the student), which brings us through its verses to the whiffs of the month of Ramadan.
- After I seek refuge in God from the accursed Satan, the Almighty said: “O ye who believe in you fasting as I have written on those who are written for you to meet * days of deaths. It is good, and he is good for him and that you will be good for you if you know * The month of Ramadan, which revealed the Koran Huda for people and the people of the guidance and the two people. Whoever saw you the month. He wants you hard and to complete the kitten and to prepare God for what this guides and you will thank you. n” [1]
A paragraph of a prophetic hadith about the month of Ramadan
Out of his great bounty, the Messenger of God spoke about the month of Ramadan in a wide number of blessed hadiths, where we listen to that paragraph that the student (the name of the student) prepared, with thanks:
- The blessed month of Ramadan is the month of fasting, in which God Almighty has singled out the reward for himself. It is the worship that protects the Muslim from the torment of the Fire, according to the hadith of the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – in which he came: “God Almighty and Majestic said: Every work of the son of Adam is for him except Fasting is for me and I will reward for it, and fasting is a shield, so if one of you fasts on the day of fasting, he should not be obnoxious on that day and not be angry, and if someone insults him or fights him, let him say: I am a fasting person, and the one whose soul is gracious to the one who is merciful to God is the one who is merciful to you on the Day of Resurrection. And the fasting person has two joys: when he breaks his fast, he rejoices in breaking it, and when he meets his Lord, he rejoices in his fasting.” [2]
- God has designated a door for those who fast to enter through it in the month of Ramadan, according to the hadith of the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – that fasting people will enter Paradise through the gate of Rayyan on the Day of Resurrection: He said: “In Paradise there is a gate called al-Rayyan, through which those who fast will enter, and there will be nights with them on the Day of Resurrection.” It will be said: Where are the fasting people? Then they enter from it, and when the last of them enters, it is closed, and no one enters from it.” [3]
- The month of Ramadan is the month of worshiping fasting, which is considered one of the basic pillars of Islam, according to the hadith of the Messenger of God – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – who said: “Islam is built on five things: the testimony that there is no god but God and that there is no god but God and that the Messenger of God, and the God and the Most Merciful, and the Most Merciful and the Most Merciful. Ramadan fasts [4]
Oh God, we reached Ramadan, neither missing nor missing Twitter
A word paragraph about Ramadan 2022
It is one of our special morning paragraphs that the fellow student (the name of the student) gives us, which contains a beautiful introduction to this blessed month, so please come to the radio platform, with thanks:
In the name of God and praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon the master of creation, Muhammad, and all his family and companions, good morning to those faces shining with the light of God and the breaths of faith, good morning for another round of testing in which we are keen to seize opportunities, for God Almighty has blessed His servants that he was among them The Most Merciful, whose mercy exceeded the mercy of a mother, and who made a guest for us every year, is the month of Ramadan, that blessed month in which religious feelings overflow towards its Creator, and therefore every human being has to put in place a plan that guarantees him to seize the blessings of Ramadan, the wages are double, and the good deeds in prosperity.
Paragraph Do you know about the month of Ramadan?
It is one of the main and important paragraphs in our morning radio that we throw at you, where the fellow student (the name of the student) prepared that paragraph, to be ready to listen at this moment, and thank you:
- Did you know, dear student, that God created the months of the year and chose Ramadan from them, and created the days of the week and chose Friday from them, and that the name Ramadan came from Ramadan, which is intense thirst.
- Did you know, my student friend, that the worship of fasting is not restricted to Muslims only, but was written on many peoples before them, based on the verses of God Almighty, and it is one of the basics in our true religion.
- Did you know that the month of Ramadan contains Laylat al-Qadr in which God Almighty revealed the Qur’an, and its worship is equal to the worship of seventy thousand other months, so whoever seizes it has won.
- Did you know that fasting the month of Ramadan on the good thing, ensures that the Muslim man is survived, win and forgiveness, based on the talk of the Messenger of Allah, which he said: “From the silent of Ramadaan faith and the calculation of forgiveness for him, and whoever forgave him. “. [5]
- Did you know that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was the most generous person in the month of Ramadan, based on the hadith that came from Ibn Abbas – may God be pleased with him – he said: “The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was the most generous of people, and he was the most generous in Ramadan when Gabriel met him, and he used to meet him every night of Ramadan, and he would teach him the Qur’an, so the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace.”[6]
A poetry paragraph about the blessed Ramadan
It is considered one of the important paragraphs. The poets of the Arabic language dealt with this occasion with many distinguished poems, and it came in a wide number of poetry verses.
Ramadan how much the pens care about you and give good news to the weak and orphans
Where hearts, with fasting, are dominated by the nobility of giving, surrounded by inspiration
And you see love flourish and thanks to him dimensions and wombs converge
To the God that may be fearful that raises the palms and inflames the understandings
Fast, wake up, said by the best of the world, this rug is cracked
And his tongue does not remind him of harm to others, to make a straight conclusion
And he stops what he can from his whims with a sight that deviates and makes unlawful things
How to receive the holy month of Ramadan
A question and answer paragraph about the month of Ramadan
This paragraph talks about a group of important information, in the manner of questions, that we listen to in the words of the fellow student (the name of the student) who prepared this paragraph to be one of our morning meals, so he should come to the school podium:
- Question: What is the ruling on fasting on the day of doubt without any reason, which is the day before the start of the blessed month of Ramadan, i.e. the 30th day of the month of Sha’ban? Answer: It is forbidden.
- Question: What are the blessed invasions that Muslims made while fasting in the month of Ramadan? Answer: Both the Battle of Badr and the Battle of the Conquest of Makkah.
- Question: What is the ruling on eating and drinking at night, after performing the intention, and does a Muslim have to renew the intention? Answer: Eating and drinking at night does not harm, even after the intention, and it is not necessary to renew the intention after eating and drinking.
- Question: What is the legal ruling regarding one who eats food, drinks, or water during the day in the month of Ramadan? Answer: He does not have to do anything, and he completes his fast in a natural way, God willing.
- Question: What are the medical conditions that allow a Muslim to break his fast in Ramadan? Answer: When a Muslim suffers from a disease and fears that his companion will perish if he fasts, or when severe hardship will occur to him, which is usually unbearable.
A paragraph of wisdom about the month of Ramadan
Basically, that paragraph starts from explaining to us the importance and wisdom of this month. We listen to it through the student (the name of the student) who prepared that paragraph. All thanks to the colleague:
- The blessed month of Ramadan is the month in which we get a significant reduction of harmful fats in the body, which helps to get rid of obesity.
- Fasting during the month of Ramadan greatly contributes to strengthening the immune system of every human being, and to securing the comfort needed by the digestive system, as it is the month of healing and natural treatment for every ailment.
- Fasting the blessed month of Ramadan guarantees a Muslim recovery from any addiction he suffers from, and widely contributes to ensuring the body’s protection against dangerous cancerous diseases.
- Fasting in the month of Ramadan is one of the important things that have been scientifically studied, and many positives that benefit the Muslim person have been concluded with those scents.
The conclusion of a school radio about the month of Ramadan 2022
With the wisdom paragraph, we bring you to the conclusion of the school radio, in which we talked about the blessed month of Ramadan, where we moved with colleagues in beautiful paragraphs about the implications of the month of Ramadan in both the Noble Qur’an and the honorable Sunnah of the Prophet, to move with the most prominent information in the paragraph Did you know, then many paragraphs Which confirms to us the importance of this holy month, and the necessity to seize the abundant goodness between its hours and days. May God bless us in the month of Ramadan, and deliver us in Ramadan, and deliver Ramadan to us, O Karim, and peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you. May God bless your morning.
School radio about Ramadan doc
The doc file format is considered one of the important files that gave the student a wide number of options, as he could download the school radio broadcast about the month of Ramadan in full “from here” and make a number of modifications to its paragraphs, after opening it in Word on any laptop.
School radio about Ramadan pdf
The importance of the blessed month of Ramadan stems from its wide presence in the verses of God, and based on a large number of evidence in the hadiths of the Messenger – may God’s prayers and peace be upon him – and the paragraphs of the school radio have been arranged to show that importance and that great presence in the life of the Muslim person, and it can be downloaded as a pdf file from here”.
Here we bring you to the end of the article in which we talked about a school radio about the whole month of Ramadan 2022, and we moved through the radio segments in presenting a set of important information about the month of Ramadan for the year 2022, to reach the conclusion of a school radio about the month of Ramadan.
the reviewer
خاتمة لموضوعنا اذاعة مدرسية عن شهر رمضان كاملة 2022 ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.