اضرار العاده السریه في المستقبل للرجال وأسرع الطرق للتخلص منها , مما لا شك فيه أن هذا الموضوع من أهم وأفضل الموضوعات التي يمكن أن أتحدث عنها اليوم، حيث أنه موضوع شيق ويتناول نقاط حيوية، تخص كل فرد في المجتمع، وأتمنى من الله عز وجل أن يوفقني في عرض جميع النقاط والعناصر التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع.
The harms of masturbation in the future for men and identifying its psychological and physical effects on young people is one of the important topics that should be taken care of and attention should be paid to, especially from young people and adolescents who may become addicted to this habit without knowing its dangers and future effects on them, and in the reference site we learn what this habit is Confidentiality, what are its harmful effects on the body, does it have benefits, and the most prominent frequently asked questions about it.
What is masturbation?
Masturbation or masturbation is a person’s sexual arousal by fondling his genitals, which achieves him to reach full orgasm through ejaculation and ejection of sperm, and this masturbation is not limited to men only, but girls in adolescence may practice this habit Confidentiality, which also brings them a sense of sexual pleasure and comfort. The feeling of sexual arousal begins in young people upon reaching puberty and entering adolescence; Where physiological and physical changes begin to appear on the young man and the girl, the hormones and their proportion in the body change, which affects the sexual desire and the feeling of arousal.
And masturbation is often accompanied by watching obscene films and sexual scenes, which bring greater pleasure to the young man or girl when practicing this reprehensible habit, which has many side effects and damages that affect the companionship of the young man and his enjoyment after marriage.
Islamic ruling on masturbation
The secret habit, known as masturbation in Islamic law, is one of the forbidden matters that a Muslim should not resort to. Make up the fasts if he masturbated during the day in Ramadan voluntarily while awake. As for a wet dream in a dream, it is not one of the things that break the fast, even if it is during the day in Ramadan, because the wet dream takes place during sleep when the pen is lifted from the Muslim at that time.
Disadvantages of masturbation in the future for men
Masturbation may be resorted to by some young people when feeling aroused and sexual agitation, which is often due to watching sexual movies or pornographic clips and images that have become widely spread among young people and on the Internet. But this masturbation has many damages to the future of young people, and the following are the most prominent of these damages:
Erectile dysfunction
One of the harms of masturbation in the future for men is that it may cause erectile dysfunction in men after marriage, as addiction to this habit may affect the sensitivity of the sexual areas and the thin part of the skin of the penis, which is less sensitive during sexual intercourse and then sometimes reduces erection Also, practicing this habit frequently and excessively may lead to the destruction of the cavernous tissues in the penis, which affects the efficiency of the sexual process as a whole.
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Depression and guilt
Among the psychological effects caused by masturbation is that it causes depression to the person who practices it because of the feeling of guilt and the feeling that he comes with guilt and disobedience that God is not satisfied with, and the practice of this masturbation often causes a feeling of frustration for the young man because of his inability to resist and control himself and his weak ability to resist This is a reprehensible habit, and the feeling of guilt in the young man is doubled because of what often accompanies the practice of this habit of watching sexual clips in which the faults are revealed and the disobedience of looking at taboos.
Infections in the sexual areas
The practice of masturbation, especially when excessive, may cause a lot of health problems for young people, including infection with some wounds or infections in the genital areas due to the violence that the young man may sometimes do while practicing this habit, and the habit may cause swelling of the penis and fluid retention when excessive In it, but this swelling often goes away when you stop masturbating for several days.
Prostate congestion
The prostate is a gland that is about the size of a walnut, and it is found in men and is located in the area directly behind the bladder. The prostate is exposed to many infections and may become enlarged, and the effect of this appears when you feel pain in the area above the thighs or feel difficulty in pushing urine and controlling its exit with the required impulse.
Distraction and poor focus
Some studies show that a lot of masturbation leads to changes in the rate of the male hormone in the body of the young man, which affects the performance of various body systems, especially the brain and brain cells, and this habit may affect the centers of focus and memory in the brain negatively, and the practice of doing and doing With ejaculation, the body releases the hormone dopamine, which causes a feeling of relaxation and a desire to sleep.
Not enjoying the marital relationship
One of the things that most helps to establish intimacy between spouses and strengthen the marital relationship is enjoying the sexual relationship between the two parties, and the practice of masturbation reduces the young man’s sense of pleasure in his relationship with his wife after marriage, as his sexual organs are accustomed to full pleasure through touching or strong rubbing of the penis Hence, a person is not aroused when entering into a full sexual relationship with his partner due to his loss of the element of direct touch that he is accustomed to, which causes the feeling of pleasure and then this is reflected in the increasing differences and problems between the spouses.[1]
Addiction and life disruption
One of the harms of masturbation in the future for men is that it may cause addiction, as the brain, when practicing this habit, secretes hormones that cause happiness for the young man. Then it is difficult for the young man to quit, and it becomes his preoccupation during his work, and the young man often searches for sexual stimuli constantly, whether in films, pictures or sexual stories, and excessive masturbation may lead to introversion, unwillingness to mingle with others and preferring to sit alone This may sometimes lead to obsessive-compulsive disorder.[2]
premature ejaculation
Premature ejaculation One of the harmful effects of masturbation is that it may lead to weak nerves in the male penis, and then may lead to premature ejaculation and the often associated weakness of erection, and premature ejaculation may be a natural thing that men suffer from after age, But getting it early may affect the chances of pregnancy and the strength and vitality of the sperm and their ability to reach the egg for fertilization.[3]
Does masturbation cause infertility in men?
Some may believe that there is a relationship between masturbation and male infertility, which is an unfounded belief. Since masturbation is not one of the causes of male infertility, although it affects the vigor and activity of the sperm, it does not prevent childbearing completely unless the young man suffers from varicose veins in the testicles, which results in sterility and the inability to have children until these varicose veins are treated. Masturbation does not cause her infertility, although it may affect the increase in vaginal infections or infection, which can be treated when she stops practicing this habit.
Does God forgive the habitual?
Does masturbation cause cancer?
Masturbation and its relationship to prostate cancer is one of the important topics that many people may be interested in, and the fact that the incidence of prostate cancer due to masturbation is not completely conclusive, but excessive masturbation may cause prostate infections and congestion, which affects the amount of fluid Sperm in men and some of the symptoms that may often accompany it.
Disadvantages of masturbation in the future for girls
As we have previously explained, the practice of masturbation does not depend on young men only, but because girls after reaching puberty may fall into practicing this ugly habit, although their percentage is much lower than that of young men due to the greater excitement of the young man. girls:
- Wounds and infections in the vagina: The practice of masturbation in girls may result in a number of infections or small wounds at the opening of the vagina, especially if the girl practices this habit frequently or violently sometimes, which may lead to infection with fungi and germs in sensitive areas. .
- Addiction to masturbation: With the repeated practice of this habit, the girl may develop a state of addiction and feel difficult to quit this ugly habit, as is the case with young men because of the secretions that the body produces that cause happiness for the girl.
- Lack of enjoyment of sexual relations: After marriage, a girl who is accustomed to masturbation may find that she does not enjoy the relationship with her husband because her genitals are accustomed to satiation through direct touch.
- Loss of virginity: In some cases, a girl who practices masturbation may resort to inserting a sharp object or a short penis into the opening of the vagina, which may lead to the violation of the girl’s hymen and then lose her virginity.
- High blood pressure: Masturbation and excessive habitual practice may expose some girls to high blood pressure and the subsequent effects on the girl’s health and effects on the girl’s menstrual cycle.
Causes of masturbation addiction
There are a number of reasons and factors that may transform masturbation from a mere habit of a person at intervals to an addiction that a person cannot get rid of, and among the factors that turn masturbation into an addiction are the following:
- Excessive exposure to nervous and psychological pressures, and then the person does not find relief from these pressures except through the practice of masturbation.
- Watching sexual movies and explicit clips that cause permanent excitement and a feeling of need to satisfy lust.
- A person grows up in a home where family disputes abound, and then feels insecure in his real life, so he escapes from that to a virtual life.
False information about the harms of masturbation
There is a lot of misinformation about masturbation and its relationship to some physical diseases, and the following is the most important information:
- Masturbation affects the knee joint: It is information that may spread, but there is no scientific evidence for it, but the effect of masturbation on the knee joint is a temporary effect due to the severity of the body when masturbating, which may cause temporary contraction of ligaments and muscle tissues, and feeling changes or pain. The knee is one of the natural things that the body of a young man or girl goes through due to entering adolescence and the growth of the body and its physiological changes.
- The effect of masturbation on the transmission of sexual diseases: This is wrong information, as the habit does not itself transmit sexual diseases, but the transmission of these diseases may occur when using sexual tools in practice, especially in girls, and then using them by others, which may transmit infectious diseases.
- Masturbation causes hair loss: Masturbation in itself does not cause hair loss due to the effect on the body or changes in hormones, but what causes hair loss is depression and psychological stress that often accompany this bad habit.
- Masturbation and vision problems: There is no scientific relationship between weakness in vision and vision and the practice of this habit.
- Changing the size of the member due to the habit: It is information that has no evidence. There is no relationship between the size of the penis in men and the practice of habit, and there is no relationship between the color of the sexual organs and this habit.
Complications of masturbation
There are a number of complications that can appear due to masturbation, including the following:
- Pain in the lower back.
- Constant feeling of tiredness and fatigue.
- Urinary incontinence and bladder muscle weakness, especially with excessive masturbation.
- Urinary tract infections.
- Lack of enjoyment of the full sexual relationship with the husband or wife.
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Tips to get rid of masturbation in men
There are a number of tips that greatly help in getting rid of this bad habit, including the following:
- Getting closer to God, constantly reciting the Qur’an, and being preoccupied with memorizing it.
- Remaining in ablution for as long as possible, which psychologically prevents practicing the act.
- Excessive fasting, which reduces the sexual activity of the young man and significantly reduces his desire.
- Attention to exercise on a daily basis, and it is better that it be a team sport in which a person participates with a team.
- Avoid sitting alone for a long time and expel exciting thoughts and obsessions that attack the mind of the young man and occupy his mind.
- Completely avoid watching pornographic films and sexual clips that cause excitement and increase fantasies in the mind of young people.
- Ensure early marriage when possible.
Steps to stop masturbation
The final disposal of this masturbation can be done by following a number of steps, including the following:
- Admitting that you are wrong and that what a person is doing is an ugly and reprehensible thing to stop.
- Setting the goal, which is to stop practicing this habit, and let it be gradually, for example, only once a week or twice, and then rise in resolve until it stops completely.
- Consulting a good friend who is close to God and who points to him with what is beneficial.
- Bathing in cold water, which greatly reduces the inner feeling of arousal.
- Occupying leisure time with reading and developing culture, which achieves mental pleasure and distracts the young man from thinking about exciting things.
- Turning a blind eye and refraining from what God has forbidden, which is one of the most important steps that help in stopping the practice of masturbation.
Benefits of masturbation
Masturbation has some benefits, but bearing in mind that these benefits are never equal to the damage we talked about, and the benefits of masturbation are the following:
- Providing a feeling of comfort and emptying the lust, which may cause anxiety and distress for the young man.
- sleep improvement.
- Helping the body to secrete some hormones that may increase the body’s ability to resist diseases and strengthen the immune system.
Thus, we have learned about the harms of masturbation in the future for men and its harms also for girls, and we learned about wrong information about masturbation, and the best methods and tips that reduce its practice and help quit.
خاتمة لموضوعنا اضرار العاده السریه في المستقبل للرجال وأسرع الطرق للتخلص منها ,وفي نهاية الموضوع، أتمنى من الله تعالى أن أكون قد استطعت توضيح كافة الجوانب التي تتعلق بهذا الموضوع، وأن أكون قدمت معلومات مفيدة وقيمة.